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oracle.kv.impl.api.table.TableScan Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
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 * Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
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 * additional information.

package oracle.kv.impl.api.table;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;

import oracle.kv.Depth;
import oracle.kv.Direction;
import oracle.kv.KeyValueVersion;
import oracle.kv.ValueVersion;
import oracle.kv.Version;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.KVStoreImpl;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.KeySerializer;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.Request;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.StoreIteratorParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.InternalOperation;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.MultiTableOperation;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.Result;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.ResultKey;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.ResultKeyValueVersion;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.TableIterate;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.ops.TableKeysIterate;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.parallelscan.PartitionScanIterator;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.AsyncTableIterator;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.IterationHandleNotifier;
import oracle.kv.impl.async.ResultHandler;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.PartitionId;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.contextlogger.LogContext;
import oracle.kv.query.ExecuteOptions;
import oracle.kv.stats.DetailedMetrics;
import oracle.kv.table.MultiGetResult;
import oracle.kv.table.MultiRowOptions;
import oracle.kv.table.PrimaryKey;
import oracle.kv.table.Row;
import oracle.kv.table.TableIteratorOptions;

import com.sleepycat.util.PackedInteger;

 * Implementation of the table iterators. These iterators are partition- vs
 * shard-based. They extend the parallel scan code.
public class TableScan {

    /* Prevent construction */
    private TableScan() {}

     * Creates a table iterator returning rows.
     * @param apiImpl
     * @param key
     * @param getOptions
     * @param iterateOptions
     * @param partitions
     * @return a table iterator
    static AsyncTableIterator
        createTableIterator(final TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                            final TableKey key,
                            final MultiRowOptions getOptions,
                            final TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
                            final Set partitions,
                            IterationHandleNotifier iterHandleNotifier) {

        final TargetTables targetTables =
            TableAPIImpl.makeTargetTables(key.getTable(), getOptions);

        ExecuteOptions options = new ExecuteOptions();
        if (iterateOptions != null) {

        final StoreIteratorParams params =
            new StoreIteratorParams(TableAPIImpl.getDirection(iterateOptions,
                                    TableAPIImpl.makeKeyRange(key, getOptions),

         * If the major key is complete do single-partition iteration.
        if (key.getMajorKeyComplete()) {
            return createPartitionRowIterator(apiImpl,

        return new PartitionScanIterator(apiImpl.getStore(), options,
                                              params, iterHandleNotifier) {
            protected TableIterate generateGetterOp(byte[] resumeKey) {
                return new TableIterate(params,
                                        1 /* emptyReadFactor */);

            protected void convertResult(Result result, List elementList) {

                convertTableRowResults(apiImpl, key.getTable(), targetTables,

            protected int compare(Row one, Row two) {
                 * compare based on primary keys, not row. Scans return rows
                 * sorted by key, not value.
                return ((RowImpl) one).compareKeys(two);

     * Returns a batch of rows associated with the specified partial primary
     * key and a continuation key if has more elements to read, if no more
     * elements the continuation key in result is null.
    static MultiGetResult multiGet(TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                                        TableKey key,
                                        byte[] continuationKey,
                                        MultiRowOptions getOptions,
                                        TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
                                        LogContext lc) {
        return new PartitionMultiGetHandler(apiImpl, key, continuationKey,
                                            getOptions, iterateOptions, lc)

    static void multiGetAsync(TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                              TableKey key,
                              byte[] continuationKey,
                              MultiRowOptions getOptions,
                              TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
                              ResultHandler> handler,
                              LogContext lc) {
        new PartitionMultiGetHandler(apiImpl, key, continuationKey,
                                     getOptions, iterateOptions, lc)

    private static class PartitionMultiGetHandler
            extends BasicPartitionMultiGetHandler {
        PartitionMultiGetHandler(TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                                 TableKey key,
                                 byte[] continuationKey,
                                 MultiRowOptions getOptions,
                                 TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
                                 LogContext lc) {
            super(apiImpl, key, continuationKey, getOptions,
                  iterateOptions, lc);

        InternalOperation createIterateOp(int readEmptyFactor) {
            return new TableIterate(params,

        void convertToResults(Result result) {
            convertTableRowResults(apiImpl, key.getTable(), targetTables,
                                   result.getKeyValueVersionList(), rows);

     * Returns a batch of primary keys associated with the specified partial
     * primary key and a continuation key if has more elements to read, if no
     * more elements the continuation key in result is null.
    static MultiGetResult multiGetKeys(
        TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
        TableKey key,
        byte[] continuationKey,
        MultiRowOptions getOptions,
        TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
        LogContext lc) {

        return new PartitionMultiGetKeysHandler(apiImpl, key, continuationKey,
                                                getOptions, iterateOptions,

    static void multiGetKeysAsync(
        TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
        TableKey key,
        byte[] continuationKey,
        MultiRowOptions getOptions,
        TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
        ResultHandler> handler,
        LogContext lc) {

        new PartitionMultiGetKeysHandler(apiImpl, key, continuationKey,
                                         getOptions, iterateOptions, lc)

    private static class PartitionMultiGetKeysHandler
            extends BasicPartitionMultiGetHandler {
        PartitionMultiGetKeysHandler(TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                                     TableKey key,
                                     byte[] continuationKey,
                                     MultiRowOptions getOptions,
                                     TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
                                     LogContext lc) {
            super(apiImpl, key, continuationKey,
                  getOptions, iterateOptions, lc);

        InternalOperation createIterateOp(int readEmptyFactor) {
            return new TableKeysIterate(params,

        void convertToResults(Result result) {
            convertTableKeyResults(key.getTable(), targetTables,
                                   result.getKeyList(), rows);

     * Creates a table iterator returning primary keys.
     * @param apiImpl
     * @param key
     * @param getOptions
     * @param iterateOptions
     * @return a table iterator
    static AsyncTableIterator createTableKeysIterator(
        final TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
        final TableKey key,
        final MultiRowOptions getOptions,
        final TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
        final IterationHandleNotifier iterHandleNotifier) {

        final TargetTables targetTables =
            TableAPIImpl.makeTargetTables(key.getTable(), getOptions);

        ExecuteOptions options = new ExecuteOptions();
        if (iterateOptions != null) {

        final StoreIteratorParams params = new StoreIteratorParams(
            TableAPIImpl.makeKeyRange(key, getOptions),

         * If the major key is complete do single-partition iteration.
        if (key.getMajorKeyComplete()) {
            return createPartitionKeyIterator(apiImpl,

        return new PartitionScanIterator(
            apiImpl.getStore(), options, params, iterHandleNotifier) {
            protected TableKeysIterate generateGetterOp(byte[] resumeKey) {
                return new TableKeysIterate(params,
                                            1 /* emptyReadFactor */);

            protected void convertResult(Result result,
                                         List elementList) {

                convertTableKeyResults(key.getTable(), targetTables,
                                       result.getKeyList(), elementList);


            protected int compare(PrimaryKey one, PrimaryKey two) {
                return one.compareTo(two);

    * Creates a table iterator returning table record key/values.
    * @param apiImpl
    * @param key
    * @param getOptions
    * @param iterateOptions
    * @param partitions
    * @return a table iterator
   static AsyncTableIterator
       createTableKVIterator(final TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                             final TableKey key,
                             final MultiRowOptions getOptions,
                             final TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
                             final Set partitions) {

       final TargetTables targetTables =
           TableAPIImpl.makeTargetTables(key.getTable(), getOptions);

       ExecuteOptions options = new ExecuteOptions();
       if (iterateOptions != null) {

       final StoreIteratorParams params =
           new StoreIteratorParams(TableAPIImpl.getDirection(iterateOptions,
                                   TableAPIImpl.makeKeyRange(key, getOptions),

        * If the major key is complete do single-partition iteration.
       if (key.getMajorKeyComplete()) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("The major path cannot be " +
               "complete for the key.");

       return new PartitionScanIterator(apiImpl.getStore(),
                                                         options, params) {
           protected TableIterate generateGetterOp(byte[] resumeKey) {
               return new TableIterate(params,
                                       1 /* emptyReadFactor */);

           protected void convertResult(Result result,
                                        List elementList) {

               final List byteKeyResults =

                   int cnt = byteKeyResults.size();
                   if (cnt == 0) {
                       assert (!result.hasMoreElements());
                   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i += 1) {
                       final ResultKeyValueVersion entry =
                       KeySerializer keySerializer =

           protected int compare(KeyValueVersion one, KeyValueVersion two) {
               return one.getKey().compareTo(two.getKey());

     * Common routine to convert a list of ResultKeyValueVersion objects into
     * Rows and add them to the input List of Row.
    private static void
        convertTableRowResults(TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                               TableImpl table,
                               TargetTables targetTables,
                               final List byteKeyResults,
                               List rowResults) {

        if (byteKeyResults.isEmpty()) {

         * Convert byte[] keys and values to Row objects.
        for (ResultKeyValueVersion entry : byteKeyResults) {
            rowResults.add(convertToRow(apiImpl, entry, table, targetTables));

     * Common routine to convert a list of ResultKeyValueVersion into an array
     * of Row.
    private static Row[]
        convertTableRowResults(TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                               TableImpl table,
                               TargetTables targetTables,
                               final List byteKeyResults) {

        if (byteKeyResults.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

         * Convert byte[] keys and values to Row objects.
        Row[] rows = new Row[byteKeyResults.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (ResultKeyValueVersion entry : byteKeyResults) {
            rows[i++] = convertToRow(apiImpl, entry, table, targetTables);
        return rows;

     * Converts a ResultKeyValueVersion to a Row.
    private static Row convertToRow(TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                                    final ResultKeyValueVersion rkvv,
                                    TableImpl table,
                                    TargetTables targetTables) {
         * If there are ancestor tables, start looking at the top
         * of the hierarchy to catch them.
        if (targetTables.hasAncestorTables()) {
            table = table.getTopLevelTable();

        final RowImpl fullKey = table.createRowFromKeyBytes(rkvv.getKeyBytes());

        if (fullKey != null) {
            final Version version = rkvv.getVersion();
            assert version != null;
            final ValueVersion vv = new ValueVersion(rkvv.getValue(), version);
            return apiImpl.getRowFromValueVersion(vv,
        return null;

     * Common routine to convert a list of ResultKey representing table keys
     * into PrimaryKeys and add them to the input List of PrimaryKey.
    private static void
        convertTableKeyResults(TableImpl table,
                               TargetTables targetTables,
                               final List byteKeyResults,
                               List keyResults) {

        if (byteKeyResults.isEmpty()) {

        for (ResultKey entry : byteKeyResults) {
            keyResults.add(convertToPrimaryKey(table, targetTables, entry));

     * Common routine to convert a list of ResultKey representing table keys
     * into an array of PrimaryKey.
    private static PrimaryKey[]
        convertTableKeyResults(TableImpl table,
                               TargetTables targetTables,
                               final List byteKeyResults) {

        if (byteKeyResults.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

         * Convert byte[] keys to PrimaryKey objects.
        final PrimaryKey[] keyResults = new PrimaryKey[byteKeyResults.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (ResultKey entry : byteKeyResults) {
            keyResults[i++] = convertToPrimaryKey(table, targetTables, entry);

        return keyResults;

     * Converts a ResultKey to a PrimaryKey.
    private static PrimaryKey convertToPrimaryKey(TableImpl table,
                                                  TargetTables targetTables,
                                                  ResultKey byteKeyResult) {
         * If there are ancestor tables, start looking at the top
         * of the hierarchy to catch them.
        if (targetTables.hasAncestorTables()) {
            table = table.getTopLevelTable();
        return table.createPrimaryKeyFromResultKey(byteKeyResult);

     * Creates a single-partition table row iterator.
    private static AsyncTableIterator createPartitionRowIterator(
        final TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
        final StoreIteratorParams params,
        final TableKey key,
        final TargetTables targetTables,
        final IterationHandleNotifier iterHandleNotifier) {

        final KVStoreImpl store = apiImpl.getStore();
        final byte[] parentKeyBytes =
        final PartitionId partitionId =

         * If there was a list of partitions specified, then we should check to
         * make sure the target partition is in the list. If not, then return
         * an iterator which has no elements.
        final Set partitions = params.getPartitions();
        if ((partitions != null) &&
            !partitions.contains(partitionId.getPartitionId())) {
            return new EmptyTableIterator(iterHandleNotifier);

        final TableImpl table = key.getTable();

        return new MultiGetIteratorWrapper(store, partitionId, params,
                                                iterHandleNotifier) {
            TableIterate createOp() {
                return new TableIterate(params, targetTables, true, resumeKey,
                                        1 /* emptyReadFactor */);

            Row[] processResult(Result result) {
                moreElements = result.hasMoreElements();
                final List byteKeyResults =
                if (byteKeyResults.isEmpty()) {
                    assert !moreElements;
                    return null;
                resumeKey =
                    byteKeyResults.get(byteKeyResults.size() - 1).getKeyBytes();
                return convertTableRowResults(apiImpl, table, targetTables,

     * Creates a single-partition table key iterator.
    private static AsyncTableIterator createPartitionKeyIterator(
        final TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
        final StoreIteratorParams params,
        final TableKey key,
        final TargetTables targetTables,
        final IterationHandleNotifier iterHandleNotifier) {

        final KVStoreImpl store = apiImpl.getStore();
        final byte[] parentKeyBytes =
        final PartitionId partitionId =

         * If there was a list of partitions specified, then we should check to
         * make sure the target partition is in the list. If not, then return
         * an iterator which has no elements.
        final Set partitions = params.getPartitions();
        if ((partitions != null) &&
            !partitions.contains(partitionId.getPartitionId())) {
            return new EmptyTableIterator(iterHandleNotifier);

        final TableImpl table = key.getTable();

        return new MultiGetIteratorWrapper(store, partitionId,
                                                       iterHandleNotifier) {
            TableKeysIterate createOp() {
                return new TableKeysIterate(params, targetTables, true,
                                            resumeKey, 1 /* emptyReadFactor */);

            PrimaryKey[] processResult(Result result) {
                moreElements = result.hasMoreElements();
                final List byteKeyResults = result.getKeyList();
                if (byteKeyResults.isEmpty()) {
                    assert !moreElements;
                    return null;
                resumeKey = byteKeyResults.
                    get(byteKeyResults.size() - 1).getKeyBytes();
                return convertTableKeyResults(table,

     * Wrapper class for ParallelScanIterator when it is a single-partition
     * iteration.
    private static abstract class MultiGetIteratorWrapper
            extends BasicMultiGetIteratorWrapper {
        private final KVStoreImpl store;
        private final PartitionId partitionId;
        private final StoreIteratorParams params;
        private volatile boolean executingRequest;
        boolean moreElements = true;
        byte[] resumeKey = null;

        MultiGetIteratorWrapper(KVStoreImpl store,
                                PartitionId partitionId,
                                StoreIteratorParams params,
                                IterationHandleNotifier iterHandlerNotifier) {
   = store;
            this.partitionId = partitionId;
            this.params = params;

        E[] getMoreElements() {
            if (!moreElements) {
                return null;
            return processResult(store.executeRequest(createRequest()));

        boolean hasMoreElements() {
            return moreElements;

        void getMoreElementsAsync(final ResultHandler handler) {
            assert !Thread.holdsLock(this);
            if (executingRequest) {
            final Request request;
            synchronized (this) {
                request = moreElements ? createRequest() : null;
                if (request != null) {
                    executingRequest = true;
            if (request == null) {
                handler.onResult(null, null);
                new ResultHandler() {
                    public void onResult(Result result, Throwable exception) {
                        executingRequest = false;
                        if (exception != null) {
                            handler.onResult(null, exception);
                        } else {
                            handleResultCompleted(handler, result);

        void handleResultCompleted(ResultHandler handler, Result result) {
            assert !Thread.holdsLock(this);
            final E[] elements;
            synchronized (this) {
                elements = processResult(result);
            handler.onResult(elements, null);

        abstract MultiTableOperation createOp();

        abstract E[] processResult(Result result);

        private Request createRequest() {
            return store.makeReadRequest(
                createOp(), partitionId, params.getConsistency(),
                params.getTimeout(), params.getTimeoutUnit(), null);

     * A base class for implementing a ParallelScanIterator when it is a
     * single-partition iteration.  This one is sufficient to support an empty
     * iterator.
     * This needs to implement TableIterator but in this case the methods
     * specific to TableIterator (actually ParallelScanIterator) are
     * no-ops.  There are no relevant statistics in this path.
    private static abstract class BasicMultiGetIteratorWrapper
        implements AsyncTableIterator {

        private final IterationHandleNotifier iterHandleNotifier;
        private E[] elements = null;
        private int nextElement = 0;
        private volatile boolean closed;
        private volatile Throwable closeException;

            IterationHandleNotifier iterHandleNotifier) {
            this.iterHandleNotifier = iterHandleNotifier;

         * Returns more elements or null if there are none.  May not return a
         * zero length array.
        abstract E[] getMoreElements();

         * Returns whether there are more elements to be fetched.
        abstract boolean hasMoreElements();

         * Returns more elements or null if there are none, returning the
         * results through the callback, which may be called asynchronously.
         * Will not return a zero length array.
        abstract void getMoreElementsAsync(ResultHandler handler);

        /* -- From Iterator -- */

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (elements != null && nextElement < elements.length) {
                return true;

            elements = getMoreElements();

            if (elements == null) {
                return false;

            assert (elements.length > 0);
            nextElement = 0;
            return true;

        public E next() {
            if (!hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            return elements[nextElement++];

        /* -- From ParallelScanIterator -- */

        public synchronized void close() {
            closed = true;

        public List getPartitionMetrics() {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        public List getShardMetrics() {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        /* -- From AsyncTableIterator -- */

        public boolean isClosed() {
            return closed;

        public Throwable getCloseException() {
            return closeException;

        public E nextLocal() {
            assert !Thread.holdsLock(this);
            if (closed) {
                return null;
            final E next;
            synchronized (this) {
                if ((elements != null) && (nextElement < elements.length)) {
                    next = elements[nextElement++];

                     * There are still more elements, so OK to return without
                     * making a new request.
                    if (nextElement < elements.length) {
                        return next;
                } else {
                    next = null;
            class NextLocalResultHandler implements ResultHandler {
                public void onResult(E[] newElements, Throwable exception) {
                    handleNewElementsResult(newElements, exception);
            getMoreElementsAsync(new NextLocalResultHandler());
            return next;

        void handleNewElementsResult(E[] newElements, Throwable exception) {
            assert !Thread.holdsLock(this);
            synchronized (this) {
                if (exception != null) {
                    if (!closed) {
                        closeException = exception;
                        closed = true;
                } else {
                    elements = newElements;
                    if (elements == null) {
                        closed = true;

     * A handler to fetch object associated with the partial key partition by
     * partition.
    private static abstract
        class BasicPartitionMultiGetHandler {

        final TableAPIImpl apiImpl;
        final KVStoreImpl store;
        final PartitionId[] partitionIds;
        final TableKey key;
        final boolean singlePartition;
        final byte[] continuationKey;
        final TargetTables targetTables;
        final StoreIteratorParams params;
        final int batchResultSize;
        final int maxReadKB;
        final LogContext lc;

        final List rows = new ArrayList();
        byte[] resumeKey = null;
        private PartitionId partition;
        private int numRead = 0;
        private int readKB = 0;
        private int writeKB = 0;
        private byte[] contdKey = null;

        BasicPartitionMultiGetHandler(TableAPIImpl apiImpl,
                                      TableKey key,
                                      byte[] continuationKey,
                                      MultiRowOptions getOptions,
                                      TableIteratorOptions iterateOptions,
                                      LogContext lc) {
            this.apiImpl = apiImpl;
            store = apiImpl.getStore();

            Set pids =
            partitionIds = pids.toArray(new PartitionId[pids.size()]);
            this.key = key;
            singlePartition = key.getMajorKeyComplete();
            this.continuationKey = continuationKey;

            targetTables = TableAPIImpl.makeTargetTables(key.getTable(),

            params = new StoreIteratorParams
                     TableAPIImpl.makeKeyRange(key, getOptions),

            batchResultSize = params.getBatchSize();
            maxReadKB = params.getMaxReadKB();
   = lc;

        /* Abstract method to create TableIterate operation */
        abstract InternalOperation createIterateOp(int emptyReadFactor);

        /* Abstract method to convert to the results */
        abstract void convertToResults(Result result);

        MultiGetResult execute() {
            while (true) {
                final Request request = createRequest();
                final Result result = store.executeRequest(request);
                if (processResult(result)) {
            return createResult();

         * Initializes the partition and resumeKey fields for the start of the
         * iteration.
        private void initIteration() {
            if (continuationKey != null) {
                /* Extract partition id and resume key */
                int pid = PackedInteger.readInt(continuationKey, 0);
                if (pid < 1 || pid > partitionIds.length) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid partition " +
                        "id in continuation key: " + pid);
                partition = new PartitionId(pid);
                int idLen = PackedInteger.getReadIntLength(continuationKey, 0);
                if (continuationKey.length > idLen) {
                    resumeKey = Arrays.copyOfRange(continuationKey, idLen,
            } else {
                partition = singlePartition ?
                            getPartitionId(key) : getNextPartition(null);

         * Creates a request to get the next batch from the current partition
         * using the current resume key.
        private Request createRequest() {
            final int emptyReadFactor =
                (singlePartition ||
                 (numRead == 0 &&
                  partition.getPartitionId() == partitionIds.length)) ? 1 : 0;
            final InternalOperation op = createIterateOp(emptyReadFactor);
            return store.makeReadRequest(
                op, partition, params.getConsistency(),
                params.getTimeout(), params.getTimeoutUnit(), lc);

         * Process the results of a single server operation, updating fields
         * with the progress of the iteration.  Returns whether the iteration
         * is done.  Returns true if iteration is complete for now and the
         * result should be returned, and false if the iteration should
         * continue.
        private boolean processResult(Result result) {
            numRead += result.getNumRecords();
            readKB += result.getReadKB();
            writeKB += result.getWriteKB();

            if (result.getNumRecords() > 0) {
                resumeKey = result.getPrimaryResumeKey();

             * Stop fetching if there are still more elements to fetch from
             * the current partition.
            if (result.hasMoreElements()) {
                contdKey = genContinuationKey(partition, resumeKey);
                return true;

             * Move to next partition

            if (singlePartition) {
                partition = null;
                return true;

            partition = getNextPartition(partition);
            if (partition == null) {
                /* Stop if no more partition to scan */
                return true;

             * If maxReadKB is specified, check the actual read cost and
             * stop fetching if current read cost has reached the maxReadKB,
             * the continuation key points to the beginning of the current
             * partition.
            if (maxReadKB != 0) {
                if (readKB >= maxReadKB) {
                    contdKey = genContinuationKey(partition, null);
                    return true;
                params.setMaxReadKB(maxReadKB - readKB);

             * If batchResultSize is specified, check the total number of
             * rows read and stop fetching if it has reached the specified
             * batchResultSize,  the continuation key points to the
             * beginning of the current partition.
            if (batchResultSize != 0) {
                if (numRead >= batchResultSize) {
                    contdKey = genContinuationKey(partition, null);
                    return true;
                params.setBatchSize(batchResultSize - numRead);

            if (resumeKey != null) {
                resumeKey = null;

            return false;

        /** Returns the result object that should be returned. */
        private MultiGetResult createResult() {
            return new MultiGetResult(rows, contdKey, readKB, writeKB);

        /** Executes the iteration and returns the results asynchronously. */
        void executeAsync(final ResultHandler> handler) {
            class ExecuteAsyncHandler implements ResultHandler {
                void execute() {
                    store.executeRequest(createRequest(), this);
                public void onResult(Result result, Throwable exception) {
                    if (exception != null) {
                        handler.onResult(null, exception);
                    } else if (processResult(result)) {
                        handler.onResult(createResult(), null);
                    } else {
            new ExecuteAsyncHandler().execute();

         * Generates the continuation key: 
        private static byte[] genContinuationKey(PartitionId partitionId,
                                                 byte[] resumeKey) {

            int pid = partitionId.getPartitionId();
            int pidLen = PackedInteger.getWriteIntLength(pid);
            int len = pidLen + ((resumeKey != null) ? resumeKey.length : 0);

            final byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
            PackedInteger.writeInt(bytes, 0, pid);
            if (resumeKey != null) {
                System.arraycopy(resumeKey, 0, bytes, pidLen, resumeKey.length);
            return bytes;

         * Returns the PartitionId of the partition where the key located.
        private PartitionId getPartitionId(TableKey tKey) {
            return store.getTopology().getPartitionId

         * Returns the next partition id of the specified partition, if the input
         * partition is null, then return the first partition id.
        private PartitionId getNextPartition(PartitionId partitionId) {

            if (partitionId == null) {
                return partitionIds[0];

            if (partitionId.getPartitionId() == partitionIds.length) {
                return null;
            return partitionIds[partitionId.getPartitionId()];

     * A table iterator which has no elements.
    private static class EmptyTableIterator
        extends BasicMultiGetIteratorWrapper {
        EmptyTableIterator(IterationHandleNotifier iterHandlerNotifier) {
        E[] getMoreElements() {
            return null;
        boolean hasMoreElements() {
            return false;
        void getMoreElementsAsync(ResultHandler handler) {
            handler.onResult(null, null);

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