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oracle.kv.hadoop.hive.table.TableSerDeBase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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NoSQL Database Server - supplies build and runtime support for the server (store) side of the Oracle NoSQL Database.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
* Database made available at:
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
* additional information.
package oracle.kv.hadoop.hive.table;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import oracle.kv.FaultException;
import oracle.kv.KVSecurityConstants;
import oracle.kv.KVSecurityException;
import oracle.kv.KVStore;
import oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig;
import oracle.kv.KVStoreFactory;
import oracle.kv.ParamConstant;
import oracle.kv.PasswordCredentials;
import oracle.kv.table.FieldDef;
import oracle.kv.table.Table;
import oracle.kv.table.TableAPI;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.hive_metastoreConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDe;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeStats;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySerDeParameters;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.StructTypeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfo;
* Abstract Hive SerDe class that performs deserialization and/or
* serialization of data loaded into a KVStore via the Table API.
abstract class TableSerDeBase implements SerDe {
private static final String THIS_CLASSNAME =
private static final String FILE_SEP =
private static final String USER_SECURITY_DIR =
System.getProperty("user.dir") + FILE_SEP + "TABLE_SERDE_SECURITY_DIR";
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(THIS_CLASSNAME);
/* Fields shared by sub-classes */
private KVStore kvStore = null;
private TableAPI kvTableApi = null;
private Table kvTable = null;
private List kvFieldNames = null;
private List kvFieldDefs = null;
private List kvFieldTypes = null;
private String hiveTableName = null;
private LazySerDeParameters serdeParams;
private ObjectInspector objInspector;
/* Holds results of deserialization. */
protected List hiveRow;
/* Holds results of serialization. */
protected MapWritable kvMapWritable;
* Transient fields that do not survive serialization/deserialization.
* The initial values for these fields are obtained from the TBLPROPERTIES
* that are specified when the table is created for the first time on the
* Hive client side. Since neither the values of these fields, nor the
* value of TBLPROPERTIES will survive serialization/deserialization during
* Hive query MapReduce processing, a static counterpart is specified for
* each of these fields; where, during initialization, the value of each
* such static field is set to the same initial value as its transient
* counterpart. Then, when this class is reinitialized on the server side,
* since the static fields will survive serialization/deserialization,
* each such transient field uses its static counterpart (instead of
* TBLPROPERTIES) to recover its corresponding value from the client
* side.
private String kvStoreName = null;
private String[] kvHelperHosts = null;
private String[] kvHadoopHosts = null;
private String kvTableName = null;
private String loginFile = null;
private String trustFile = null;
private String username = null;
private String password = null;
* Static fields that survive serialization/deserialization. These fields
* are the counterparts to the transient fields above.
private static String staticKvStoreName = null;
private static String[] staticKvHelperHosts = null;
private static String[] staticKvHadoopHosts = null;
private static String staticKvTableName = null;
private static String staticLoginFile = null;
private static String staticTrustFile = null;
private static String staticUsername = null;
private static String staticPassword = null;
/* Implementation-specific methods each sub-class must provide. */
protected abstract void validateParams(Properties tbl)
throws SerDeException;
protected abstract ObjectInspector createObjectInspector()
throws SerDeException;
* Methods required by BOTH the org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.Deserializer
* interface and the org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.Serializer interface.
* See org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDe.
public void initialize(Configuration job, Properties tbl)
throws SerDeException {
serdeParams = initSerdeParams(job, tbl);
/* For degugging. */
objInspector = createObjectInspector();
hiveRow = new ArrayList();
kvMapWritable = new MapWritable();
* Returns statistics collected when deserializing and/or serializing.
public SerDeStats getSerDeStats() {
return null;
/* Required by the org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.Deserializer interface. */
* Deserializes the given Writable parameter and returns a Java Object
* representing the contents of that parameter. The field parameter
* of this method references a field from a row of the KVStore table
* having the name specified by the tableName field of this class. Thus,
* the Object returned by this method references the contents of that
* table field.
* @param field The Writable object containing a serialized object from
* a row of the KVStore table with name specified by tableName.
* @return A Java object representing the contents in the given table
* field parameter.
public abstract Object deserialize(Writable field) throws SerDeException;
* Returns the ObjectInspector that can be used to navigate through the
* internal structure of the Object returned from the deserialize method.
public ObjectInspector getObjectInspector() throws SerDeException {
return objInspector;
/* Required by the org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.Serializer interface. */
* Return the Writable class returned by the serialize method; which is
* used to initialize the SequenceFile header.
public Class extends Writable> getSerializedClass() {
return MapWritable.class;
* Serialize the given Object by navigating inside the Object with the
* given ObjectInspector. The given Object references a Hive row and
* the return value is an instance of Writable that references a
* KVStore table fieldName:fieldValue pair.
* @param obj The Object whose contents are examined and from which the
* return value is constructed.
* @param objectInspector The object to use to navigate the given Object's
* contents.
* @return A Writable object representing the contents in the given
* Object to seriaize.
public abstract Writable serialize(Object obj,
ObjectInspector objectInspector)
throws SerDeException;
public String toString() {
/* Perform defensive coding to avoid NullPoinerException. */
final String[] helperHosts = getKvHelperHosts();
String helperHostsStr = null;
if (helperHosts != null) {
helperHostsStr = (Arrays.asList(helperHosts)).toString();
final String[] hadoopHosts = getKvHadoopHosts();
String hadoopHostsStr = null;
if (hadoopHosts != null) {
hadoopHostsStr = (Arrays.asList(hadoopHosts)).toString();
String hiveColumnNamesStr = null;
String hiveColumnTypesStr = null;
if (serdeParams != null) {
final TypeInfo typeInfo = serdeParams.getRowTypeInfo();
if (typeInfo != null) {
hiveColumnNamesStr =
(((StructTypeInfo) typeInfo).getAllStructFieldNames())
hiveColumnTypesStr =
(((StructTypeInfo) typeInfo).getAllStructFieldTypeInfos())
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("[");
buf.append("kvStoreName=" + getKvStoreName());
buf.append("kvHelperHosts=" + helperHostsStr);
buf.append("kvHadoopHosts=" + hadoopHostsStr);
buf.append("kvTableName=" + getKvTableName());
buf.append("kvFieldNames=" + getKvFieldNames());
buf.append("kvFieldTypes=" + getKvFieldTypes());
buf.append("hiveTableName=" + getHiveTableName());
buf.append("hiveSeparators=" + getSeparatorsStr(serdeParams));
buf.append("hiveColumnNames=" + hiveColumnNamesStr);
buf.append("hiveColumnTypes=" + hiveColumnTypesStr);
return buf.toString();
String getKvStoreName() {
return kvStoreName;
String[] getKvHelperHosts() {
return kvHelperHosts;
String[] getKvHadoopHosts() {
return kvHadoopHosts;
String getKvTableName() {
return kvTableName;
TableAPI getKvTableApi() {
return kvTableApi;
Table getKvTable() {
return kvTable;
List getKvFieldNames() {
return kvFieldNames;
List getKvFieldDefs() {
return kvFieldDefs;
List getKvFieldTypes() {
return kvFieldTypes;
LazySerDeParameters getSerdeParams() {
return serdeParams;
String getHiveTableName() {
return hiveTableName;
* Convenience method that return the byte value of the given number
* String; where if the given defaultVal is returned if the given number
* String is not a number.
static byte getByte(String altValue, byte defaultVal) {
if (altValue != null && altValue.length() > 0) {
try {
return Byte.valueOf(altValue).byteValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return (byte) altValue.charAt(0);
return defaultVal;
* Convenience method that returns a comma-separated String consisting of
* the Hive column separators specified in the given LazySerDeParameters.
String getSeparatorsStr(LazySerDeParameters params) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("[");
if (params != null) {
final byte[] seps = params.getSeparators();
for (int i = 0; i < seps.length; i++) {
if (i < seps.length - 1) {
return buf.toString();
private void initKvStoreParams(Properties tbl) throws SerDeException {
kvStoreName = tbl.getProperty(ParamConstant.KVSTORE_NAME.getName());
if (kvStoreName == null) {
kvStoreName = staticKvStoreName;
if (kvStoreName == null) {
final String msg =
"No KV Store name specified. Specify the store name via " +
"the '" + ParamConstant.KVSTORE_NAME.getName() +
"' property in the TBLPROPERTIES clause when creating " +
"the Hive table";
throw new SerDeException(new IllegalArgumentException(msg));
} else {
staticKvStoreName = kvStoreName;
final String helperHosts =
if (helperHosts != null) {
kvHelperHosts = helperHosts.trim().split(",");
staticKvHelperHosts = helperHosts.trim().split(",");
} else {
if (staticKvHelperHosts != null) {
kvHelperHosts = new String[staticKvHelperHosts.length];
for (int i = 0; i < staticKvHelperHosts.length; i++) {
kvHelperHosts[i] = staticKvHelperHosts[i];
} else {
final String msg =
"No KV Store helper hosts specified. Specify the helper " +
"hosts via the '" + ParamConstant.KVSTORE_NODES.getName() +
"' property in the TBLPROPERTIES clause when creating " +
"the Hive table";
throw new SerDeException(new IllegalArgumentException(msg));
final String hadoopHosts =
if (hadoopHosts != null) {
kvHadoopHosts = hadoopHosts.trim().split(",");
staticKvHadoopHosts = hadoopHosts.trim().split(",");
} else {
if (staticKvHadoopHosts != null) {
kvHadoopHosts = new String[staticKvHadoopHosts.length];
for (int i = 0; i < staticKvHadoopHosts.length; i++) {
kvHadoopHosts[i] = staticKvHadoopHosts[i];
} else {
kvHadoopHosts = new String[kvHelperHosts.length];
staticKvHadoopHosts = new String[staticKvHelperHosts.length];
for (int i = 0; i < kvHelperHosts.length; i++) {
/* Strip off the ':port' suffix */
final String[] hostPort =
final String[] staticHostPort =
kvHadoopHosts[i] = hostPort[0];
staticKvHadoopHosts[i] = staticHostPort[0];
kvTableName = tbl.getProperty(ParamConstant.TABLE_NAME.getName());
if (kvTableName == null) {
kvTableName = staticKvTableName;
if (kvTableName == null) {
final String msg =
"No KV Table name specified. Specify the table name via " +
"the '" + ParamConstant.TABLE_NAME.getName() +
"' property in the TBLPROPERTIES clause when creating " +
"the Hive table";
throw new SerDeException(new IllegalArgumentException(msg));
} else {
staticKvTableName = kvTableName;
/* Handle the params related to security. */
final String loginFileVal =
if (loginFileVal != null) {
loginFile = loginFileVal;
staticLoginFile = loginFileVal;
} else {
if (staticLoginFile != null) {
loginFile = staticLoginFile;
final String trustFileVal =
if (trustFileVal != null) {
trustFile = trustFileVal;
staticTrustFile = trustFileVal;
} else {
if (staticTrustFile != null) {
trustFile = staticTrustFile;
final String localLoginFile =
createLocalKVSecurity(loginFile, trustFile);
final String usernameVal =
if (usernameVal != null) {
username = usernameVal;
staticUsername = usernameVal;
} else {
if (staticUsername != null) {
username = staticUsername;
final String passwordVal =
if (passwordVal != null) {
password = passwordVal;
staticPassword = passwordVal;
} else {
if (staticPassword != null) {
password = staticPassword;
PasswordCredentials passwordCreds = null;
if (username != null && password != null) {
final char[] userPassword = password.toCharArray();
passwordCreds =
new PasswordCredentials(username, userPassword);
} else {
passwordCreds = createPasswordCredentials(tbl, username);
final KVStoreConfig kvStoreConfig =
new KVStoreConfig(kvStoreName, kvHelperHosts);
* If the same Hive CLI session is used to run queries that must
* connect to different KVStores where one store is non-secure and
* the other is secure, then since the security information is stored
* in the state of this class, if an attempt is made to connect to
* the non-secure store and that security information is non-null,
* then a FaultException will be thrown when attempting to connect
* to the store. This is because that non-null security information
* will cause the connection mechanism to attempt a secure connection
* instead of a non-secure connection. To address this, FaultException
* is caught and the connection attempt is retried with no security
* information.
* Also, to support testing using a KVStore mock, the kvstore is
* tested for null. Where if kvstore is NOT null, then it is assumed
* that a mock of the kvstore has been created by a test, and the
* attempt to find and connect to the real kvstore is by-passed.
RuntimeException cause = null;
if (kvStore == null) {
try {
kvStore = KVStoreFactory.getStore(
kvStoreConfig, passwordCreds, null);
} catch (FaultException fe) {
cause = fe;
} catch (KVSecurityException kse) {
cause = kse;
if (cause != null) {
if (passwordCreds != null) {
final KVStoreConfig kvStoreConfigNonSecure =
new KVStoreConfig(kvStoreName, kvHelperHosts);
kvStore = KVStoreFactory.getStore(kvStoreConfigNonSecure);
} else {
throw cause;
kvTableApi = kvStore.getTableAPI();
kvTable = kvTableApi.getTable(kvTableName);
if (kvTable == null) {
final String msg =
"Store does not contain table [name=" + kvTableName + "]";
throw new SerDeException(new IllegalArgumentException(msg));
kvFieldNames = kvTable.getFields();
kvFieldDefs = new ArrayList();
kvFieldTypes = new ArrayList();
for (String fieldName : kvFieldNames) {
final FieldDef fieldDef = kvTable.getField(fieldName);
private LazySerDeParameters initSerdeParams(
Configuration job, Properties tbl) throws SerDeException {
hiveTableName =
* The above returns a value of the form: 'databaseName.tableName'.
* For the logging output below, strip off the database name prefix.
final int indx = hiveTableName.indexOf(".");
if (indx >= 0) {
hiveTableName = hiveTableName.substring(indx + 1);
return new LazySerDeParameters(job, tbl, THIS_CLASSNAME);
* Convenience method for debugging. Performs defensive coding to avoid
* NullPoinerException.
private void displayInitParams(final LazySerDeParameters params) {
final String[] helperHosts = getKvHelperHosts();
String helperHostsStr = null;
if (helperHosts != null) {
helperHostsStr = (Arrays.asList(helperHosts)).toString();
final String[] hadoopHosts = getKvHadoopHosts();
String hadoopHostsStr = null;
if (hadoopHosts != null) {
hadoopHostsStr = (Arrays.asList(hadoopHosts)).toString();
String hiveColumnNamesStr = null;
String hiveColumnTypesStr = null;
String nullSequenceStr = null;
String isLastColumnTakesRestStr = null;
String isEscapedStr = null;
String escapeCharStr = null;
if (params != null) {
hiveColumnNamesStr = (params.getColumnNames()).toString();
hiveColumnTypesStr = (params.getColumnTypes()).toString();
nullSequenceStr = (params.getNullSequence()).toString();
isLastColumnTakesRestStr =
isEscapedStr = Boolean.toString(params.isEscaped());
escapeCharStr = Byte.toString(params.getEscapeChar());
LOG.debug("kvStoreName = " + getKvStoreName());
LOG.debug("kvHelperHosts = " + helperHostsStr);
LOG.debug("kvHadoopHosts = " + hadoopHostsStr);
LOG.debug("kvTableName = " + getKvTableName());
LOG.debug("kvFieldNames = " + getKvFieldNames());
LOG.debug("kvFieldTypes = " + getKvFieldTypes());
LOG.debug("hiveTableName = " + getHiveTableName());
LOG.debug("hiveSeparators = " + getSeparatorsStr(params));
LOG.debug("hiveColumnNames = " + hiveColumnNamesStr);
LOG.debug("hiveColumnTypes = " + hiveColumnTypesStr);
LOG.debug("nullSequence = " + nullSequenceStr);
LOG.debug("lastColumnTakesRest = " + isLastColumnTakesRestStr);
LOG.debug("isEscaped = " + isEscapedStr);
LOG.debug("escapeChar = " + escapeCharStr);
private String createLocalKVSecurity(final String loginFlnm,
final String trustFlnm)
throws SerDeException {
if (loginFlnm == null) {
return null;
if (trustFlnm == null) {
return null;
String localLoginFile = loginFlnm;
String localTrustFile = trustFlnm;
final File localLoginFileFd = new File(localLoginFile);
final File localTrustFileFd = new File(localTrustFile);
if (!localLoginFileFd.exists() || !localTrustFileFd.exists()) {
final ClassLoader cl = TableSerDeBase.class.getClassLoader();
final File userSecurityDirFd = new File(USER_SECURITY_DIR);
if (!userSecurityDirFd.exists()) {
if (!userSecurityDirFd.mkdirs()) {
throw new SerDeException(
new IOException(
"failed to create " + userSecurityDirFd));
try {
if (!localTrustFileFd.exists()) {
if (localTrustFileFd.isAbsolute()) {
localTrustFile = localTrustFileFd.getName();
InputStream trustStream = null;
if (cl != null) {
trustStream = cl.getResourceAsStream(localTrustFile);
} else {
trustStream =
final File trustFd =
new File(USER_SECURITY_DIR + FILE_SEP + localTrustFile);
final FileOutputStream trustFlnmFos =
new FileOutputStream(trustFd);
if (trustStream != null) {
int nextByte =;
while (nextByte != -1) {
nextByte =;
if (!localLoginFileFd.exists()) {
String loginFileNoPath = localLoginFile;
if (localLoginFileFd.isAbsolute()) {
loginFileNoPath = localLoginFileFd.getName();
InputStream loginStream = null;
if (cl != null) {
loginStream = cl.getResourceAsStream(loginFileNoPath);
} else {
loginStream =
final Properties loginProps = new Properties();
if (loginStream != null) {
final String trustFlnmFromLogin =
if (trustFlnmFromLogin != null &&
!trustFlnmFromLogin.equals(localTrustFile)) {
/* Replace /trustFlnm with existing trustFlnm. */
localLoginFile =
final File loginFd = new File(localLoginFile);
final FileOutputStream loginFos =
new FileOutputStream(loginFd);, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerDeException(e);
return localLoginFile;
private PasswordCredentials createPasswordCredentials(
final Properties tblProps,
final String user)
throws SerDeException {
if (user == null) {
return null;
String passwordLoc = null;
Integer passwordOrWallet = null; /* 0=file, 1=wallet, null=no pwd */
PasswordCredentials passwordCredentials = null;
String passwordLocVal = tblProps.getProperty(
if (passwordLocVal != null) {
passwordLoc = passwordLocVal;
passwordOrWallet = 1;
} else {
passwordLocVal = tblProps.getProperty(
if (passwordLocVal != null) {
passwordLoc = passwordLocVal;
passwordOrWallet = 0;
if (passwordLoc != null) {
PasswordStore passwordStore = null;
/* Retrieve the password from the wallet or password file. */
if (passwordOrWallet != null) {
PasswordManager storeMgr = null;
if (passwordOrWallet == 1) {
final File walletDirFd = new File(passwordLoc);
if (walletDirFd.exists()) {
try {
storeMgr = PasswordManager.load(
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); /* Send to DataNode stderr. */
throw new SerDeException(e); /* Send to Hive CLI */
passwordStore = storeMgr.getStoreHandle(walletDirFd);
} else {
final File passwordFileFd = new File(passwordLoc);
if (passwordFileFd.exists()) {
try {
storeMgr = PasswordManager.load(
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); /* Send to DataNode stderr. */
throw new SerDeException(e); /* Send to Hive CLI */
passwordStore =
/* Create the PasswordCredentials from user & password. */
if (passwordStore != null) {
try {;
final Collection secretAliases =
final Iterator aliasItr = secretAliases.iterator();
final char[] userPassword = (aliasItr.hasNext() ?
passwordStore.getSecret( : null);
username = user;
staticUsername = username;
password = String.valueOf(userPassword);
staticPassword = password;
passwordCredentials =
new PasswordCredentials(user, userPassword);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerDeException(e);
return passwordCredentials;
* For testing only; to support the use of a mocked store.
protected void setStore(final KVStore testStore) {
this.kvStore = testStore;