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oracle.kv.impl.api.table.IndexScan Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
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package oracle.kv.impl.api.table;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import oracle.kv.Consistency;
import oracle.kv.Direction;
import oracle.kv.Key;
import oracle.kv.ValueVersion;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.KVStoreImpl;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.Request;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.IndexIterate;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.IndexKeysIterate;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.InternalOperation;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.Result;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.ResultIndexKeys;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.ResultIndexRows;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.parallelscan.ShardScanIterator;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.AsyncTableIterator;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.IterationHandleNotifier;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.ResultHandler;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.contextlogger.LogContext;
import oracle.kv.query.ExecuteOptions;
import oracle.kv.table.KeyPair;
import oracle.kv.table.MultiGetResult;
import oracle.kv.table.MultiRowOptions;
import oracle.kv.table.Row;
import oracle.kv.table.TableIteratorOptions;

 * Implementation of a scatter-gather iterator for secondary indexes. The
 * iterator will access the store by shards.
 * {@code ShardIndexStream} will use to read a single shard.

* Discussion of inclusive/exclusive iterations *

* Each request sent to the server side needs a start or resume key and an * optional end key. By default these are inclusive. A {@code FieldRange} * object may be included to exercise fine control over start/end values for * range queries. {@code FieldRange} indicates whether the values are inclusive * or exclusive. {@code FieldValue} objects are typed so the * inclusive/exclusive state is handled here (on the client side) where they * can be controlled per-type rather than on the server where they are simple * {@code byte[]}. This means that the start/end/resume keys are always * inclusive on the server side. */ public class IndexScan { static final Comparator KEY_BYTES_COMPARATOR = new Key.BytesComparator(); /* Prevent construction */ private IndexScan() {} /** * Creates a table iterator returning ordered rows. * * @return a table iterator */ static AsyncTableIterator createTableIterator( final TableAPIImpl tableAPI, final IndexKeyImpl indexKey, final MultiRowOptions mro, final TableIteratorOptions tio, final IterationHandleNotifier iterHandleNotifier) { return createTableIterator(tableAPI, indexKey, mro, tio, null, iterHandleNotifier); } static AsyncTableIterator createTableIterator( final TableAPIImpl tableAPI, final IndexKeyImpl indexKey, final MultiRowOptions mro, final TableIteratorOptions tio, final Set shardSet, final IterationHandleNotifier iterHandleNotifier) { final TargetTables targetTables = TableAPIImpl.makeTargetTables(indexKey.getTable(), mro); final IndexImpl index = (IndexImpl) indexKey.getIndex(); final TableImpl table = index.getTable(); final IndexRange range = new IndexRange(indexKey, mro, tio); final boolean needDupElim = needDupElimination(indexKey); ExecuteOptions options = new ExecuteOptions(tio); Direction dir = (tio != null ? tio.getDirection() : Direction.FORWARD); return new ShardScanIterator(tableAPI.getStore(), options, dir, shardSet, iterHandleNotifier) { @Override protected ShardStream createStream(RepGroupId groupId) { return new IndexRowScanStream(groupId); } @Override protected InternalOperation createOp(byte[] resumeSecondaryKey, byte[] resumePrimaryKey) { return new IndexIterate(index.getName(), targetTables, range, resumeSecondaryKey, resumePrimaryKey, batchSize, 0 /* maxReadKB */, 1 /* emptyReadFactor */); } @Override protected void convertResult(Result result, List rows) { convertResultRows(tableAPI, table, targetTables, result, rows); } @Override protected byte[] extractResumeSecondaryKey(Result result) { /* * The resume key is the last index key in the ResultIndexRows * list of index keys. Because the index key was only added in * release 3.2 the index keys can be null if talking to an older * server. In that case, back out to extracting the key from * the last Row in the rowList. NOTE: this will FAIL if the * index includes a multi-key component such as map or array. * That is why new code was introduced in 3.2. */ byte[] bytes = result.getSecondaryResumeKey(); /* this will only be null if talking to a pre-3.2 server */ if (bytes != null || !result.hasMoreElements()) { return bytes; } /* compatibility code for pre-3.2 servers */ List rowList = new ArrayList(); convertResult(result, rowList); Row lastRow = rowList.get(rowList.size() - 1); return index.serializeIndexKey(index.createIndexKey(lastRow)); } @Override protected int compare(Row one, Row two) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected call"); } /** * IndexRowScanStream subclasses ShardIndexStream in order to * implement correct ordering of the streams used by an * IndexRowScanIterator. Specifically, the problem is that * IndexRowScanIterator returns Row objs, and as a result *, which compares Rows, does not * do correct ordering. Instead we must compare index keys. If * two index keys (from different shards) are equal, then the * associated primary keys are also compared, to make sure that 2 * streams will never have the same order magnitude (the only way * that 2 streams may both return the same index-key, primary-key * pair is when both streams retrieve the same row from multiple * shards in the event of partition migration. */ class IndexRowScanStream extends ShardStream { HashSet thePrimKeysSet; IndexRowScanStream(RepGroupId groupId) { super(groupId, null, null); if (needDupElim) { thePrimKeysSet = new HashSet(1000); } } @Override protected void setResumeKey(Result result) { super.setResumeKey(result); if (!needDupElim) { return; } ListIterator listIter = result.getIndexRowList().listIterator(); while (listIter.hasNext()) { ResultIndexRows indexRow =; BinaryValueImpl binPrimKey = FieldDefImpl.binaryDef. createBinary(indexRow.getKeyBytes()); boolean added = thePrimKeysSet.add(binPrimKey); if (!added) { listIter.remove(); } } } @Override protected int compareInternal(Stream o) { IndexRowScanStream other = (IndexRowScanStream)o; ResultIndexRows res1 = currentResultSet.getIndexRowList(). get(currentResultPos); ResultIndexRows res2 = other.currentResultSet.getIndexRowList(). get(other.currentResultPos); byte[] key1 = res1.getIndexKeyBytes(); byte[] key2 = res2.getIndexKeyBytes(); int cmp = IndexImpl.compareUnsignedBytes(key1, key2); if (cmp == 0) { cmp =, res2.getKeyBytes()); } return itrDirection == Direction.FORWARD ? cmp : (cmp * -1); } } }; } /** * Check whether elimination of duplicate table rows is needed. This is * true only if the index is multikey. For example, let "array" be a table * column that is an array of ints, and we are searching for rows whose * "array" contains a value > 10. Since the index contains an entry for * each value of "array", and a given row may contain many values > 10 * in its "array"Even then, no elimination is needed * in the following case: * * Let R be the set of index entries that satisfy the search conditions. * If all entries in R have the same index key (not including the prim * key columns), then there cannot be 2 entries in R that contain the same * prim key (i.e. point to the same table row). This is because at the JE * level, the index key includes both the declared index fileds and the prim * key columns, and these "physical" keys must be uniqye. * * The above case can arise in 2 situations: * - All the multi-key fields have equality conditions on them. * - The index is a MapBoth index and there is an equality condition on the * map-key field. */ private static boolean needDupElimination(IndexKeyImpl key) { IndexImpl index = (IndexImpl)key.getIndex(); if (!index.isMultiKey() || key.isComplete()) { return false; } if (key.size() == 0) { return true; } List ipaths = index.getIndexFields(); /* * If the index is a MapBoth one, and the map-key field is set in the * index key, no dup elim is needed. */ if (index.isMapBothIndex()) { for (int i = 0; i < key.size(); ++i) { if (ipaths.get(i).isMapKeys()) { return false; } } } /* * If any of the index fields that are not set in the index key are * multi-key fields, dup elim is needed. */ for (int i = key.size(); i < index.numFields(); ++i) { if (ipaths.get(i).isMultiKey()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Creates a table iterator returning ordered key pairs. * * @return a table iterator */ static AsyncTableIterator createTableKeysIterator( final TableAPIImpl apiImpl, final IndexKeyImpl indexKey, final MultiRowOptions mro, final TableIteratorOptions tio, final IterationHandleNotifier iterHandleNotifier) { final TargetTables targetTables = TableAPIImpl.makeTargetTables(indexKey.getTable(), mro); final IndexImpl index = (IndexImpl) indexKey.getIndex(); final IndexRange range = new IndexRange(indexKey, mro, tio); ExecuteOptions options = new ExecuteOptions(tio); Direction dir = (tio != null ? tio.getDirection() : Direction.FORWARD); return new ShardScanIterator(apiImpl.getStore(), options, dir, null, iterHandleNotifier) { @Override protected ShardStream createStream(RepGroupId groupId) { return new IndexKeyScanStream(groupId); } @Override protected InternalOperation createOp(byte[] resumeSecondaryKey, byte[] resumePrimaryKey) { return new IndexKeysIterate(index.getName(), targetTables, range, resumeSecondaryKey, resumePrimaryKey, batchSize, 0, /* maxReadKB */ 1 /* emptyReadFactor */); } /** * Convert the results to KeyPair instances. Note that in the * case where ancestor and/or child table returns are requested * the IndexKey returned is based on the the index and the table * containing the index, but the PrimaryKey returned may be from * a different, ancestor or child table. */ @Override protected void convertResult(Result result, List elementList) { convertResultKeyPairs(index, targetTables, result, elementList); } /** * IndexKeyScanStream exists so that the index and primary keys * from resulting KeyPair instances can be compared in binary * format for sorting. With the addition of JSON support it is * possible for the value types in the IndexKey to be different from * one row to the next and the FieldValue instances will not compare * across types. * * This comparison ensures the same sort order as in the * database. */ class IndexKeyScanStream extends ShardStream { IndexKeyScanStream(RepGroupId groupId) { super(groupId, null, null); } @Override protected int compareInternal(Stream o) { IndexKeyScanStream other = (IndexKeyScanStream)o; ResultIndexKeys res1 = currentResultSet.getIndexKeyList(). get(currentResultPos); ResultIndexKeys res2 = other.currentResultSet.getIndexKeyList(). get(other.currentResultPos); byte[] key1 = res1.getIndexKeyBytes(); byte[] key2 = res2.getIndexKeyBytes(); int cmp = IndexImpl.compareUnsignedBytes(key1, key2); if (cmp == 0) { cmp = res1.getPrimaryKeyBytes(), res2.getPrimaryKeyBytes()); } return itrDirection == Direction.FORWARD ? cmp : (cmp * -1); } } @Override protected int compare(KeyPair one, KeyPair two) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected call"); } }; } static MultiGetResult multiGet(TableAPIImpl apiImpl, IndexKeyImpl indexKey, byte[] continuationKey, MultiRowOptions mro, TableIteratorOptions tio, LogContext lc) { return new ShardMultiGetHandler(apiImpl, indexKey, continuationKey, mro, tio, lc) .execute(); } static void multiGetAsync(TableAPIImpl apiImpl, IndexKeyImpl indexKey, byte[] continuationKey, MultiRowOptions mro, TableIteratorOptions tio, ResultHandler> handler) { new ShardMultiGetHandler(apiImpl, indexKey, continuationKey, mro, tio, null) .executeAsync(handler); } private static class ShardMultiGetHandler extends BasicShardMultiGetHandler { ShardMultiGetHandler(TableAPIImpl apiImpl, IndexKeyImpl indexKey, byte[] continuationKey, MultiRowOptions mro, TableIteratorOptions tio, LogContext lc) { super(apiImpl, indexKey, continuationKey, mro, tio, lc); } @Override InternalOperation createIterateOp(int batchSize, int readKBLimit, int emptyReadFactor) { return new IndexIterate(index.getName(), targetTables, range, resumeSecondaryKey, resumePrimaryKey, batchSize, readKBLimit, emptyReadFactor); } @Override void convertResult(Result result) { convertResultRows(apiImpl, table, targetTables, result, rows); } } static MultiGetResult multiGetKeys(TableAPIImpl apiImpl, IndexKeyImpl indexKey, byte[] continuationKey, MultiRowOptions mro, TableIteratorOptions tio, LogContext lc) { return new ShardMultiGetKeysHandler(apiImpl, indexKey, continuationKey, mro, tio, lc) .execute(); } static void multiGetKeysAsync(TableAPIImpl apiImpl, IndexKeyImpl indexKey, byte[] continuationKey, MultiRowOptions mro, TableIteratorOptions tio, ResultHandler> hnd) { new ShardMultiGetKeysHandler(apiImpl, indexKey, continuationKey, mro, tio, null) .executeAsync(hnd); } private static class ShardMultiGetKeysHandler extends BasicShardMultiGetHandler { ShardMultiGetKeysHandler(TableAPIImpl apiImpl, IndexKeyImpl indexKey, byte[] continuationKey, MultiRowOptions mro, TableIteratorOptions tio, LogContext lc) { super(apiImpl, indexKey, continuationKey, mro, tio, lc); } @Override InternalOperation createIterateOp(int batchSize, int readKBLimit, int emptyReadFactor) { return new IndexKeysIterate(index.getName(), targetTables, range, resumeSecondaryKey, resumePrimaryKey, batchSize, readKBLimit, emptyReadFactor); } @Override void convertResult(Result result) { convertResultKeyPairs(index, targetTables, result, rows); } } private static void convertResultRows(TableAPIImpl apiImpl, TableImpl table, TargetTables targetTables, Result result, List rows) { final List indexRowList = result.getIndexRowList(); for (ResultIndexRows indexRow : indexRowList) { Row converted = convertRow(apiImpl, targetTables, table, indexRow); rows.add(converted); } } /** * Converts a single key value into a row. */ private static Row convertRow(TableAPIImpl apiImpl, TargetTables targetTables, TableImpl table, ResultIndexRows rowResult) { /* * If ancestor table returns may be involved, start at the * top level table of this hierarchy. */ final TableImpl startingTable = targetTables.hasAncestorTables() ? table.getTopLevelTable() : table; final RowImpl fullKey = startingTable.createRowFromKeyBytes( rowResult.getKeyBytes()); if (fullKey == null) { throw new IllegalStateException ("Unable to deserialize a row from an index result"); } final ValueVersion vv = new ValueVersion(rowResult.getValue(), rowResult.getVersion()); RowImpl row = apiImpl.getRowFromValueVersion( vv, fullKey, rowResult.getExpirationTime(), false); return row; } private static void convertResultKeyPairs(IndexImpl index, TargetTables targetTables, Result result, List keyPairs) { final TableImpl table = index.getTable(); final List results = result.getIndexKeyList(); for (ResultIndexKeys res : results) { final IndexKeyImpl indexKeyImpl = convertIndexKey(index, res.getIndexKeyBytes()); final PrimaryKeyImpl pkey = convertPrimaryKey(table, targetTables, res); if (indexKeyImpl != null && pkey != null) { keyPairs.add(new KeyPair(pkey, indexKeyImpl)); } else { keyPairs.add(null); } } } private static IndexKeyImpl convertIndexKey(IndexImpl index, byte[] bytes) { /* don't allow partial keys */ return index.deserializeIndexKey(bytes, false); } private static PrimaryKeyImpl convertPrimaryKey(TableImpl table, TargetTables targetTables, ResultIndexKeys res) { /* * If ancestor table returns may be involved, start at the * top level table of this hierarchy. */ final TableImpl startingTable = targetTables.hasAncestorTables() ? table.getTopLevelTable() : table; final PrimaryKeyImpl pkey = startingTable. createPrimaryKeyFromKeyBytes(res.getPrimaryKeyBytes()); pkey.setExpirationTime(res.getExpirationTime()); return pkey; } /** * A handler to fetch matching rows shard by shard. */ private static abstract class BasicShardMultiGetHandler { final TableAPIImpl apiImpl; final KVStoreImpl store; final RepGroupId[] repGroupIds; final IndexImpl index; final TableImpl table; final byte[] continuationKey; final TargetTables targetTables; final IndexRange range; final Consistency consistency; final long requestTimeout; final TimeUnit timeoutUnit; final int batchResultSize; final int maxReadKB; final LogContext lc; private int opBatchSize; private int opMaxReadKB; final List rows = new ArrayList(); byte[] resumeSecondaryKey = null; byte[] resumePrimaryKey = null; private RepGroupId groupId; private int numRead = 0; private int readKB = 0; private int writeKB = 0; private byte[] contdKey = null; BasicShardMultiGetHandler(TableAPIImpl apiImpl, IndexKeyImpl key, byte[] continuationKey, MultiRowOptions mro, TableIteratorOptions tio, LogContext lc) { this.apiImpl = apiImpl; store = apiImpl.getStore(); Set rgids = store.getTopology().getRepGroupIds(); repGroupIds = rgids.toArray(new RepGroupId[rgids.size()]); index = key.getIndexImpl(); table = key.getTable(); this.continuationKey = continuationKey; targetTables = TableAPIImpl.makeTargetTables(key.getTable(), mro); range = new IndexRange(key, mro, tio); consistency = TableAPIImpl.getConsistency(tio); requestTimeout = TableAPIImpl.getTimeout(tio); timeoutUnit = TableAPIImpl.getTimeoutUnit(tio); batchResultSize = TableAPIImpl.getBatchSize(tio); maxReadKB = TableAPIImpl.getMaxReadKB(tio); opBatchSize = batchResultSize; opMaxReadKB = maxReadKB; = lc; } /* Abstract method to create IndexIterate operation */ abstract InternalOperation createIterateOp(int batchSize, int readKBLimit, int emptyReadFactor); /* Abstract method to convert to the results */ abstract void convertResult(Result result); MultiGetResult execute() { initIteration(); while (true) { final Request request = createRequest(); final Result result = store.executeRequest(request); if (processResult(result)) { break; } } return createResult(); } /** * Initializes the groupId, resumeSecondaryKey, and resumePrimaryKey * fields for the start of the iteration. */ private void initIteration() { if (continuationKey != null && continuationKey.length > 0) { /* * Extract the shard id, resume secondary key and resume * primary key. */ int pos = 0; int gid = continuationKey[pos++]; if (gid < 1 || gid > repGroupIds.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid shard id " + "in continuation key: " + gid); } groupId = new RepGroupId(gid); if (continuationKey.length > 1) { int len = continuationKey[pos++]; if (len > 0) { resumeSecondaryKey = Arrays.copyOfRange( continuationKey, pos, pos + len); pos += len; assert(pos < continuationKey.length); len = continuationKey[pos++]; resumePrimaryKey = Arrays.copyOfRange( continuationKey, pos, pos + len); } } } else { groupId = getNextRepGroup(null); } } /** * Creates a request to get the next batch of results from the current * shard and resume keys. */ private Request createRequest() { final int emptyReadFactor = (readKB == 0 && groupId.getGroupId() == repGroupIds.length) ? 1 : 0; final InternalOperation op = createIterateOp(opBatchSize, opMaxReadKB, emptyReadFactor); return store.makeReadRequest(op, groupId, consistency, requestTimeout, timeoutUnit, lc); } /** * Process the results of a single server operation, updating fields * with the progress of the iteration. Returns whether the iteration * is done. Returns true if iteration is complete for now and the * result should be returned, and false if the iteration should * continue. */ private boolean processResult(Result result) { numRead += result.getNumRecords(); readKB += result.getReadKB(); writeKB += result.getWriteKB(); if (result.getNumRecords() > 0) { convertResult(result); resumeSecondaryKey = result.getSecondaryResumeKey(); resumePrimaryKey = result.getPrimaryResumeKey(); } /* * Stop fetching if still has more element to fetch from current * shard. */ if (result.hasMoreElements()) { contdKey = genContinuationKey(groupId, resumeSecondaryKey, resumePrimaryKey); return true; } /* * Move to next shard */ groupId = getNextRepGroup(groupId); if (groupId == null) { return true; } /* * If maxReadKB is specified, check the actual read cost and * stop fetching if current read cost has reached the maxReadKB, * the continuation key points to the beginning of the current * RepGroup. */ if (maxReadKB != 0) { if (readKB >= maxReadKB) { contdKey = genContinuationKey(groupId, null, null); return true; } opMaxReadKB = maxReadKB - readKB; } /* * If batchResultSize is specified, check on the number of rows * fetched and stop fetching if the number of rows has reached * the batchResultSize, the continuation key points to the * beginning of the current RepGroup. */ if (batchResultSize != 0) { if (numRead >= batchResultSize) { contdKey = genContinuationKey(groupId, null, null); return true; } opBatchSize = batchResultSize - numRead; } if (resumeSecondaryKey != null) { resumeSecondaryKey = null; resumePrimaryKey = null; } return false; } /** Returns the result object that should be returned. */ private MultiGetResult createResult() { return new MultiGetResult(rows, contdKey, readKB, writeKB); } /** Executes the iteration and returns the result asynchronously. */ void executeAsync(final ResultHandler> handler) { initIteration(); class ExecuteAsyncHandler implements ResultHandler { void execute() { store.executeRequest(createRequest(), this); } @Override public void onResult(Result result, Throwable exception) { if (exception != null) { handler.onResult(null, exception); } else if (processResult(result)) { handler.onResult(createResult(), null); } else { execute(); } } } new ExecuteAsyncHandler().execute(); } /** * Generates the continuation key: * */ private static byte[] genContinuationKey(RepGroupId repGroupId, byte[] resumeSecondKey, byte[] resumePrimaryKey) { int len = (resumeSecondKey != null ? resumeSecondKey.length + 1 : 0) + (resumePrimaryKey != null ? resumePrimaryKey.length + 1 : 0) + 1; final byte[] bytes = new byte[len]; int pos = 0; /* repGroupId */ bytes[pos++] = (byte)repGroupId.getGroupId(); if (resumeSecondKey != null) { /* resumeSecondaryKey */ bytes[pos++] = (byte)resumeSecondKey.length; System.arraycopy(resumeSecondKey, 0, bytes, pos, resumeSecondKey.length); pos += resumeSecondKey.length; /* resumePrimaryKey */ if (resumePrimaryKey != null) { bytes[pos++] = (byte)resumePrimaryKey.length; System.arraycopy(resumePrimaryKey, 0, bytes, pos, resumePrimaryKey.length); } } return bytes; } /** * Returns the next partition id of the specified partition, if the * input RepGroupId is null, then return the first RepGroupId. */ private RepGroupId getNextRepGroup(RepGroupId repGroupId) { if (repGroupId == null) { return repGroupIds[0]; } if (repGroupId.getGroupId() == repGroupIds.length) { return null; } return repGroupIds[repGroupId.getGroupId()]; } } }

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