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oracle.kv.impl.admin.Admin Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
 * Database made available at:
 * Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
 * appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
 * additional information.
package oracle.kv.impl.admin;

import static oracle.kv.impl.util.contextlogger.ContextUtils.fineWithCtx;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.contextlogger.ContextUtils.isLoggableWithCtx;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.contextlogger.ContextUtils.warningWithCtx;

import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import oracle.kv.FaultException;
import oracle.kv.KVSecurityConstants;
import oracle.kv.KVStore;
import oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig;
import oracle.kv.KVStoreException;
import oracle.kv.KVStoreFactory;
import oracle.kv.KVVersion;
import oracle.kv.LoginCredentials;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.client.PoolCommand;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.criticalevent.CriticalEvent;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.criticalevent.EventRecorder;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.criticalevent.EventRecorder.LatestEventTimestamps;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.AdminParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.ArbNodeParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.DatacenterParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.GlobalParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.Parameters;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.RepNodeParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.StorageNodeParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.StorageNodePool;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.DeployDatacenterPlan;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.DeploymentInfo;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.ExecutionState.ExceptionTransfer;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.Plan;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.PlanRun;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.Planner;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.StatusReport;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.VerifyDataPlan;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.task.UpdateMetadata;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.RealizedTopology;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.Rules;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.Rules.Results;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.TopologyBuilder;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.TopologyCandidate;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.TopologyDiff;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.Validations.RulesProblem;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ClientId;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.KVStoreInternalFactory;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.RequestDispatcherImpl;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.table.TableLimits;
import oracle.kv.impl.client.admin.ExecutionInfo;
import oracle.kv.impl.client.admin.ExecutionInfoImpl;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.CommandFaultException;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.DatabaseNotReadyException;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.OperationFaultException;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.ProcessExitCode;
import oracle.kv.impl.metadata.Metadata;
import oracle.kv.impl.metadata.Metadata.MetadataType;
import oracle.kv.impl.metadata.MetadataInfo;
import oracle.kv.impl.monitor.Monitor;
import oracle.kv.impl.monitor.MonitorKeeper;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.LoadParameters;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.Parameter;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterListener;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterMap;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterState;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterTracker;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.SizeParameter;
import oracle.kv.impl.query.QueryException;
import oracle.kv.impl.query.QueryStateException;
import oracle.kv.impl.sna.StorageNodeAgentAPI;
import oracle.kv.impl.sna.StorageNodeStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.test.TestHook;
import oracle.kv.impl.test.TestHookExecute;
import oracle.kv.impl.test.TestStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.AdminId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.AdminType;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.ArbNodeId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.Datacenter;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.DatacenterId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.DatacenterType;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.PartitionId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepNode;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepNodeId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.ResourceId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.StorageNode;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.StorageNodeId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.StorageNodeMap;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.Topology;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.ConfigUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.ConfigurableService.ServiceStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.DatabaseUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.FileNames;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.FileUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.JsonUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.SerialVersion;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.ServiceUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.StateTracker;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.TopologyPrinter;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.TxnUtil;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.UserDataControl;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.VersionUtil;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.contextlogger.LogContext;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.ClientSocketFactory;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.RegistryUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.server.JENotifyHooks.LogRewriteListener;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.server.JENotifyHooks.RecoveryListener;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.server.JENotifyHooks.RedirectHandler;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.server.JENotifyHooks.SyncupListener;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.server.LoggerUtils;
import oracle.kv.util.ErrorMessage;

import com.sleepycat.persist.model.Entity;
import com.sleepycat.persist.model.PrimaryKey;

import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ArrayNode;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode;

 * An instance of the Admin class provides the general API underlying the
 * administrative interface.  It also owns the global Topology, System
 * Metadata, Parameters and Monitor instances, and provides interfaces
 * for fetching and storing them.
public class Admin
        implements MonitorKeeper, ParameterListener, StateChangeListener {

    public static final String CAUSE_CREATE = "after create";
    public static final String CAUSE_APPROVE = "after approval";
    private static final String CAUSE_CANCEL = "after cancel";
    private static final String CAUSE_INTERRUPT = "after interrupt";
    public static final String CAUSE_INTERRUPT_REQUEST =
        "after interrupt requested";
    public static final String CAUSE_EXEC = "after execution";
    private static final long ADMIN_JE_CACHE_SIZE = 0;
    private final AdminId adminId;
    private AdminId masterId;

    /* For testing only */
    public static TestHook EXECUTE_HOOK;

     * For testing only.  Called at the start of the shutdown method with the
     * admin object as an argument.
    public static volatile TestHook beginShutdownHook;

     * This is the maximum number of change history objects that are allowed
     * to be stored with each metadata objects in the Admin database.
    private static final int MAX_MD_CHANGE_HISTORY = 1000;

     * The parameters used to configure the Admin instance.
    private final AdminServiceParams myParams;

     * Reference to planner. The planner is present only when the Admin is the
     * master, otherwise the field is null. Access must be synchronized
     * on the Admin instance.
    private volatile Planner planner;

     * Track listeners for parameter changes.
    private final ParameterTracker parameterTracker;

     * Track listeners for global parameter changes.
    private final ParameterTracker globalParameterTracker;

     * Track listeners for security metadata change.
    private final SecurityMDTracker securityMDTracker;

     * Track listeners for topology and parameter changes.
    private final SNParameterChangeTracker parameterChangeTracker;

     * Monitoring services in the store.
    private Monitor monitor;

     * SN consistency checker
    private ParamConsistencyChecker metadataAdminChecker;
    private SoftwareVersionUpdater versionUpdater;

     * The minimum release that supports the metadata consistency and
     * version updater utility threads.
    private KVVersion MIN_UTIL_THREAD_VERSION = KVVersion.R18_1;

     * Subsystem for recording significant monitor events.
    private EventRecorder eventRecorder;

    private final Logger logger;

    private Parameters parameters;

    private Memo memo;

    private final EnvironmentConfig envConfig;
    private final ReplicationConfig repConfig;
    private final File envDir;
    private final File snapshotDir;
    private final StateTracker stateTracker;
    private final ReplicatedEnvironment environment;

    private final AdminService owner; /* May be null. */

    private final UncaughtExceptionHandler exceptionHandler;

     * startupStatus is used to coordinate admin initialization between the
     * current thread and the thread that has been spawned to asynchronously do
     * the longer-running init tasks.
    private final StartupStatus startupStatus;
    private volatile boolean closing = false;
    private int eventStoreCounter = 0;
    private int eventStoreAgingFrequency = 100;

     * This is the minimum version that the store is operating at. This
     * starts at the current release prerequisite since this admin should
     * not be able to be installed if the prereq was not met.
    private volatile KVVersion storeVersion = KVVersion.PREREQUISITE_VERSION;

     * This is the minimum version the whole admin group is operating at.
    private volatile KVVersion adminVersion = KVVersion.PREREQUISITE_VERSION;

    private final AdminStores stores;

    /* Thread to monotor Admin upgrade. */
    private StoppableThread upgradeMonitor;

    /* Thread to creat/upgrade system tables. */
    private SysTableMonitor sysTableMonitor;

     * Admin je.maxDisk default value. This is an estimated maximum based on
     * creation of a large number of plans and tables. If it is insufficient
     * it can be overridden by specifying configParameters for the admin. In
     * the future we expect to reduce this size using metadata pruning.
    private static final long ADMIN_DEFAULT_MAX_DISK =
        3 * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L;

    /* An internal kvstore handle. */
    private volatile KVStore kvstore;

     * Public constructor for unit test.
    public Admin(AdminServiceParams params) {
        this(params, null);

     * Constructor.
    Admin(AdminServiceParams params, AdminService owner) {

        this.owner = owner;

        parameters = null;
        myParams = params;
        exceptionHandler = new AdminExceptionHandler();
        parameterTracker = new ParameterTracker();
        globalParameterTracker = new ParameterTracker();
        securityMDTracker = new SecurityMDTracker();
        parameterChangeTracker = new SNParameterChangeTracker();

        final AdminParams adminParams = myParams.getAdminParams();
        final StorageNodeParams snParams = myParams.getStorageNodeParams();

        this.adminId = adminParams.getAdminId();

         * adminMountMap contains single entry corresponding to
         * individual admin storage directory.
        ParameterMap adminMountMap = snParams.getAdminDirMap();
        String adminDirName = null;
        long adminDirSize = 0L;
        if (adminMountMap != null) {
            for (Parameter adminDir : adminMountMap) {
                adminDirName = adminDir.getName();
                adminDirSize = SizeParameter.getSize(adminDir);

         * TODO : We are doing validate[Rep/Arb]NodeDirectory and also
         * raising warnings for not mentioning size before following steps
         * for storage node. These checks need to be considered for admindir.
        if (adminDirName != null) {
             * We have dedicated admin mount point specified.
            envDir = FileNames.getAdminEnvDir(adminDirName, adminId);
            snapshotDir = FileNames.getAdminSnapshotDir(adminDirName, adminId);
        } else {
            envDir =
                     null, snParams.getStorageNodeId(), adminId);

            snapshotDir =
                     null, snParams.getStorageNodeId(), adminId);

        final boolean created = FileNames.makeDir(envDir);

         * Add a log handler to send logging messages on the Admin process to
         * the Monitor. This must happen before the first monitor is
         * instantiated.  This registration lasts the lifetime of the Admin.
            (myParams.getGlobalParams().getKVStoreName(), adminId, this);

         * Monitor should exist before the planner, and preferably before
         * any loggers, so that Admin logging can be sent to the store-wide
         * view.
        monitor = new Monitor(myParams, this, getLoginManager());

         * By creating the event recorder early in the bootstrapping process, we
         * put a stake in the ground with the Trackers to avoid the pruning of
         * early events.  However, we can't start up the recorder until after
         * the persistent environment is viable.
        eventRecorder = new EventRecorder(this);

        addParameterListener(new KVMetadataAdminThreadParameterListenter());
        addParameterChangeListener(new KVAdminParameterListener());

        /* Logger must be created after the registering the monitor handler */
        logger = LoggerUtils.getLogger(this.getClass(), myParams);

         * Any socket timeouts observed by the ClientSocketFactory in this
         * process will be logged to this logger.
        ClientSocketFactory.setTimeoutLogger(logger);"Initializing " + myParams.getAdminParams().getType() +
                    " Admin for store: " +
        if (created) {
  "Created new admin environment dir: " + envDir);

         * maxDisk should always be set for Admin.
         * If admindirsize is not specified, then check diskSize for admindir,
         * if specified, or kvroot, if admindir is not specified.  If the
         * kvroot or admindir diskSize is more than 3 GB, then set upper 3 GB
         * limit as maxDisk.
        if (adminDirSize == 0L) {
            adminDirSize = (adminDirName == null) ?
                FileUtils.getDirectorySize(snParams.getRootDirPath()) :
            if (adminDirSize > ADMIN_DEFAULT_MAX_DISK) {
                adminDirSize = ADMIN_DEFAULT_MAX_DISK;

        Properties props = new ParameterUtils(adminParams.getMap()).
            createProperties(true, true, adminDirSize);"JVM Runtime maxMemory (bytes): " +
                    JVMSystemUtils.getRuntimeMaxMemory());"Non-default JE properties for environment: " + props);

        envConfig = createEnvironmentConfig(props);

         * Use the service name as the JE log file prefix so that multiple
         * services can store their log files in the same directory

         * Logging, je.stat, je.config file in kvroot
         * log directory.
        String dirName = myParams.getStorageNodeParams().getRootDirPath() +
                         "/" + myParams.getGlobalParams().getKVStoreName() +

        repConfig = createReplicationConfig();

        stateTracker = new AdminStateTracker(logger);

        environment = openEnv();
        stores = new AdminStores(this);

         * Some initialization of the Admin takes place in a separate thread
         * triggered by the StateChangeListener callback.  We'll wait here to
         * be notified that the initialization is complete.
        startupStatus = new StartupStatus();
        startupStatus.waitForIsReady(this);"Replicated environment handle established." +
                    " Cache size: " + environment.getConfig().getCacheSize() +
                    ", State: " + environment.getState());

    public Logger getLogger() {
        return logger;

     * Gets the Admin's exception handler.
     * @return the Admin's exception handler
    public UncaughtExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler() {
        return exceptionHandler;

     * Check whether the Admin is master or not. If the admin is not master,
     * AdminNotReadyException is thrown.
    private void checkIfReadonlyAdmin() {
        if (parameters == null) {
            /* This Admin is not master when parameter is null */
            throw new AdminNotReadyException
            ("Cannot service request, admin is not the master");

     * Returns the set of plans that were not in a terminal state when the Admin
     * failover happened.
     *    will be restarted.
     * 2.INTERRUPT_REQUESTED plans -> INTERRUPTED and are not restarted. The
     *    failover is as if the cleanup phase was interrupted by the user.
     * 3.INTERRUPTED plans are left as is.
     * interrupted, and retry them.
    private Set readAndRecoverPlans() {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
        assert planner != null;

        final Map activePlans =
            new RunTransaction>
                (environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {

                protected Map doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                    final Map plans =
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Fetched {0} plans.", plans.size());

                    return plans;


        /* Recover any plans that are not in a terminal state. */
        final Set restartSet = new HashSet<>();

        for (Plan p : activePlans.values()) {
            final Plan restart = planner.recover(p);
            if (restart != null) {

         * Protect against the possibility of restarting multiple exclusive
         * plans.  Allow only the latest-created exlusive plan to be restarted,
         * if more than one exists.  Others will remain in INTERRUPTED state.
         * [#26303]
        Plan latestExclPlan = null;
        final Set removals = new HashSet<>();
        for (int planId : restartSet) {
            Plan p = getPlanById(planId);
            if (p.isExclusive()) {
                if (latestExclPlan == null) {
                    latestExclPlan = p;
                } else if (latestExclPlan.getCreateTime().
                           compareTo(p.getCreateTime()) < 0) {
                    latestExclPlan = p;
                } else {

        return restartSet;

     * Restart plans that were RUNNING before the Admin failed over.
    private void restartPlans(Set restartSet) {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(this);

        for (Integer planId : restartSet) {
  "Restarting plan " + planId);

            try {
                executePlan(planId, false);
            } catch (IllegalCommandException ice) {
                          "Unable to restart plan " + planId, ice);

     * Create an EnvironmentConfig specific for the Admin.
    private EnvironmentConfig createEnvironmentConfig(Properties props) {
        final EnvironmentConfig config = new EnvironmentConfig(props);
        return config;

     * Create a ReplicationConfig specific for the Admin.
    private ReplicationConfig createReplicationConfig() {
        final AdminParams ap = myParams.getAdminParams();

        final ReplicationConfig config =
            new ParameterUtils(ap.getMap()).getAdminRepEnvConfig();


            (new AdminLogRewriteListener(snapshotDir, myParams));

        if (myParams.getSecurityParams() != null) {
            final Properties haProps =
  "DataChannelFactory: " +

         * Reduce the message queue size, to ensure that the Admin can operate
         * in a small heap.

        return config;

     * Converts the specified Admin type into a JE replication node type.
    private NodeType getNodeType(AdminType type) {
        switch (type) {
        case PRIMARY : return NodeType.ELECTABLE;
        case SECONDARY : return NodeType.SECONDARY;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown Admin type: " + type);

    ReplicationNetworkConfig getRepNetConfig() {
        return repConfig.getRepNetConfig();

    public static String getAdminRepGroupName(String kvstoreName) {
        return kvstoreName + "Admin";

    public static String getAdminRepNodeName(AdminId adminId) {
        return (Integer.toString(adminId.getAdminInstanceId()));

    /** Reset the JE replication group, if requested. */
    private void maybeResetRepGroup() {
        final AdminParams adminParams = myParams.getAdminParams();
        if (!adminParams.getResetRepGroup()) {
        }"Resetting replication group");
        final EnvironmentConfig resetEnvConfig = envConfig.clone();
        final ReplicationConfig resetRepConfig = repConfig.clone();

         * Make the reset retain the current rep group UUID so that existing
         * nodes can rejoin the group when they restart
            RepParams.RESET_REP_GROUP_RETAIN_UUID.getName(), "true");

        DatabaseUtils.resetRepGroup(envDir, resetEnvConfig, resetRepConfig);

     * Returns a replicated environment handle, dealing with any recoverable
     * exceptions in the process.
     * @return the replicated environment handle. The handle may be in the
     * Master, Replica, or Unknown state.
    private ReplicatedEnvironment openEnv() {

        final boolean networkRestoreDone = false;

         * Plumb JE environment logging and progress listening output to
         * KVStore monitoring.
        envConfig.setLoggingHandler(new AdminRedirectHandler(myParams));
            (new AdminRecoveryListener(myParams));
        repConfig.setSyncupProgressListener(new AdminSyncupListener(myParams));

        while (true) {
            try {
                return new ReplicatedEnvironment(envDir, repConfig, envConfig);
            } catch (InsufficientLogException ile) {
                if (networkRestoreDone) {

                     * Should have made progress after the earlier network
                     * restore, propagate the exception to the caller so it
                     * can be logged and propagated back to the client.
                    throw ile;
                final NetworkRestore networkRestore = new NetworkRestore();
                final NetworkRestoreConfig config = new NetworkRestoreConfig();
                networkRestore.execute(ile, config);
            } catch (RollbackException rbe) {
                final Long time = rbe.getEarliestTransactionCommitTime();
      "Rollback exception retrying: " +
                            rbe.getMessage() +
                            ((time ==  null) ?
                             "" :
                             " Rolling back to: " + new Date(time)));
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                final String msg = "unexpected exception creating environment";
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, msg, t);
                throw new IllegalStateException(msg, t);

    public String toString() {
        return "Admin " + adminId;

     * A custom Handler for JE log handling.  This class provides a unique
     * class scope for the purpose of logger creation.
    private static class AdminRedirectHandler extends RedirectHandler {
        AdminRedirectHandler(AdminServiceParams adminServiceParams) {

     * A custom Handler for JE recovery recovery notification.  This class
     * exists only to provide a unique class scope for the purpose of logger
     * creation.
    private static class AdminRecoveryListener extends RecoveryListener {
        AdminRecoveryListener(AdminServiceParams adminServiceParams) {

     * A custom Handler for JE syncup progress notification.  This class
     * provides a unique class scope for the purpose of logger creation.
    private static class AdminSyncupListener extends SyncupListener {
        AdminSyncupListener(AdminServiceParams adminServiceParams) {

     * A custom Handler for JE log rewrite notification.  This class provides
     * a unique class scope for the purpose of logger creation.
    private static class AdminLogRewriteListener extends LogRewriteListener {
        AdminLogRewriteListener(File snapshotDir,
                                AdminServiceParams adminServiceParams) {

     * Initialize the Admin database.  If it already exists, read its contents
     * into the in-memory caches.  If not, create the structures that it needs.
     * TODO: we need to check for the situation where an environment exists,
     * and the parameters passed in to the admin do not match those that are
     * already stored, which means that the config.xml is not consistent with
     * the database. This could happen if there is a failure during:
     *  - a change to admin params (which is not yet implemented)
     *  - there is a failure when the admin is deployed.
     * The database should be considered the point of authority, which means
     * that changing params needs to be carefully orchestrated with changes
     * to the database.

     * Open may be called multiple times on the same environment.  It should be
     * idempotent.  It is called from the StateChangeListener when the
     * environment changes state.
    private void open() {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(this);

        new RunTransaction(environment,
                                 RunTransaction.sync, logger) {

            protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) {

                final Topology topology = stores.getTopology(txn);
                parameters = readParameters(txn);
                memo = readMemo(txn);

                if (topology == null || parameters == null || memo == null) {
                    if (!(topology == null &&
                          parameters == null &&
                          memo == null)) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException
                            ("Inconsistency in Admin database: " +
                             "One of Topology, Parameters, or Memo is missing");

                    /* We are populating the database for the first time. */
          "Initializing Admin database");

                    final String storeName =
                    stores.putTopology(txn, new RealizedTopology(storeName));

                    logger.fine("Creating Parameters");

                    /* Seed new parameters with info from myParams. */
                    parameters = new Parameters(storeName);
                    stores.putParameters(txn, parameters);

                    logger.fine("Creating Memo");
                    memo = new Memo(1, new LatestEventTimestamps(0L, 0L, 0L));
                    stores.putMemo(txn, memo);

          "Admin database initialized");

                } else {
          "Using existing Admin database");

                    // TODO: add verification that the params passed into the
                    // constructor match what is in the database.
                return null;

         * Now that the persistent environment is established, we can start
         * recording events.  Until now, any recordable events that occurred
         * would be buffered in the Trackers.  Now we can pull them out, record
         * them, and allow the Trackers to prune them.

        planner = new Planner(this, myParams, getNextId());

     * The StopAdmin task needs a way to shut down the whole service, hence
     * this entry point.
    public void stopAdminService(boolean force) {
        if (owner != null) {
            /* Eventually calls shutdown(force) */
        } else {
            /* If there is no service, just treat this as shutdown. */

     * The force boolean means don't bother to cleanly shutdown JE.
    public synchronized void shutdown(boolean force) {
        assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(beginShutdownHook, this);
        if (closing) {
        closing = true;

        if (upgradeMonitor != null) {


        /* This will wait for running plans to complete (if force == false) */
        shutdownPlanner(force, true);

        if (force) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception possible) /* CHECKSTYLE:OFF */ {
                 * Ignore exceptions that come from a forced close of the
                 * environment.
            }/* CHECKSTYLE:ON */
            /* Use an internal interface to close without checkpointing */
            final EnvironmentImpl envImpl =
            if (envImpl != null) {
        } else {
        /* Release all files. */
        if ((owner == null) || !owner.getUsingThreads()) {

    private void shutdownPlanner(boolean force, boolean wait) {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
        if (planner != null) {
            planner.shutdown(force, wait);
            planner = null;

     * Notification that there are modified service parameters.
    public synchronized void newParameters() {
        final ParameterMap oldMap = myParams.getAdminParams().getMap();

        ParameterMap newMap = null;
        StorageNodeParams snp = myParams.getStorageNodeParams();
        GlobalParams gp = myParams.getGlobalParams();
        String serviceName = null;
        try {
            final StorageNodeId snid1 = snp.getStorageNodeId();

            serviceName = RegistryUtils.bindingName(
                gp.getKVStoreName(), snid1.getFullName(),

            StorageNodeAgentAPI snapi =
            LoadParameters lp = snapi.getParams();
            newMap = lp.getMap(oldMap.getName(), oldMap.getType());
        } catch (NotBoundException | RemoteException e) {
             * Ignore and read directly from file.
        if (newMap == null) {
            newMap =

        /* Do nothing if maps are the same */
        if (oldMap.equals(newMap)) {
        parameterTracker.notifyListeners(oldMap, newMap);
        myParams.setAdminParams(new AdminParams(newMap));

     * Notification that there are modified global parameters
    synchronized public void newGlobalParameters() {
        ParameterMap oldMap = myParams.getGlobalParams().getMap();
        ParameterMap newMap =

        /* Do nothing if maps are the same */
        if (oldMap.equals(newMap)) {
                "newGlobalParameters are identical to old global parameters");
        }"newGlobalParameters: refreshing global parameters");
        myParams.setGlobalParams(new GlobalParams(newMap));
        globalParameterTracker.notifyListeners(oldMap, newMap);

     * Notification that there is new security metadata change.
    public void newSecurityMDChange() {
        final SecurityMetadata secMd = getMetadata(SecurityMetadata.class,
        if (secMd == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "newSecurityMDChange: no security metadata");
        securityMDTracker.notifyListeners(secMd.getLatestChange());"newSecurityMDChange: update with the " +
                    "latest security metadata change");

    public void addParameterListener(ParameterListener pl) {

    public void removeParameterListener(ParameterListener pl) {

    private void addGlobalParameterListener(ParameterListener pl) {

    private void addSecurityMDListener(SecurityMDListener secMdListener) {

    private void addParameterChangeListener(SNParameterChangeListener cl) {

    public ReplicatedEnvironment getEnv() {
        return environment;

     * Returns a clone of the current Topology.
     * The concurrency protocol for Topology is that we always give out copies.
     * Updates to the One True Topology happen in the course of Plan execution
     * via savePlanResults, in which a new Topology replaces the old one.  The
     * Planner bears the responsibility for serializing such updates.
    public Topology getCurrentTopology() {
        return new RunTransaction
            (environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {
            protected Topology doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return stores.getTopology(txn);

     * The concurrency protocol for Parameters is that we give out read-only
     * copies.  Updates happen only through methods on the Admin instance.
     * Updates to parameters objects that occur in the course of plan execution
     * happen in the various flavors of the savePlanResults method.  These
     * updates are serialized with respect to each other by the Planner.
     * Parameters updates that are not controlled by the Planner include
     * changes to StorageNodePools, which occur directly through the public
     * Admin interface, in response to operator actions.  The Planner requires
     * that the contents of a StorageNodePool remain unchanged during the
     * course of plan execution that involves the pool.  This constraint is
     * enforced by a read/write lock on each StorageNodePool object.
    public Parameters getCurrentParameters() {
        return new RunTransaction
            (environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {
            protected Parameters doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return readParameters(txn);

    public AdminServiceParams getParams() {
        return myParams;

     * Saves this value for use as the next plan id. This value is retrieved
     * from the database and given to the Planner at construction.
    public void saveNextId(int nextId) {
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Storing Memo, planId = {0}", nextId);

        new RunTransaction(environment,
                                 RunTransaction.sync, logger) {

            protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                stores.putMemo(txn, memo);
                return null;

    public int getNextId() {
        if (memo == null) {
            return 0;
        return memo.getPlanId();

     * A convenience for the methods that all save the plan using CAUSE_CREATE
     * and return the id.  This is public to allow Planner to use it.
    public int saveCreatePlan(final Plan plan) {
        savePlan(plan, CAUSE_CREATE);
        return plan.getId();

     * Persists the plan.  It may or may not be finished. Plans can be saved
     * concurrently by concurrently executing tasks, so this method requires
     * synchronization.
    public void savePlan(final Plan plan, String cause) {

        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Saving {0} {1}", new Object[]{plan, cause});

         * Assert that this plan was either terminal, or in the Planner's
         * cache, before storing it.
        if (getPlanner().getCachedPlan(plan.getId()) == null &&
            !plan.getState().isTerminal()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException
                ("Attempting to save plan that is not in the Planner's " +
                 "cache " + plan);

        new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.sync, logger) {

            protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                synchronized(plan) {
                    stores.putPlan(txn, plan);
                return null;

     * Notes on topology saving methods.
     * 1.  all new topologies must have version numbers greater than the current
     * topology.
     * 2.  all updates to Topology must be transactional and atomic.  The means
     * that updating methods must be synchronized and database updates are
     * performed in a single transaction.

     * Verifies that the version of the new Topology is higher than that of
     * the current Topology. The topology version should ascend with every save.
     * If it does not, something unexpected is happening.
    private void checkTopoVersion(Topology newTopo) {
        final Topology current = getCurrentTopology();
        if (newTopo.getSequenceNumber() <= current.getSequenceNumber()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException
                ("Only save newer topologies. Current version=" +
                 current.getSequenceNumber() + " new version=" +

     * Persists a new topology after an elasticity plan runs.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized void saveTopo(Topology topology,
                                      DeploymentInfo info,
                                      Plan plan) {
        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new topology and ArbNode params after deploying a single ARB.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized
        void saveTopoAndARBParam(Topology topology,
                                 DeploymentInfo info,
                                 ArbNodeParams anp,
                                 Plan plan) {
        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new topology and RepNode params after deploying a single RN.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized void saveTopoAndRNParam(Topology topology,
                                                DeploymentInfo info,
                                                RepNodeParams rnp,
                                                Plan plan) {
        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new topology after a DeployDatacenterPlan runs.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized void saveTopoAndParams(Topology topology,
                                               DeploymentInfo info,
                                               DatacenterParams params,
                                               Plan plan) {
        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new topology and params after a DeploySNPlan runs.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized void saveTopoAndParams(Topology topology,
                                               DeploymentInfo info,
                                               StorageNodeParams snp,
                                               GlobalParams gp,
                                               Plan plan) {
        if (gp != null) {

        /* Add the new SN to the pool of all storage nodes */
        final StorageNodePool pool =

        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new topology and removes an SN from the params and storage
     * node pools, as one atomic action.   Because our policy is to restrict
     * modifying the Parameters instance to the Admin, we can only supply
     * a StorageNodeId and ask the Admin to do the work.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized void saveTopoAndRemoveSN(Topology topology,
                                                 DeploymentInfo info,
                                                 StorageNodeId target,
                                                 Plan plan) {

        /* Remove the snId from the params and all pools. */
        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new topology and removes the specified RepNode from params.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized void saveTopoAndRemoveRN(Topology topology,
                                                 DeploymentInfo info,
                                                 RepNodeId targetRN,
                                                 Plan plan) {

        /* Remove the rnId from the params and all pools. */
        RepNodeParams rnp = parameters.remove(targetRN);
        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new topology and removes the specified ArbNode from params.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized void saveTopoAndRemoveAN(Topology topology,
                                                 DeploymentInfo info,
                                                 ArbNodeId targetAN,
                                                 Plan plan) {

        /* Remove the anId from the params and all pools. */
        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new topology and params after RemoveDatacenterPlan runs.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized void saveTopoAndRemoveDatacenter(Topology topology,
                                                         DeploymentInfo info,
                                                         DatacenterId targetId,
                                                         Plan plan) {

        /* Remove the targetId from the params. */
        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new topology and params after a MigrateStorageNode plan runs.
     * See note above regarding synchronization.
    public synchronized void saveTopoAndParams(Topology topology,
                                               DeploymentInfo info,
                                               Set repNodeParams,
                                               Set adminParams,
                                               Set arbNodeParams,
                                               Plan plan) {

         * Use parameters.update rather than add, because we may be
         * re-executing this upon plan retry.
        for (RepNodeParams rnParams : repNodeParams) {

        for (AdminParams ap : adminParams) {

        for (ArbNodeParams arbParams : arbNodeParams) {

        storeTopoAndParams(topology, info, plan);

     * Persists a new set of params atomically after a MigrateStorageNode plan
     * runs.
    public synchronized void saveParams(Set repNodeParams,
                                        Set adminParams,
                                        Set arbNodeParams) {

         * Use parameters.update rather than add, because we may be
         * re-executing this upon plan retry.
        for (RepNodeParams rnParams : repNodeParams) {

        for (AdminParams ap : adminParams) {

        for (ArbNodeParams arbParams : arbNodeParams) {


     * Updates the current topology stored within the AdminDB to reflect
     * the migration of the specified partition to a new shard. Done atomically
     * within a single transaction because partition migration can be executed
     * in parallel.
     * If the topology is updated true is returned, otherwise false is returned.
    public synchronized boolean updatePartition(final PartitionId partitionId,
                                                final RepGroupId targetRGId,
                                                final DeploymentInfo info,
                                                final Plan plan) {
        return new RunTransaction
            (environment, RunTransaction.sync, logger) {
            protected Boolean doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                 * Be sure to take the plan mutex before any JE locks are
                 * acquired in this transaction, per the synchronization
                 * hierarchy rules.
                Topology t = null;
                synchronized (plan) {
                    t = stores.getTopology(txn);

                     * If the partition is already at the target, there is no
                     * need to update the topology.
                    if (t.get(partitionId).getRepGroupId().equals(targetRGId)){
                        return false;
                    t.updatePartition(partitionId, targetRGId);

                     * Now that the topo has been modified, inform the plan that
                     * the topology is being updated. Save the plan if needed.
                    if (plan.updatingMetadata(t)) {
                        stores.putPlan(txn, plan);

                stores.putTopology(txn, new RealizedTopology(t, info));
                return true;

     * Persists new RepNodeParams following a ChangeParamsPlan.
    public synchronized void updateParams(RepNodeParams rnp) {

     * Persists new ArbNodeParams following a ChangeParamsPlan.
    public synchronized void updateParams(ArbNodeParams anp) {

     * Persists new params following successful deployment of a Storage Node.
    public synchronized void updateParams(StorageNodeParams snp,
                                          GlobalParams gp) {
        if (gp != null) {

     * Persists updated AdminParams after a successful deployment.
    public synchronized void updateParams(AdminParams ap) {

     * Persists new GlobalParams following a ChangeGlobalSecurityPlan.
    public synchronized void updateParams(GlobalParams gp) {

     * Persists new AdminParams following successful deployment of a new
     * Admin.  The admin must not yet exist in the params.
    public synchronized void addAdminParams(AdminParams ap) {
        final int id = ap.getAdminId().getAdminInstanceId();

        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Saving new AdminParams[{0}]", id);

        final int nAdmins = getAdminCount();
        if (id <= nAdmins) {
            throw new NonfatalAssertionException
                ("Attempting to add an AdminParams " +
                 "for an existing Admin. Id=" + id + " nAdmins=" + nAdmins);


     * Removes the parameters associated with the specified AdminId.
    public synchronized void removeAdminParams(AdminId aid) {

        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Removing AdminParams[{0}]", aid);
        if (parameters.get(aid) == null) {
            throw new MemberNotFoundException
                ("Removing nonexistent params for admin " + aid);

        final int nAdmins = getAdminCount();
        if (nAdmins == 1) {
            throw new NonfatalAssertionException
                ("Attempting to remove the sole Admin instance" + aid);


     * Removes a RepNode and save changed topology.Done atomically  within a
     * single transaction because removing RepNode can be executed in parallel.
     * If the topology is updated true is returned, otherwise false is returned.
    public synchronized boolean removeRepNodeAndSaveTopo(
                                            final RepNodeId target,
                                            final DeploymentInfo info,
                                            final Plan plan) {
        return new RunTransaction
            (environment, RunTransaction.sync, logger) {
            protected Boolean doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                 * Be sure to take the plan mutex before any JE locks are
                 * acquired in this transaction, per the synchronization
                 * hierarchy rules.
                Topology topo = null;
                synchronized (plan) {
                    topo = stores.getTopology(txn);

                    try {
                        /* Remove RepNode from topology. */
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException mnfe) {
                         * This would happen if the plan was interrupted and
                         * re-executed.
                        logger.fine("The RN " + target +
                                    " was not found in the repgroup.");

                    try {
                        /* Remove relevant parameters */
                        RepNodeParams rnp = parameters.remove(target);
                    } catch (NonfatalAssertionException nae) {
                         * This would happen if the plan was interrupted and
                         * re-executed.
                        logger.fine("Attempt to remove a nonexistent " +
                                    "RepNodesParams for RepNode " + target);

                     * Now that the topo has been modified, inform the plan that
                     * the topology is being updated. Save the plan if needed.
                    if (plan.updatingMetadata(topo)) {
                        stores.putPlan(txn, plan);

                stores.putTopology(txn, new RealizedTopology(topo, info));
                return true;

     * Adds a new storage node pool using the specified name.
    public synchronized void addStorageNodePool(String name) {
        if (parameters.getStorageNodePool(name) != null) {

        parameters.addStorageNodePool(name);"Created Storage Node Pool: " + name);

     * Clone an existing storage node pool as a new storage node pool.
     * @param name the name of the new storage node pool
     * @param source the name of the source storage node pool
    synchronized void cloneStorageNodePool(String name, String source) {
        if (parameters.getStorageNodePool(name) != null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException
            ("Target already exists: " + name, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5200,

        final StorageNodePool pool = parameters.addStorageNodePool(name);
        final StorageNodePool sourcePool =
        if (sourcePool == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException("No such Storage Node Pool: "  +
                                              source, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5200,

        for (StorageNodeId snId : sourcePool) {
        }"Cloned Storage Node Pool " + source + " as: " + name);

     * Removes the named storage node pool.  It must exist.
    public synchronized void removeStorageNodePool(String name) {
        if (parameters.getStorageNodePool(name) == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException
                ("Attempt to remove a nonexistent StorageNodePool.");

        parameters.removeStorageNodePool(name);"Removed Storage Node Pool: " + name);

     * Adds the specified storage node to the named pool.  Both must exist.
    public synchronized void addStorageNodeToPool(String name,
                                                  StorageNodeId snId) {
        final StorageNodePool pool = parameters.getStorageNodePool(name);
        if (pool == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException("No such Storage Node Pool: " +
                                              name, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5200,

        /* Verify that the storage node exists. */
        final Topology current = getCurrentTopology();
        final StorageNode sn = current.get(snId);
        if (sn == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException
                ("Attempt to add nonexistent StorageNode " + snId +
                 " to a pool.",
                 ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5200, CommandResult.NO_CLEANUP_JOBS);
        }"Added Storage Node " + snId.toString() + " to pool: " +

     * Removes the specified storage node from the named pool. Both must exist.
    synchronized void removeStorageNodeFromPool(String name,
                                                StorageNodeId snId) {
        final StorageNodePool pool = parameters.getStorageNodePool(name);
        if (pool == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException("No such Storage Node Pool: " +
                                              name, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5200,

        /* Verify that the storage node exists. */
        final Topology current = getCurrentTopology();
        final StorageNode sn = current.get(snId);
        if (sn == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException
                ("Attempt to remove nonexistent StorageNode " + snId +
                 " to a pool.",
                 ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5200, CommandResult.NO_CLEANUP_JOBS);
        }"Removed Storage Node " + snId.toString() + " to pool: " +

     * Replaces all of the storage nodes in the named pool with the storage
     * nodes specified in the list of StorageNodeIds.  The pool, and all
     * referenced storage nodes, must exist.
    public synchronized void replaceStorageNodePool(String name,
                                                    List ids) {
        final StorageNodePool pool = parameters.getStorageNodePool(name);
        if (pool == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException("No such Storage Node Pool: " +

        final Topology current = getCurrentTopology();
        for (StorageNodeId id : ids) {
            /* Verify that the storage node exists. */
            final StorageNode sn = current.get(id);
            if (sn == null) {
                throw new IllegalCommandException
                    ("Attempt to add nonexistent StorageNode to a pool.");


        for (StorageNodeId id : ids) {


     * Create a storage node pool that contains all of the SNs in the current
     * topology.
     * @param topology the current topology
     * @param targetSNPool the target storage node pool
    synchronized StorageNodePool createTargetStorageNodePool(
                                        final Topology topology,
                                        final String targetSNPool) {
        StorageNodePool pool = parameters.addStorageNodePool(targetSNPool);
        List snIds = topology.getStorageNodeIds();
        for (StorageNodeId snId : snIds) {
        }"Created Target Storage Node Pool");
        return pool;

     * Adds a named topology candidate that has been created by a copy
     * operation. Relies on the transaction to avoid duplicate inserts.
     * @param candidateName the name of the new candidate
     * @param newTopo the topology to copy
     * @throws IllegalCommandException if an existing topology candidate is
     * found with the specified name
     * @throws DatabaseException if there is a problem modifying the database
    public void addTopoCandidate(final String candidateName,
                                 final Topology newTopo) {

        new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.writeNoSync,
                                 logger) {
            protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                if (stores.getTopologyStore().candidateExists(txn,
                                                              candidateName)) {
                    throw new IllegalCommandException
                        (candidateName +
                         " already exists and can't be added as a new" +
                         " topology candidate.");
                                 new TopologyCandidate(candidateName, newTopo));
                return null;

     * Adds a named topology candidate that has been created by a copy of
     * an existing candidate. Relies on the transaction to avoid duplicate
     * inserts.
    void addTopoCandidate(final String candidateName,
                          final String sourceCandidateName) {
        final Topology source =
        addTopoCandidate(candidateName, source);

     * Deletes a topology candidate.
     * @param candidateName the name of the candidate to delete
     * @throws IllegalCommandException if @param name is not associated with
     * a topology.
     * @throws DatabaseException if there is a problem with the deletion or
     * if a foreign key constraint is violated because the candidate is
     * referenced by a deployed topology. TODO: how to capture that case, and
     * present the error differently?
    public void deleteTopoCandidate(final String candidateName) {

        new RunTransaction(environment,
                                 RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) {
            protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                final TopologyStore topoStore = stores.getTopologyStore();
                if (!topoStore.candidateExists(txn, candidateName)) {
                      throw new IllegalCommandException
                          (candidateName + " doesn't exist");
                topoStore.deleteCandidate(txn, candidateName);
                return null;

     * Create a new, initial layout, based on the SNs available in the SN pool.
     * @return a String with a status message suitable for the CLI.
    public String createTopoCandidate(final String topologyName,
                                      final String snPoolName,
                                      final int numPartitions,
                                      final boolean json,
                                      final short jsonVersion) {
        return new RunTransaction(environment,
                                          RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) {
            protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                final StorageNodePool pool =
                if (pool == null) {
                    throw new IllegalCommandException
                        ("Storage Node Pool " + snPoolName + " not found.");

                Parameters currentParams = getCurrentParameters();
                TopologyCandidate candidate = buildCandidate(txn,
                if (json) {
                    if (jsonVersion ==
                        SerialVersion.ADMIN_CLI_JSON_V1_VERSION) {
                        return candidate.displayAsJson(currentParams);
                    return TopologyPrinter.printTopologyJson(
                        candidate.getTopology(), currentParams,
                        TopologyPrinter.all, false).toString();
                return "Created: " + candidate.getName();

    private TopologyCandidate buildCandidate(Transaction txn,
                                             String topologyName,
                                             StorageNodePool pool,
                                             int numPartitions,
                                             Parameters currentParams) {
        final TopologyBuilder tb =
            new TopologyBuilder(getCurrentTopology(),

        final TopologyCandidate candidate =;

        final TopologyStore topoStore = stores.getTopologyStore();
        if (topoStore.candidateExists(txn, topologyName)) {
            final TopologyCandidate preexistingCandidate =
                getCandidate(txn, topologyName);

            if (!preexistingCandidate.getTopology().
                    layoutEquals(candidate.getTopology())) {
                throw new IllegalCommandException(
                    "Topology candidate " + topologyName + " exists " +
                    "but with a different layout");
            if (!preexistingCandidate.getDirectoryAssignments().equals(
                    candidate.getDirectoryAssignments())) {
                throw new IllegalCommandException(
                    "Topology candidate " + topologyName + " exists " +
                    "but with different mount point assignment");
        } else {
            topoStore.putCandidate(txn, candidate);
        return candidate;

     * Retrieves the named topology candidate from the topo store.
     * @throws IllegalCommandException if the candidate does not exist.
    public TopologyCandidate getCandidate(final String candidateName) {
        return new RunTransaction(environment,
                                                     logger) {
            protected TopologyCandidate doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return getCandidate(txn, candidateName);

     * Check that the specified topology exists, throw IllegalCommand if
     * it doesn't.
    private TopologyCandidate getCandidate(Transaction txn,
                                           String candidateName) {
        final TopologyCandidate candidate =
             stores.getTopologyStore().getCandidate(txn, candidateName);
        if (candidate == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException
                ("Topology " + candidateName + " does not exist. Use " +
                 " topology list to see all available candidate");

        return candidate;

     * Present a list of candidate names.
    public List listTopoCandidates() {
        return new RunTransaction>(environment,
                                   RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {
            protected List doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return stores.getTopologyStore().getCandidateNames(txn);

     * Execute the redistribution algorithms on a given topo candidate,
     * updating its layout to use as much of the available store SNs as
     * possible.
     * @param candidateName the name of the target candidate.
     * @param snPoolName represents the resources to be used by in the new
     * layout.
     * @return a message indicating success or failure, to be reported  by the
     * CLI.
    public String redistributeTopology(final String candidateName,
                                       final String snPoolName) {

        return new RunTransaction(environment,
                                          RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) {
            protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) {

                /* check that the target candidate exists.*/
                final TopologyCandidate candidate =
                    getCandidate(txn, candidateName);
                final StorageNodePool pool = freezeSNPool(snPoolName);

                try {
                    /* Create and save a new layout against the specified SNs */
                    final TopologyBuilder tb =
                        new TopologyBuilder(candidate, pool,
                    final TopologyCandidate newCandidate =;
                    stores.getTopologyStore().putCandidate(txn, newCandidate);
                    return "Redistributed: " + newCandidate.getName();
                } finally {

    public String createFailoverTopology(final String candidateName,
                                         final String snPoolName,
                                         Set newPrimaryZones,
                                         Set offlineZones) {
        return new RunTransaction(environment,
                        RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) {
        protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) {

            final StorageNodePool pool = freezeSNPool(snPoolName);

            try {
                return doFailoverProcessing(candidateName,
            } finally {

     * Execute the contraction algorithms on a given topo candidate, updating
     * its layout to use as much of the available store SNs as possible.
     * @param candidateName the name of the target candidate.
     * @param snPoolName represents the resources to be used by in the new
     * layout.
     * @return a message indicating success or failure, to be reported  by the
     * CLI.
    String contractTopology(final String candidateName,
                            final String snPoolName) {

        return new RunTransaction(environment,
                                          RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) {
            protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) {

                /* check that the target candidate exists.*/
                final TopologyCandidate candidate =
                    getCandidate(txn, candidateName);
                final StorageNodePool pool = freezeSNPool(snPoolName);

                try {
                    /* Create and save a new layout against the specified SNs */
                    final TopologyBuilder tb =
                        new TopologyBuilder(candidate,
                    final TopologyCandidate newCandidate = tb.contract();

                    /* Save topology candidate */
                    stores.getTopologyStore().putCandidate(txn, newCandidate);

                    return "Contracted: " + newCandidate.getName();
                } finally {

     * Execute the remove shard on source topology with mentioned failed
     * shard argument and generate new topology layout to remove RN's and
     * SNs if any associated with the failed shard.
     * @param failedShard the Id of failed shard
     * @param candidateName the name of target topology
     * @return a message indicating success or failure, to be reported  by the
     * CLI.
    String removeFailedShard(final RepGroupId failedShard,
                             final String candidateName) {

       return new RunTransaction(environment,
                          RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) {
           protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) {

               /* Generate a cloned target candidate topology */
               final Topology topology = getCurrentTopology();

               /* Check that the target candidate exists.*/
               final TopologyCandidate candidate =
                   getCandidate(txn, candidateName);

               /* Generated new snPool from topology. We need to make sure
                * that targetSNPool name is unique from already existing
                * pools if customer runs new remove-shard commands, but use the
                * same pool if the same plan is restarted.  Each plan has a
                * unique topology candidate name, so that suffix will give each
                * plan a unique pool.
               String poolname = PoolCommand.INTERNAL_NAME_PREFIX +
                   "remove-shard-" + candidateName;
               StorageNodePool targetSNpool = createTargetStorageNodePool(
                                                  topology, poolname);

               /* Removing SN's from StorageNodePool associated with failed
                * shard if there are no other running RNs and capacity = 1
               List removeSNIds = new ArrayList();
               List snIds = topology.getStorageNodeIds();
               for (StorageNodeId snId : snIds) {
                   Set snRNIds = topology.getHostedRepNodeIds(snId);

                   /* If snRNId belong to failed shard and snId capacity = 1
                    * then add snId to remove list from storage node pool.
                   if (snRNIds.size() > 1) {
                       /* SN has capacity greater than 1 hence not
                        * adding it to remove SN pool list even
                        * if SN has RN from failed shard.

                   for (RepNodeId snRNId : snRNIds) {
                       if (snRNId.getGroupId() == failedShard.getGroupId()) {

               for (StorageNodeId snId : removeSNIds) {
                   removeStorageNodeFromPool(poolname, snId);

               targetSNpool = freezeSNPool(poolname);
               try {
                   /* Create and save a new layout against the specified SNs */
                   final TopologyBuilder tb =
                           new TopologyBuilder(candidate,

                   final TopologyCandidate newCandidate =
                   /* Save topology candidate */
                   stores.getTopologyStore().putCandidate(txn, newCandidate);
                   return "Removed failed shard " + failedShard + " in " +
               } finally {

     * Make the specified topology compliant with all the topology rules.
    public String rebalanceTopology(final String candidateName,
                                    final String snPoolName,
                                    final DatacenterId dcId) {

        return new RunTransaction(environment,
                                          RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) {
            protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) {

                final TopologyCandidate candidate =
                    getCandidate(txn, candidateName);
                final StorageNodePool pool = freezeSNPool(snPoolName);

                try {
                    /* Create and save a new layout against the specified SNs */
                    final TopologyBuilder tb =
                        new TopologyBuilder(candidate, pool,
                                            getCurrentParameters(), myParams);

                    final TopologyCandidate newCandidate = tb.rebalance(dcId);
                    stores.getTopologyStore().putCandidate(txn, newCandidate);
                    return "Rebalanced: " + newCandidate.getName();
                } finally {

     * Check that the specified snPool exists, and freeze it so it is stable
     * while the topology transformation is going on.
    private StorageNodePool freezeSNPool(String snPoolName) {
        final StorageNodePool pool = parameters.getStorageNodePool(snPoolName);
        if (pool == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException
                ("Storage Node Pool " + snPoolName + " not found.");
        return pool;

     * Get a new copy of the Parameters from the database.
    private Parameters readParameters(Transaction txn) {
        final Parameters params = stores.getParameters(txn);
        if (params == null) {
            logger.fine("Parameters not found");
        } else {
            logger.fine("Parameters fetched");

        return params;

     * Get a new copy of the Memo from the database.
    private Memo readMemo(Transaction txn) {
        final Memo m = stores.getMemo(txn);
        if (m == null) {
            logger.fine("Memo not found");
        } else {
            logger.fine("Memo fetched");

        return m;

     * Save a new bunch of event records, and the latest timestamp, in the same
     * transaction.
    public void storeEvents(final List events,
                            final EventRecorder.LatestEventTimestamps let) {

         * Use a lightweight commit for critical-event-storing transactions.

        RunTransaction transaction =
        new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.noSync, logger) {

            /* Supply handlers to propagate the the exceptions. */

            void handler(UnknownMasterException ume) {
                throw ume;

            void handler(ReplicaWriteException rwe) {
                throw rwe;

            protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                final EventStore eventStore = stores.getEventStore();

                for (CriticalEvent pe : events) {
                    eventStore.putEvent(txn, pe);

                     * Age the store periodically.
                    if (eventStoreCounter++ % eventStoreAgingFrequency == 0) {
                        eventStore.ageStore(txn, getEventExpiryAge());

                 * The memo is being modified without synchronization, which is
                 * ok because the method is guaranteed to be called by a single
                 * eventRecorder thread.
                stores.putMemo(txn, memo);
                return null;

        try {
        } catch (AdminNotReadyException anre) {
             * ANRE is thrown during upgrade from DPL to non-DPL stores while
             * the Admin is in read-only mode
        } catch (ReplicaWriteException | UnknownMasterException e) {
                       "Ignoring exception resulting from write operation " +
                       "when not the master: {0}",
        } catch (ThreadInterruptedException | IllegalStateException e) {
             * The thread can be interrupted while closing, or an
             * IllegalStateException wrapping, say an
             * InsufficientReplicasException, could be thrown by
             * RunTransaction.
             * Future: may be better to handle InsufficientReplicasException
             * (and perhaps other exceptions) on shutdown in RunTransaction
             * itself.
            if (!closing) {
                throw e;
                       "Ignoring interrupt exception storing events " +
                       "while shutting down: {0}",

     * Return a list of event records satisfying the given criteria.
     * For endTime, zero means the current time.
     * For type, null means all types.
    public List getEvents(final long startTime,
                                         final long endTime,
                                         final CriticalEvent.EventType type) {

        return new RunTransaction>
            (environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {

            protected List doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return stores.getEventStore().getEvents(txn, startTime, endTime,

     * Return a single event that has the given database key.
    public CriticalEvent getOneEvent(final String eventId) {

        return new RunTransaction
            (environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {

            protected CriticalEvent doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return stores.getEvent(txn, eventId);

     * Approve the given plan for execution.
    public synchronized void approvePlan(int id) {
        final Plan p = getAndCheckPlan(id);
        savePlan(p, CAUSE_APPROVE); + " approved");

     * Cancel the given plan.
    public synchronized void cancelPlan(int id) {
        final Plan p = getAndCheckPlan(id);
        savePlan(p, CAUSE_CANCEL); + " canceled");

     * Interrupt the given plan. Must be synchronized because
     * planner.interruptPlan() will take the plan mutex, and then may
     * attempt to save the plan, which requires the Admin mutex. Since the
     * lock hierarchy is Admin→plan, we need to take the Admin mutex now.
     * [#22161]
    public synchronized void interruptPlan(int id) {
        final Plan p = getAndCheckPlan(id);
        savePlan(p, CAUSE_INTERRUPT); + " interrupted");

     * Start the execution of a plan. The plan will proceed asynchronously.
     * To check the status and final result of the plan, the caller should
     * examine the state and execution history. AwaitPlan() can be used to
     * synchronously wait for the end of the plan, and to learn the plan status.
     * AssertSuccess() can be used to generate an exception if the plan
     * fails, which will throw a wrapped version of the original exception
     * @param force TODO
     * @throws IllegalCommandException if there is a problem with executing the
     * plan.
    public void executePlan(int id, boolean force) {
        try {
            executePlanInternalRetry(id, force, false);
        } catch (PlanLocksHeldException e) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException(e.getMessage(),

     * Executes specified plan. If there is a lock conflict retry the execution.
     * @param id - Id of plan to execute
     * @param force - plan force flag
     * @param doMatchProcessing - if true, a lock conflict caused by a plan that
     *                            is logically the same will return the plan
     *                            id of the running plan.
     * @return plan id of executing plan.
     * @throws PlanLocksHeldException
    private int executePlanInternalRetry(int id,
                                         boolean force,
                                         boolean doMatchProcessing)
        throws PlanLocksHeldException {

        int MAX_RETRY_COUNT = 60;
        long RETRY_WAIT_MS = 1000;

        int retryCount = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                return executePlanInternal(id, force, doMatchProcessing);
            } catch (PlanLocksHeldException e) {
                if (retryCount > MAX_RETRY_COUNT) {
                    throw e;
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException d) {


    private synchronized int executePlanInternal(int id,
                                                boolean force,
                                                boolean doMatchProcessing)
        throws PlanLocksHeldException {
        Plan p = null;
        try {
            p = getAndCheckPlan(id);
            planner.executePlan(p, force);
            return id;
        } catch (PlanLocksHeldException e) {
            if (doMatchProcessing) {
                int runningPlanId = e.getOwningPlanId();
                Plan runningPlan = getPlanById(runningPlanId);
                if (runningPlan.logicalCompare(p)) {
                    return runningPlanId;
            throw e;

     * Start the execution of a plan. The focus is on getting a set of actions
     * to occur, so if there s a conflicting plan which already owns the
     * plan catalog locks needed by this plan, take extra steps to handle
     * the lock conflict.
     * If there is a lock conflict, see if that conflicting plan is the logical
     * equivalent of the original plan. If it is, return the id of the
     * conflicting plan, which serves as an adequate proxy for the desired
     * actions.
     * @return the id of whichever plan is going to carry out the desired
     * action, be that the original plan, or the conflicting plan.
     * @throws PlanLocksHeldException the plan cannot obtain its catalog locks.
    public int executePlanOrFindMatch(int id)
        throws PlanLocksHeldException {
        return executePlanInternalRetry(id, false, true);

     * Waits for the specified plan to finish. If the timeout period is
     * specified and exceeded or the wait is interrupted, the call will end.
     * @return the current plan state.
     * @throws AdminNotReadyException if the Admin cannot service the request
    public Plan.State awaitPlan(int id, int timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit) {

        final Plan p = getAndCheckPlan(id);
        final PlanWaiter waiter = new PlanWaiter();
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Waiting for {0}, timeout={1} {2}",
                   new Object[]{p, timeout, timeoutUnit});

        try {
            if (timeout == 0) {

                /* Wait until the plan finishes or the planner is shutdown */
                while (!waiter.waitForPlanEnd(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {

                     * Get the planner from the plan, since the Admin's planner
                     * may have changed.
                    if (p.getPlanner().isShutdown()) {
                        throw new AdminNotReadyException("Cannot service " +
                                                         "request, admin " +
                                                         "is shutdown");

                 * If the plan has ended in the RUNNING state, then the plan
                 * needed to restart this Admin. Throw an exception and let the
                 * caller retry at the new master. The plan should resume
                 * execution there.
                if (p.getState() == Plan.State.RUNNING) {
                    throw new AdminNotReadyException("Cannot service " +
                                                     "request, admin " +
                                                     "is shutting down");
            } else {

                if (!waiter.waitForPlanEnd(timeout, timeoutUnit)) {
                    logger.log(Level.INFO, "Timed out (timeout {0} ms)" +
                               " waiting for {1} to finish, state={2} ",
                               new Object[] {timeoutUnit.toMillis(timeout),
                                             p, p.getState()});
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                 "Interrupted while waiting for {0} to finish, end state={1}",
                 new Object[] {p, p.getState()});
        } finally {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "Waiting for {0} ended, state={1}",
                       new Object[] {p, p.getState()});
        return p.getState();

     * Throw an operation fault exception if the plan did not succeed.
    public void assertSuccess(int planId) {
        final Plan p = getAndCheckPlan(planId);
        final Plan.State status = p.getState();
        if (status == Plan.State.SUCCEEDED) {

        final ExceptionTransfer transfer = p.getLatestRunExceptionTransfer();
        final String msg = p + " ended with " + status;
        if (transfer != null) {
            if (transfer.getFailure() != null) {
                final Throwable failure = transfer.getFailure();
                final OperationFaultException newEx =
                    new OperationFaultException(msg + ": " +
                throw newEx;
            } else if (transfer.getDescription() != null) {
                /* No exception saved, but there is some error information */
                throw new OperationFaultException(msg + ": " +
        throw new OperationFaultException(msg);

     * The concurrency protocol for getPlanbyId is that we give out references
     * to the cached Plan of record, if the Plan is in a non-terminal, or
     * active, state.  If the plan is active, then it will be found in the
     * Planner's catalog, which is consulted first in this method.
     * If the plan is not active, we read it straight from the database.  For
     * such plans, it's possible for this method to produce multiple instances
     * of the same plan.  We consider inactive plans to be read-only, so this
     * should not create any synchronization problems.  The read-only-ness of
     * inactive plans is enforced in Admin.savePlan, which is the only means by
     * which a plan is updated in the database.  The terminal-state-ness of
     * uncached plans is asserted below, also.
     * public for unit test support
    public Plan getPlanById(final int id) {
        final Plan p = getPlanner().getCachedPlan(id);
        if (p != null) {
            return p;

        return new RunTransaction(environment,
                                        logger) {
            protected Plan doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                final Plan uncachedPlan = stores.getPlanStore().getPlanById
                    (id, txn, getPlanner(), myParams);
                if (uncachedPlan == null) {
                    return null;
                if (!uncachedPlan.getState().isTerminal()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException
                        ("Found non-terminal plan that is not cached. " +
                return uncachedPlan;

     * Get the plan, throw an exception if it doesn't exist.
    Plan getAndCheckPlan(int id) {
        final Plan p = getPlanById(id);
        if (p == null) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException("Plan id " + id +
                                              " doesn't exist");
        return p;

     * Return copies of the most recent 100 plans. The result should be used
     * only for display purposes, or, in tests for determining the existence of
     * plans. The plan instances will only be valid for display, and will not
     * be executable, because they will be stripped of memory heavy objects.
     * @deprecated in favor of getPlanRange.
    private static int nRecentPlans = 100;
    public synchronized Map getRecentPlansCopy() {
        if (planner == null) {
            return null;
        return new RunTransaction>
            (environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {

            protected Map doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return stores.getPlanStore().getRecentPlansForDisplay
                   (nRecentPlans, txn, planner, myParams);

     * Retrieve the beginning and ending plan ids that satisfy the request.
     * Returns an array of two integers indicating a range of plan id
     * numbers. [0] is the first id in the range, and [1] is the last,
     * inclusive.
     * Operates in three modes:
     *    mode A requests n plans ids following startTime
     *    mode B requests n plans ids preceding endTime
     *    mode C requests a range of plan ids from startTime to endTime.
     *    mode A is signified by endTime == 0
     *    mode B is signified by startTime == 0
     *    mode C is signified by neither startTime nor endTime being == 0.
     *    N is ignored in mode C.
    public int[] getPlanIdRange(final long startTime,
                                final long endTime,
                                final int n,
                                final String planOwnerId) {
        return new RunTransaction
            (environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {

            protected int[] doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return stores.getPlanStore().getPlanIdRange(txn,
                                                   startTime, endTime, n,

     * Returns a map of plans starting at firstPlanId.  The number of plans in
     * the map is the lesser of howMany, MAXPLANS, or the number of extant
     * plans with id numbers following firstPlanId.  The range is not
     * necessarily fully populated; while plan ids are mostly sequential, it is
     * possible for values to be skipped.
     * The plan instances will only be valid for display, and will not
     * be executable, because they will be stripped of memory heavy objects.
    public synchronized Map getPlanRange(final int firstPlanId,
                                                     final int howMany,
                                                     final String planOwnerId) {
        if (planner == null) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        return new RunTransaction>
            (environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {

            protected Map doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return stores.getPlanStore().getPlanRange(txn,
                                                 firstPlanId, howMany,

    public boolean isClosing() {
        return closing;

     * Store the current parameters.
    private void storeParameters() {
        logger.fine("Storing Parameters");

        new RunTransaction(environment,
                                 RunTransaction.sync, logger) {

            protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                stores.putParameters(txn, parameters);
                return null;

     * Convenience method to store the current topology and parameters in the
     * same transaction
    private void storeTopoAndParams(final Topology topology,
                                    final DeploymentInfo info,
                                    final Plan plan) {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(this);

                   "Storing parameters and topology with sequence #: {0}",

        new RunTransaction(environment,
                                 RunTransaction.sync, logger) {

            protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                 * Inform the plan that the topology is being updated. Save
                 * the plan if needed. Be sure to take the plan mutex before
                 * any JE locks are acquired in this transaction, per the
                 * synchronization hierarchy.
                synchronized (plan) {
                   if (plan.updatingMetadata(topology)) {
                       stores.putPlan(txn, plan);

                stores.putTopology(txn, new RealizedTopology(topology, info));
                stores.putParameters(txn, parameters);
                stores.putMemo(txn, memo);
                return null;

     * Returns the params for the specified storage node.
    public StorageNodeParams getStorageNodeParams(StorageNodeId targetSNId) {
        return parameters.get(targetSNId);

     * Creates a copy of the policy map so that it can be updated.
    public ParameterMap copyPolicy() {
        return parameters.copyPolicies();

     * Replaces the current policy map with a new one.  The pattern for updating
     * the policy map is:
     * 1.  make a copy using copyPolicy()
     * 2.  update the copy
     * 3.  replace the policy map using setPolicy().
    public void setPolicy(ParameterMap policyParams) {

    public long getEventExpiryAge() {
        return myParams.getAdminParams().getEventExpiryAge();

     * This method is used only for testing.
    public void setEventStoreAgingFrequency(int f) {
        eventStoreAgingFrequency = f;

     * Generates a new AdminId for deploying a new Admin to the system.
    public AdminId generateAdminId() {
        return parameters.getNextAdminId();
         * The new value of parameters.nextAdminId will be persisted when the
         * DeployAdminPlan completes and calls
         * savePlanResults(List).

     * Returns the number of Admin instances in the system.
    public int getAdminCount() {
        return parameters.getAdminCount();

     * Returns the params for the specified RepNode.
    public RepNodeParams getRepNodeParams(RepNodeId targetRepNodeId) {
        return parameters.get(targetRepNodeId);

     * Returns the params for the specified ArbNode.
    public ArbNodeParams getArbNodeParams(ArbNodeId targetArbNodeId) {
        return parameters.get(targetArbNodeId);

     * Returns GlobalParams for the system.
    public GlobalParams getGlobalParams() {
        return parameters.getGlobalParams();

     * Initializes the Admin stores, checking the schema version and
     * performing updates as needed.
    private void initStores(final boolean isMaster) {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(this);

        final AdminSchemaVersion schemaVersion =
                    new AdminSchemaVersion(Admin.this, logger);
        new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.sync, logger) {
            protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) {

                 * Check that this release is compatible with the Admin db
                 * schema version, should it already exist.
                schemaVersion.checkAndUpdateVersion(txn, isMaster, stores);
                return null;
        stores.init(schemaVersion.openAndReadSchemaVersion(), false /*force */);

     * Enter a new replication mode. Called in the ReplicationStateChange
     * thread.
    private synchronized void enterMode(final StateChangeEvent sce) {

        /* If we are shutting down, we don't need to do anything. */
        if (closing) {

        final State state = sce.getState();

        switch (state) {
        case MASTER:
        case REPLICA:
                (new AdminId(Integer.parseInt(sce.getMasterNodeName())));
        case DETACHED:
            if (environment.isClosed()) {
                    ("Admin replica is detached; envImpl is closed");
            } else {
                EnvironmentFailureException efe =
                if (efe != null) {
                    throw efe;
      "Admin replica is detached; env is valid.");
        case UNKNOWN:

     * Transition to master mode.  This happens when the master starts up from
     * scratch, and when a new master is elected.  Called only from the
     * synchronized method enterMode, above.
    private void enterMasterMode() {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
        try {
            masterId = adminId;
            initStores(true /* isMaster */);
            monitor = new Monitor(myParams, Admin.this, getLoginManager());
            eventRecorder = new EventRecorder(Admin.this);
            open();     // Sets planner
            final Set restartSet = readAndRecoverPlans();
            AdminParams ap = myParams.getAdminParams();
            if (isAdminThreadEnabled(ap.isMetadataAdminThreadEnabled())) {
            if (isAdminThreadEnabled(ap.isVersionThreadEnabled())) {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
  "RuntimeException while entering master mode, " +
            startupStatus.setError(Admin.this, e);

     * Transition to replica mode.  This happens on startup of a replica.
     * Called only from the synchronized method enterMode, above.
    private void enterReplicaMode(final AdminId newMaster) {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
        try {
            masterId = newMaster;
            initStores(false /* isMaster */);

             * This sets the planner to null. There is no point in waiting since
             * the node is no longer the master, so plans can't finish.
            shutdownPlanner(false, false);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
  "RuntimeException while entering replica mode, " +
            startupStatus.setError(Admin.this, e);

     * Transition to a mode in which we don't really know what's going on, and
     * hope that it's a temporary situation.
    private void enterDetachedMode() {

    public synchronized ReplicatedEnvironment.State getReplicationMode() {
        return environment.getState();

    public synchronized AdminStatus getAdminStatus() {
        return new AdminStatus(

     * Returns whether the underlying JE environment is known to be the
     * authoritative master.
    private synchronized boolean getIsAuthoritativeMaster() {
        final RepImpl repImpl = RepInternal.getRepImpl(environment);
        if (repImpl == null) {
            return false;
        final repNode =
        if (repNode == null) {
            return false;
        return repNode.isAuthoritativeMaster();

    public synchronized URI getMasterRmiAddress() {
        final AdminId currentMaster = masterId;
        if (currentMaster == null) {
            return null;
        final Parameters p = getCurrentParameters();
        final AdminParams ap = p.get(currentMaster);
        final StorageNodeParams snp = p.get(ap.getStorageNodeId());

        try {
                new URI("rmi", null, snp.getHostname(), snp.getRegistryPort(),
                        null, null, null);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new NonfatalAssertionException
            ("Unexpected bad URL: " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Try to build the admin master's web service URI. If fail return null.
    public synchronized URI getMasterWebServiceAddress() {

        final AdminId currentMaster = masterId;
        if (currentMaster == null) {
            return null;

        final Parameters p = getCurrentParameters();
        final AdminParams ap = p.get(currentMaster);
        final StorageNodeParams snp = p.get(ap.getStorageNodeId());

        /* Return null if there is not web service on admin master */
        final int adminWebPort = snp.getAdminWebPort();
        if (adminWebPort <= 0) {
            return null;

        try {
            /* Check that whether we should use https */
            String schema = "http";
            if (myParams != null &&
                myParams.getSecurityParams() != null &&
                myParams.getSecurityParams().isSecure() &&
                !myParams.getSecurityParams().allTransportSSLDisabled()) {
                schema = "https";

            return new URI(schema, null, snp.getHostname(),
                           null, null, null);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new NonfatalAssertionException
            ("Unexpected bad URL: " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Dump the deployed transaction history.
    public List displayRealizedTopologies(final boolean concise) {
        return new RunTransaction>
            (environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) {

            protected List doTransaction(Transaction txn) {
                return stores.getTopologyStore().displayHistory(txn, concise);

     * Ensures that the proposed start time for a new plan which creates a
     * RealizedTopology is a value that is > the deployment time of the
     * current topology.
     * Since the start time is the primary key for the historical collection,
     * the start time for any new realized topology must be greater than
     * the start time recorded for the current topology. Due to clock skew in
     * the HA rep group, conceivably the start time could fail to advance if
     * there is admin rep node failover.
    long validateStartTime(long proposedStartTime) {
        return stores.getTopologyStore().validateStartTime(proposedStartTime);

     * Provide information about the plan's current or
     * last execution run. Meant for display purposes.
    String getPlanStatus(int planId, long options, boolean json) {
        final Plan p = getAndCheckPlan(planId);
        final StatusReport report = new StatusReport(p, options);
        if (json) {
            ObjectNode jsonTop = report.displayAsJson();
            try {
                CommandJsonUtils.updateNodeWithResult(jsonTop, p.getOperation(),
                return CommandJsonUtils.toJsonString(jsonTop);
            } catch(IOException e) {
                throw new CommandFaultException(e.getMessage(), e,
        return report.display();

     * Admin.Memo is a persistent class for storing singleton information that
     * Admin needs to keep track of.
    public static class Memo implements Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;

        static final String MEMO_KEY = "Memo";

        private final String memoKey = MEMO_KEY;

        private int planId;
        private EventRecorder.LatestEventTimestamps latestEventTimestamps;
         *  @deprecated as of R2, use Datacenter repfactor
        private int repFactor;

        public Memo(int firstPlanId,
                    EventRecorder.LatestEventTimestamps let) {
            planId = firstPlanId;
            latestEventTimestamps = let;

        private Memo() {

        private int getPlanId() {
            return planId;

        private void setPlanId(int nextId) {
            planId = nextId;

        private LatestEventTimestamps getLatestEventTimestamps() {
            return latestEventTimestamps;

        private void setLatestEventTimestamps
            (EventRecorder.LatestEventTimestamps let) {

            latestEventTimestamps = let;

    public LoadParameters getAllParams() {
        final LoadParameters ret = new LoadParameters();
        return ret;


     * Gets the planner. If the admin is not the master or the Admin is not
     * yet initialized an AdminNotReadyException is thrown.
     * public for unit test support
     * @return the planner
     * @throws AdminNotReadyException if the Admain is not initialized or not
     * a master
    public Planner getPlanner() {
        final Planner p = planner;
        if (p == null) {
            throw new AdminNotReadyException("Cannot service request, admin " +
                                             "is not the master");
        return p;

    public void syncEventRecorder() {

    /* -- From StateChangeListener -- */

     * Takes action based upon the state change. The actions
     * must be simple and fast since they are performed in JE's thread of
     * control.
    public void stateChange(final StateChangeEvent sce) {

        /* If we are shutting down, we don't need to do anything. */
        if (closing) {

        final State state = sce.getState();"State change event: " + new Date(sce.getEventTime()) +
                    ", State: " + state +
                    ", Type: " + myParams.getAdminParams().getType() +
                    ", Master: " +
                    ((state.isMaster() || state.isReplica()) ?
                     sce.getMasterNodeName() : "none"));


     * Thread to manage replicated environment state changes.
    private class AdminStateTracker extends StateTracker {

        AdminStateTracker(Logger logger) {
            super(AdminStateTracker.class.getSimpleName(), adminId, logger,

        protected void doNotify(StateChangeEvent sce) {

     * Uncaught exception handler for Admin threads.
    private class AdminExceptionHandler implements UncaughtExceptionHandler {

        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
                       "Admin shutting down for fault in thread " + t.getName(),
            if (owner != null) {
                ProcessExitCode exitCode = ProcessExitCode.RESTART;
                if (e instanceof EnvironmentFailureException &&
                    ((EnvironmentFailureException) e).isCorrupted()) {

                    /* Do not restart if environment is corrupted */
                    exitCode = ProcessExitCode.NO_RESTART;
                owner.getFaultHandler().queueShutdown(e, exitCode);
            } else {
                /* This would be true only in a test environment. */
                new StoppableThread("StopAdminForForeignThreadFault") {
                    public void run() {
                    protected Logger getLogger() {
                        return Admin.this.getLogger();

     * A class to wrap the invocation of a database transaction and to handle
     * all the exceptions that might arise.  Derived from the je.rep.quote
     * example in the BDB JE distribution.
    public abstract static class RunTransaction {
        private static final int TRANSACTION_RETRY_MAX = 10;
        private static final int RETRY_WAIT = 3 * 1000;

        /* For reads only */
        public static final TransactionConfig readOnly =
            new TransactionConfig().setReadOnly(true);

        /* For critical writes requiring a high level of durability */
        public static final TransactionConfig sync =
            new TransactionConfig().setDurability
            (new Durability(SyncPolicy.SYNC, SyncPolicy.SYNC,

         * For writes which need to be lightweight and their loss would not
         * be critical, such as event logging writes.
        public static final TransactionConfig noSync =
            new TransactionConfig().setDurability
            (new Durability(SyncPolicy.NO_SYNC,

        /* Non-synced durable writes */
        public static final TransactionConfig writeNoSync =
            new TransactionConfig().setDurability
            (new Durability(SyncPolicy.WRITE_NO_SYNC,

        private final ReplicatedEnvironment env;
        private final Logger logger;
        private final TransactionConfig config;

        public RunTransaction(ReplicatedEnvironment env,
                              TransactionConfig config,
                              Logger logger) {
            this.env = env;
            this.logger = logger;

             * For unit tests, use local WRITE_NO_SYNC rather than SYNC, for
             * improved performance.
            if (TestStatus.isWriteNoSyncAllowed() &&
                !config.getReadOnly() &&
                config.getDurability().getLocalSync() == SyncPolicy.SYNC) {
                final Durability newDurability =
                    new Durability(SyncPolicy.WRITE_NO_SYNC,
                this.config = config.clone().setDurability(newDurability);
            } else {
                this.config = config;

        public T run() {

            long sleepMillis = 0;
            T retVal = null;

            RuntimeException retryException = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < TRANSACTION_RETRY_MAX; i++) {

                /* Sleep before retrying. */
                if (sleepMillis != 0) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
                    sleepMillis = 0;

                Transaction txn = null;
                try {
                    txn = env.beginTransaction(null, config);
                    retVal = doTransaction(txn);
                    try {
                    } catch (InsufficientAcksException iae) {

                        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Insufficient Acks", iae);
                         * The write, if there was one, succeeded locally;
                         * this should sort itself out eventually.
                    return retVal;

                } catch (InsufficientReplicasException ire) {
                    retryException = ire;
                        (Level.INFO, "Retrying transaction after " +
                         "InsufficientReplicasException", ire);
                    sleepMillis = RETRY_WAIT;
                    /* Loop and retry. */

                } catch (ReplicaWriteException rwe) {
                    retryException = rwe;

                } catch (UnknownMasterException ume) {
                    retryException = ume;

                } catch (LockConflictException lce) {
                    retryException = lce;
                     * This should not ever happen, because Admin is the sole
                     * user of this database.  Nonetheless, we'll code to retry
                     * this operation.
                         "Retrying transaction after LockConflictException",
                    sleepMillis = RETRY_WAIT;
                    /* Loop and retry. */

                } catch (ReplicaConsistencyException rce) {
                    retryException = rce;
                     * Retry the transaction to see if the replica becomes
                     * consistent.
                               "Retrying transaction after " +
                               "ReplicaConsistencyException", rce);
                    sleepMillis = RETRY_WAIT;
                    /* Loop and retry. */

                } catch (DatabaseException rre) {

                     * If this happens, we will let the ProcessFaultHandler
                     * exit the Admin process so that the StorageNodeAgent can
                     * restart it.

                } catch (DatabaseNotReadyException dnre) {
                    retryException = dnre;
                     * Retry the transaction to see if the entity database is
                     * reopened.
                               "Retrying transaction after " +
                               "DatabaseNotReadyException", dnre);
                    sleepMillis = RETRY_WAIT;
                    /* Loop and retry. */

                } finally {
            throw new DBOperationFailedException(
                "Transaction retry limit exceeded", retryException);

         * The following handlers allow for customized handling of
         * UnknownMasterException and ReplicaWriteException.
        void handler(UnknownMasterException ume)
            throws AdminNotReadyException {
             * Attempted a modification while in the Replica state.
                       "Write operation when not the master: {0}",
            throw new AdminNotReadyException("Unable to complete " +
                                             "operation, admin is " +
                                             "not the master");

        void handler(ReplicaWriteException rwe)
            throws AdminNotReadyException {
             * Attempted a modification while in the Replica state.
                       "Write operation when not the master: {0}",
            throw new AdminNotReadyException("Unable to complete " +
                                             "operation, admin is " +
                                             "not the master");

         * Must be implemented to perform operations using the given
         * Transaction.
        protected abstract T doTransaction(Transaction txn);

     * Signals that retry limit is exceeded.
    public static class DBOperationFailedException extends
        IllegalStateException {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public DBOperationFailedException(String msg) {

        public DBOperationFailedException(String msg, Throwable cause) {
            super(msg, cause);

    /* For use in error and usage messages. */
    public String getStorewideLogName() {
        return myParams.getStorageNodeParams().getHostname() + ":" +

     * Tells the Admin whether startup processing, done in another thread, has
     * finished. If any exceptions occur, saves the exception to transport
     * across thread boundaries.
    private static class StartupStatus {
        private enum Status { INITIALIZING, READY, ERROR }

        private Status status;
        private RuntimeException problem;

        StartupStatus() {
            status = Status.INITIALIZING;

        void setReady(Admin admin) {
            synchronized (admin) {
                status = Status.READY;

        void setUnready(Admin admin) {
            synchronized (admin) {
                status = Status.INITIALIZING;

        boolean isReady(Admin admin) {
            synchronized (admin) {
                return status == Status.READY;

        void setError(Admin admin, RuntimeException e) {
            synchronized (admin) {
                status = Status.ERROR;
                problem = e;

        void waitForIsReady(Admin admin) {
            synchronized (admin) {
                while (status == Status.INITIALIZING) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException
                            ("Interrupted while waiting for Admin " +
                             "initialization", ie);

            if (status == Status.READY) {

            if (status == Status.ERROR) {
                throw problem;

        ServiceStatus getStatus(Admin admin) {
            synchronized (admin) {
                switch (status) {
                case INITIALIZING:
                    return ServiceStatus.STARTING;
                case READY:
                    return ServiceStatus.RUNNING;
                case ERROR:
                    return ServiceStatus.ERROR_RESTARTING;
                    throw new AssertionError();

    private KVStoreConfig getConfig() {
        final Topology topo = getCurrentTopology();
        final StorageNodeMap snMap = topo.getStorageNodeMap();
        final int nHelpers = Math.min(100, snMap.size());
        final String[] helperArray = new String[nHelpers];
        int i = 0;
        for (StorageNode sn : snMap.getAll()) {
            if (i >= nHelpers) {
            helperArray[i] = sn.getHostname() + ':' + sn.getRegistryPort();
            i += 1;
        final KVStoreConfig config = new KVStoreConfig(topo.getKVStoreName(),
        final Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty(KVSecurityConstants.TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, "internal");

         * Disable async calls from the admin.
         * TODO: Use async if the store has been upgraded to support it.
        return config;

     * Opens a new KVStore handle.  The caller is responsible for closing it.

* In the future we may decide to maintain an open KVStore rather than * opening one whenever it is needed, if the overhead for opening is * unacceptable. However, because the KVStore is associated with a user * login in a secure installation, we cannot blindly share KVStore handles. */ public KVStore openKVStore() { final KVStoreConfig config = getConfig(); final KVStoreUserPrincipal currentUser = KVStoreUserPrincipal.getCurrentUser(); final LoginCredentials creds; if (currentUser == null) { creds = null; } else { LoginManager loginMgr = getLoginManager(); creds = new ClientProxyCredentials(currentUser, loginMgr); } return KVStoreFactory.getStore(config, creds, null /* ReauthenticateHandler */); } private final Object internalKVStoreLock = new Object(); /** * Opens a internal KVStore handle. */ public KVStore getInternalKVStore() { final KVStore store = kvstore; if (store != null) { return store; } synchronized(internalKVStoreLock) { if (kvstore != null) { return kvstore; } final KVStoreConfig config = getConfig(); final ClientId randomId = new ClientId(new SecureRandom().nextLong()); try { final RequestDispatcherImpl requestDispatcher = RequestDispatcherImpl.createForClient(config, randomId, getLoginManager(), exceptionHandler, logger); kvstore = KVStoreInternalFactory.getStore(config, requestDispatcher, getLoginManager(), logger); return kvstore; } catch (KVStoreException e) { throw new FaultException(e, false /* isRemote */); } } } private TopologyDiff generateTopoDiff(String targetTopoName, String startTopoName) { checkIfReadonlyAdmin(); Topology startTopo; if (startTopoName == null) { startTopo = getCurrentTopology(); } else { final TopologyCandidate startCand = getCandidate(startTopoName); startTopo = startCand.getTopology(); } final TopologyCandidate target = getCandidate(targetTopoName); final TopologyDiff diff = new TopologyDiff(startTopo, startTopoName, target, parameters); return diff; } public String previewTopology(String targetTopoName, String startTopoName, boolean verbose, short jsonVersion) { if (jsonVersion == SerialVersion.ADMIN_CLI_JSON_V1_VERSION) { return generateTopoDiff( targetTopoName, startTopoName).display(verbose); } return generateTopoDiff( targetTopoName, startTopoName).displayJson(verbose).toString(); } String changeRepFactor(final String candidateName, final String snPoolName, final DatacenterId dcId, final int repFactor) { return new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) { @Override protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) { final TopologyCandidate candidate = getCandidate(txn, candidateName); final StorageNodePool pool = freezeSNPool(snPoolName); try { /* Create and save a new layout against the specified SNs */ final TopologyBuilder tb = new TopologyBuilder(candidate, pool, getCurrentParameters(), myParams); final TopologyCandidate newCandidate = tb.changeRepfactor(repFactor, dcId); stores.getTopologyStore().putCandidate(txn, newCandidate); return "Changed replication factor in " + newCandidate.getName(); } finally { pool.thaw(); } } }.run(); } /** * Change the type of a zone in a topology candidate. Does nothing if the * zone already has the requested type. * * @param candidateName the name of the topology candidate to modify * @param dcId the ID of the zone to modify * @param type the desired type of the zone * @throws DatabaseException if there is a problem modifying the database */ public String changeZoneType(final String candidateName, final DatacenterId dcId, final DatacenterType type) { return new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) { @Override protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) { final TopologyCandidate candidate = getCandidate(txn, candidateName); final Topology topo = candidate.getTopology(); final Datacenter dc = topo.get(dcId); if (dc.getDatacenterType().equals(type)) { return dcId + " is already of type " + type; } topo.update(dc.getResourceId(), Datacenter.newInstance(dc.getName(), dc.getRepFactor(), type, dc.getAllowArbiters(), dc.getMasterAffinity())); stores.getTopologyStore().putCandidate(txn, candidate); return "Changed zone type of " + dcId + " to " + type + " in " + candidate.getName(); } }.run(); } public String changeZoneMasterAffinity(final String candidateName, final DatacenterId dcId, final boolean masterAffinity) { return new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) { @Override protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) { final TopologyCandidate candidate = getCandidate(txn, candidateName); final Topology topo = candidate.getTopology(); final Datacenter dc = topo.get(dcId); if (dc.getMasterAffinity() == masterAffinity) { if (masterAffinity) { return dcId + " already has master affinity"; } return dcId + " already has no master affinity"; } KVVersion minALVersion = DeployDatacenterPlan.AFFINITY_DC_VERSION; if (!checkStoreVersion(DeployDatacenterPlan. AFFINITY_DC_VERSION)) { throw new IllegalCommandException( "Cannot change " + candidateName + " zone master affinity when" + " not all nodes in the store support zone" + " master affinity. The highest" + " version supported by all nodes is " + storeVersion.getNumericVersionString() + ", but zone master affinity" + " requires version " + minALVersion.getNumericVersionString() + " or later.", ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5200, new String[] {}); } topo.update(dc.getResourceId(), Datacenter.newInstance(dc.getName(), dc.getRepFactor(), dc.getDatacenterType(), dc.getAllowArbiters(), masterAffinity)); stores.getTopologyStore().putCandidate(txn, candidate); return "Changed zone master affinity " + dcId + " to " + masterAffinity + " in " + candidate.getName(); } }.run(); } /** * Alter the arbiter attribute of a zone in a topology candidate. * Does nothing if the zone already has the requested attribute value. * * @param candidateName the name of the topology candidate to modify * @param dcId the ID of the zone to modify * @param allowArbiters value of the attribute * @throws DatabaseException if there is a problem modifying the database */ public String changeZoneArbiters(final String candidateName, final DatacenterId dcId, final boolean allowArbiters) { return new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) { @Override protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) { final TopologyCandidate candidate = getCandidate(txn, candidateName); final Topology topo = candidate.getTopology(); final Datacenter dc = topo.get(dcId); if (dc.getAllowArbiters() == allowArbiters) { String retval; if (allowArbiters) { retval = dcId + " already allow Arbiters "; } else { retval = dcId + " already does not allow Arbiters "; } return retval; } topo.update(dc.getResourceId(), Datacenter.newInstance(dc.getName(), dc.getRepFactor(), dc.getDatacenterType(), allowArbiters, dc.getMasterAffinity())); stores.getTopologyStore().putCandidate(txn, candidate); return "Changed allow Arbiters " + dcId + " to " + allowArbiters + " in " + candidate.getName(); } }.run(); } public String validateTopology(String candidateName, short jsonVersion) { Results results = null; String prefix = null; if (candidateName == null) { results = Rules.validate(getCurrentTopology(), getCurrentParameters(), true); prefix = "the current deployed topology"; } else { final TopologyCandidate candidate = getCandidate(candidateName); results = Rules.validate(candidate.getTopology(), getCurrentParameters(), false); prefix = "topology candidate \"" + candidateName + "\""; } if (jsonVersion == SerialVersion.ADMIN_CLI_JSON_V1_VERSION) { return "Validation for " + prefix + ":\n" + results; } final ObjectNode top = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); top.put("candicateName", candidateName); final ArrayNode problemArray = top.putArray("problems"); for (RulesProblem problem : results.getProblems()) { final ObjectNode on = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); on.put("resourceId", problem.getResourceId().toString()); on.put("description", problem.toString()); problemArray.add(on); } final ArrayNode warningArray = top.putArray("warnings"); for (RulesProblem warning : results.getWarnings()) { final ObjectNode on = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); on.put("resourceId", warning.getResourceId().toString()); on.put("description", warning.toString()); warningArray.add(on); } final ArrayNode violationArray = top.putArray("violations"); for (RulesProblem violation : results.getViolations()) { final ObjectNode on = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); on.put("resourceId", violation.getResourceId().toString()); on.put("description", violation.toString()); violationArray.add(on); } return top.toString(); } public String moveRN(final String candidateName, final RepNodeId rnId, final StorageNodeId snId) { return new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.writeNoSync, logger) { @Override protected String doTransaction(Transaction txn) { final TopologyCandidate candidate = getCandidate(txn, candidateName); final StorageNodePool pool = freezeSNPool(Parameters.DEFAULT_POOL_NAME); try { /* * Create and save a new layout against the specified SNs */ final TopologyBuilder tb = new TopologyBuilder(candidate, pool, getCurrentParameters(), myParams); final RepNode oldRN = candidate.getTopology().get(rnId); if (oldRN == null) { throw new IllegalCommandException( rnId + " doesn't exist, and can't be moved.", ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5200, new String[] {}); } final TopologyCandidate newCandidate = tb.relocateRN(rnId, snId); final RepNode newRN = newCandidate.getTopology().get(rnId); if (newRN == null) { throw new IllegalStateException (rnId + " is missing from the new topology candidate: " + TopologyPrinter.printTopology (newCandidate.getTopology())); } if (!(newRN.getStorageNodeId().equals (oldRN.getStorageNodeId()))) { stores.getTopologyStore().putCandidate(txn, newCandidate); return "Moved " + rnId + " from " + oldRN.getStorageNodeId() + " to " + newRN.getStorageNodeId(); } throw new IllegalCommandException( "Couldn't find an eligible SN to house " + rnId, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5200, new String[] {}); } finally { pool.thaw(); } } }.run(); } /* * These next few with @Override are for the MonitorKeeper interface. */ @Override public Monitor getMonitor() { return monitor; } /** * Return the latency ceiling associated with the given RepNode. */ @Override public int getLatencyCeiling(ResourceId rnid) { if (rnid instanceof RepNodeId) { checkIfReadonlyAdmin(); final RepNodeParams rnp = parameters.get((RepNodeId) rnid); return rnp == null ? 0 : rnp.getLatencyCeiling(); } return 0; } /** * Return the throughput floor associated with the given RepNode. */ @Override public int getThroughputFloor(ResourceId rnid) { if (rnid instanceof RepNodeId) { checkIfReadonlyAdmin(); final RepNodeParams rnp = parameters.get((RepNodeId) rnid); return rnp == null ? 0 : rnp.getThroughputFloor(); } return 0; } private void updateAdminStatus(ServiceStatus newStatus) { if (owner == null) { return; } owner.updateAdminStatus(this, newStatus); } /** * Gets the JE replication group admin for the specified Admin. */ public ReplicationGroupAdmin getReplicationGroupAdmin(AdminId targetId) { /* * Use the local service parameters if targetId matches this service's * admin ID and there are no parameters because this admin was a * replica */ final AdminParams targetAP; if (parameters != null) { targetAP = parameters.get(targetId); } else if (targetId.equals(adminId)) { targetAP = myParams.getAdminParams(); } else { targetAP = null; } if (targetAP == null) { return null; } String allNodes = targetAP.getNodeHostPort(); final String helpers = targetAP.getHelperHosts(); if (!"".equals(helpers) && (helpers != null)) { allNodes += ParameterUtils.HELPER_HOST_SEPARATOR + helpers; } final GlobalParams globalParams = (parameters != null) ? parameters.getGlobalParams() : myParams.getGlobalParams(); final String storeName = globalParams.getKVStoreName(); final String groupName = getAdminRepGroupName(storeName); return getReplicationGroupAdmin(groupName, allNodes); } /** * Gets the JE replication group admin for the specified RN. */ public ReplicationGroupAdmin getReplicationGroupAdmin(RepNodeId targetId) { checkIfReadonlyAdmin(); final RepNodeParams rnp = parameters.get(targetId); if (rnp == null) { return null; } String allNodes = rnp.getJENodeHostPort(); final String helpers = rnp.getJEHelperHosts(); if (!"".equals(helpers) && (helpers != null)) { allNodes += ParameterUtils.HELPER_HOST_SEPARATOR + helpers; } return getReplicationGroupAdmin(targetId.getGroupName(), allNodes); } /** * Gets the JE replication group for the group with the specified name by * contacting the specified helpers. */ public ReplicationGroupAdmin getReplicationGroupAdmin(String groupName, String targetHelperHosts) { final Set helperSockets = new HashSet<>(); final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(targetHelperHosts, ParameterUtils.HELPER_HOST_SEPARATOR); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { final String helper = tokenizer.nextToken(); helperSockets.add(HostPortPair.getSocket(helper)); } return new ReplicationGroupAdmin(groupName, helperSockets, repConfig.getRepNetConfig()); } /** * Returns the JE replication group obtained from the group admin. * * @param rga the group admin * @return the replication group * @throws IllegalStateException if the group master is not found before * the timeout or if the call fails for another reason */ public static ReplicationGroup getReplicationGroup( ReplicationGroupAdmin rga) throws IllegalStateException { /* TODO: Add KV parameters for the check or timeout values? */ final long checkMillis = 1000; /* * Use a long enough timeout to account for the fact that JE HA master * election retries have a power-of-two backoff that can wait as long * as 32 seconds between attempts */ final long timeoutMillis = 90000; final long stop = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMillis; try { while (true) { try { return rga.getGroup(); } catch (UnknownMasterException e) { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now > stop) { throw e; } Thread.sleep(checkMillis); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Problem getting replication group membership: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Removes the specified admin replica from its replication group. It must * exist and not be the only admin the store. */ public void removeAdminFromRepGroup(AdminId victim) {"Removing Admin replica " + victim + " from the replication group."); final ReplicationGroupAdmin rga = getReplicationGroupAdmin(victim); if (rga == null) { throw new MemberNotFoundException ("The admin " + victim + " is not in the rep group."); } /* This call may also throw MemberNotFoundException. */ final String victimNodeName = getAdminRepNodeName(victim); final int nAdmins = getAdminCount(); if (nAdmins == 1) { throw new NonfatalAssertionException ("Attempting to remove the sole Admin instance" + victim); } rga.removeMember(victimNodeName); } /** * Causes the mastership of the admin db replication group to change to * another member. */ public void transferMaster() { checkIfReadonlyAdmin();"Transferring Admin mastership"); final Set replicas = new HashSet<>(); for (final AdminParams adminParams : parameters.getAdminParams()) { final AdminId aId = adminParams.getAdminId(); if (adminId.equals(aId)) { continue; } if (!adminParams.getType().isPrimary()) { continue; } replicas.add(getAdminRepNodeName(aId)); } try { environment.transferMaster(replicas, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NonfatalAssertionException ("Master transfer failed", e); } } /** * Checks whether all of the nodes in the store are at or above the minor * version of {@code requiredVersion}. Returns {@code true} if the * required version is supported by all nodes, and {@code false} if at * least one node does not support the required version. Throws {@link * AdminFaultException} if there is a problem determining the versions of * the storage nodes or if there is a node does not support the * prerequisite version. Once {@code true} is returned for a given * version, future calls to this method will always return {@code true}. * *

Version dependent features should keep calling this method until the * required feature is enabled. Of course, features should be careful to * not constantly call these methods at a high rate. * * @param requiredVersion version to check against * @return {@code true} if all of the nodes in the store meet the required * version, and {@code false} if a least one node does not * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions or * a node does not support the prerequisite version */ public boolean checkStoreVersion(KVVersion requiredVersion) { return VersionUtil.compareMinorVersion(getStoreVersion(), requiredVersion) >= 0; } /** * Checks whether all of the storage nodes in the store hosting an admin * instance are at or above the minor version of {@code requiredVersion}. * * @param requiredVersion version to check against * @return {@code true} if all of the nodes hosting an admin instance meet * the required version, and {@code false} if a least one node does * not * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions or * a node does not support the prerequisite version */ public boolean checkAdminGroupVersion(KVVersion requiredVersion) { return checkAdminGroupVersion(requiredVersion, Collections.emptySet(), null, null, false); } /** * Checks whether all of the storage nodes in the store hosting an admin * instance are at or above the minor version of {@code requiredVersion}, * skipping nodes which are down due to failure of specified shard. * * @param requiredVersion version to check against * @param failedShard the RepGroupId of failed shard, or null for no failed * shard * @return {@code true} if all of the nodes hosting an admin instance meet * the required version, and {@code false} if a least one node does * not * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions or * a node does not support the prerequisite version */ public boolean checkAdminGroupVersion(KVVersion requiredVersion, RepGroupId failedShard) { return checkAdminGroupVersion(requiredVersion, Collections.emptySet(), failedShard, null, false); } /** * Checks whether all of the storage nodes in the store hosting an admin * instance are at or above the minor version of {@code requiredVersion}, * skipping node which is hosting to be removed admin on failed SN. * * @param requiredVersion version to check against * @param victim the AdminId of to be removed admin * @param failedSN true if to be removed admin hosted on failed sn, * else false * @return {@code true} if all of the nodes hosting an admin instance meet * the required version, and {@code false} if a least one node does * not * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions or * a node does not support the prerequisite version */ public boolean checkAdminGroupVersion(KVVersion requiredVersion, AdminId victim, boolean failedSN) { return checkAdminGroupVersion(requiredVersion, Collections.emptySet(), null, victim, failedSN); } /** * Checks whether all of the storage nodes in the store hosting an admin * instance are at or above the minor version of {@code requiredVersion}, * skipping nodes in the specified set of offline zones and nodes which * are down due to failure of specified shard and node hosting to be * removed admin on failed SN. * * @param requiredVersion version to check against * @param offlineZones the IDs of offline zones * @param failedShard the RepGroupId of failed shard, or null for no failed * shard * @param victim the AdminId of to be removed admin * @param failedSN true if to be removed admin is hosted on failed sn, * else false * @return {@code true} if all of the nodes hosting an admin instance meet * the required version, and {@code false} if a least one node does * not * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions or * a node does not support the prerequisite version */ private boolean checkAdminGroupVersion(KVVersion requiredVersion, Set offlineZones, RepGroupId failedShard, AdminId victim, boolean failedSN) { return VersionUtil.compareMinorVersion( getAdminGroupVersion(offlineZones, failedShard, victim, failedSN), requiredVersion) >= 0; } /** * Gets the highest minor version that all of the nodes in the store are * known to be at and support. Throws {@link AdminFaultException} if there * is a problem determining the versions of the storage nodes or if there * is a node does not support the prerequisite version. Note that nodes may * be at different patch levels and this method returns the lowest patch * level found. * *

When using this method to enable version sensitive features, callers * should compare the returned version to the desired version using {@link * oracle.kv.impl.util.VersionUtil#compareMinorVersion}. * *

Note that it is assumed that new nodes added to the store will be at * the latest version. This method will not detect new nodes being added * which have older software versions. * * @return the highest minor version that all of the nodes support * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions or * a node does not support the prerequisite version */ public KVVersion getStoreVersion() { if (VersionUtil.compareMinorVersion(storeVersion, KVVersion.CURRENT_VERSION) >= 0) { return storeVersion; } /* * The store is not at the current minor version, query the nodes to * see if they have been upgraded. */ final KVVersion v = getSNsVersion(getCurrentTopology().getStorageNodeIds()); /* * Since everyone responded, we can set the store version to what * was found. */ synchronized (this) { if (v.compareTo(storeVersion) > 0) { storeVersion = v; } return storeVersion; } } /** * Gets the highest minor version that all storage nodes in the store * hosting an admin instance are known to be at and support. * *

When using this method to enable version sensitive features, callers * should compare the returned version to the desired version using {@link * VersionUtil#compareMinorVersion}. * * @return the highest minor version that the nodes hosting an admin * instance support * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions or * a node does not support the prerequisite version */ KVVersion getAdminGroupVersion() { return getAdminGroupVersion(Collections.emptySet(), null, null, false); } /** * Gets the highest minor version that all storage nodes in the store * hosting an admin instance are known to be at and support, skipping nodes * in the specified set of offline zones and nodes which are down due to * failure of specified shard and node hosting to be removed admin on * failed SN. * *

When using this method to enable version sensitive features, callers * should compare the returned version to the desired version using {@link * VersionUtil#compareMinorVersion}. * * @param offlineZones the IDs of offline zones * @param failedShard the RepGroupId of failed shard, or null for no failed * shard * @param victim the AdminId of to be removed admin * @param failedSN true if to be removed admin hosted on failed sn, * else false * @return the highest minor version that all of the nodes hosting admin * instance support * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions or * a node does not support the prerequisite version */ KVVersion getAdminGroupVersion(Set offlineZones, RepGroupId failedShard, AdminId victim, boolean failedSN) { if (VersionUtil.compareMinorVersion(adminVersion, KVVersion.CURRENT_VERSION) >= 0) { return adminVersion; } final List snIds = new ArrayList<>(); Parameters params = getCurrentParameters(); Topology topo = getCurrentTopology(); for (AdminId aId : params.getAdminIds()) { /* * If to be removed admin is hosted on a failed SN then skip * adding failed SN to the list of version check */ if (victim != null && (aId.getAdminInstanceId() == victim.getAdminInstanceId()) && failedSN) { continue; } final StorageNodeId snId = params.get(aId).getStorageNodeId(); if (offlineZones.contains(topo.getDatacenterId(snId))) { continue; } /* * In case of failed shard if capacity = 1 then skip * adding failed SN belonging to failed shard which is * hosting an admin. In case of capacity > 1, we assume * that SNs are up and running, only RNs have failed. * Hence we do not need to skip SNs in capacity > 1. */ if (failedShard != null) { Set hostedRepNodes = topo.getHostedRepNodeIds(snId); if (hostedRepNodes.size() == 1 && (hostedRepNodes.iterator().next().getGroupId() == failedShard.getGroupId())) { continue; } } snIds.add(snId); } final KVVersion v = getSNsVersion(snIds); synchronized (this) { if (v.compareTo(adminVersion) > 0) { adminVersion = v; } return adminVersion; } } /** * Returns a map of the other Admins in the group with their software * version. If there is a problem getting the information, null is returned. * * @return map of the other Admins in the group or null */ Map getOtherAdminVersions() { final Map map = new HashMap<>(); try { final RegistryUtils registryUtils = new RegistryUtils(getCurrentTopology(), getLoginManager()); final Parameters params = getCurrentParameters(); for (AdminId aId : params.getAdminIds()) { if (aId.equals(adminId)) { continue; } final StorageNodeId snId = params.get(aId).getStorageNodeId(); final KVVersion v = getSNStatus(snId, registryUtils).getKVVersion(); map.put(aId, v); } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return map; } /** * Check on all the SNs which host admins to return the highest software * version of all the running admins. * * @return the highest software version of all the nodes hosting admin * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions */ KVVersion getAdminHighestVersion() { final List snIds = new ArrayList<>(); Parameters params = getCurrentParameters(); for (AdminId aId : params.getAdminIds()) { snIds.add(params.get(aId).getStorageNodeId()); } KVVersion v = KVVersion.CURRENT_VERSION; final RegistryUtils registryUtils = new RegistryUtils(getCurrentTopology(), getLoginManager()); for (StorageNodeId snId : snIds) { StorageNodeStatus snStatus = getSNStatus(snId, registryUtils); final KVVersion snVersion = snStatus.getKVVersion(); if (VersionUtil.compareMinorVersion(snVersion, v) > 0) { v = snVersion; } } return v; } /** * Gets the highest minor version that given list of the nodes in the store * are known to be at and support. Throws {@link AdminFaultException} if * there is a problem determining the versions of the storage nodes or if * there is a node does not support the prerequisite version. Note that * nodes may be at different patch levels and this method returns the * lowest patch level found. * *

Note that it is assumed that new nodes added to the store will be at * the latest version. This method will not detect new nodes being added * which have older software versions. * * @param snIds given list of storage node Ids * @return the highest minor version that given nodes support * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking versions or * a node does not support the prerequisite version */ private KVVersion getSNsVersion(List snIds) { final RegistryUtils registryUtils = new RegistryUtils(getCurrentTopology(), getLoginManager()); /* Start at our highest version, downgrade as needed. */ KVVersion v = KVVersion.CURRENT_VERSION; for (StorageNodeId snId : snIds) { KVVersion snVersion = null; if (parameters != null) { ParameterMap snParams = parameters.get(snId).getMap(); String version = snParams.get(ParameterState.SN_SOFTWARE_VERSION).asString(); if (version != null) { snVersion = KVVersion.parseVersion(version); } } if (snVersion == null) { StorageNodeStatus snStatus = getSNStatus(snId, registryUtils); snVersion = snStatus.getKVVersion(); } if (snVersion.compareTo(KVVersion.PREREQUISITE_VERSION) < 0) { final String prereq = KVVersion.PREREQUISITE_VERSION.getNumericVersionString(); throw new AdminFaultException( new IllegalCommandException( "Node " + snId + " is at software version " + snVersion.getNumericVersionString() + " which does not meet the current prerequisite." + " It must be upgraded to version " + prereq + " or greater.")); } /* If we found someone of lesser minor version, downgrade */ if (VersionUtil.compareMinorVersion(snVersion, v) < 0) { v = snVersion; } } return v; } /** * Return the node status of a given target SN. * * @param snId the target SN's id. * @param utils the registry utils to get the status of the target SN. * @return The status of the given SN. * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem getting the SN * status. */ StorageNodeStatus getSNStatus (StorageNodeId snId, RegistryUtils utils) { try { return utils.getStorageNodeAgent(snId).ping(); } catch (RemoteException | NotBoundException e) { throw new AdminFaultException(e); } } /** * Checks whether the node hosting the current admin master instance is at * or above the minor version of {@code requiredVersion}. Throws * {@link AdminFaultException} if there is a problem determining the * version of the admin master or if it does not support the prerequisite * version. * * @param requiredVersion version to check against * @return {@code true} if the node in the store hosting admin master * instance meet the required version, and {@code false} otherwise * @throws AdminFaultException if there was a problem checking version, or * the admin is in detached mode, or the admin master does not * support the prerequisite version */ boolean checkAdminMasterVersion(KVVersion requiredVersion) { final KVVersion masterVersion; final AdminId currentMaster = masterId; if (currentMaster == null) { throw new AdminFaultException( new NonfatalAssertionException( "Admin is in DETACHED mode. The master is unknown.")); } if (currentMaster.equals(adminId)) { masterVersion = KVVersion.CURRENT_VERSION; } else { final Parameters p = getCurrentParameters(); final AdminParams ap = p.get(currentMaster); masterVersion = getSNsVersion(Arrays.asList(ap.getStorageNodeId())); } return VersionUtil.compareMinorVersion(masterVersion, requiredVersion) >= 0; } /** * Returns the Metadata objects of the specified type. */ @Nullable public > T getMetadata(final Class returnType, final MetadataType metadataType) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Getting {0} metadata", metadataType); /* * getMetadata with RunTransaction.sync would fail with * DBOperationFailedException when admin lose quorum. * changed it to RunTransaction.readOnly because * stores.getMetadata() is a read operation. This allows * admin to be able to read if it lose quorum or * it's a read only admin. */ return new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.readOnly, logger) { @Override protected T doTransaction(Transaction txn) { /* * In TableDatabaseStore.getTableMetadata(), if txn is * null, it uses LockMode.READ_COMMITTED, otherwise, * it uses LockMode.RMW. * txn is created in, in this txn, * only read operation is done. so it does not need * LockMode.RMW in TableDatabaseStore.getTableMetadata(). * that's why we passed null to this function. * If different read/write operations share the same txn, * we should pass non-null txn to * TableDatabaseStore.getTableMetadata(). That's the case * of * public > T * getMetadata(final Class returnType, * final MetadataType metadataType, * Transaction txn) */ return stores.getMetadata(returnType, metadataType, null); } }.run(); } /** * Returns the Metadata objects of the specified type in an existing * transaction. */ public > T getMetadata(final Class returnType, final MetadataType metadataType, Transaction txn) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Getting {0} metadata", metadataType); return stores.getMetadata(returnType, metadataType, txn); } /** * Saves the specified Metadata object in the admin's store. */ public void saveMetadata(final Metadata metadata, final Plan plan) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Storing {0} ", metadata); new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.sync, logger) { @Override protected Void doTransaction(Transaction txn) { if (plan != null) { /* * Inform the plan that the metadata is being updated. Save * the plan if needed. Be sure to take the plan mutex before * any JE locks are acquired in this transaction, per the * synchronization hierarchy. */ synchronized (plan) { if (plan.updatingMetadata(metadata)) { stores.putPlan(txn, plan); } } } saveMetadata(metadata, txn); return null; } }.run(); } /** * Saves the specified Metadata object in the admin's store in an existing * transaction. * * The metadata is pruned before being written. */ public void saveMetadata(final Metadata metadata, Transaction txn) { saveMetadata(metadata, txn, false); } /** * Saves the specified Metadata object in the admin's store in an existing * transaction. If noOverwrite is true and the metadata object is already * in the store the new value will not be written and true is returned. * * The metadata is pruned before being written (successful or not). * * @return true if noOverwrite is true and the metadata object already * exist */ public boolean saveMetadata(final Metadata metadata, Transaction txn, boolean noOverwrite) { metadata.pruneChanges(Integer.MAX_VALUE, MAX_MD_CHANGE_HISTORY); logger.log(Level.FINE, "Storing {0} ", metadata); return stores.putMetadata(metadata, txn, noOverwrite); } /** * Creates a transaction context for the instance of UpdateMetadata. * Returns the updated Metadata object. */ public > T updateMetadata( final UpdateMetadata updateMetadata) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Update Metadata {0} ", updateMetadata); return new RunTransaction(environment, RunTransaction.sync, logger) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected T doTransaction(Transaction txn) { return (T)updateMetadata.doUpdateMetadata(txn); } }.run(); } /** * Returns the LoginManager for the admin. */ public LoginManager getLoginManager() { if (owner == null) { return null; } return owner.getLoginManager(); } public AdminService getOwner() { return owner; } boolean isReady() { return startupStatus.isReady(this); } void installSecurityUpdater() { if (owner != null) { final AdminSecurity aSecurity = owner.getAdminSecurity(); final LoginService loginService = owner.getLoginService(); final LoginUpdater loginUpdater = new LoginUpdater(); final SecurityMDUpdater secMDUpdater = new SecurityMDUpdater(); final IDCSOAuthAuthenticator idcsAuthenticator = aSecurity.getIDCSOAuthAuthenticator(); loginUpdater.addServiceParamsUpdaters(aSecurity); loginUpdater.addGlobalParamsUpdaters(aSecurity); secMDUpdater.addRoleChangeUpdaters(aSecurity); secMDUpdater.addUserChangeUpdaters(aSecurity); if (loginService != null) { loginUpdater.addServiceParamsUpdaters(loginService); loginUpdater.addGlobalParamsUpdaters(loginService); addSecurityMDListener(loginService); } if (idcsAuthenticator != null) { loginUpdater.addGlobalParamsUpdaters(idcsAuthenticator); } addParameterListener( ServiceParamsListener()); addGlobalParameterListener( GlobalParamsListener()); addSecurityMDListener( RoleChangeListener()); addSecurityMDListener( UserChangeListener()); } } public RoleResolver getRoleResolver() { if (owner == null) { return null; } return owner.getRoleResolver(); } /* -- repairAdminQuorum -- */ /** * Repairs the admin quorum by updating the JE HA rep group membership to * match the currently available admins, setting an electable group size * override on each admin to obtain quorum, and converting requested * secondary admins to primary admins. If there are no existing primary * admins, establishes one secondary as the initial master by resetting the * JE replication group, which updates the group membership and allows the * other secondary admins to join. * *

First checks that the admins specified by the zoneIds and adminIds * parameters match the currently available admin nodes. The nodes * specified must be currently available, and must include all available * primary nodes. If nodes are specified by zone, then the zone must be * present in the topology and all nodes in the specified zone must be * available. * *

Then attempts to modify admin parameters and adjust the JE rep group * membership. The command fails if any of those operations fail. * *

Returns null if the repair should be retried after the current admin * is restarted. * *

Since this method changes the types of admins without changing the * associated zone types, and also changes the types of offline admins * which cannot be notified of the change, the caller should call 'plan * failover' and 'plan repair-topology' commands to complete the repairs. * * @param zoneIds include admins in zones with these IDs * @param adminIds include admins with these IDs * @return the current set of admins or null * @throws IllegalCommandException if a requested admin is not found, if a * primary admin is found that was not requested, or if a requested zone is * not found * @throws IllegalStateException if there is a problem repairing the admin * quorum */ public Set repairAdminQuorum(Set zoneIds, Set adminIds) {"Repair admin quorum: zones: " + zoneIds + ", admins: " + adminIds); final Topology topo = getCurrentTopology(); final RegistryUtils regUtils = new RegistryUtils(topo, getLoginManager()); final Parameters params = getCurrentParameters(); final Map allAdmins = findAllAdmins(regUtils, params); final SortedSet requestedAdmins = collectRequestedAdmins(zoneIds, adminIds, topo, params, allAdmins);"Repair admin quorum: requested admins: " + requestedAdmins); int existingPrimaries = 0; for (final AdminId aId : requestedAdmins) { if (allAdmins.get(aId).getType().isPrimary()) { existingPrimaries++; } } /* * If there are no existing primary nodes, then establish the initial * master by using the first node to reset the JE replication group. * This operation resets the group membership, so there is no need to * delete members explicitly or set the electable group size override. */ if (existingPrimaries == 0) {"Repair admin quorum: no existing primaries"); boolean nextIsFirst = true; for (final AdminId aId : requestedAdmins) { final boolean first = nextIsFirst; nextIsFirst = false; final AdminParams adminParams = allAdmins.get(aId); if (repairAdminParams(regUtils, adminParams, 0, first)) { /* Restarting the current admin */ return null; } } return requestedAdmins; } /* * Update the electable group size override on existing primary nodes * to establish quorum. Although we could use reset rep group to do * this, it is probably safer to do it by modifying the electable group * size override, since that allows the nodes to perform an election. */ for (final AdminId aId : requestedAdmins) { final AdminParams adminParams = allAdmins.get(aId); if (adminParams.getType().isPrimary()) { final boolean restart = repairAdminParams( regUtils, adminParams, existingPrimaries, false); assert !restart : "Primary nodes should not need restarting"; } } /* * Update the JE HA group membership information, if needed, to * remove nodes that are not in the requested set. */ final ReplicationGroupAdmin rga = getReplicationGroupAdmin(adminId); final ReplicationGroup rg = getReplicationGroup(rga); final Set adminSockets = new HashSet<>(); for (final AdminParams adminParams : allAdmins.values()) { adminSockets.add( HostPortPair.getSocket(adminParams.getNodeHostPort())); } for (final ReplicationNode jeRN : rg.getElectableNodes()) { if (!adminSockets.contains(jeRN.getSocketAddress())) { final String name = jeRN.getName();"Repair admin quorum: delete member: " + name); try { rga.deleteMember(name); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Problem updating admin group membership for node " + name + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } /* Clear special parameters on the primary nodes */ for (final AdminId aid : requestedAdmins) { final AdminParams adminParams = allAdmins.get(aid); if (adminParams.getType().isPrimary()) { boolean restart = repairAdminParams(regUtils, adminParams, 0, false); assert !restart : "Primary nodes should not need restarting"; } } /* * Convert any secondary nodes to primary nodes after quorum has been * established so that they can join the existing group. */ if (existingPrimaries < requestedAdmins.size()) { for (final AdminId aid : requestedAdmins) { final AdminParams adminParams = allAdmins.get(aid); if (!adminParams.getType().isPrimary()) { if (repairAdminParams(regUtils, adminParams, 0, false)) { /* Restarting the current admin */ return null; } } } } return requestedAdmins; } /** Collect admin parameters from all available admins. */ private Map findAllAdmins(RegistryUtils regUtils, Parameters params) { /* * TODO: Maybe scan other SNs, perhaps with a standard utility, to see * if they have admins not included in the parameters? */ final Map allAdmins = new HashMap<>(); final List adminsToCheck = new ArrayList<>(params.getAdminIds()); for (int i = 0; i < adminsToCheck.size(); i++) { final AdminId aId = adminsToCheck.get(i); final StorageNodeId snId = params.get(aId).getStorageNodeId(); try { final CommandServiceAPI cs = regUtils.getAdmin(snId); final LoadParameters adminServiceParams = cs.getParams(); allAdmins.put(aId, new AdminParams( adminServiceParams.getMapByType( ParameterState.ADMIN_TYPE))); } catch (RemoteException | NotBoundException e) {"Admin " + aId + " is unreachable"); } } return allAdmins; } /** * Returns all of the admins in the specified zone IDs and admin IDs, * checking that all of the admins specified are available and that they * include all available primary admins. Returns a sorted set so callers * that iterate over the set will behave the same way if the same repair is * performed more than once. * * @return the requested admins * @throws IllegalCommandException if zones are not found or requested * admins do not match available ones */ private SortedSet collectRequestedAdmins( Set zoneIds, Set adminIds, Topology topo, Parameters params, Map allAdmins) { final StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(); final Set missingZones = new HashSet<>(); for (final DatacenterId dcId : zoneIds) { if (topo.get(dcId) == null) { missingZones.add(dcId); } } if (!missingZones.isEmpty()) { errorMessage.append("\n Zones not found: ").append(missingZones); } final SortedSet requestedAdmins = new TreeSet<>(adminIds); for (final AdminId aId : params.getAdminIds()) { final StorageNodeId snId = params.get(aId).getStorageNodeId(); final Datacenter dc = topo.getDatacenter(snId); if (zoneIds.contains(dc.getResourceId())) { requestedAdmins.add(aId); } } final Set missingPrimaries = new HashSet<>(); for (final AdminParams adminParams : allAdmins.values()) { if (adminParams.getType().isPrimary()) { final AdminId aId = adminParams.getAdminId(); if (!requestedAdmins.contains(aId)) { missingPrimaries.add(aId); } } } if (!missingPrimaries.isEmpty()) { errorMessage.append("\n Available primary admins not specified: ") .append(missingPrimaries); } final Set offlineAdmins = new HashSet<>(requestedAdmins); offlineAdmins.removeAll(allAdmins.keySet()); if (!offlineAdmins.isEmpty()) { errorMessage.append("\n Requested admins not found: ") .append(offlineAdmins); } if (errorMessage.length() > 0) { throw new IllegalCommandException( "Problems repairing admin quorum" + errorMessage); } return requestedAdmins; } /** * Update the node parameters as needed to make it a primary node, and have * the requested electable group size override and reset rep group * settings. Returns true if the node requires a restart and it is the * currently running admin. * * @param regUtils registry utilities * @param adminParams the current admin parameters * @param groupSizeOverride the requested electable group size override * @param resetRepGroup the requested value for reset rep group * @return whether the current node needs to be restarted * @throws IllegalStateException if the update fails */ private boolean repairAdminParams(RegistryUtils regUtils, AdminParams adminParams, int groupSizeOverride, boolean resetRepGroup) { final AdminId aId = adminParams.getAdminId();"Repair admin params: " + aId + ", groupSizeOverride: " + groupSizeOverride + ", resetRepGroup: " + resetRepGroup); final boolean currentIsPrimary = adminParams.getType().isPrimary(); final int currentGroupSizeOverride = adminParams.getElectableGroupSizeOverride(); final boolean currentResetRepGroup = adminParams.getResetRepGroup(); assert !resetRepGroup || !currentIsPrimary : "Only reset replication group for secondary node"; /* Check if node is OK as is */ if (currentIsPrimary && (currentGroupSizeOverride == groupSizeOverride) && (currentResetRepGroup == resetRepGroup)) {"Repair admin params: OK: " + aId); return false; } final AdminParams newAdminParams = new AdminParams(adminParams.getMap()); newAdminParams.setType(AdminType.PRIMARY); newAdminParams.setElectableGroupSizeOverride(groupSizeOverride); newAdminParams.setResetRepGroup(resetRepGroup); final StorageNodeId snId = adminParams.getStorageNodeId(); try { final StorageNodeAgentAPI sna = regUtils.getStorageNodeAgent(snId); sna.newAdminParameters(newAdminParams.getMap()); if (currentIsPrimary) {"Repair admin params: no restart: " + aId); regUtils.getAdmin(snId).newParameters(); return false; } if (!adminId.equals(aId)) {"Repair admin params: restart: " + aId); sna.stopAdmin(false /* force */); sna.startAdmin(); final StorageNode sn = regUtils.getTopology().get(snId); ServiceUtils.waitForAdmin(sn.getHostname(), sn.getRegistryPort(), regUtils.getLoginManager(), 90, /* timeoutSec */ ServiceStatus.RUNNING); return false; } /* * Stop the current admin, and return true, to request that the * caller retry the repair after the admin restarts */"Repair admin params: restart current: " + aId); stopAdminService(true /* force */); return true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Problem attempting to update the admin quorum for admin: " + aId + ", SN ID: " + snId + ", host and port: " + adminParams.getNodeHostPort() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /* ---- DDL statement execution support ------ */ /** * Asynchronously execute the specified DDL statement and return * information about the resulting plan. * @param namespace optional namespace to use for tables * @param serialVersion serialization version * @throws IllegalCommandException if the statement is invalid. */ public ExecutionInfo executeStatement(String ddlStatement, String namespace, boolean validateNamespace, TableLimits limits, LogContext lc, short serialVersion) { /* * Parse the statement and fire off a plan to execute it. There are * three possible outcomes where the handler will not have issued a * plan: * * 1 - the statement is a describe statement, with a string return. In * that case, the handler will return success & a result string * * 2 - the statement had an error, and the handler will return an error * string. ResultString and planId will be null * * 3 - the handler will have issued a plan, and planId will be non-null. * ErrorString and ResultString will be null. */ assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(EXECUTE_HOOK, this); /* * The access checker instance in AdminService will be passed to * DdlHandler so that privilege check can be done for ddl operations. */ final AccessChecker accessChecker = owner == null ? null : owner.getAdminSecurity().getAccessChecker(); if (isLoggableWithCtx(logger, Level.FINE, lc)) { fineWithCtx(logger, "Issuing DDL statement: " + ddlStatement, lc); } DdlHandler handler = new DdlHandler(ddlStatement, this, namespace, validateNamespace, limits, accessChecker); int planId = handler.getPlanId(); /* * If the handler isn't successful, it meant that the statement * didn't parse correctly, or was semantically incorrect. */ if (!handler.getSuccess()) { /* * There should have been no plan executed, and there should be * an error string. */ assert (planId == 0); assert (handler.getErrorMessage() != null); if (handler.canRetry()) { /* This is a transient problem, retries may succeed */ throw new OperationFaultException ("Error from " + ddlStatement + ": " + handler.getErrorMessage()); } /* This is a permanent problem, retries will not help */ if (handler.getException() instanceof QueryException) { String msg = "User error in query: " + handler.getException().toString(); fineWithCtx(logger, msg, lc); throw ((QueryException)handler.getException()). getWrappedIllegalArgument(); } if (handler.getException() instanceof QueryStateException) { warningWithCtx(logger, handler.getException().toString(), lc); ((QueryStateException)handler.getException()). throwClientException(); } /* * Not all errors throw exceptions. Wrap these in a generic * QueryException. Location information is not available. */ if (handler.getException() == null) { String msg = "User error in query: " + handler.getErrorMessage(); fineWithCtx(logger, msg, lc); throw new QueryException(msg).getWrappedIllegalArgument(); } /* Unknown exception from the query */ throw new IllegalCommandException ("Error from " + ddlStatement + ": " + handler.getErrorMessage()); } /* A successful outcome */ if (handler.hasPlan()) { /* a plan was issued */ return getExecutionStatus(planId, serialVersion); } /* * A statement that didn't require an administrative plan was issued, * i.e. an "if exists" or "if not exists", or a show or describe * statement. */ DdlResultsReport report = new DdlResultsReport(handler, serialVersion); return new ExecutionInfoImpl (0, // planId, true, // isTerminated report.getStatus(), report.getStatusAsJson(), true, // isSuccess false, // isCancelled null, // errorMessage false, // needsCancel report.getResult()); // result } /** * This is not a DDL statement but is a DDL-like plan to change table * limits. If anything fails, cancel the plan. */ ExecutionInfo setTableLimits(final String namespace, final String tableName, final TableLimits limits, short serialVersion) { int planId = getPlanner().createTableLimitPlan("SetTableLimits", namespace, tableName, limits); try { approvePlan(planId); executePlanOrFindMatch(planId); } catch (Exception e) { cancelPlan(planId); throw new OperationFaultException ("Error trying to set table limits on table " + tableName); } return getExecutionStatus(planId, serialVersion); } /** * Check on the specified plan and return status. Differs from * {@link #getPlanStatus} in that getPlanStatus returns * information as a string, for display. * * TODO: perhaps deprecate getPlanStatus, which is used by the Admin CLI, * in the future, in favor of using getExecutionStatus. We could then have * the CLI and the DDL API share a common way of displaying plan status. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the plan Id is null. Otherwise, any * errors are handled and expressed by the ExecutionInfo, which will * have isSuccess == false. */ public ExecutionInfo getExecutionStatus(int planId, short serialVersion) { assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(EXECUTE_HOOK, this); /* Find the plan instance. */ final Plan p = getPlanById(planId); if (p == null) { throw new IllegalCommandException ("Attempt to get status for plan " + planId + " but it doesn't exist"); } /* * The planRun has information about the last execution of this plan. * Hang onto this planRun in case another run starts. This value may * be null if the plan is just getting started. [#27012] */ PlanRun planRun = p.getExecutionState().getLatestPlanRun(); DdlResultsReport ddlReport = new DdlResultsReport(p, serialVersion); /* * TODO: the planRun's failure description may need to be translated * into something more user friendly. */ return new ExecutionInfoImpl( planId, (planRun != null) && planRun.isTerminated(), ddlReport.getStatus(), ddlReport.getStatusAsJson(), (planRun != null) && planRun.isSuccess(), (planRun != null) && planRun.isCancelled(), (planRun != null) ? planRun.getFailureDescription(false) : null, (planRun != null) && planRun.getState().equals(Plan.State.ERROR), ddlReport.getResult()); // result } /** * Return the state of the latest plan run. */ public Plan.State getCurrentPlanState(int planId) { final Plan p = getPlanById(planId); if (p == null) { throw new IllegalCommandException ("Attempt to get status for plan " + planId + " but it doesn't exist"); } /* * The planRun has information about the last execution of this plan. * Hang onto this planRun in case another run starts. */ return p.getExecutionState().getLatestPlanRun().getState(); } @Override public void newParameters(ParameterMap oldMap, ParameterMap newMap) { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); final AdminParams oldParams = new AdminParams(oldMap); final AdminParams newParams = new AdminParams(newMap); /* Update electable group size override */ final int newElectableGroupSizeOverride = newParams.getElectableGroupSizeOverride(); if (oldParams.getElectableGroupSizeOverride() != newElectableGroupSizeOverride) { repConfig.setElectableGroupSizeOverride( newElectableGroupSizeOverride); environment.setRepMutableConfig(repConfig); } long newPollTime = newParams.getKVMetadataAdminCheckInterval().toMillis(); if (oldParams.isMetadataAdminThreadEnabled() != newParams.isMetadataAdminThreadEnabled()) { if (!newParams.isMetadataAdminThreadEnabled()) { shutdownKVMetadataAdminThread(); } else if (isAdminThreadEnabled(true)) { startMetadataAdminThread( newPollTime, newParams.getKVMetadataAdminMaxPlanWait().toMillis()); } } else if (isAdminThreadEnabled( newParams.isMetadataAdminThreadEnabled())) { /* Thread was and still is enabled check */ long oldPollTime = newParams.getKVMetadataAdminCheckInterval().toMillis(); if (oldPollTime != newPollTime) { startMetadataAdminThread( newPollTime, newParams.getKVMetadataAdminMaxPlanWait().toMillis()); } } else if (!newParams.getKVMetadataAdminMaxPlanWait().equals( oldParams.getKVMetadataAdminMaxPlanWait()) && metadataAdminChecker != null) { metadataAdminChecker.setMaxPlanWait( (int) newParams.getKVMetadataAdminMaxPlanWait().toMillis()); } newPollTime = newParams.getVersionCheckInterval().toMillis(); if (oldParams.isVersionThreadEnabled() != newParams.isVersionThreadEnabled()) { if (!newParams.isVersionThreadEnabled()) { shutdownVersionUpdaterThread(); } else if (isAdminThreadEnabled(true)) { startVersionUpdaterThread(newPollTime); } } else if (isAdminThreadEnabled( newParams.isVersionThreadEnabled())) { /* Thread was and still is enabled check */ long oldPollTime = newParams.getVersionCheckInterval().toMillis(); if (oldPollTime != newPollTime) { startVersionUpdaterThread(newPollTime); } } /* * Check whether the new parameters specify a new node type that is not * reflected by the environment. This could happen if, because of a * bug, we failed to restart the environment after updating the * parameter. */ final NodeType newNodeType = getNodeType(newParams.getType()); final NodeType envNodeType = environment.getRepConfig().getNodeType(); if (!envNodeType.equals(newNodeType)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Environment for " + adminId + " has wrong node type:" + " expected " + newNodeType + ", found " + envNodeType); } } /** * Starts a thread which monitors Admin upgrade. This should be called if * the Admin is being upgraded and the master must wait until all Admins * have been upgraded before the store schema can be updated. */ void monitorUpgrade() { if ((upgradeMonitor != null) && upgradeMonitor.isAlive()) { return; } /* * The monitor thread will check every 10 seconds to see if the stores * can be upgraded. */ upgradeMonitor = new StoppableThread("MonitorUpgradeThread") { @Override public void run() { logger.log(Level.FINE, "{0} started", this); try { Thread.sleep(10000); while (true) { /* * Quit the thread if it is shutdown, the admin is * closing or no longer the master, or the stores have * been updated. */ if (isShutdown() || isClosing() || !environment.getState().isMaster() || !stores.isReadOnly()) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "{0} exiting", this); return; } logger.log(Level.FINE, "{0} checking for upgrade",this); synchronized (Admin.this) { initStores(true /* isMaster */); } Thread.sleep(10000); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} interrupted, exited", this); } } @Override protected Logger getLogger() { return logger; } }; upgradeMonitor.start(); } private void startSysTableMonitor() { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); if (sysTableMonitor != null) { return; } sysTableMonitor = new SysTableMonitor(this); sysTableMonitor.start(); } private void shutdownSysTableMonitor() { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); if (sysTableMonitor == null) { return; } sysTableMonitor.shutdownThread(logger); sysTableMonitor = null; } /* * For testing, wait for create/upgrade system tables completed. */ public void joinSysTableMonitorThread() throws InterruptedException { /* Set to local t variable, to avoid sysTableMonitor is set to null * in another thread after checking it is not null. */ Thread t = sysTableMonitor; if (t != null) { t.join(); } } private String doFailoverProcessing(String candidateName, StorageNodePool snPool, Set newPrimaryZones, Set offlineZones, Transaction txn) { Topology current = getCurrentTopology(); TopologyCandidate candidate = new TopologyCandidate(candidateName, current); final Topology topo = candidate.getTopology(); for (final DatacenterId dcId : topo.getDatacenterMap().getAllIds()) { Datacenter dc = topo.get(dcId); if (newPrimaryZones.contains(dcId)) { if (dc.getDatacenterType().equals(DatacenterType.PRIMARY)) { continue; } topo.update(dc.getResourceId(), Datacenter.newInstance(dc.getName(), dc.getRepFactor(), DatacenterType.PRIMARY, dc.getAllowArbiters(), dc.getMasterAffinity())); } else if (offlineZones.contains(dcId)) { if (dc.getDatacenterType().equals(DatacenterType.SECONDARY)) { continue; } topo.update(dc.getResourceId(), Datacenter.newInstance(dc.getName(), dc.getRepFactor(), DatacenterType.SECONDARY, dc.getAllowArbiters(), dc.getMasterAffinity())); } } TopologyBuilder tb = new TopologyBuilder(candidate, snPool, getCurrentParameters(), getParams()); candidate = tb.fixANProblems(candidate, offlineZones); final TopologyStore topoStore = stores.getTopologyStore(); topoStore.putCandidate(txn, new TopologyCandidate(candidateName, candidate.getTopology())); return candidateName; } /** * Verify data for this admin. * * @param verifyBtree verifies the btree of databases * @param verifyLog verifies log files of databases * @param verifyIndex verifies the index * @param verifyRecord verifies data records in disk * @param btreeDelay delay between batches for btree verification * @param logDelay delay between log file reads * @throws IOException */ public void verifyData(boolean verifyBtree, boolean verifyLog, boolean verifyIndex, boolean verifyRecord, long btreeDelay, long logDelay) throws IOException { final ReplicatedEnvironment env = getEnv(); if (env == null) { throw new OperationFaultException("Environment unavailable"); } if (VerifyDataPlan.VERIFY_HOOK != null && getOwner() != null) { ((AdminServiceFaultHandler)(getOwner().getFaultHandler())). setSuppressPrinting(); } DatabaseUtils.verifyData(env, adminId, verifyBtree, verifyLog, verifyIndex, verifyRecord, btreeDelay, logDelay, logger); } private void updateAndNotify(RepNodeParams rnp) { parameters.update(rnp); parameterChangeTracker.notifyListeners(rnp.getStorageNodeId()); } private void updateAndNotify(StorageNodeParams snp) { parameters.update(snp); parameterChangeTracker.notifyListeners(snp.getStorageNodeId()); } private void updateAndNotify(GlobalParams gp) { parameters.update(gp); parameterChangeTracker.notifyListeners(null); } private void updateAndNotify(ArbNodeParams anp) { parameters.update(anp); parameterChangeTracker.notifyListeners(anp.getStorageNodeId()); } private void shutdownKVMetadataAdminThread() { if (metadataAdminChecker != null) { metadataAdminChecker.shutdown(); metadataAdminChecker = null; } } private void shutdownVersionUpdaterThread() { if (versionUpdater != null) { versionUpdater.shutdown(); versionUpdater = null; } } private void startMetadataAdminThread(long pollTimeMS, long maxPlanWait) { shutdownKVMetadataAdminThread(); metadataAdminChecker = new ParamConsistencyChecker(this, pollTimeMS, (int) maxPlanWait, logger); } private void startVersionUpdaterThread(long pollTimeMS) { shutdownVersionUpdaterThread(); versionUpdater = new SoftwareVersionUpdater(this, pollTimeMS, logger); } private boolean isAdminThreadEnabled(boolean configValue) { if (configValue == true) { return true; } try { return !checkAdminGroupVersion(MIN_UTIL_THREAD_VERSION); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } class KVMetadataAdminThreadParameterListenter implements ParameterListener { @Override public void newParameters(ParameterMap oldMap, ParameterMap newMap) { if (metadataAdminChecker != null) { metadataAdminChecker.newParameters(oldMap, newMap); } if (versionUpdater != null) { versionUpdater.newParameters(oldMap, newMap); } } } /** * Simple class used to register listeners for parameter changes * that effect an SN's configuration. */ class SNParameterChangeTracker { private final Set listeners; public SNParameterChangeTracker() { listeners = Collections.synchronizedSet( new HashSet()); } public void addListener(SNParameterChangeListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public void removeListener(SNParameterChangeListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } public void notifyListeners(StorageNodeId snId) { for (SNParameterChangeListener listener : listeners) { listener.changeParameters(snId); } } } private interface SNParameterChangeListener { /** * Notify listener of new parameters. * @param snId Storage node of resource */ public void changeParameters(StorageNodeId snId); } class KVAdminParameterListener implements SNParameterChangeListener { @Override public void changeParameters(StorageNodeId snId) { if (metadataAdminChecker != null) { metadataAdminChecker.changeParameters(snId); } } } }

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