oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
* Database made available at:
* http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/nosqldb/downloads/index.html
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
* additional information.
package oracle.kv;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.lob.ChunkConfig;
import oracle.kv.impl.security.util.KVStoreLogin;
import oracle.kv.lob.KVLargeObject;
import com.sleepycat.je.utilint.PropUtil;
* Represents the configuration parameters used to create a handle to an
* existing KV store.
public class KVStoreConfig implements Serializable, Cloneable,
KVSecurityConstants {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The default timeout in ms associated with KVStore requests.
public static final int DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 5 * 1000;
* The default open timeout in ms associated with the sockets used to make
* KVStore requests.
public static final int DEFAULT_OPEN_TIMEOUT = 3 * 1000;
* The default read timeout in ms associated with the sockets used to make
* KVStore requests.
* The default read timeout value must be larger than
* {@link #DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT} to ensure that read requests are not
* timed out by the socket.
public static final int DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000;
* The default open timeout in ms associated with the sockets used to make
* registry requests.
public static final int DEFAULT_REGISTRY_OPEN_TIMEOUT = 3 * 1000;
* The default read timeout associated with the sockets used to make
* registry requests.
public static final int DEFAULT_REGISTRY_READ_TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000;
* The default value in milliseconds for the amount of time to allow for a
* single roundtrip network communication with the server.
* @see #getNetworkRoundtripTimeout
* @hidden For internal use only - part of async API
* TODO: We should reduce this value to a more modest number -- maybe 10 ms
* -- when we reduce the initial start up time for async connections.
public static final int DEFAULT_NETWORK_ROUNDTRIP_TIMEOUT = 25;
private static final Consistency DEFAULT_CONSISTENCY =
private static final Durability DEFAULT_DURABILITY =
* The default LOB suffix ({@value}) used to identify keys associated with
* Large Objects.
* @since 2.0
static final String DEFAULT_LOB_SUFFIX = ".lob";
* The default number of trailing bytes ({@value}) of a partial LOB that
* must be verified against the user supplied LOB stream when resuming a
* LOB put
* @see KVLargeObject#putLOB
* @since 2.0
static final long DEFAULT_LOB_VERIFICATION_BYTES = 1024;
* The default timeout value ({@value} ms) associated with internal
* LOB access during operations on LOBs.
* @since 2.0
public static final int DEFAULT_LOB_TIMEOUT = 10000;
* Default value for the timeout of cached sequence generator attributes in
* milliseconds.
public static int DEFAULT_SG_CACHED_ATTRS_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60 * 1000;
* @hidden
* The number of times the client will attempt to check status for the
* execution of an asynchronous data definition or administrative statement
* execution in the face of network connection problems.
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CHECK_RETRIES = 10;
* @hidden
* The frequency with which the client will check for the completion of
* an asynchronous data definition or administrative statement execution.
public static final int DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 5000;
* The name of the system property that controls whether to use the async
* network protocol by default.
* @hidden
public static final String USE_ASYNC = "oracle.kv.async";
* Whether to use the async network protocol by default.
private static final boolean useAsyncDefault = false;
/* TODO: add bean properties file. */
/* TODO: add load/save to Properties object. */
private String storeName;
private String[] helperHosts;
/* The current set of merged security properties */
private Properties securityProps;
* The set of security properties provided through a file specified by the
* oracle.kv.security system property. These are read at construction time
* and applied dynamically as an overlay on top of caller-specified
* properties.
private final Properties masterSecurityProps;
/* Socket related timeouts. */
private int openTimeout;
private int readTimeout;
private int registryOpenTimeout;
private int registryReadTimeout;
private int requestTimeout;
private int networkRoundtripTimeout;
private Consistency consistency;
private Durability durability;
/* LOB related properties. */
private long lobVerificationBytes;
private String lobSuffix;
private int lobTimeout;
private RequestLimitConfig requestLimitConfig;
private ChunkConfig lobConfig = new ChunkConfig();
* The zones in which nodes must be located to be used for read operations,
* or {@code null} if read operations can be performed on nodes in any
* zone.
* @since 3.0
private String[] readZones = null;
/* Async ddl related timeouts */
private int maxCheckRetries;
private int checkIntervalMillis;
/* The the timeout of cached sequence generator attributes in ms. */
private int sgAttrsCacheTimeout;
* If true, enables the use of the async network protocol for requests on
* the client side.
private boolean useAsync = (System.getProperty(USE_ASYNC) == null) ?
useAsyncDefault :
* Creates a config object with the minimum required properties.
* @param storeName the name of the KVStore. The store name is used to
* guard against accidental use of the wrong host or port. The store name
* must consist entirely of upper or lowercase, letters and digits.
* @param helperHostPort one or more strings containing the host and port
* of an active node in the KVStore. Each string has the format:
* hostname:port. It is good practice to pass multiple hosts so that if
* one host is down, the system will attempt to open the next one, and
* so on.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument has an illegal value.
* This may be thrown if the
* {@value oracle.kv.KVSecurityConstants#SECURITY_FILE_PROPERTY} property
* is set and an error occurs while attempting to read that file.
public KVStoreConfig(String storeName, String... helperHostPort)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
requestLimitConfig = RequestLimitConfig.getDefault();
masterSecurityProps = readSecurityProps();
securityProps = mergeSecurityProps(null, masterSecurityProps);
public KVStoreConfig clone() {
try {
KVStoreConfig clone = (KVStoreConfig) super.clone();
clone.lobConfig = clone.lobConfig.clone();
return clone;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException neverHappens) {
return null;
* Configures the store name.
* @param storeName the name of the KVStore. The store name is used to
* guard against accidental use of the wrong host or port. The store name
* must consist entirely of upper or lowercase, letters and digits.
* @return this
public KVStoreConfig setStoreName(String storeName)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setStoreNameVoid(String storeName)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (storeName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Store name may not be null");
this.storeName = storeName;
* Returns the store name.
If it is not overridden by calling {@link #setStoreName}, the
* default value is the one specified to the {@link KVStoreConfig}
* constructor.
* @return the store name.
public String getStoreName() {
return storeName;
* Configures the helper host/port pairs.
* @param helperHostPort one or more strings containing the host and port
* of an active node in the KVStore. Each string has the format:
* hostname:port. It is good practice to pass multiple hosts so that if
* one host is down, the system will attempt to open the next one, and
* so on.
* @return this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if no helperHostPort is specified.
public KVStoreConfig setHelperHosts(String... helperHostPort)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setHelperHostsVoid(String... helperHostPort)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (helperHostPort.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No helperHostPort specified");
for (final String s : helperHostPort) {
if (s == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("helperHostPort is null");
helperHosts = helperHostPort;
* Returns the helper host/port pairs.
* If it is not overridden by calling {@link #setHelperHosts}, the
* default value is the one specified to the {@link KVStoreConfig}
* constructor.
* @return the helper hosts.
public String[] getHelperHosts() {
return helperHosts;
* Configures the open timeout used when establishing sockets used to make
* client requests. Shorter timeouts result in more rapid failure detection
* and recovery. The default open timeout ({@value
* oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig#DEFAULT_OPEN_TIMEOUT} milliseconds) should be
* adequate for most applications.
* The client does not directly open sockets when making requests. KVStore
* manages the network connections used to make client requests opening and
* closing connections as needed.
* Please note that the socket timeout applies to any duplicate KVStore
* handles to the same KVStore within this process.
* @param timeout the socket open timeout.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the timeout value.
* @return this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the timeout value is negative or
* zero.
* @since 2.0
public KVStoreConfig setSocketOpenTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
setSocketOpenTimeoutVoid(timeout, unit);
return this;
* @deprecated replaced by {@link #setSocketOpenTimeout}
public KVStoreConfig setOpenTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
setSocketOpenTimeoutVoid(timeout, unit);
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setSocketOpenTimeoutVoid(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (timeout <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Timeout may not be negative or zero");
openTimeout = PropUtil.durationToMillis(timeout, unit);
* Returns the socket open timeout.
If it is not overridden by calling {@link #setOpenTimeout}, the
* default value is {@value oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig#DEFAULT_OPEN_TIMEOUT}
* milliseconds.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the returned value. May not be null.
* @return The socket open timeout.
* @since 2.0
public long getSocketOpenTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
return PropUtil.millisToDuration(openTimeout, unit);
* @deprecated replaced by {@link #getSocketOpenTimeout}
public long getOpenTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
return getSocketOpenTimeout(unit);
* Configures the read timeout associated with the underlying sockets used
* to make client requests. Shorter timeouts result in more rapid failure
* detection and recovery. However, this timeout should be sufficiently
* long so as to allow for the longest timeout associated with a request.
* The client does not directly manage sockets when making requests.
* KVStore manages the network connections used to make client requests
* opening and closing connections as needed.
* Please note that the socket timeout applies to any duplicate KVStore
* handles to the same KVStore within this process.
* @param timeout the socket read timeout
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the timeout value
* @return this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the timeout is invalid
* @since 2.0
public KVStoreConfig setSocketReadTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
setReadTimeoutVoid(timeout, unit);
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setReadTimeoutVoid(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (timeout <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Timeout may not be negative or zero");
readTimeout = PropUtil.durationToMillis(timeout, unit);
* Returns the read timeout associated with the sockets used to
* make requests.
If it is not overridden by calling {@link #setSocketReadTimeout}, the
* default value is {@value oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig#DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT}
* milliseconds.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the returned value. May not be null.
* @return The socket read timeout
* @since 2.0
public long getSocketReadTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
return PropUtil.millisToDuration(readTimeout, unit);
* Configures the default request timeout.
* @param timeout the default request timeout.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the timeout value.
* @return this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the timeout value is negative or
* zero.
public KVStoreConfig setRequestTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
setRequestTimeoutVoid(timeout, unit);
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setRequestTimeoutVoid(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (timeout <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Timeout may not be zero or negative");
requestTimeout = PropUtil.durationToMillis(timeout, unit);
* Returns the default request timeout.
* If it is not overridden by calling {@link #setRequestTimeout}, the
* default value is {@link #DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT}.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the returned value. May not be null.
* @return The transaction timeout.
public long getRequestTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
return PropUtil.millisToDuration(requestTimeout, unit);
* Configures the amount of time to allow for a single roundtrip network
* communication with the server. This value is added to the request
* timeout to determine the total amount of time that the client should
* wait for a request to complete before timing out.
* Specifying a smaller value, or to zero, will reduce the amount of
* time it takes for the client to report a request that fails to complete
* within the requested timeout, but increases the chance that the
* resulting exception will be a {@link RequestTimeoutException} rather
* than an exception the reflects more specific information about the
* failure on the server, for example, a {@link ConsistencyException}.
* Specifying a longer value will increase the chance that the client will
* be able to throw an exception based on more specific information from
* the server in case of longer network communication delays.
* @param timeout the roundtrip network communication timeout
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the timeout value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the timeout value is negative
* @see #setRequestTimeout
* @hidden For internal use only - part of async API
public KVStoreConfig setNetworkRoundtripTimeout(long timeout,
TimeUnit unit) {
setNetworkRoundtripTimeoutVoid(timeout, unit);
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setNetworkRoundtripTimeoutVoid(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
if (timeout < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout must not be negative");
networkRoundtripTimeout = PropUtil.durationToMillis(timeout, unit);
* Returns the amount of time to allow for a single roundtrip network
* communication with the server. This value is added to the request
* timeout to determine the total amount of time that the client should
* wait for a request to complete before timing out.
If it is not overridden by calling {@link
* #setNetworkRoundtripTimeout}, the default value is {@value
* @param unit the {@code Timeout} to use for the return value
* @return the network roundtrip timeout
* @hidden For internal use only - part of async API
public long getNetworkRoundtripTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
return PropUtil.millisToDuration(networkRoundtripTimeout, unit);
* Configures the default read Consistency to be used when a Consistency is
* not specified for a particular read operation.
* @param consistency the default read Consistency.
* @return this
public KVStoreConfig setConsistency(Consistency consistency)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setConsistencyVoid(Consistency consistency)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (consistency == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Consistency may not be null");
this.consistency = consistency;
* Returns the default read Consistency.
If it is not overridden by calling {@link #setConsistency}, the
* default value is {@link Consistency#NONE_REQUIRED}.
* @return the default read Consistency.
public Consistency getConsistency() {
return consistency;
* Configures the default write Durability to be used when a Durability is
* not specified for a particular write operation.
* @param durability the default write Durability.
* @return this
public KVStoreConfig setDurability(Durability durability)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setDurabilityVoid(Durability durability)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (durability == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Durability may not be null");
this.durability = durability;
* Returns the default write Durability.
* If it is not overridden by calling {@link #setDurability}, the
* default value is {@link Durability#COMMIT_NO_SYNC}.
* @return the default write Durability.
public Durability getDurability() {
return durability;
* Configures the maximum number of requests that can be active for a node
* in the KVStore. Limiting requests in this way helps minimize the
* possibility of thread starvation in situations where one or more nodes
* in the KVStore exhibits long service times and as a result retains
* threads, making them unavailable to service requests to other reachable
* and healthy nodes.
* The long service times can be due to problems at the node itself, or in
* the network path to that node. The KVStore request dispatcher will,
* whenever possible, minimize use of nodes with long service times
* automatically, by re-routing requests to other nodes that can handle
* them. So this mechanism provides an additional margin of safety when
* such re-routing of requests is not possible.
* @return this
public KVStoreConfig
setRequestLimit(RequestLimitConfig requestLimitConfig) {
if (requestLimitConfig == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("requestLimitConfig may not be null");
this.requestLimitConfig = requestLimitConfig;
return this;
* Returns the configuration describing how the number of active requests
* to a node are limited.
* It returns the default value, documented in {@link RequestLimitConfig},
* if it was not overridden by calling {@link #setRequestLimit}.
* @return the request limit configuration
public RequestLimitConfig getRequestLimit() {
return requestLimitConfig;
* @hidden
* Configures the connect/open timeout used when making RMI registry
* lookup requests.
* Note that the setting of these registry timeouts is global and is not
* KVS-specific like the other timeouts. The API itself could be static,
* but that would make it stand out relative to the other timeout apis.
* Revisit this if we ever make these registry apis public.
* @param timeout the open timeout.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the timeout value.
* @return this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the timeout value is negative or
* zero.
public KVStoreConfig setRegistryOpenTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
setRegistryOpenTimeoutVoid(timeout, unit);
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setRegistryOpenTimeoutVoid(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (timeout <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Timeout may not be negative or zero");
registryOpenTimeout = PropUtil.durationToMillis(timeout, unit);
* @hidden
* Returns the socket open timeout associated with sockets used to access
* an RMI registry.
* If it is not overridden by calling {@link #setRegistryOpenTimeout}, the
* default value is {@link #DEFAULT_REGISTRY_OPEN_TIMEOUT}.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the returned value. May not be null.
* @return The open timeout.
public long getRegistryOpenTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
return PropUtil.millisToDuration(registryOpenTimeout, unit);
* @hidden
* Configures the read timeout associated with sockets used to make RMI
* registry requests. Shorter timeouts result in more rapid failure
* detection and recovery. However, this timeout should be sufficiently
* long so as to allow for the longest timeout associated with a request.
* The default value {@link #DEFAULT_REGISTRY_OPEN_TIMEOUT} should
* be sufficient for most configurations.
* Note that the setting of these registry timeouts is global and is not
* KVS-specific like the other timeouts.
* @param timeout the read timeout
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the timeout value.
* @return this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public KVStoreConfig setRegistryReadTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
setRegistryReadTimeoutVoid(timeout, unit);
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setRegistryReadTimeoutVoid(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (timeout <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Timeout may not be negative or zero");
registryReadTimeout = PropUtil.durationToMillis(timeout, unit);
* @hidden
* Returns the read timeout associated with the sockets used to
* make RMI registry requests.
If it is not overridden by calling {@link #setSocketReadTimeout}, the
* default value is {@link #DEFAULT_REGISTRY_OPEN_TIMEOUT}.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the returned value. May not be null.
* @return The open timeout.
public long getRegistryReadTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
return PropUtil.millisToDuration(registryReadTimeout, unit);
* Returns the default timeout value (in ms) associated with chunk access
* during operations on LOBs.
* @see KVLargeObject#getLOB
* @see KVLargeObject#putLOB
* @since 2.0
public long getLOBTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
return PropUtil.millisToDuration(lobTimeout, unit);
* Configures default timeout value associated with chunk access during
* operations on LOBs.
* @param timeout the open timeout.
* @param unit the {@code TimeUnit} of the timeout value.
* @return this
* @see KVLargeObject#getLOB
* @see KVLargeObject#putLOB
* @since 2.0
public KVStoreConfig setLOBTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
setLOBTimeoutVoid(timeout, unit);
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setLOBTimeoutVoid(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (timeout <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Timeout may not be negative or zero");
lobTimeout = PropUtil.durationToMillis(timeout, unit);
* Returns the default suffix associated with LOB keys.
* @see KVLargeObject
* @since 2.0
public String getLOBSuffix() {
return lobSuffix;
* Configures the default suffix associated with LOB keys. The application
* must ensure that the suffix is used consistently across all KVStore
* handles. The suffix is used by the KVStore APIs to ensure that any
* value-changing non-LOB APIs are not invoked on LOB objects and vice
* versa. Failure to use the LOB suffix consistently can result in
* IllegalArgumentException
being thrown if a LOB object is
* created with one LOB suffix and is subsequently accessed
* when a different suffix is in effect. Write operations using
* inconsistent LOB suffixes may result in LOB storage not being reclaimed.
* This method should only be used in the rare case that the default LOB
* suffix value ".lob" is unsuitable.
* @param lobSuffix the LOB suffix string. It must be non-null and
* have a length > 0.
* @return this
* @see KVLargeObject
* @since 2.0
public KVStoreConfig setLOBSuffix(String lobSuffix) {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setLOBSuffixVoid(String lobSuffix) {
if ((lobSuffix == null) || (lobSuffix.length() == 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("The lobSuffix argument must be non-null " +
"and have a length > 0 ");
this.lobSuffix = lobSuffix;
* Returns the number of trailing bytes of a partial LOB that must be
* verified against the user supplied LOB stream when resuming a LOB
* put
* @see KVLargeObject
* @since 2.0
public long getLOBVerificationBytes() {
return lobVerificationBytes;
* Configures the number of trailing bytes of a partial LOB that must be
* verified against the user supplied LOB stream when resuming a
* putLOB
* @param lobVerificationBytes the number of bytes to be verified. A value
* <=0 disables verification.
* @return this
* @see KVLargeObject
* @since 2.0
public KVStoreConfig setLOBVerificationBytes(long lobVerificationBytes) {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setLOBVerificationBytesVoid(long lobVerificationBytes) {
if (lobVerificationBytes < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("lobVerificationBytes: " +
this.lobVerificationBytes = lobVerificationBytes;
* @hidden
* Returns the number of contiguous chunks that can be stored in the same
* partition for a given LOB.
* @see KVLargeObject
* @since 2.0
public int getLOBChunksPerPartition() {
return lobConfig.getChunksPerPartition();
* @hidden
* Configures the number of contiguous chunks that can be stored in the
* same partition for a given LOB.
* @param lobChunksPerPartition the number of partitions
* @return this
* @since 2.0
public KVStoreConfig setLOBChunksPerPartition(int lobChunksPerPartition) {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setLOBChunksPerPartitionVoid(int lobChunksPerPartition) {
if (lobChunksPerPartition <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("lobChunksPerPartition: " +
* @hidden
* Returns the chunk size associated with the chunks used to store a LOB.
* @see KVLargeObject
* @since 2.0
public int getLOBChunkSize() {
return lobConfig.getChunkSize();
* @hidden
* Configures the chunk size associated with the chunks used to store a LOB.
* @see KVLargeObject
* @since 2.0
public KVStoreConfig setLOBChunkSize(int chunkSize) {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setLOBChunkSizeVoid(int chunkSize) {
if (chunkSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("chunkSize: " + chunkSize);
* Returns the zones in which nodes must be located to be used for read
* operations, or {@code null} if read operations can be performed on nodes
* in any zone.
* @return the zones or {@code null}
* @since 3.0
public String[] getReadZones() {
return readZones == null ?
null :
Arrays.copyOf(readZones, readZones.length);
* Sets the zones in which nodes must be located to be used for read
* operations. If the argument is {@code null}, or this method has not
* been called, then read operations can be performed on nodes in any zone.
The specified zones must exist at the time that this configuration
* object is used to create a store, or else {@link
* KVStoreFactory#getStore} will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
Zones specified for read operations can include primary and secondary
* zones. If the master is not located in any of the specified zones,
* either because the zones are all secondary zones or because the master
* node is not currently in one of the specified primary zones, then read
* operations with {@link Consistency#ABSOLUTE} will fail.
* @param zones the zones or {@code null}
* @return this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array argument is not {@code
* null} and is either empty or contains {@code null} or duplicate elements
* @since 3.0
public KVStoreConfig setReadZones(final String... zones) {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setReadZonesVoid(final String[] zones) {
if (zones == null) {
readZones = null;
} else if (zones.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The zones argument must not be empty");
} else {
final String[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(zones, zones.length);
for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++) {
final String zone = copy[i];
if (zone == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The zones argument must not contain null elements");
for (int j = i + 1; j < copy.length; j++) {
if (zone.equals(copy[j])) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The zones argument must not contain" +
" duplicate elements; found multiple copies of '" +
zone + "'");
readZones = copy;
* @hidden
* Configures the default interval for checking on data definition
* operation progress.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the timeout value is negative or
* zero.
public KVStoreConfig setCheckInterval(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
setCheckIntervalVoid(timeout, unit);
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setCheckIntervalVoid(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (timeout <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Timeout may not be zero or negative");
checkIntervalMillis = PropUtil.durationToMillis(timeout, unit);
* @hidden
* Returns the default interval for checking on the progress of async
* data definition or administrative operations.
public long getCheckInterval(TimeUnit unit) {
return PropUtil.millisToDuration(checkIntervalMillis, unit);
* @hidden
* Get the number of times the client will attempt to check status for the
* execution of an asynchronous data definition or administrative statement
* execution in the face of network connection problems.
public int getMaxCheckRetries() {
return maxCheckRetries;
* @hidden
* Set the number of times the client will attempt to check status for the
* execution of an asynchronous data definition or administrative statement
* execution in the face of network connection problems.
public KVStoreConfig setMaxCheckRetries(int maxCheckRetries) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setMaxCheckRetriesVoid(int maxCheckRetries) {
if (maxCheckRetries <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxCheckRetries: " +
this.maxCheckRetries = maxCheckRetries;
* Whether calls to the store should use the async network protocol.
* @hidden
public boolean getUseAsync() {
return useAsync;
* Specifies whether calls to the store should use the async network
* protocol.
* @hidden
public KVStoreConfig setUseAsync(boolean useAsync) {
return this;
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
* @hidden
public void setUseAsyncVoid(boolean useAsync) {
this.useAsync = useAsync;
public String toString() {
return "";
* Configures security properties for the client. The supported properties
* include both authentication properties and transport properties.
* See {@link KVSecurityConstants} for the supported properties.
* @return this
public KVStoreConfig setSecurityProperties(Properties securityProps) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSecurityPropertiesVoid(Properties securityProps) {
this.securityProps = mergeSecurityProps(securityProps,
* Returns a copy of the current security properties. This reflects both the
* properties explicitly set through setSecurityProperties as well as any
* properties obtained from a security property file. Changes to the
* returned object have no effect on configuration settings.
* @return the current security properties
public Properties getSecurityProperties() {
return (Properties) securityProps.clone();
* Merge the masterSecurityProperties with the input properties.
* @return a Properties object, with the settings from masterSecurityProps
* overriding values from newSecurityProps. The caller must ensure that the
* returned value is not modified, as it could be the master security
* properties object that was read at construction time.
private static Properties mergeSecurityProps(
Properties newSecurityProps,
Properties masterSecurityProps) {
if (newSecurityProps == null) {
if (masterSecurityProps == null) {
/* If both are null, return an empty property set */
return new Properties();
/* The (internal) caller is warned to not modify this */
return masterSecurityProps;
final Properties result = (Properties) newSecurityProps.clone();
if (masterSecurityProps != null) {
for (String propName : masterSecurityProps.stringPropertyNames()) {
final String propVal =
result.setProperty(propName, propVal);
return result;
* Read security properties from a configured property file.
private static Properties readSecurityProps()
throws IllegalArgumentException {
final String securityFile =
if (securityFile == null) {
return null;
try {
return KVStoreLogin.createSecurityProperties(securityFile);
} catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"An error was encountered while processing the security " +
"property file " + securityFile, ise);
* Sets the timeout of cached sequence generator attributes in
* milliseconds.
public KVStoreConfig setSGAttrsCacheTimeout(int sgAttrsCacheTimeout) {
this.sgAttrsCacheTimeout = sgAttrsCacheTimeout;
return this;
* Gets the timeout of cached sequence generator attributes in
* milliseconds.
public int getSGAttrsCacheTimeout() {
return sgAttrsCacheTimeout;
* @hidden
* TODO: return null for now, method to be implemented as part of [#26879]
* Gets the local address. If user does not specify it, returns null
* @return the host port of local address or null.
public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() {
return null;