oracle.kv.hadoop.hive.table.V1V2TableUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
* Database made available at:
* http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/nosqldb/downloads/index.html
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
* additional information.
package oracle.kv.hadoop.hive.table;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import oracle.kv.KVSecurityConstants;
import oracle.kv.ParamConstant;
import oracle.kv.PasswordCredentials;
import oracle.kv.hadoop.table.TableInputFormat;
import oracle.kv.hadoop.table.TableInputSplit;
import oracle.kv.table.PrimaryKey;
import oracle.kv.table.Row;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;
* Utility class that provides static convenience methods for managing the
* interactions between version 1 and version 2 (YARN) MapReduce classes.
public final class V1V2TableUtil {
private static final Object V1_V2_UTIL_LOCK = new Object();
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(
private static InputFormat v2InputFormat;
private static Map v1V2SplitMap;
* Utility class. Do not allow instantiation.
private V1V2TableUtil() {
* For the current Hive query, returns a singleton collection that
* maps each version 1 InputSplit for the query to its corresponding
* version 2 InputSplit. If the call to this method is the first call
* after the query has been entered on the command line and the input
* info for the job has been reset (using resetInputJobInfoForNewQuery),
* this method will construct and populate the return Map; otherwise,
* it will return the previously constructed Map.
* Implementation Note: when the getInputFormat method from this class
* is called to retrieve the TableInputFormat instance, only the VERY FIRST
* call to getInputFormat will construct an instance of TableInputFormat;
* all additional calls will always return the original instance created
* by that first call. More importantly, in addition to constructing a
* TableInputFormat instance, that first call to getInputFormat also
* constructs and populates the Map returned by this method; which is
* achieved via a call to the getSplits method on the newly created
* TableInputFormat instance.
* Since the first call to the getInputFormat method of this class has
* already called TableInputFormat.getSplits and placed the retrieved
* splits in the Map to return here, it is no longer necessary to make
* any additional calls to TableInputFormat.getSplits. Not only is it not
* necessary to call TableInputFormat.getSplits, but such a call should
* be avoided. This is because any call to TableInputFormat.getSplits
* will result in remote calls to the KVStore; which can be very costly.
* As a result, one should NEVER make a call such as,
* getInputFormat().getSplits()
* as such a call may result in two successive calls to
* TableInputFormat.getSplits. Thus, to avoid the situation just described,
* this method only needs to call getInputFormat (not getSplits()) to
* construct and populate the Map to return.
public static Map getSplitMap(
final JobConf jobConf,
final TableHiveInputSplit inputSplit,
final int queryBy,
final String whereClause,
final Integer shardKeyPartitionId) throws IOException {
synchronized (V1_V2_UTIL_LOCK) {
if (v1V2SplitMap == null) {
/* Construct & populate both the splitMap and v2InputFormat */
getInputFormat(jobConf, inputSplit,
queryBy, whereClause, shardKeyPartitionId);
return v1V2SplitMap;
public static Map getSplitMap(
final JobConf jobConf,
final int queryBy,
final String whereClause,
final Integer shardKeyPartitionId) throws IOException {
return getSplitMap(jobConf, null,
queryBy, whereClause, shardKeyPartitionId);
* For the current Hive query, constructs and returns a YARN based
* InputFormat class that will be used when processing the query.
* This method also constructs and populates a singleton Map whose
* elements are key/value pairs in which each key is a version 1
* split for the returned InputFormat, and each value is the key's
* corresponding version 2 split. Note that both the InputFormat and
* the Map are contructed only on the first call to this method for
* the given query. On all subsequent calls, the original objects
* are returned; until the resetInputJobInfoForNewQuery method from
* this utility is called.
public static InputFormat getInputFormat(
final JobConf jobConf,
final TableHiveInputSplit inputSplit,
final int queryBy,
final String whereClause,
final Integer shardKeyPartitionId) throws IOException {
Path[] tablePaths = FileInputFormat.getInputPaths(jobConf);
if (tablePaths == null || tablePaths.length == 0) {
LOG.debug("FileInputFormat.getInputPaths returned " +
(tablePaths == null ? "NULL" : "zero length array"));
if (inputSplit != null) {
tablePaths = new Path[] { inputSplit.getPath() };
} else {
* This should never happen, but if it does, then set the
* tablePaths to a value that may help with debugging.
tablePaths = new Path[] { new Path("/TABLE_PATHS_NOT_SET") };
LOG.debug("tablePaths[0] = " + tablePaths[0]);
getStoreInfo(jobConf, inputSplit);
synchronized (V1_V2_UTIL_LOCK) {
if (v2InputFormat == null) {
/* Instantiate & initialize the v2InputFormat to return. */
v2InputFormat = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(
TableInputFormat.class, jobConf);
* Tell v2InputFormat whether to use partitions or shards.
* Must do this BEFORE calling getSplits below; which
* constructs the splits based on partitions or shards.
((TableInputFormat) v2InputFormat).setQueryInfo(
queryBy, whereClause, shardKeyPartitionId);
/* Construct and populate the v1V2SplitMap. */
v1V2SplitMap =
new HashMap();
final List v2Splits;
try {
v2Splits = v2InputFormat.getSplits(new Job(jobConf));
for (InputSplit curV2Split : v2Splits) {
new TableHiveInputSplit(
tablePaths[0], (TableInputSplit) curV2Split),
(TableInputSplit) curV2Split);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
return v2InputFormat;
public static InputFormat getInputFormat(
final JobConf jobConf,
final int queryBy,
final String whereClause,
final Integer shardKeyPartitionId) throws IOException {
return getInputFormat(jobConf, null,
queryBy, whereClause, shardKeyPartitionId);
* Clears and resets the information related to the current job's input
* classes.
* This method must be called before each new query has been entered on
* the command line; to reset the splits as well as the InputFormats
* participating in the job.
* Note that the Hive infrastructure and BigDataSQL each employ
* different code paths with respect to the initialization of the
* query state set in TableStorageHandlerBase. That is, for a
* Hive-only query, the path consists of the following calls:
* decomposePredicate followed by configureJobProperties;
* whereas for a BigDataSQL query, the code path consists of:
* configureJobProperties followed by decomposePredicate. As
* a result, this method must be invoked after processing of the
* current query has completed; for example, in the close method
* of the record reader.
public static void resetInputJobInfoForNewQuery() {
synchronized (V1_V2_UTIL_LOCK) {
if (v1V2SplitMap != null) {
v1V2SplitMap = null;
v2InputFormat = null;
* Convenience method that sets the properties the current Hive query
* job needs to connect to and retrieve records from the store;
* specifically, the name of the store and the store's helper hosts.
* Implementation Note: if the Hive query to be performed is a
* "client-side query" -- that is, a query in which the processing
* occurs only on the Hive client, not via a MapReduce job -- then
* the values handled by this method should be already set; via the
* TBLPROPERTIES entered on the Hive command line. On the other
* hand, if the query is complex enough that the Hive infrastructure
* must construct and submit a MapReduce job to perform the query,
* then the values set by this method are obtained from the given
* InputSplit; which must be Non-Null.
private static void getStoreInfo(final JobConf jobConf,
final TableHiveInputSplit split) {
/* 1. Store name */
String storeName = jobConf.get(ParamConstant.KVSTORE_NAME.getName());
if (storeName == null) {
/* Must be MapReduce: get store name from split if it exists. */
if (split != null) {
storeName = split.getKVStoreName();
if (storeName != null) {
ParamConstant.KVSTORE_NAME.getName(), storeName);
/* 2. Helper Hosts */
String hostsStr = jobConf.get(ParamConstant.KVSTORE_NODES.getName());
if (hostsStr == null) {
/* Must be MapReduce: get store nodes from split if it exists. */
if (split != null) {
final String[] hostsArray = split.getKVHelperHosts();
if (hostsArray != null) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(hostsArray[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < hostsArray.length; i++) {
buf.append("," + hostsArray[i]);
hostsStr = buf.toString();
ParamConstant.KVSTORE_NODES.getName(), hostsStr);
/* 3. Table name */
String tableName = jobConf.get(ParamConstant.TABLE_NAME.getName());
if (tableName == null) {
/* Must be MapReduce: get table name from split if it exists. */
if (split != null) {
tableName = split.getTableName();
if (tableName != null) {
jobConf.set(ParamConstant.TABLE_NAME.getName(), tableName);
* 4. Security artifacts, loginFile, trustFile, PasswordCredentials.
* Note that if any of the properties retrieved below that
* correspond to a file is either not set (null), or is set to
* a path that cannot be found on the local file system, then
* assume it must be a MapReduce job, and try to get the name
* of the file and credentials from the split (if it exists).
* If those artifacts cannot be obtained, then try to execute
* without security.
/* 4a. Login file name. */
String loginFile =
if (loginFile == null) {
if (split != null) {
loginFile = split.getSecurityLogin();
if (loginFile != null) {
KVSecurityConstants.SECURITY_FILE_PROPERTY, loginFile);
} else {
final File loginFileFd = new File(loginFile);
if (!loginFileFd.exists()) {
if (split != null) {
loginFile = split.getSecurityLogin();
KVSecurityConstants.SECURITY_FILE_PROPERTY, loginFile);
} else {
KVSecurityConstants.SECURITY_FILE_PROPERTY, loginFile);
/* 4b.Trust file name. */
String trustFile =
if (trustFile == null) {
if (split != null) {
trustFile = split.getSecurityTrust();
if (trustFile != null) {
} else {
final File trustFileFd = new File(trustFile);
if (!trustFileFd.exists()) {
if (split != null) {
trustFile = split.getSecurityTrust();
} else {
/* 4c. PasswordCredentials (username and password). */
final String walletLoc = jobConf.get(
final String pwdLoc = jobConf.get(
if (walletLoc == null && pwdLoc == null) {
if (split != null) {
final PasswordCredentials passwordCredentials =
if (passwordCredentials != null) {
if (walletLoc != null) {
final File walletLocFd = new File(walletLoc);
if (!walletLocFd.exists()) {
if (split != null) {
final PasswordCredentials passwordCredentials =
if (passwordCredentials != null) {
} else if (pwdLoc != null) {
final File pwdLocFd = new File(pwdLoc);
if (!pwdLocFd.exists()) {
if (split != null) {
final PasswordCredentials passwordCredentials =
if (passwordCredentials != null) {