oracle.kv.avro.SpecificAvroBinding Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
* Database made available at:
* http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/nosqldb/downloads/index.html
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
* additional information.
package oracle.kv.avro;
import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord;
import oracle.kv.Value;
* The {@code SpecificAvroBinding} interface has the same methods as {@link
* AvroBinding}, but represents values as instances of a generated Avro
* specific class which implements {@link SpecificRecord}. A single schema
* binding is created using {@link AvroCatalog#getSpecificBinding}, and a
* multiple schema binding is created using {@link
* AvroCatalog#getSpecificMultiBinding}.
* The trade-offs in using a {@code SpecificAvroBinding}, compared to other
* types of bindings, are:
* - Avro specific classes provide type safety and ease of use. Properties
* are accessed through getter/setter methods with parameters and return
* values of the correct type, as defined in the schema.
* - When using Avro specific classes, the client application does not need
* to be aware of the Avro schema at runtime. The generated class has an
* internal reference to its associated schema, and this schema is used by
* the binding, so the application does not need to explicitly supply a
* schema. Schemas are supplied at build time, when the source code for the
* specific class is generated.
* - A potential disadvantage to using Avro specific classes is that the
* set of specific classes used in the application is fixed at build time.
* Applications that wish to treat values generically, or dynamically based
* on the schema, should use a generic or JSON binding instead.
* See {@link AvroCatalog} for general information on Avro bindings and
* schemas. The schemas used in the examples below are described in the {@link
* AvroCatalog} javadoc.
* When using a {@code SpecificAvroBinding}, an Avro specific Java class, which
* implements the Avro {@link SpecificRecord} interface, is used to represent
* values. An Avro specific class is a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) having
* properties (getter and setter methods) for each field in its associated Avro
* schema. The source code for an Avro specific class is generated from an
* Avro schema using the Avro compiler tools; see the Avro example in {@code
* KVHOME/examples/avro} for details.
* For example, the generated Avro specific classes for the example schemas
* are:
* package com.example;
* import org.apache.avro.Schema;
* import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord;
* public class FullName implements SpecificRecord {
* public FullName() {}
* public Schema getSchema() { ... }
* public String getFirst() { ... }
* public void setFirst(String value) { ... }
* public String getLast() { ... }
* public void setLast(String value) { ... }
* }
* public class MemberInfo implements SpecificRecord {
* public MemberInfo() {}
* public Schema getSchema() { ... }
* public FullName getName() { ... }
* public void setName(FullName value) { ... }
* public Integer getAge() { ... }
* public void setAge(Integer value) { ... }
* }
* In addition to the methods shown, useful {@link Object#toString}, {@link
* Object#equals} and {@link Object#hashCode} methods are generated. Avro also
* generates internal methods for performing serialization and deserialization,
* and an internal static field that holds the schema used to compile the
* class. Note that the full Avro schema name and full Java class name are
* always equal.
* The following code fragment demonstrates writing and reading a value using a
* specific single schema binding. Note that no casting is needed when a
* single schema binding is used.
* AvroBinding<MemberInfo> binding =
* avroCatalog.getSpecificBinding(MemberInfo.class);
* // Create object
* FullName name = new FullName();
* name.setFirst(...);
* name.setLast(...);
* MemberInfo object = new MemberInfo();
* object.setName(name);
* object.setAge(...);
* // Serialize and store
* Value value = binding.toValue(object);
* kvStore.put(key, value);
* // Sometime later, retrieve and deserialize
* ValueVersion vv = kvStore.get(key);
* MemberInfo object = binding.toObject(vv.getValue());
* // Use object
* FullName name = object.getName();
* int age = object.getAge();
* ...
* The following code fragment demonstrates reading values with different
* schemas (different specific classes) using a multiple schema binding. Note
* that schema name could also be used to distinguish between classes, instead
* of using {@code instanceof}.
* SpecificAvroBinding<SpecificRecord> binding =
* avroCatalog.getSpecificMultiBinding();
* Iterator<KeyValueVersion> iter = kvStore.multiGetIterator(...);
* for (KeyValueVersion kvv : iter) {
* SpecificRecord object = binding.toObject(kvv.getValue());
* if (object instanceof MemberInfo) {
* MemberInfo member = (MemberInfo) object;
* ...
* } else if (object instanceof OtherSpecificClass) {
* ...
* } else {
* ...
* }
* }
* @param is the {@link SpecificRecord} type of the deserialized object
* that is passed to {@link #toValue toValue} and returned by {@link #toObject
* toObject}. When using a single schema binding, {@code T} is the generated
* Avro specific class, which implements {@link SpecificRecord}. When using a
* multiple schema binding, {@code T} is the {@link SpecificRecord} interface
* itself.
* @since 2.0
* @deprecated as of 4.0, use the table API instead.
public interface SpecificAvroBinding
extends AvroBinding {
* {@inheritDoc}
* If necessary, this method automatically performs schema evolution, as
* described in {@link AvroCatalog}. In the context of schema evolution,
* the writer schema is the one associated internally with the {@code
* value} parameter (this association was normally made earlier when the
* value was stored), and the reader schema is the one associated with the
* Avro specific class of the caller. The schema of an Avro specific class
* is the one from which the class was generated using the Avro compiler
* tools.
* In other words, this method transforms the serialized data in the {@code
* value} parameter to conform to the schema of the Avro specific class
* that is returned.
* @return the deserialized {@link SpecificRecord} instance.
public T toObject(Value value)
throws SchemaNotAllowedException, IllegalArgumentException;
* {@inheritDoc}
* In the context of schema evolution, as described in {@link AvroCatalog},
* the returned value is serialized according to the writer schema. The
* writer schema is the one associated with the Avro specific class of the
* {@code object} parameter. The schema of an Avro specific class is the
* one from which the class was generated using the Avro compiler tools.
* In other words, this method returns serialized data that conforms to the
* schema of the Avro specific class.
* @param object the {@link SpecificRecord} instance the user wishes to
* store, or at least serialize.
* @throws SchemaNotAllowedException if the {@code object} parameter's
* class is not the class passed to {@link AvroCatalog#getSpecificBinding};
* this can only happen if generic type warnings are ignored or suppressed.
* This exception is never thrown by a {@link
* AvroCatalog#getSpecificBinding specific multi-binding}.
public Value toValue(T object)
throws SchemaNotAllowedException, UndefinedSchemaException,