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oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.DeployTopoPlan Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
 * Database made available at:
 * Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
 * appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
 * additional information.

package oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import oracle.kv.impl.admin.Admin;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.CommandResult;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.IllegalCommandException;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.PlanLocksHeldException;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.Parameters;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.task.MigratePartition;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.task.HealthCheck;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.task.Task;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.plan.task.Utils;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.Rules;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.Rules.Results;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.TopologyCandidate;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.topo.TopologyDiff;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.table.TableMetadata;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.OperationFaultException;
import oracle.kv.impl.metadata.Metadata;
import oracle.kv.impl.metadata.Metadata.MetadataType;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.migration.PartitionMigrationStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.Datacenter;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.DatacenterId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.Topology;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.FormatUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.JsonUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.TopologyPrinter;
import oracle.kv.util.ErrorMessage;

import com.sleepycat.persist.model.Persistent;

import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode;

 * Deploys a target topology.
public class DeployTopoPlan extends AbstractPlan {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * Collection of shardIds generated during plan execution for brand new
     * shards.
     * When tasks are generated to implement a candidate topology, the tasks
     * must refer to not-yet-created shards by a shard index. During task
     * execution, shards are created, and a RepGroupId is instantiated. Later
     * tasks that implement the RNs lookup the newly created shard ids by
     * index value.
    private final List newlyGeneratedShardIds = new ArrayList<>();
    protected String candidateName;

     * The topology sequence number identifying the current topology in effect
     * when the plan's tasks are generated.
     * Plan tasks are generated when the user creates the plan. It's possible
     * that the plan may actually be executed later on. The generated tasks are
     * only valid if the current, deployed topology at execution time is
     * identical to the current topology at task generation time. This field is
     * used to check this condition.
     * Once the plan as started, the seq # is updated during the plan execution
     * whenever the topology is updated. This allows the plan to be re-executed
     * even after parts of the plan have completed successfully.
    private int sourceTopoSequence;

    private transient DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo;

     * No-arg ctor for use by DPL.
    private DeployTopoPlan() {

     * Creates a plan to deploy a topology.
     * @param planName a custom name for the plan, or null for the default
     * @param planner the planner to use to manage plans
     * @param current the current topology
     * @param candidate the new topology candidate to deploy
     * @param failedShard the failedShard parameter, if any, or null
    public static DeployTopoPlan create(String planName,
                                        Planner planner,
                                        Topology current,
                                        TopologyCandidate candidate,
                                        RepGroupId failedShard) {
        final DeployTopoPlan plan =
            new DeployTopoPlan(planName, planner, current, candidate);
        plan.generateTasks(current, candidate, failedShard);
        return plan;

    /** Internal constructor */
    protected DeployTopoPlan(String planName,
                             Planner planner,
                             Topology current,
                             TopologyCandidate candidate) {

        super(planName, planner);

        sourceTopoSequence = current.getSequenceNumber();
        candidateName = candidate.getName();

     * Generate the tasks for this plan, throwing an exception
     * if the arguments used to create the plan are illegal.
     * Call this method after constructing the plan.
     * @param current the current topology
     * @param candidate the topology to be deployed
     * @param failedShard the failedShard parameter, if any, or null
     * @throws IllegalCommandException if the plan is illegal
    protected void generateTasks(Topology current,
                                 TopologyCandidate candidate,
                                 RepGroupId failedShard) {

        TopoTaskGenerator generator =
            new TopoTaskGenerator(this, current, candidate,
                                  getOfflineZones(), failedShard);

    public boolean isNewShardCreated(int planShardIdx) {
        return newlyGeneratedShardIds.get(planShardIdx) != null;

    public void setNewShardId(int planShardIdx, RepGroupId shardId) {
        newlyGeneratedShardIds.add(planShardIdx, shardId);

    public RepGroupId getShardId(int planShardIdx) {
        if (newlyGeneratedShardIds.size() > planShardIdx) {
            return newlyGeneratedShardIds.get(planShardIdx);

        return null;

     * Returns a set containing the datacenter IDs of zones that are currently
     * offline.
     * @return the IDs of zones that are offline
    public Set getOfflineZones() {
        return Collections.emptySet();

    public void preExecutionSave() {

    public String getDefaultName() {
        return "Deploy Topo";

    public boolean isExclusive() {
      return false;

    public DeploymentInfo getDeployedInfo() {
        return deploymentInfo;

    synchronized PlanRun startNewRun() {
        deploymentInfo = DeploymentInfo.makeDeploymentInfo(this,
        return super.startNewRun();

    public void getCatalogLocks()
        throws PlanLocksHeldException {
        planner.lockElasticity(getId(), getName());

     * Log information about the current and future topologies, and a preview
     * ofo the work to be done. Check if the target topology introduces new
     * violations. If it does, refuse to execute it unless the force flag is
     * set.
     * @param force if false, the plan will check if the proposed topology
     * introduces new topology violations. If it does, the plan will not
     * execute. If true, the plan will skip any violation checks.
    public void preExecuteCheck(boolean force, Logger executeLogger) {
        Admin admin = planner.getAdmin();
        Topology current = admin.getCurrentTopology();
        Parameters params = admin.getCurrentParameters();
        TopologyCandidate candidate = admin.getCandidate(candidateName);
        Topology future = candidate.getTopology();

         * For ease of debugging, log information about the changes
         * this plan would execute. Always log this information, before doing
         * any validation, so that we have a consistent set of information in
         * the log
        executeLogger.log(Level.INFO, "{0} deploying topology candidate {1}.",
                          new Object[]{this.toString(), candidateName});

                          "Current topology: {0}",

         * Don't do validation when diffing the topology. Validation will be
         * done later, within the context of the force flag.
        TopologyDiff diff = new TopologyDiff(current, null /*sourceName*/,
                                             candidate, params,
                                             false /*validate*/);
                          "Preview of changes to be executed by {0}:\n{1}",
                           new Object[]{this.toString(),
                                        diff.display(true /*verbose*/)});

                          "Target topology candidate: {0}\n{1}",
                          new Object[]{candidate.getName(),

        if (current.getSequenceNumber() != sourceTopoSequence) {
            throw new IllegalCommandException
                (this + " was based on the system topology at " +
                 "sequence " + sourceTopoSequence +
                 " but the current topology is at sequence " +
                 current.getSequenceNumber() +
                 ". Please cancel this plan and create a new plan with the " +
                 "command \"plan deploy-topology -name " + candidateName,
                 ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5400, CommandResult.PLAN_CANCEL);

        if (force) {
            /* Don't bother checking */
                              "-force specified for {0} so no topology " +
                              "validation will be done.", this.toString());

        Results statusQuo = Rules.validate(current, params, true);
        Results futureState = Rules.validate(future, params, false);

        Results newIssues = futureState.remove(statusQuo);
        int newViolations = newIssues.getViolations().size();
        if (newViolations > 0) {
            final String errorDesc =
                ((newViolations == 1) ?
                 "1 new violation" :
                 newViolations + " new violations: ") +

            throw new IllegalCommandException
                ("Deploying topology candidate \"" + candidateName +
                 "\" will introduce " + errorDesc + "\nTo deploy anyway, " +
                 "use plan deploy-topology  [force]. " +
                 "Use topology validate [] " +
                 "to view violations in the candidate \"" + candidateName +
                 "\" and the current, deployed topology.",
                 ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5400, CommandResult.TOPO_PLAN_REPAIR);

         * Do not check zone and shard health if there are any offline zone,
         * which is the case zones are changed to offline secondary zones by
         * a FailoverPlan.
        if (!getOfflineZones().isEmpty()) {

        boolean typeChanged = false;
        for (Datacenter dc : current.getSortedDatacenters()) {
            if (diff.typeChanged(dc.getResourceId())) {
                typeChanged = true;

                 * verify if a majority of nodes in each zone being changed
                 * are healthy.
                if (!Utils.verifyZoneHealth(dc.getResourceId(), current)) {
                    throw new IllegalCommandException(
                        "Deploying topology candidate \"" + candidateName +
                        "\" attempts to change type of zone " +
                        dc.getResourceId() + ", but a majority of nodes in " +
                        "this zone are offline. Retry this plan after " +
                        "correcting the problems that caused nodes " +
                        "to be offline", ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5400,

        if (typeChanged) {
            /* confirm all shards have quorum */
            try {
                    verify((new HealthCheck.Requirements()).
            } catch (OperationFaultException ofe) {
                 * Catch health check exception and rethrow with a more
                 * detailed info.
                throw new IllegalCommandException(
                            "Deploying topology candidate \"%s\" " +
                            "changes the type of one or more zones, " +
                            "but resulted in shard health problems " +
                            "which would cause the plan to fail. " +
                            "Retry the plan after correcting the problems. " +
                            candidateName, ofe.getMessage()),

     * Describe all running tasks, for a status report.
    public void describeRunning(Formatter fm,
                                final List running,
                                boolean verbose) {

         * Treat the partition migration tasks specially by summarizing and
         * showing details for those tasks. Display all the non-migrations
         * first. In R2, migrations only run concurrently with other
         * migrations, so the migration list will end up containing all the
         * tasks.
        List migrations = new ArrayList<>();

        for (TaskRun tRun : running) {
            if (tRun.getTask() instanceof MigratePartition) {
            } else {
                fm.format("   Task %d/%s started at %s\n",
                          tRun.getTaskNum(), tRun.getTask(),

        /* Now show migration information. */
        int numQueued = 0;
        int numRunning = 0;
        int numSucceeded = 0;
        int numFailed = 0;
        int numUnknown = 0;
        long succeededTime = 0;

         * Process all the migrations, and show a summary in both verbose and
         * non-verbose mode. Save the details in a separate StringBuilder for
         * appending to the end of the description.
        StringBuilder detailBd = new StringBuilder();
        Formatter taskDetailFM = new Formatter(detailBd);

        for (TaskRun m : migrations) {

            /* Get the target's details, to see what the migration state was.*/
            Map details = m.getDetails();
            PartitionMigrationStatus targetStatus =
            if (targetStatus == null) {

            if (verbose) {
                /* Only get the source's details if we are in verbose mode.*/
                PartitionMigrationStatus sourceStatus =
                if ((sourceStatus != null) &&
                    (sourceStatus.getStartTime() > 0)) {
                    taskDetailFM.format("   Task %d/%s:\n     %s\n     %s\n",
                                        m.getTaskNum(), m.getTask(),
                                        targetStatus,  sourceStatus);
                } else {
                    taskDetailFM.format("   Task %d/%s:\n     %s\n",
                              m.getTaskNum(), m.getTask(), targetStatus);

            switch (targetStatus.getState()) {
            case PENDING:
            case RUNNING:
            case SUCCEEDED:
                succeededTime += (targetStatus.getEndTime() -
            case ERROR:
            case UNKNOWN:

        /* Show summary */
        if (numQueued != 0) {
            fm.format("   %d partition migrations queued\n", numQueued);

        if (numRunning != 0) {
            fm.format("   %d partition migrations running\n", numRunning);

        if (numSucceeded != 0) {
            fm.format("   %d partition migrations succeeded, " +
                      "avg migration time = %d ms.\n",
                      numSucceeded, (succeededTime / numSucceeded));

        if (numUnknown != 0) {
            fm.format("   %d partition migrations could not be " +
                      "contacted for status\n", numUnknown);

        if (numFailed != 0) {
            fm.format("   %d partition migrations failed\n", numFailed);
        } else if (numSucceeded > 0) {
            final long elapsedMS = System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime;
            final long elapsedMSPerTask = elapsedMS / numSucceeded;
            final long estMSRemaining =
                (numQueued + numRunning + numUnknown) * elapsedMSPerTask;
            fm.format(StatusReport.STRING_LABEL, "Estimated completion:",
                      (estMSRemaining + System.currentTimeMillis()));

        if (verbose && (detailBd.length() > 0)) {
            fm.format("%s", detailBd.toString());


     * Describe all pending tasks, for a status report. Plans can override
     * this to provide a more informative, user friendly report for specific
     * plans.
    public void describeNotStarted(Formatter fm,
                                   final List notStarted,
                                   boolean verbose) {

        int migrationCount = 0;
        for (Task t : notStarted) {
            boolean showDetail = true;

            if (!verbose && (t instanceof MigratePartition)) {
                showDetail = false;
            if (showDetail) {
                fm.format("   Task %s\n", t);
        if ((!verbose) && (migrationCount > 0)) {
            fm.format("   %d partition migrations waiting", migrationCount);

    public String getCandidateName() {
        return candidateName;

     * Update the sourceTopoSequence after every task, in case it has been
     * incremented by topo updates.
    synchronized void incrementEndCount(PlanRun planRun,
                                        Task.State state) {

        super.incrementEndCount(planRun, state);

    public boolean updatingMetadata(Metadata metadata) {
        final MetadataType type = metadata.getType();
        switch (type) {
            case TOPOLOGY:
                return updatingTopo((Topology)metadata);
            case TABLE:
                final TableMetadata currentTableMd = this.getAdmin().
                        getMetadata(TableMetadata.class, MetadataType.TABLE);

                if (currentTableMd == null) {
                    return true;
                return metadata.getSequenceNumber() >
            case SECURITY:
                final SecurityMetadata currentSecMd = this.getAdmin().
                    getMetadata(SecurityMetadata.class, MetadataType.SECURITY);

                if (currentSecMd == null) {
                    return true;
                return metadata.getSequenceNumber() >
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown metadata type: " + type);

    private boolean updatingTopo(Topology topology) {

         * If the topology is updated, then update the source seq # and
         * return true, which will persist the plan (and the new source seq #).
        final int seqNum = topology.getSequenceNumber();

        if (seqNum <= sourceTopoSequence) {
            return false;
        sourceTopoSequence = seqNum;
        return true;

     * Add custom task status information to the TaskRun which records
     * information about each task execution. Must be synchronized on the
     * plan instance, to coordinate between different threads who are modifying
     * task state and persisting the plan instance.
    public synchronized void addTaskDetails(Map taskRunStatus,
                                            Map info) {

    public List getRequiredPrivileges() {
        /* Requires SYSOPER */
        return SystemPrivilege.sysoperPrivList;

    public String getOperation() {
        return "plan deploy-topology -name " + candidateName;

     * TODO: replace field names with constants held in a json/command output
     * utility class.
    public ObjectNode getPlanJson() {
        ObjectNode jsonTop = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
        jsonTop.put("plan_id", getId());
        jsonTop.put("topo_name", candidateName);
        return jsonTop;

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