oracle.kv.impl.rep.admin.RepNodeAdmin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
* Database made available at:
* http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/nosqldb/downloads/index.html
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
* additional information.
package oracle.kv.impl.rep.admin;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import oracle.kv.impl.api.TopologyInfo;
import oracle.kv.impl.metadata.Metadata;
import oracle.kv.impl.metadata.MetadataInfo;
import oracle.kv.impl.metadata.MetadataKey;
import oracle.kv.impl.mgmt.RepNodeStatusReceiver;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.LoadParameters;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.NetworkRestoreStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.RepNodeStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.admin.ResourceInfo.UsageRecord;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.migration.PartitionMigrationStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.security.AuthContext;
import oracle.kv.impl.security.util.KerberosPrincipals;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.PartitionId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepNodeId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.Topology;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.VersionedRemote;
* The administrative interface to a RepNode process.
public interface RepNodeAdmin extends VersionedRemote {
* The possible values for state of a partition migration. The state is
* returned from the migratePartition and getMigrationState methods.
* The legal transitions are:
* {@literal
* ------> SUCCEEDED
* ^ | \------> ERROR
* |__________|
* }
public enum PartitionMigrationState {
/** The partition migration is waiting to start. */
/** The partition migration is in-progress. */
* The partition migration is complete and the partition is durable
* at its new location
* An error has occurred or the partition migration has been canceled.
* Indicates that the state is not known.
* Method is a no-op.
* @param cause is ignored
* @return the state
public PartitionMigrationState setCause(Exception cause) {
return this;
* Returns null.
* @return null
public Exception getCause() {
return null;
public class MigrationState implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final PartitionMigrationState state;
private final Exception cause;
public MigrationState(PartitionMigrationState state) {
this.state = state;
this.cause = null;
public MigrationState(PartitionMigrationState state, Exception cause) {
this.state = state;
this.cause = cause;
public PartitionMigrationState getPartitionMigrationState() {
return state;
public Exception getCause() {
return cause;
public String toString() {
return state.toString();
* Provides the configuration details of this RepNode.
* It is expected that it will be called by a
* {@link oracle.kv.impl.sna.StorageNodeAgentInterface}
* after the SNA has started the RepNode process for the first time.
* No methods other than shutdown may be called on the RepNode until
* it has been configured.
* @since 3.0
* @param metadataSet the set of metadata to initialize the RepNode.
public void configure(Set> metadataSet,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Added and then deprecated in R3 purely to support the creation of a
* SecureProxy.
public void configure(Topology topology,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public void configure(Topology topology, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Indicates that new parameters are available in the storage node
* configuration file and that these should be reread.
* @since 3.0
public void newParameters(AuthContext authCtx, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public void newParameters(short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Indicates that new global parameters are available in the storage node
* configuration file and that these should be reread.
* @since 3.0
void newGlobalParameters(AuthContext authCtx, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Informs the RepNode about an update to the topology of the store.
* The Topology is passed in in its entirety rather than as a list
* of changes.
* @param newTopology the latest topology of the store
* @deprecated use {@link #updateMetadata(Metadata, AuthContext, short)}
* @since 3.0
public void updateTopology(Topology newTopology,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public void updateTopology(Topology newTopology, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Added and then deprecated in R3 purely to support the creation of a
* SecureProxy.
* Informs the RepNode about an update to the topology of the store.
* @param topoInfo describes the changes to be applied
* @return the post-update topo sequence number at the node.
* If the returned sequence number is <
* TopologyInfo.changes.get(0).getSequenceNumber() + 1, it means that the
* changes could not be applied because there was a gap in the required
* sequence of changes and the complete change list must be resent. This
* mismatch only happens in rare circumstances where the cached state at
* the requesting component (client or RN) is obsolete, for example, as a
* result of some intervening network restore operation.
* It's possible for the returned sequence number to be greater than the
* sequence number associated with the last change in the change list if
* the RN had a more up to date Topology.
* @since 3.0
* @deprecated
public int updateTopology(final TopologyInfo topoInfo,
final AuthContext authCtx,
final short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
* @since 2.0
public int updateTopology(final TopologyInfo topoInfo,
final short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Returns this RN's view of the Topology. In a distributed system like
* KVS, it may be temporarily different from the Topology at other nodes,
* but will eventually become eventually consistent.
* It returns null if the RN is not in the RUNNING state.
* @since 3.0
public Topology getTopology(AuthContext authCtx, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public Topology getTopology(short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Returns the sequence number associated with the Topology at the RN.
* It returns zero if the RN is not in the RUNNING state.
* @since 3.0
public int getTopoSeqNum(AuthContext authCtx, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public int getTopoSeqNum(short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Return this RN's view of its current parameters. Used for configuration
* verification.
* @since 3.0
public LoadParameters getParams(AuthContext authCtx, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public LoadParameters getParams(short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Shuts down this RepNode process cleanly.
* @param force force the shutdown
* @since 3.0
public void shutdown(boolean force,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public void shutdown(boolean force, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Returns the RepNodeStatus
associated with the rep node.
* @return the service status
* @since 3.0
public RepNodeStatus ping(AuthContext authCtx, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public RepNodeStatus ping(short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Returns administrative and configuration information from the
* repNode. Meant for diagnostic and debugging support.
* @since 3.0
public RepNodeInfo getInfo(AuthContext authCtx, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public RepNodeInfo getInfo(short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* @since 3.0
public String [] startBackup(AuthContext authCtx, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public String [] startBackup(short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* @since 3.0
public long stopBackup(AuthContext authCtx, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public long stopBackup(short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* @since 3.0
public boolean updateMemberHAAddress(String groupName,
String fullName,
String targetHelperHosts,
String newNodeHostPort,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* @since 4.0
public boolean deleteMember(String groupName,
String fullName,
String targetHelperHosts,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public boolean updateMemberHAAddress(String groupName,
String fullName,
String targetHelperHosts,
String newNodeHostPort,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Initiates a partition migration from the source node. This call must be
* made on the destination (target) node. The admin must take the following
* actions for each of the possible returns:
* SUCCEEDED - The topology is updated to reflect the partitions new
* location an broadcast to the store.
* ERROR - Invoke canceled(PartitionId, RepGroupId) on the master source
* repNode.
* All others - Enter a loop to monitor migration progress by calling
* getMigrationState(PartitionId)
* Note that PartitionMigrationState.UNKNOWN is never returned by
* this method.
* @param partitionId the ID of the partition to migrate
* @param sourceRGId the ID of the partitions current location
* @param serialVersion the serial version
* @return the migration state
* @throws RemoteException
public MigrationState migratePartitionV2(PartitionId partitionId,
RepGroupId sourceRGId,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
public PartitionMigrationState migratePartition(PartitionId partitionId,
RepGroupId sourceRGId,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public PartitionMigrationState migratePartition(PartitionId partitionId,
RepGroupId sourceRGId,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Returns the state of a partition migration. The admin must take the
* following actions for each of the possible returns:
* SUCCEEDED - The topology is updated to reflect the partitions new
* location an broadcast to the store.
* ERROR - Invoke canceled(PartitionId, RepGroupId) on the master source
* repNode.
* PENDING - No action, retry after delay
* RUNNING - No action, retry after delay
* UNKNOWN - Verify target mastership has not changed, retry after delay
* @param partitionId a partition ID
* @param serialVersion the serial version
* @return the migration state
* @throws RemoteException
public MigrationState getMigrationStateV2(PartitionId partitionId,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
public PartitionMigrationState getMigrationState(PartitionId partitionId,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public PartitionMigrationState getMigrationState(PartitionId partitionId,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Requests that a partition migration for the specified partition
* be canceled. Returns the migration state if there was a migration in
* progress, otherwise null is returned.
* If the migration can be canceled it will be stopped and
* PartitionMigrationState.ERROR is returned. If the migration has passed
* the "point of no return" in the Transfer of Control protocol or is
* already completed PartitionMigrationState.SUCCEEDED is returned.
* All other states indicate that the cancel should be retried.
* As with getMigrationState(PartitionId) if the return value is
* PartitionMigrationState.ERROR, canceled(PartitionId, RepGroupId) must be
* invoked on the migration source repNode.
* @param partitionId a partition ID
* @param serialVersion the serial version
* @return a migration state or null
* @throws RemoteException
public MigrationState canCancelV2(PartitionId partitionId,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
public PartitionMigrationState canCancel(PartitionId partitionId,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public PartitionMigrationState canCancel(PartitionId partitionId,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Cleans up a source migration stream after a cancel or error. If the
* cleanup was successful true is returned. If false is returned, the
* call should be retried. This method must be invoked on the master
* if the source rep group.
* This method must be invoked on the migration source repNode whenever
* PartitionMigrationState.ERROR is returned from a call to
* getMigrationState(PartitionId) or cancelMigration(PartitionId).
* @param partitionId a partition ID
* @param targetRGId the target rep group ID
* @param serialVersion the serial version
* @return true if the cleanup was successful
* @throws RemoteException
* @since 3.0
public boolean canceled(PartitionId partitionId,
RepGroupId targetRGId,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public boolean canceled(PartitionId partitionId,
RepGroupId targetRGId,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Gets the status of partition migrations for the specified partition. If
* no status is available, null is returned.
* @param partitionId a partition ID
* @return the partition migration status or null
* @since 3.0
public PartitionMigrationStatus getMigrationStatus(PartitionId partitionId,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public PartitionMigrationStatus getMigrationStatus(PartitionId partitionId,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Requests a transfer of master status to the specific replica. This node
* must currently be the master. The actual transfer is accomplished in the
* background and may fail. The caller needs to be resilient to this
* possibility.
* The request may be rejected, if the node is not currently the master, or
* it already has an outstanding request for a master transfer to a
* different replica.
* @param replicaId the replica that is the target of the master transfer
* @param timeout the timeout period associated with the transfer
* @param timeUnit the time unit associated with the timeout
* @return true if the master transfer request has been accepted
* @since 3.0
public boolean initiateMasterTransfer(RepNodeId replicaId,
int timeout,
TimeUnit timeUnit,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
* @since 2.0
public boolean initiateMasterTransfer(RepNodeId replicaId,
int timeout,
TimeUnit timeUnit,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Install a receiver for RepNode status updates, for delivering metrics
* and service change information to the standardized monitoring/management
* agent.
* @since 3.0
public void installStatusReceiver(RepNodeStatusReceiver receiver,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public void installStatusReceiver(RepNodeStatusReceiver receiver,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Return true if this RN is consistent with the target time.
* Wait timeoutSeconds for consistency.
* @param targetTime the time to be consistent
* @param timeout timeout time
* @param timeoutUnit unit of timeout time
* @return true if this RN is consistent
* @since 3.0
public boolean awaitConsistency(long targetTime,
int timeout,
TimeUnit timeoutUnit,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public boolean awaitConsistency(long targetTime,
int timeout,
TimeUnit timeoutUnit,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Returns the sequence number associated with the metadata at the RN.
* If the RN does not contain the metadata or the RN is not in the RUNNING
* state null is returned.
* @param type a metadata type
* @return the sequence number associated with the metadata
* @since 3.0
public int getMetadataSeqNum(Metadata.MetadataType type,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public int getMetadataSeqNum(Metadata.MetadataType type,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Gets the metadata for the specified type. If the RN does not contain the
* metadata or the RN is not in the RUNNING state null is returned.
* @param type a metadata type
* @return metadata
* @since 3.0
public Metadata> getMetadata(Metadata.MetadataType type,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public Metadata> getMetadata(Metadata.MetadataType type,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Gets metadata information for the specified type starting from the
* specified sequence number. If the RN is not in the RUNNING state null is
* returned.
* @param type a metadata type
* @param seqNum a sequence number
* @return metadata info describing the changes
* @since 3.0
public MetadataInfo getMetadata(Metadata.MetadataType type,
int seqNum,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public MetadataInfo getMetadata(Metadata.MetadataType type,
int seqNum,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Gets metadata information for the specified type and key starting from
* the specified sequence number. If the RN is not in the RUNNING state null
* is returned.
* @param type a metadata type
* @param key a metadata key
* @param seqNum a sequence number
* @return metadata info describing the changes
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation is not supported
* by the specified metadata type
* @since 3.0
public MetadataInfo getMetadata(Metadata.MetadataType type,
MetadataKey key,
int seqNum,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public MetadataInfo getMetadata(Metadata.MetadataType type,
MetadataKey key,
int seqNum,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Informs the RepNode about an update to the metadata.
* @param newMetadata the latest metadata
* @since 3.0
public void updateMetadata(Metadata> newMetadata,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public void updateMetadata(Metadata> newMetadata, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Informs the RepNode about an update to the metadata.
* @param metadataInfo describes the changes to be applied
* @return the post-update metadata sequence number at the node
* @since 3.0
public int updateMetadata(MetadataInfo metadataInfo,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* To be removed after R2 compatibility period.
* @deprecated
public int updateMetadata(MetadataInfo metadataInfo, short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* @since 3.0
public boolean addIndexComplete(String indexId,
String tableName,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* @since 4.4
public boolean addIndexComplete(String namespace,
String indexId,
String tableName,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* @since 3.0
public boolean removeTableDataComplete(String tableName,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* @since 4.4
public boolean removeTableDataComplete(String namespace,
String tableName,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* @since 3.5
public KerberosPrincipals getKerberosPrincipals(AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Start a network restore from given source node.
* @param sourceNode restore source node
* @param retainOriginalLogFile if retain original log files
* @param minVLSN minimum VLSN the restore would fetch from source node
* @return true if network restore task is started.
* @since 4.4
public boolean startNetworkRestore(RepNodeId sourceNode,
boolean retainOriginalLogFile,
long minVLSN,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Get status of network restore that is currently running on this node.
* @return status of network restore, or null if no restore is running.
* @since 4.4
public NetworkRestoreStatus getNetworkRestoreStatus(AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Verify data for this node.
* @param verifyBtree verifies the btree of databases
* @param verifyLog verifies the log files
* @param verifyIndex verifies the index
* @param verifyRecord verifies the data records in disk
* @param btreeDelay delay between batches for btree verification
* @param logDelay delay between log file reads
* @throws IOException
* @since 18.1
public void verifyData(boolean verifyBtree,
boolean verifyLog,
boolean verifyIndex,
boolean verifyRecord,
long btreeDelay,
long logDelay,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException, IOException;
* Exchanges resource usage information for this node. If sinceMillis >
* 0 the resource data collected after that time will be returned.
* If usageRecords is not null the records will be processed to either
* set of clear resource overages. See UsageRecord for more details.
* @param sinceMillis return information since this time if > 0
* @param usageRecords a set of resource usage records or null
* @return the resource usage information for this node
* @since 4.x
public ResourceInfo exchangeResourceInfo(long sinceMillis,
Collection usageRecords,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Retrieve table metadata information by specific table id.
* @param tableId number of table id
* @param authCtx used for security authentication
* @param serialVersion
* @return metadata information which is a table instance
* @throws RemoteException
* @since 18.1
public MetadataInfo getTableById(long tableId,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;
* Gets the specified table with an optional resource cost. If the table
* is not found, null is returned. The specified cost will be charged
* against the table's resource limits. If the cost is greater than 0
* and the table has resource limits and those limits have been exceeded,
* either by this call, or by other table activity a ResourceLimitException
* will be thrown.
* @since 18.2
public MetadataInfo getTable(String namespace,
String tableName,
int cost,
AuthContext authCtx,
short serialVersion)
throws RemoteException;