com.tangosol.net.partition.MirroringAssignmentStrategy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
* http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl.
package com.tangosol.net.partition;
import com.tangosol.net.Cluster;
import com.tangosol.net.Member;
import com.tangosol.net.PartitionedService;
import java.util.Set;
* A PartitionAssignmentStrategy used by a service to attempt to co-locate the
* primary ownership of partitions on the same members as another service. This
* strategy does not guarantee that partitions will be co-located, but will make
* a best-effort attempt.
* @author rhl 2011.06.29
* @since Coherence 3.7.1
public class MirroringAssignmentStrategy
extends SimpleAssignmentStrategy
// ----- constructors -------------------------------------------------
* Construct a MirroringAssignmentStrategy to be associated the specified
* service.
* @param sService the name of the associated service
public MirroringAssignmentStrategy(String sService)
m_sService = sService;
// ----- accessors ----------------------------------------------------
* Return the partitioned service for which this assignment strategy
* controls the distribution.
* @return the partitioned service controlled by this assignment strategy
public PartitionedService getService()
return getManager().getService();
* Set the associated service.
* @param service the associated service
protected void setAssociatedService(PartitionedService service)
m_service = service;
* Return the associated service.
* @return the associated service
public PartitionedService getAssociatedService()
return m_service;
// ----- helpers ------------------------------------------------------
* Validate that the distribution for the specified service is compatible
* with this service.
* @param service the service to validate
* @return true iff the specified service is compatible
protected boolean validateAssociatedService(PartitionedService service)
PartitionedService serviceThis = getService();
return serviceThis.getPartitionCount() == service.getPartitionCount() &&
serviceThis.getBackupCount() == service.getBackupCount();
* Update the analysis context to reflect the partition assignments of the
* specified associated service.
* @param ctx the analysis context
* @param serviceThat the associated service whose partition assignments to sync
protected void syncAssignments(AnalysisContext ctx, PartitionedService serviceThat)
Set setOwnersThis = getService().getOwnershipEnabledMembers();
int cPartitions = serviceThat.getPartitionCount();
int cBackups = serviceThat.getBackupCount();
for (int iPart = 0; iPart < cPartitions; iPart++)
for (int iStore = 0; iStore <= cBackups; iStore++)
Member ownerThat = iStore == 0
? serviceThat.getPartitionOwner(iPart)
: serviceThat.getBackupOwner(iPart, iStore);
if (ownerThat != null && !setOwnersThis.contains(ownerThat))
if (iStore == 0)
// only sync the assignments if the primary owner is a
// member of both services.
ownerThat = null;
Ownership ownersThis = ctx.getPartitionOwnership(iPart);
Member ownerCurr = getMember(ownersThis.getOwner(iStore));
if (ownerThat != null && ownerCurr != ownerThat)
ctx.transitionPartition(iPart, iStore, ownerCurr, ownerThat);
* Bind this assignment strategy to the specified partitioned service, and
* return the bound service.
* @param sService the name of the service to bind
* @return the partitioned service
protected PartitionedService bindService(String sService)
Cluster cluster = getService().getCluster();
PartitionedService serviceThat = (PartitionedService) cluster.getService(sService);
serviceThat = serviceThat == null || !validateAssociatedService(serviceThat)
? null : serviceThat;
return serviceThat;
* Return true iff the partition assignments sync'd from the specified
* associated service should be further refined/balanced by the local
* assignment strategy.
* @param ctx the analysis context
* @param serviceThis the local service
* @param serviceThat the associated service (may be null if unbound)
* @return true iff the partition assignments should be further refined
protected boolean isRefinementNeeded(
AnalysisContext ctx, PartitionedService serviceThis, PartitionedService serviceThat)
// if the ownership member sets for the 2 services match and there was
// not any concurrent membership change to the associated service, then
// use the associated service's assignments as-is
return serviceThat == null ||
!getManager().getOwnershipLeavingMembers().isEmpty() ||
// ----- SimpleAssignmentStrategy methods -----------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public void init(DistributionManager manager)
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getDescription()
String sDesc = super.getDescription();
if (sDesc.length() > 0)
sDesc += ", ";
PartitionedService serviceThat = getAssociatedService();
sDesc += "AssociatedService=" + m_sService +
(serviceThat == null
? "(unbound)"
: serviceThat.isRunning()
? "(RUNNING)" : "(STOPPED)");
return sDesc;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected long analyzeDistribution(AnalysisContext ctx)
PartitionedService serviceThis = getService();
PartitionedService serviceThat = getAssociatedService();
if (serviceThat == null || !serviceThat.isRunning())
serviceThat = bindService(m_sService);
if (serviceThat != null)
syncAssignments(ctx, serviceThat);
if (isRefinementNeeded(ctx, serviceThis, serviceThat))
// finalize the distribution by balancing
return super.analyzeDistribution(ctx);
// no balancing required; submit the distribution suggestions
return 2000L;
// ----- data members -------------------------------------------------
* The associated service that this strategy attempts to co-locate
* partitions with. May be null.
protected PartitionedService m_service;
* The name of the associated service.
protected String m_sService;
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