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oracle.kv.impl.api.RequestHandlerImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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NoSQL Database Server - supplies build and runtime support for the server (store) side of the Oracle NoSQL Database.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
* Database made available at:
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
* additional information.
package oracle.kv.impl.api;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.contextlogger.ContextUtils.finestWithCtx;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.contextlogger.ContextUtils.isLoggableWithCtx;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.RemoteServer;
import java.rmi.server.ServerNotActiveException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import oracle.kv.AuthenticationRequiredException;
import oracle.kv.Consistency;
import oracle.kv.ConsistencyException;
import oracle.kv.DurabilityException;
import oracle.kv.FaultException;
import oracle.kv.KVSecurityException;
import oracle.kv.KVStoreException;
import oracle.kv.MetadataNotFoundException;
import oracle.kv.RequestTimeoutException;
import oracle.kv.ResultHandler;
import oracle.kv.UnauthorizedException;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.GlobalParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.RepNodeParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.StorageNodeParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.InternalOperation;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.InternalOperation.OpCode;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.OperationHandler;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.Result;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.rgstate.RepGroupState;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.rgstate.RepGroupStateTable;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.rgstate.RepNodeState;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.BlockingResultHandler;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.DialogContext;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.DialogHandler;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.DialogHandlerFactory;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.EndpointGroup.ListenHandle;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.ListenerConfig;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.NetworkAddress;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.StandardDialogTypeFamily;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.ProcessFaultHandler;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.RNUnavailableException;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.SystemFaultException;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.WrappedClientException;
import oracle.kv.impl.metadata.Metadata.MetadataType;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterListener;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterMap;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.EnvironmentFailureRetryException;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.IncorrectRoutingException;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.OperationsStatsTracker;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.RepEnvHandleManager.StateChangeListenerFactory;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.RepNode;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.RepNodeService;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.RequestTypeUpdater.RequestType;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.migration.MigrationStreamHandle;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.table.ThroughputCollector;
import oracle.kv.impl.test.TestHook;
import oracle.kv.impl.test.TestHookExecute;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.Partition;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.PartitionId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepNodeId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.ResourceId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.Topology;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.ConsistencyTranslator;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.DurabilityTranslator;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.KVThreadFactory;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.RateLimitingLogger;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.SerialVersion;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.TxnUtil;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.WaitableCounter;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.contextlogger.LogContext;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.AsyncRegistryUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.ClientSocketFactory;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.RMISocketPolicy;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.RMISocketPolicy.SocketFactoryPair;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.RegistryUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.RegistryUtils.InterfaceType;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.VersionedRemoteImpl;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.server.LoggerUtils;
import com.sleepycat.utilint.StatsTracker;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
* @see RequestHandler
public class RequestHandlerImpl
extends VersionedRemoteImpl
implements AsyncRequestHandler, ParameterListener, RequestHandler {
* Amount of time to wait after a lock conflict. Since we order all
* multi-key access in the KV Store by key, the only source of lock
* conflicts should be on the Replica as {@link LockPreemptedException}s.
private static final int LOCK_CONFLICT_RETRY_NS = 100000000;
* Amount of time to wait after an environment failure. The wait allows
* some time for the environment to restart, partition databases to be
* re-opened, etc. This is also the amount of time used to wait when
* getting the environment, so the effective wait for the environment is
* twice this value.
private static final int ENV_RESTART_RETRY_NS = 100000000;
* The max number of faults to track for the purposes of log rate limiting.
private static final int LIMIT_FAULTS = 20;
* 1 min in millis
private static final int ONE_MINUTE_MS = 60 * 1000;
* An empty, immutable privilege list, used when an operation is requested
* that does not require authentication.
private static final List emptyPrivilegeList =
* A thread local that stores the current thread's dialog context while the
* execute(Request) method is being called via an asynchronous remote call,
* else null. The dialog context is available to provide information known
* to the dialog layer about the current call.
private static final ThreadLocal threadDialogContext =
new ThreadLocal();
* The parameters used to configure the request handler.
private RepNodeService.Params params;
* The rep node that will be used to satisfy all operations.
private RepNode repNode;
* Identifies the rep node servicing local requests.
private RepNodeId repNodeId;
* Tracks the number of requests that are currently active, that is,
* are being handled.
private final WaitableCounter activeRequests = new WaitableCounter();
* Tracks the total requests received in this interval.
private final WaitableCounter totalRequests = new WaitableCounter();
* Table operation counters. These counters keep track of active table
* operations associated with a specific version of table metadata.
* The sequence number of the table metadata at the time the operation
* starts is used to index into the array. The counter at that location
* is incremented when the operation starts and decremented at the end.
* The same counter is decremented even if the metadata changes during
* the operation.
/* Number of counters must be power of 2 */
private static final int N_COUNTERS = 8;
* The mask is used to create an index into the tableOpCounter array
* from a metadata seq num.
private static final int INDEX_MASK = N_COUNTERS-1;
/* Counters keeping track of active table operations by metadata version */
final WaitableCounter[] tableOpCounters = new WaitableCounter[N_COUNTERS];
/* Keeps track of the aggregate "raw" RW throughput. */
private final AggregateThroughputTracker aggregateTracker =
new AggregateThroughputTracker();
* A Map to track exception requests count at this node in this interval.
* Key is fully qualified exception name, value is count.
private final AtomicReference> exceptionCounts;
* All user operations directed to the requestHandler are implemented by
* the OperationHandler.
private OperationHandler operationHandler;
* The requestDispatcher used to forward requests that cannot be handled
* locally.
private final RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher;
* Mediates access to the shared topology.
private final TopologyManager topoManager;
* The table used to track the rep state of all rep nodes in the KVS
private final RepGroupStateTable stateTable;
* The last state change event communicated via the Listener.
private volatile StateChangeEvent stateChangeEvent;
* The set of requesters that have been informed of the latest state change
* event. The map is not currently bounded. This may become an issue if the
* KVS is used in contexts where clients come and go on a frequent basis.
* May want to clear out this map on some periodic basis as a defensive
* measure.
private final Map requesterMap;
* opTracker encapsulates all repNode stat recording.
private OperationsStatsTracker opTracker;
* The amount of time to wait for the active requests to quiesce, when
* stopping the request handler.
private int requestQuiesceMs;
* The poll period used when quiescing requests.
private static final int REQUEST_QUIESCE_POLL_MS = 100;
private final ProcessFaultHandler faultHandler;
* Test hook used to during request handling to introduce request-specific
* behavior.
private TestHook requestExecute;
* Test hook used to during NOP handling.
private TestHook requestNOPExecute;
* The access checking implementation. This will be null if security is
* not enabled.
private final AccessChecker accessChecker;
* Test hook to be invoked immediately before initiating a request
* transaction commit.
private TestHook preCommitTestHook;
private final LogMessageAbbrev logAbbrev;
private Logger logger = null;
private ListenHandle asyncServerHandle = null;
/** Thread pool for executing async requests. */
private volatile ThreadPoolExecutor asyncThreadPool;
* Encapsulates the above logger to limit the rate of log messages
* associated with a specific fault.
private RateLimitingLogger rateLimitingLogger;
* Flags indicate request type enabled on this node.
private volatile RequestType enabledRequestsType = RequestType.ALL;
public RequestHandlerImpl(RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher,
ProcessFaultHandler faultHandler,
AccessChecker accessChecker) {
this.requestDispatcher = requestDispatcher;
this.faultHandler = faultHandler;
this.topoManager = requestDispatcher.getTopologyManager();
this.accessChecker = accessChecker;
stateTable = requestDispatcher.getRepGroupStateTable();
requesterMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
logAbbrev = new LogMessageAbbrev();
this.exceptionCounts =
new AtomicReference<>(new ConcurrentHashMap());
for (int i = 0; i < N_COUNTERS; i++) {
tableOpCounters[i] = new WaitableCounter();
public void initialize(RepNodeService.Params params,
RepNode repNode,
OperationsStatsTracker opStatsTracker) {
this.params = params;
/* Get the rep node that we'll use for handling our requests. */
this.repNode = repNode;
opTracker = opStatsTracker;
repNodeId = repNode.getRepNodeId();
operationHandler = new OperationHandler(repNode, params);
final RepNodeParams rnParams = params.getRepNodeParams();
requestQuiesceMs = rnParams.getRequestQuiesceMs();
logger = LoggerUtils.getLogger(this.getClass(), params);
rateLimitingLogger = new RateLimitingLogger<>
* Immediately create threads on demand by using a synchronous queue.
* TODO: Consider adding support for a queue, including a parameter to
* control the queue size and the ability to update the queue in place
* in response to a parameter change.
asyncThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
0, rnParams.getAsyncExecMaxThreads(),
rnParams.getAsyncExecThreadKeepAliveMs(), MILLISECONDS,
new SynchronousQueue<>(),
new KVThreadFactory("RequestHandlerImpl(Async)", logger));
/* Implement ParameterListener */
public void newParameters(ParameterMap oldMap, ParameterMap newMap) {
final RepNodeParams oldParams = new RepNodeParams(oldMap);
final RepNodeParams newParams = new RepNodeParams(newMap);
if (oldParams.getAsyncExecMaxThreads() !=
newParams.getAsyncExecMaxThreads()) {
if (oldParams.getAsyncExecThreadKeepAliveMs() !=
newParams.getAsyncExecThreadKeepAliveMs()) {
newParams.getAsyncExecThreadKeepAliveMs(), MILLISECONDS);
* Returns the number of requests currently being processed at this node.
public int getActiveRequests() {
return activeRequests.get();
* Returns the aggregate read/write KB resulting from direct application
* requests. RWKB from housekeeping tasks is not included.
public AggregateThroughputTracker getAggrateThroughputTracker() {
return aggregateTracker;
* Returns total requests received at this node and then reset it to 0.
public int getAndResetTotalRequests() {
return totalRequests.getAndSet(0);
* Returns the exception count map at this node and reset counts to 0. The
* returned exception count map will no longer be modified, and can be used
* by the caller without fear of ConcurrentModificationeExceptions.
public Map getAndResetExceptionCounts() {
Map nextCounts =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Map oldCounts =
return oldCounts;
* Returns the RepNode associated with this request handler.
public RepNode getRepNode() {
return repNode;
* Returns the request dispatcher used to forward requests.
public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher() {
return requestDispatcher;
public StateChangeListenerFactory getListenerFactory() {
return new StateChangeListenerFactory() {
public StateChangeListener create(ReplicatedEnvironment repEnv) {
return new Listener(repEnv);
public void setTestHook(TestHook hook) {
requestExecute = hook;
public void setTestNOPHook(TestHook hook) {
requestNOPExecute = hook;
public void setPreCommitTestHook(TestHook hook) {
preCommitTestHook = hook;
public void getSerialVersion(short serialVersion,
long timeoutMillis,
ResultHandler handler) {
handler.onResult(getSerialVersion(), null);
* Apply security checks and execute the request
public Response execute(final Request request)
throws FaultException, RemoteException {
return faultHandler.execute(new ProcessFaultHandler.
SimpleOperation() {
public Response execute() {
final ExecutionContext execCtx = checkSecurity(request);
if (execCtx == null) {
return trackExecuteRequest(request);
return ExecutionContext.runWithContext(
new ExecutionContext.SimpleOperation() {
public Response run() {
return trackExecuteRequest(request);
public void execute(final Request request,
long timeoutMillis,
ResultHandler handler) {
final DialogContext context =
() -> {
final Response response;
try {
try {
response = execute(request);
} finally {
handler.onResult(response, null);
} catch (Throwable e) {
try {
handler.onResult(null, e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected exception: " + t,
new RuntimeException(
"Unexpected exception: " + t));
/** Returns the async thread pool -- for testing. */
public ThreadPoolExecutor getAsyncThreadPool() {
return asyncThreadPool;
* Determine what host the current remote request came from, either over
* RMI or the async call layer. If there is no active call in progress,
* returns null.
* @return the remote client hostname or null
public static String getClientHost() {
* The caller doesn't know the source of the call, sync or async, so
* try the async one first, since a null failure result there is less
* expensive than the exception thrown by RMI's method if no remote
* call is in progress.
final DialogContext context = threadDialogContext.get();
if (context != null) {
final NetworkAddress address = context.getRemoteAddress();
return (address != null) ? address.getHostName() : null;
try {
return RemoteServer.getClientHost();
} catch (ServerNotActiveException snae) {
/* We're not in the context of an RMI call */
return null;
* Verify that the request is annotated with an appropriate access
* token if security is enabled. Only basic access checking is performed
* at this level. Table/column level access checks are implemented
* at a deeper level.
* @throw SessionAccessException if there is an internal security error
* @throw KVSecurityException if the a security exception is
* generated by the requesting client
* @throw WrappedClientException if there is a
* AuthenticationRequiredException, wrap the exception and return to client.
private ExecutionContext checkSecurity(Request request)
throws SessionAccessException, KVSecurityException,
WrappedClientException {
if (accessChecker == null) {
return null;
try {
final RequestContext reqCtx = new RequestContext(request);
return ExecutionContext.create(
accessChecker, request.getAuthContext(), reqCtx);
} catch (AuthenticationRequiredException are) {
/* Return the exception to the client */
throw new WrappedClientException(are);
* Add tracking request count and exception count to execute the request.
private Response trackExecuteRequest(final Request request) {
* The table operation counters keep track of active table
* operations associated with a specific version of table metadata.
* The sequence number of the table metadata at the time the operation
* starts is used to index into the array. The counter at that location
* is incremented and then decremented when the operation completes.
* The same counter is decremented even if the metadata changes during
* the operation.
final boolean isTableOp = request.getOperation().isTableOp();
int index = 0;
if (isTableOp) {
/* During unit tests the MD sequence number returned may be 0 */
index = repNode.getMetadataSeqNum(MetadataType.TABLE) & INDEX_MASK;
try {
return executeRequest(request);
} catch (Exception e) {
final String exception = e.getClass().getName();
Map counts = exceptionCounts.get();
counts.putIfAbsent(exception, new AtomicInteger(0));
exceptionCounts.compareAndSet(counts, counts);
throw e;
} finally {
if (isTableOp) {
* Executes the operation associated with the request.
* All recoverable JE operations are handled at this level and retried
* after appropriate corrective action. The implementation body comments
* describe the correct action.
private Response executeRequest(final Request request) {
try {
final OpCode opCode = request.getOperation().getOpCode();
if (OpCode.NOP.equals(opCode)) {
return executeNOPInternal(request);
} else if (topoManager.getTopology() != null) {
return executeInternal(request);
} else {
* The Topology is null. The node is waiting for one
* of the members in the rep group to push topology
* to it. Have the dispatcher re-direct the request to
* another node, or keep retrying until the topology
* is available.
final String message = "awaiting topology push";
throw new RNUnavailableException(message);
} catch (ThreadInterruptedException tie) {
/* This node may be going down. */
final String message =
"RN: " + repNodeId + " was interrupted.";;
/* Have the request dispatcher retry at a different node.*/
throw new RNUnavailableException(message);
* Wraps the execution of the request in a transaction and handles
* any exceptions that might result from the execution of the request.
private Response executeInternal(Request request) {
assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(requestExecute, request);
Response response = forwardIfRequired(request);
if (response != null) {
return response;
LogContext lc = request.getLogContext();
if (isLoggableWithCtx(logger, Level.FINEST, lc)) {
finestWithCtx(logger, "executing " + request.toString(), lc);
/* Can be processed locally. */
* Track resource usage. If tc is null the operation is not
* a table operation or tracking for the table is not enabled.
final InternalOperation internalOp = request.getOperation();
final ThroughputCollector tc =
if (tc != null) {
* If there is tracking first check to see if a limit has been
* exceeded.
final Consistency consistency =
request.isWrite() ? Consistency.ABSOLUTE :
internalOp.setThroughputTracker(tc, consistency);
} else {
/* Tracking not enabled for table, or non-table (KV) request. */
OperationFailureException exception = null;
final long limitNs = System.nanoTime() +
do {
final TransactionConfig txnConfig =
setupTxnConfig(request, limitNs);
long sleepNs = 0;
Transaction txn = null;
MigrationStreamHandle streamHandle = null;
ReplicatedEnvironment repEnv = null;
final StatsTracker tracker = opTracker.getStatsTracker();
final long startNs = tracker.markStart();
try {
final long getEnvTimeoutNs =
Math.min(limitNs - startNs, ENV_RESTART_RETRY_NS);
repEnv = repNode.getEnv(NANOSECONDS.toMillis(getEnvTimeoutNs));
if (repEnv == null) {
if (startNs + getEnvTimeoutNs < limitNs) {
* It took too long to get the environment, but there
* is still time remaining before the request times
* out. Chances are that another RN will be able to
* service the request before this environment is
* ready, because environment restarts are easily
* longer (30 seconds) than typical request timeouts (5
* seconds). Report this RN as unavailable and let the
* client try another one. [#22661]
throw new RNUnavailableException(
"Environment for RN: " + repNodeId +
" was unavailable after waiting for " +
(getEnvTimeoutNs/1000) + "ms");
* Request timed out -- sleepBeforeRetry will throw the
* right exception.
sleepBeforeRetry(request, null,
txn = repEnv.beginTransaction(null, txnConfig);
streamHandle = MigrationStreamHandle.initialize
(repNode, request.getPartitionId(), txn);
final Result result = operationHandler.execute(
internalOp, txn, request.getPartitionId());
if (internalOp.isTableOp()) {
int seqNum = repNode.getMetadataSeqNum(MetadataType.TABLE);
final OpCode opCode = internalOp.getOpCode();
if (txn.isValid()) {
/* If testing SR21210, throw InsufficientAcksException. */
assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet
} else {
* The transaction could have been invalidated in the
* an unsuccessful Execute.execute operation, or
* asynchronously due to a master->replica transition.
* Note that single operation (non Execute requests)
* never invalidate transactions explicitly, so they are
* always forwarded.
if (!opCode.equals(OpCode.EXECUTE) ||
result.getSuccess()) {
/* Async invalidation independent of the request. */
throw new ForwardException();
* An execute operation failure, allow a response
* generation which contains the reason for the failure.
response = createResponse(repEnv, request, result);
tracker.markFinish(opCode, startNs, result.getNumRecords());
return response;
} catch (InsufficientAcksException iae) {
/* Propagate RequestTimeoutException back to the client */
throw new RequestTimeoutException
"Timed out due to InsufficientAcksException", iae, true);
} catch (ReplicaConsistencyException rce) {
/* Propagate it back to the client */
throw new ConsistencyException
(rce, ConsistencyTranslator.translate(
} catch (InsufficientReplicasException ire) {
/* Propagate it back to the client */
throw new DurabilityException
ire.getRequiredNodeCount(), ire.getAvailableReplicas());
} catch (DiskLimitException dle) {
/* Propagate it back to the client */
throw new FaultException(dle, true);
} catch (ReplicaWriteException rwe) {
/* Misdirected message, forward to the master. */
return forward(request, repNodeId.getGroupId());
} catch (UnknownMasterException rwe) {
/* Misdirected message, forward to the master. */
return forward(request, repNodeId.getGroupId());
} catch (ForwardException rwe) {
/* Misdirected message, forward to the master. */
return forward(request, repNodeId.getGroupId());
} catch (LockConflictException lockConflict) {
* Retry the transaction until the timeout associated with the
* request is exceeded. Note that LockConflictException covers
* the HA LockPreemptedException.
exception = lockConflict;
} catch (RollbackException rre) {
/* Re-establish handles. */
repNode.asyncEnvRestart(repEnv, rre);
} catch (RollbackProhibitedException pe) {
"Rollback prohibited admin intervention required",
* Rollback prohibited, ensure that the process exits and that
* the SNA does no try to restart, since it will result in the
* same exception until some corrective action is taken.
throw new SystemFaultException("rollback prohibited", pe);
} catch (IncorrectRoutingException ire) {
* An IncorrectRoutingException can occur at the end of a
* partition migration, where the local topology has been
* updated with the partition's new location (here) but the
* parition DB has not yet been opened (see
* RepNode.updateLocalTopology).
return handleException(request, ire);
} catch (DatabasePreemptedException dpe) {
* A DatabasePreemptedException can occur when the partition
* DB has been removed due to partition migration activity
* during the request.
return handleException(request, dpe);
} catch (SecondaryReferenceException sre) {
* TODO - Currently this is fatal and will cause a restart and
* will likely happen again. Instead the secondary should be
* removed, disabled, or rebuilt so that the store stays up.
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failure with secondary DB {0}: {1}",
new Object[]{sre.getSecondaryDatabaseName(),
throw sre;
} catch (EnvironmentFailureException efe) {
* All subclasses of EFE that needed explicit handling were
* handled above. Throw out, so the process fault handler can
* restart the RN.
if (!request.isWrite() || notCommitted(txn)) {
throw new EnvironmentFailureRetryException(efe);
throw efe;
} catch (UnauthorizedException ue) {
* Data access violation in operations, log it and throw out.
ue, "API request: " + internalOp,
throw ue;
} catch (WrappedClientException wce) {
* These are returned to the client.
throw wce;
} catch (KVSecurityException kvse) {
* These are returned to the client.
throw new WrappedClientException(kvse);
} catch (MetadataNotFoundException mnfe) {
* MetadataNotFoundException was added as of SerialVersion.V8,
* so do not throw it for earlier clients.
if (request.getSerialVersion() < SerialVersion.V8) {
throw new FaultException(mnfe.getMessage(), true);
throw new WrappedClientException(mnfe);
} catch (RNUnavailableException rnue) {
final String msg = rnue.getMessage();
rateLimitingLogger.log(msg, Level.INFO, msg);
/* Propagate it back to the client. */
throw rnue;
} catch (FaultException fe) {
* All FEs coming from the server should be remote. Since FEs
* are usually caused by bad client parameters, invalid
* requests, or out-of-sync metadata, we limit the logging to
* avoid flooding the log files. The exception message is used
* as the key because, in general, the FE message does not vary
* given the same cause.
if (fe.wasLoggedRemotely()) {
final String msg = fe.getMessage();
rateLimitingLogger.log(msg, Level.INFO, msg);
} else {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected fault", fe);
/* Propagate it back to the client. */
throw fe;
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
final Response resp =
handleRuntimeException(repEnv, txn, request, re);
if (resp != null) {
return resp;
} finally {
if (response == null) {
/* Clear the failed operation's activity */
tracker.markFinish(null, 0L);
if (streamHandle != null) {
sleepBeforeRetry(request, exception, sleepNs, limitNs);
} while (true);
* The method makes provisions for special handling of RunTimeException.
* The default action on encountering a RuntimeException is to exit the
* process and have it restarted by the SNA, since we do not understand the
* nature of the problem and restarting, while high overhead, is safe.
* However there are some cases where we would like to avoid RN process
* restarts and this method makes provisions for such specialized handling.
* RuntimeExceptions can arise because JE does not make provisions for
* asynchronous close of the environment. This can result in NPEs or ISEs
* from JE when trying to perform JE operations, using database handles
* belonging to the closed environments.
* TODO: The scope of this handler is rather large and this check could be
* narrowed down to enclose only the JE operations.
* @return a Response, if the request could be handled by forwarding it
* or null for a retry at this same RN.
* @throws RNUnavailableException if the request can be safely retried
* by the requestor at some other RN.
private Response handleRuntimeException(ReplicatedEnvironment repEnv,
Transaction txn,
Request request,
RuntimeException re)
throws RNUnavailableException {
if ((repEnv == null) || repEnv.isValid()) {
* If the environment is OK (or has not been established) and the
* exception is an IllegalStateException, it may be a case that
* - the database has been closed due to partition migration.
* - the transaction commit threw an ISE because the node
* transitioned from master to replica, and the transaction was
* asynchronously aborted by the JE RepNode thread.
* If so, try forward the request.
if (re instanceof IllegalStateException) {
final Response resp = forwardIfRequired(request);
if (resp != null) {
"Request forwarded due to ISE: {0}",
return resp;
* Response could have been processed at this node but wasn't.
* The operation may have used an earlier environment handle,
* acquired via the database returned by PartitionManager,
* which resulted in the ISE. [#23114]
* Have the caller retry the operation at some other RN if we
* can ensure that the environment was not modified by the
* transaction.
if (notCommitted(txn)) {
final String msg = "ISE:" + re.getMessage() +
" Retry at some different RN." ;;
throw new RNUnavailableException(msg);
/* Unknown failure, propagate the RE */
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected exception", re);
throw re;
"Ignoring exception and retrying at this RN, " +
"environment has been closed or invalidated",
/* Retry at this RN. */
return null;
private boolean notCommitted(Transaction txn) {
return (txn == null) ||
((txn.getState() != Transaction.State.COMMITTED) &&
(txn.getState() !=
* Implements the execution of lightweight NOPs which is done without
* the need for a transaction.
private Response executeNOPInternal(final Request request)
throws RequestTimeoutException {
assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(requestNOPExecute, request);
final ReplicatedEnvironment repEnv =
if (repEnv == null) {
throw new RequestTimeoutException
"Timed out trying to obtain environment handle.",
true /*isRemote*/);
final Result result =
operationHandler.execute(request.getOperation(), null, null);
return createResponse(repEnv, request, result);
* Handles a request that has been incorrectly directed at this node or
* there is some internal inconsistency. If this node's topology has more
* up-to-date information, forward it, otherwise throws a
* RNUnavailableException which will cause the client to retry.
* The specified RuntimeException must an instance of either a
* DatabasePreemptedException or an IncorrectRoutingException.
private Response handleException(Request request, RuntimeException re) {
assert (re instanceof DatabasePreemptedException) ||
(re instanceof IncorrectRoutingException);
/* If this is a non-partition request, then rethrow */
/* TODO - Need to check on how these exceptions are handled for group
* directed dispatching.
if (request.getPartitionId().isNull()) {
throw re;
final Topology topology = topoManager.getLocalTopology();
final Partition partition = topology.get(request.getPartitionId());
* If the local topology is newer and the partition has moved, forward
* the request
if ((topology.getSequenceNumber() > request.getTopoSeqNumber()) &&
!partition.getRepGroupId().sameGroup(repNode.getRepNodeId())) {
return forward(request, partition.getRepGroupId().getGroupId());
throw new RNUnavailableException
("Partition database is missing for partition: " +
* Forward the request, if the RG does not own the key, if the request
* needs a master and this node is not currently the master, or if
* the request can only be serviced by a node that is neither the
* master nor detached and this node is currently either the master
* or detached.
* @param request the request that may need to be forwarded
* @return the response if the request was processed after forwarding it,
* or null if the request can be processed at this node.
* @throws KVStoreException
private Response forwardIfRequired(Request request) {
* If the request has a group ID, use that, otherwise, use the partition
* iID. If that is null, the request is simply directed to this node,
* e.g. a NOP request.
RepGroupId repGroupId = request.getRepGroupId();
if (repGroupId.isNull()) {
final PartitionId partitionId = request.getPartitionId();
repGroupId = partitionId.isNull() ?
new RepGroupId(repNodeId.getGroupId()) :
if (repGroupId == null) {
throw new RNUnavailableException("RepNode not yet initialized");
if (repGroupId.getGroupId() != repNodeId.getGroupId()) {
/* Forward the request to the appropriate RG */
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine("RN does not contain group: " +
repGroupId + ", forwarding request.");
return forward(request, repGroupId.getGroupId());
final RepGroupState rgState = stateTable.getGroupState(repGroupId);
final RepNodeState master = rgState.getMaster();
if (request.needsMaster()) {
/* Check whether this node is the master. */
if ((master != null) &&
repNodeId.equals(master.getRepNodeId())) {
/* All's well, it can be processed here. */
return null;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine("RN is not master, forwarding request. " +
"Last known master is: " +
((master != null) ?
master.getRepNodeId() :
return forward(request, repNodeId.getGroupId());
} else if (request.needsReplica()) {
ReplicatedEnvironment.State rnState =
/* If the RepNode is the MASTER or DETACHED, forward the request;
* otherwise, service the request.
if ((master != null) && repNodeId.equals(master.getRepNodeId())) {
rnState = ReplicatedEnvironment.State.MASTER;
} else if (rnState.isReplica() || rnState.isUnknown()) {
return null;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine("With requested consistency policy, RepNode " +
"cannot be MASTER or DETACHED, but RepNode [" +
repNodeId + "] is " + rnState + ". Forward the " +
return forward(request, repNodeId.getGroupId());
return null;
* Returns topology information to be returned as part of the response. If
* the Topology numbers match up there's nothing to be done.
* If the handler has a new Topology return the changes needed to bring the
* requester up to date wrt the handler.
* If the handler has a Topology that's obsolete vis a vis the requester,
* return the topology sequence number, so that the requester can push the
* changes to it at some future time.
* @param reqTopoSeqNum the topology associated with the request
* @return null if the topologies match, or the information needed to
* update either end.
private TopologyInfo getTopologyInfo(int reqTopoSeqNum) {
final Topology topology = topoManager.getTopology();
if (topology == null) {
* Indicate that this node does not have topology so that the
* request invoker can push Topology to it.
return TopologyInfo.EMPTY_TOPO_INFO;
final int topoSeqNum = topology.getSequenceNumber();
if (topoSeqNum == reqTopoSeqNum) {
/* Short circuit. */
return null;
/* Topology mismatch, send changes, if this node has them. */
final TopologyInfo topoInfo = topology.getChangeInfo(reqTopoSeqNum + 1);
* For secure store, there is a window between topology and its
* signature updates. Don't send changes if signature is not updated.
if (ExecutionContext.getCurrent() != null &&
(topoInfo.getTopoSignature() == null ||
topoInfo.getTopoSignature().length == 0)) {
return null;
return topoInfo;
* Packages up the result of the operation into a Response, including all
* additional status information about topology changes, etc.
* @param result the result of the operation
* @return the response
private Response createResponse(ReplicatedEnvironment repEnv,
Request request,
Result result) {
final StatusChanges statusChanges =
if (repEnv.isValid()) {
final RepImpl repImpl = RepInternal.getRepImpl(repEnv);
if (repImpl != null) {
currentVLSN = repImpl.getVLSNIndex().getRange().getLast();
return new Response(repNodeId,
* Sleep before retrying the operation locally.
* @param request the request to be retried
* @param exception the exception from the last preceding retry
* @param sleepNs the amount of time to sleep before the retry
* @param limitNs the limiting time beyond which the operation is timed out
* @throws RequestTimeoutException if the operation is timed out
private void sleepBeforeRetry(Request request,
OperationFailureException exception,
long sleepNs,
final long limitNs)
throws RequestTimeoutException {
if ((System.nanoTime() + sleepNs) > limitNs) {
final String message = "Request handler: " + repNodeId +
" Request: " + request.getOperation() + " current timeout: " +
request.getTimeout() + " ms exceeded." +
((exception != null) ?
(" Last retried exception: " + exception.getClass().getName() +
" Message: " + exception.getMessage()) :
throw new RequestTimeoutException
(request.getTimeout(), message, exception, true /*isRemote*/);
if (sleepNs == 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected interrupt", ie);
* Forwards the request, modifying request and response attributes.
* The request is modified to denote the topology sequence number at this
* node. Note that the dispatcher id is retained and continues to be that
* of the node originating the request.
* @param request the request to be forwarded
* @param repGroupId the group to which the request is being forwarded
* @return the modified response
* @throws KVStoreException
private Response forward(Request request, int repGroupId) {
Set excludeRN = null;
if (repNodeId.getGroupId() == repGroupId) {
/* forwarding within the group */
excludeRN = request.getForwardingRNs(repGroupId);
final short requestSerialVersion = request.getSerialVersion();
final int topoSeqNumber = request.getTopoSeqNumber();
final Response response =
requestDispatcher.execute(request, excludeRN,
(LoginManager) null);
return updateForwardedResponse(requestSerialVersion, topoSeqNumber,
* Updates the response from a forwarded request with the changes needed
* by the initiator of the request.
* @param requestSerialVersion the serial version of the original request.
* @param reqTopoSeqNum of the topo seq number associated with the request
* @param response the response to be updated
* @return the updated response
private Response updateForwardedResponse(short requestSerialVersion,
int reqTopoSeqNum,
Response response) {
* Before returning the response to the client we must set its serial
* version to match the version of the client's request, so that the
* response is serialized with the version requested by the client.
* This version may be different than the version used for forwarding.
* Potential future optimization, use the request handler id to avoid
* returning the changes multiple times.
return response;
* Create a transaction configuration. If the transaction is read only, it
* uses Durability.READ_ONLY_TXN for the Transaction.
* The transaction may be for a DML update statement, which is both a read
* and a write operation. For the read part, a consistency must be set.
* However, since the transaction will take place at the master,
* NO_CONSISTENCY can be used as the consistency value.
* The limitNs parameter specifies the end time for the transaction and
* consistency timeouts.
private TransactionConfig setupTxnConfig(Request request,
long limitNs) {
final TransactionConfig txnConfig = new TransactionConfig();
final long timeoutMs = Math.max(
0, NANOSECONDS.toMillis(limitNs - System.nanoTime()));
txnConfig.setTxnTimeout(timeoutMs, MILLISECONDS);
if (request.isWrite()) {
final haDurability =
final ReplicaConsistencyPolicy haConsistency =
return txnConfig;
/* A read transaction. */
final Consistency reqConsistency = request.getConsistency();
* If the consistency requirement was absolute assume it was directed
* at this node the master since it would have been forwarded otherwise
* by the forwardIfRequired method. Substitute the innocuous HA
* NO_CONSISTENCY in this case, since there is no HA equivalent for
final ReplicaConsistencyPolicy haConsistency =
Consistency.ABSOLUTE.equals(reqConsistency) ?
NoConsistencyRequiredPolicy.NO_CONSISTENCY :
ConsistencyTranslator.translate(reqConsistency, timeoutMs);
return txnConfig;
* Bind the request handler in the registry so that it can start servicing
* requests.
public void startup()
throws RemoteException {
final StorageNodeParams snParams = params.getStorageNodeParams();
final GlobalParams globalParams = params.getGlobalParams();
final RepNodeParams repNodeParams = params.getRepNodeParams();
final String kvStoreName = globalParams.getKVStoreName();
final String csfName = ClientSocketFactory.
RMISocketPolicy rmiPolicy =
SocketFactoryPair sfp =
String serviceName = RegistryUtils.bindingName(
kvStoreName, repNode.getRepNodeId().getFullName(),
if (sfp.getServerFactory() != null) {
if (AsyncRegistryUtils.serverUseAsync) {
class RebindResultHandler
extends BlockingResultHandler {
protected String getDescription() {
return "RegistryUtils.rebind " +
final RebindResultHandler asyncRebindHandler =
new RebindResultHandler();
long timeout = AsyncRegistryUtils.rebind(
new RequestHandlerDialogHandlerFactory(),
asyncServerHandle = asyncRebindHandler.await(timeout);
private class RequestHandlerDialogHandlerFactory
implements DialogHandlerFactory {
public DialogHandler create() {
return new AsyncRequestHandlerResponder(RequestHandlerImpl.this,
public void onChannelError(ListenerConfig config,
Throwable e,
boolean channelClosed) {
* Unbind registry entry so that no new requests are accepted. The method
* waits for requests to quiesce so as to minimize any exceptions on the
* client side.
* If any exceptions are encountered, during the unbind, they are merely
* logged and otherwise ignored, so that other components can continue
* to be shut down.
public void stop() {
final StorageNodeParams snParams = params.getStorageNodeParams();
final GlobalParams globalParams = params.getGlobalParams();
final String serviceName = RegistryUtils.bindingName(
/* Stop accepting new requests. */
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
"Ignoring exception while stopping request handler",
if (AsyncRegistryUtils.serverUseAsync) {
class UnbindResultHandler extends BlockingResultHandler {
protected String getDescription() {
return "RegistryUtils.unbind " +
final UnbindResultHandler asyncUnbindHandler =
new UnbindResultHandler();
final long timeout = AsyncRegistryUtils.unbind(
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
"Ignoring exception while stopping request handler",
if (asyncServerHandle != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
"Ignoring exception while stopping request handler",
* Wait for the requests to quiesce within the requestQuiesceMs
* period.
activeRequests.awaitZero(REQUEST_QUIESCE_POLL_MS, requestQuiesceMs);
/* Log requests that haven't quiesced. */
final int activeRequestCount = activeRequests.get();
if (activeRequestCount > 0) {"Requested quiesce period: " + requestQuiesceMs +
"ms was insufficient to quiesce all active " +
"requests for soft shutdown. " +
"Pending active requests: " + activeRequestCount);
if (asyncThreadPool != null) {
* Waits for table operations to complete. Operations which are using
* table metadata with the sequence number equal to seqNum are excluded.
* This method will timeout if operations do not complete.
public int awaitTableOps(int seqNum) {
int totalOutstanding = 0;
final int skip = seqNum & INDEX_MASK;
for (int i = 0; i < N_COUNTERS; i++) {
if (i != skip) {
final int count = tableOpCounters[i].get();
if (count > 0) {
totalOutstanding += count;
tableOpCounters[i].awaitZero(100, 500);
return totalOutstanding;
* Returns the status changes that the requester identified by
* remoteRequestHandlerId
is not aware of.
* @param resourceId the id of the remote requester
* @return the StatusChanges if there are any to be sent back
public StatusChanges getStatusChanges(ResourceId resourceId) {
if (stateChangeEvent == null) {
* Nothing of interest to communicate back. This is unexpected, we
* should not be processing request before the node is initialized.
return null;
if (requesterMap.get(resourceId) == stateChangeEvent) {
* The current SCE is already know to the requester ignore it.
return null;
try {
final State state = stateChangeEvent.getState();
if (state.isMaster() || state.isReplica()) {
final String masterName = stateChangeEvent.getMasterNodeName();
return new StatusChanges(state,
/* Not a master or a replica. */
return new StatusChanges(state, null, 0);
} finally {
requesterMap.put(resourceId, stateChangeEvent);
* Enable given request type served on this node. The allowed types are
* all, none, readonly.
* @param requestType request type is being enabled
public void enableRequestType(RequestType requestType) {
enabledRequestsType = requestType;"Request type " + enabledRequestsType + " is enabled");
* Check if type of client request is enabled.
* @throws RNUnavailableException if type of given request is not enabled
private void checkEnabledRequestType(Request request) {
if (enabledRequestsType == RequestType.ALL) {
if (!request.getInitialDispatcherId().getType().isClient()) {
if (enabledRequestsType == RequestType.READONLY) {
* If permits read request, only throw exception for write request.
if (request.isWrite()) {
throw new RNUnavailableException(
"RN: " + repNodeId + " was unavailable because " +
"write requests are disabled");
throw new RNUnavailableException(
"RN: " + repNodeId + " was unavailable because " +
"all requests have been disabled");
* For testing only.
LogMessageAbbrev getMessageAbbrev() {
return logAbbrev;
* Listener for local state changes at this node.
private class Listener implements StateChangeListener {
final ReplicatedEnvironment repEnv;
public Listener(ReplicatedEnvironment repEnv) {
this.repEnv = repEnv;
* Takes appropriate action based upon the state change. The actions
* must be simple and fast since they are performed in JE's thread of
* control.
public void stateChange(StateChangeEvent sce)
throws RuntimeException {
stateChangeEvent = sce;
final State state = sce.getState();
final NodeType nodeType = (params != null) ?
params.getRepNodeParams().getNodeType() : null;"State change event: " + new Date(sce.getEventTime()) +
", State: " + state +
", Type: " + nodeType +
", Master: " +
((state.isMaster() || state.isReplica()) ?
sce.getMasterNodeName() :
/* Ensure that state changes are sent out again to requesters */
if (repNode != null) {
repNode.noteStateChange(repEnv, sce);
* Utility class to avoid a class of unnecessary stack traces. These stack
* traces can cause important information to scroll out of the log window.
* The stack traces in this case are rooted in the same environment close
* or invalidation. In such circumstances JE can throw an ISE, etc. in all
* request threads as a request makes an attempt to access a JE resource
* like a cursor or a database after the environment invalidation.
class LogMessageAbbrev {
* Tracks the last exception to help determine whether it should be
* printed along with a stack trace by the logAbbrev() method below.
private final AtomicReference lastEnv =
new AtomicReference<>();
/* stats for test verification. */
volatile int abbrevCount = 0;
volatile int fullCount = 0;
* Log the message in an abbreviated form, without the stack trace, if
* it's associated with the same invalid environment. Log it with the
* full stack trace, if it's the first message associated with the
* environment since its close or invalidation.
* It's the caller's responsibility to determine which messages can
* benefit from such abbreviation and to ensure that the method is only
* invoked when it detects the exception in the context of an
* invalidated environment.
* @param logMessage the message to be logged
* @param env the environment associated with the exception
* @param exception the exception to be logged
private void log(Level level,
String logMessage,
Environment env,
RuntimeException exception) {
if ((env != null) && (lastEnv.getAndSet(env) != env)) {
/* New env, log it in full with a stack trace. */
logger.log(level, logMessage, exception);
} else {
* Runtime exception against the same environment, log just the
* exception message.
final StackTraceElement[] traces = exception.getStackTrace();
logger.log(level, logMessage +
" Exception:" + exception.getClass().getName() +
", Message:" + exception.getMessage() +
", Method:" +
(((traces == null) || (traces.length == 0)) ?
"unknown" : exception.getStackTrace()[0]));
* A utility exception used to indicate that the request must be forwarded
* to some other node because the transaction used to implement the
* request has been invalidated, typically because of a master->replica
* transition.
private class ForwardException extends Exception {}
* Provides an implementation of OperationContext for access checking.
public class RequestContext implements OperationContext {
private final Request request;
private RequestContext(Request request) {
this.request = request;
public Request getRequest() {
return request;
public String describe() {
return "API request: " + request.getOperation().toString();
public List extends KVStorePrivilege> getRequiredPrivileges() {
final OpCode opCode = request.getOperation().getOpCode();
/* NOP does not require authentication */
if (OpCode.NOP.equals(opCode)) {
return emptyPrivilegeList;
return operationHandler.getRequiredPrivileges(