oracle.kv.impl.api.avro.AvroDdl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
* Database made available at:
* http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/nosqldb/downloads/index.html
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
* additional information.
package oracle.kv.impl.api.avro;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import oracle.kv.Consistency;
import oracle.kv.KVStore;
import oracle.kv.KVVersion;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.AdminService;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.IllegalCommandException;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.NonfatalAssertionException;
import oracle.kv.impl.fault.ProcessFaultHandler;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.Pair;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.SchemaParseException;
* Implements Admin DDL schema commands. Called by admin service.
public class AvroDdl {
private final static String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator");
* Holds the summary information for a schema.
* This serializable class is used in the admin CommandService RMI
* interface. Fields may be added without adding new remote methods.
static class BaseSchemaSummary implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final AvroSchemaMetadata metadata;
private final String name;
private final int id;
BaseSchemaSummary(AvroSchemaMetadata metadata, String name, int id) {
this.metadata = metadata;
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
public AvroSchemaMetadata getMetadata() {
return metadata;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getId() {
return id;
* Holds the summary information for a schema plus a link to the previous
* version.
* This serializable class is used in the admin CommandService RMI
* interface. Fields may be added without adding new remote methods.
public static class SchemaSummary extends BaseSchemaSummary {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final SchemaSummary prevVersion;
SchemaSummary(AvroSchemaMetadata metadata,
String name,
int id,
SchemaSummary prevVersion) {
super(metadata, name, id);
this.prevVersion = prevVersion;
public SchemaSummary getPreviousVersion() {
return prevVersion;
* Holds the summary information and full text for a schema.
* This serializable class is used in the admin CommandService RMI
* interface. Fields may be added without adding new remote methods.
public static class SchemaDetails extends BaseSchemaSummary {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final String text;
SchemaDetails(AvroSchemaMetadata metadata,
String name,
int id,
String text) {
super(metadata, name, id);
this.text = text;
public String getText() {
return text;
public static class AddSchemaOptions implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final boolean evolve;
private final boolean force;
public AddSchemaOptions(boolean evolve, boolean force) {
this.evolve = evolve;
this.force = force;
public boolean getEvolve() {
return evolve;
public boolean getForce() {
return force;
public static class AddSchemaResult implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final int id;
private final String extraMsg;
AddSchemaResult(int id, String extraMsg) {
this.id = id;
this.extraMsg = extraMsg;
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getExtraMessage() {
return extraMsg;
* Implemented for the command-specific portion of an Avro DDL command.
* Called by runSchemaCommand, which also implements the common logic for
* all commands.
public interface Command {
T execute(AvroDdl ddl);
* Runs a schema command using the standard admin fault handler.
* Opens the KVStore on behalf of the command, and ensures it is closed.
* Provides special handling for exceptions, namely that a runtime
* exception (that is not IllegalCommandException or
* NonfatalAssertionException) is wrapped in a NonfatalAssertionException.
* The idea is that no schema command should cause a retry or an admin
* process restart, as would be done if OperationFaultException or a plain
* runtime exception were thrown to the handler. Since schema ddl commands
* don't access the admin JE environment and are all stateless, they are
* not impacted by admin resource availability or bad state.
public static T execute(final AdminService aservice,
final Command cmd) {
return aservice.getFaultHandler().execute
(new ProcessFaultHandler.SimpleOperation() {
public T execute() {
final KVStore store = aservice.getAdmin().openKVStore();
boolean noException = false;
try {
final T result = cmd.execute(new AvroDdl(store));
noException = true;
return result;
} catch (IllegalCommandException e) {
throw e;
} catch (NonfatalAssertionException e) {
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new NonfatalAssertionException
("Unexpected exception during schema command: " +
e.toString(), e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
/* Ignore this if another exception is in flight. */
if (noException) {
throw new NonfatalAssertionException
("Exception closing KVStore after successful" +
" schema command", e);
private final SchemaAccessor accessor;
public AvroDdl(KVStore store) {
this.accessor = new SchemaAccessor(store);
* Returns a sorted map containing all the avro schemas in the kvstore
* @param includeDisabled if true disabled schemas will be included
public SortedMap
getAllSchemas(boolean includeDisabled) {
return accessor.readAllSchemas(includeDisabled, Consistency.ABSOLUTE);
public SortedMap
getSchemaSummaries(boolean includeDisabled) {
final SortedMap results =
new TreeMap();
final SortedMap schemas =
accessor.readAllSchemas(includeDisabled, Consistency.ABSOLUTE);
for (SortedMap.Entry entry : schemas.entrySet()) {
final Integer id = entry.getKey();
final SchemaData data = entry.getValue();
final String name = data.getSchema().getFullName();
final SchemaSummary prevVersion = results.get(name);
final SchemaSummary summary =
new SchemaSummary(data.getMetadata(), name, id, prevVersion);
results.put(name, summary);
return results;
public SchemaDetails getSchemaDetails(final int schemaId) {
final SchemaData data;
try {
data = accessor.readSchema(schemaId, Consistency.ABSOLUTE);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalCommandException(e.getMessage(), e);
final Schema schema = data.getSchema();
final String text = schema.toString(true /*pretty*/);
return new SchemaDetails
(data.getMetadata(), schema.getFullName(), schemaId, text);
public boolean updateSchemaStatus(int schemaId,
AvroSchemaMetadata metadata,
KVVersion version) {
try {
return accessor.updateSchemaStatus(schemaId, metadata, version);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalCommandException(e.getMessage(), e);
public AddSchemaResult addSchema(AvroSchemaMetadata metadata,
String schemaText,
AddSchemaOptions options,
KVVersion version) {
final Schema newSchema;
try {
newSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(schemaText);
} catch (SchemaParseException e) {
throw new IllegalCommandException(e.getMessage(), e);
final String name = newSchema.getFullName();
if (newSchema.getType() != Schema.Type.RECORD) {
throw new IllegalCommandException
("Top level schema is not a 'record': " + name);
final SortedMap allSchemas =
accessor.readAllSchemas(false /*includeDisabled*/,
/* Collect other versions of this schema. */
final SortedMap oldSchemas =
new TreeMap();
for (final SortedMap.Entry entry :
allSchemas.entrySet()) {
final Schema schema = entry.getValue().getSchema();
if (name.equals(schema.getFullName())) {
oldSchemas.put(entry.getKey(), schema);
/* Check for legal add or change. */
if (options.getEvolve()) {
if (oldSchemas.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalCommandException
("Cannot change schema, does not exist: " + name);
} else {
if (oldSchemas.size() != 0) {
throw new IllegalCommandException
("Cannot add schema, already exists: " + name);
* Check for evolution errors and warnings [#21691]. First check for
* problems that apply to the new schema alone.
int nErrors = 0;
int nWarnings = 0;
List errors = new ArrayList();
List warnings = new ArrayList();
SchemaChecker.checkSchema(newSchema, errors, warnings);
nErrors += errors.size();
nWarnings += warnings.size();
final Pair, List> newSchemaErrorsAndWarnings =
new Pair, List>(errors, warnings);
/* Check for problems regarding evolution from an older schema. */
final SortedMap, List>>
evolutionErrorsAndWarnings =
new TreeMap, List>>();
for (final SortedMap.Entry entry :
oldSchemas.entrySet()) {
final Schema oldSchema = entry.getValue();
errors = new ArrayList();
warnings = new ArrayList();
SchemaChecker.checkEvolution(oldSchema, newSchema, errors,
nErrors += errors.size();
nWarnings += warnings.size();
if (errors.size() > 0 || warnings.size() > 0) {
final Integer oldVersion = entry.getKey();
new Pair, List>(errors, warnings));
/* If there are any problems, we may need to abort the command. */
if (nErrors > 0 || (nWarnings > 0 && !options.getForce())) {
final String msg = formatErrorsAndWarnings
(newSchema.getFullName(), nErrors, nWarnings,
newSchemaErrorsAndWarnings, evolutionErrorsAndWarnings);
throw new IllegalCommandException(msg);
/* Insert the schema. */
final SchemaData data = new SchemaData(metadata, newSchema);
final int newId = accessor.insertSchema(data, version);
/* We've decided to proceed in spite of any problems. */
final StringBuilder extraMsg = new StringBuilder(100);
if (nErrors > 0 || nWarnings > 0) {
appendErrorsAndWarningsSummary(extraMsg, nErrors, nWarnings,
"was", "were");
extraMsg.append(" ignored.");
return new AddSchemaResult(newId, extraMsg.toString());
private String formatErrorsAndWarnings
(String schemaName,
int nTotalErrors,
int nTotalWarnings,
Pair, List> newSchemaErrorsAndWarnings,
SortedMap, List>>
evolutionErrorsAndWarnings) {
final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(1000);
b.append("Schema was not added because ");
appendErrorsAndWarningsSummary(b, nTotalErrors, nTotalWarnings,
"was", "were");
b.append(" detected.");
if (nTotalWarnings > 0) {
b.append("To override warnings, specify -force.");
if (nTotalErrors > 0) {
if (nTotalWarnings > 0) {
b.append(' ');
b.append("Errors cannot be overridden with -force.");
if (newSchemaErrorsAndWarnings.first().size() > 0 ||
newSchemaErrorsAndWarnings.second().size() > 0) {
b.append("The following ");
(b, newSchemaErrorsAndWarnings.first().size(),
"applies", "apply");
b.append(" to the new schema being added.");
appendErrorsAndWarnings(b, newSchemaErrorsAndWarnings.first(),
for (final SortedMap.Entry, List>>
entry : evolutionErrorsAndWarnings.entrySet()) {
final String oldName = schemaName + "." + entry.getKey();
final Pair, List> errorsAndWarnings =
b.append("The following ");
(b, errorsAndWarnings.first().size(),
"applies", "apply");
b.append(" to evolution from ");
b.append(oldName).append(" to the schema being added.");
appendErrorsAndWarnings(b, errorsAndWarnings.first(),
return b.toString();
private void appendErrorsAndWarningsSummary(StringBuilder b,
int nErrors,
int nWarnings,
String singularSuffix,
String pluralSuffix) {
if (nErrors > 0) {
b.append(nErrors).append(" error");
if (nErrors > 1) {
if (nWarnings > 0) {
b.append(" and ");
if (nWarnings > 0) {
b.append(nWarnings).append(" warning");
if (nWarnings > 1) {
b.append(' ');
if (nErrors > 1 || nWarnings > 1 ||
(nErrors > 0 && nWarnings > 0)) {
} else {
private void appendErrorsAndWarnings(StringBuilder b,
List errors,
List warnings) {
for (final String error : errors) {
b.append("ERROR: ").append(error).append(eol);
for (final String warning : warnings) {
b.append("WARNING: ").append(warning).append(eol);
public void deleteAllSchemas() {