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oracle.kv.impl.tif.TransactionAgenda Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
 * Database made available at:
 * Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
 * appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
 * additional information.

package oracle.kv.impl.tif;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


import oracle.kv.impl.param.DurationParameter;
import oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterMap;
import oracle.kv.impl.tif.esclient.esResponse.BulkItemResponse;
import oracle.kv.impl.tif.esclient.esResponse.BulkResponse;

import static oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterState.RN_TIF_COMMIT_QUEUE_CAPACITY;
import static oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterState.RN_TIF_BULK_OP_SIZE;
import static oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterState.RN_TIF_BULK_OP_INTERVAL;
import static oracle.kv.impl.param.ParameterState.RN_TIF_METRICS_SAMPLE_PERIOD;

 * Object maintaining a list of open transactions to keep track of
 * operations to be performed to ES index. When a transaction is
 * committed or aborted, the transaction will be applied to ES index
 * as a whole or aborted. For each key transferred from the Partition
 * Migration Service, agenda would commit each key to ES index as an
 * single index operation. During commit, client-defined commit callback is
 * fired for each transaction or key. The agenda remembers VLSN of the
 * last transaction committed to ES index.
 * TODO: enforce a size limit of the transactions Map.
class TransactionAgenda {

    /* logger */
    private final Logger logger;
    /* list of open transactions indexed by transaction ID */
    private final Map transactions;
    /* ElasticSearch handler */
    private final ElasticsearchHandler esHandler;

    /* VLSN of last txn committed to ES */
    private VLSN lastCommittedVLSN;

    /* statistics */
    private AtomicLong numOpenTXNs;
    private AtomicLong numCommittedKeys;
    private AtomicLong numCommittedTXNs;
    private AtomicLong numAbortedTXNs;
    private AtomicLong maxNumOpenTXNs;
    private long numberOfBatches;
    private long sumOfBatchSizes;
    private long sumOfBatchOperations;
    private long cumulativeTimeInBatchRequest;
    private long statSampleStartTime;

    /* commit call back */
    private TransactionPostCommitCallback clientCallback;

    /* A Timer for periodic commit flushing. */
    private final Timer pendingCommitTimer;
     * The commit queue, used to allow commits to pile up so they can be
     * indexed as a batch.
    private final CommitQueue pendingCommits;
    /* A label used to identify this TransactionAgenda in log messages. */
    private String name;

    private final long bulkOpIntervalMs;
    private final long metricsSamplePeriodMs;
    private final int maxPendingBulkOpSize;
    private final int commitQueueCapacity;

    TransactionAgenda(final ElasticsearchHandler esHandler,
                      final ParameterMap params,
                      final Logger logger,
                      final String name) {
        /* by default no client defined post commit */
        clientCallback = null;
        this.logger = logger;
        this.esHandler = esHandler; = name;
        lastCommittedVLSN = VLSN.NULL_VLSN;
        transactions = new HashMap<>();
        numOpenTXNs = new AtomicLong(0);
        numCommittedTXNs = new AtomicLong(0);
        numAbortedTXNs = new AtomicLong(0);
        maxNumOpenTXNs = new AtomicLong(0);
        numCommittedKeys = new AtomicLong(0);
        bulkOpIntervalMs =
        metricsSamplePeriodMs =
        maxPendingBulkOpSize =
        commitQueueCapacity =

                   new Object[] { 
                       commitQueueCapacity });

        pendingCommits = new CommitQueue(commitQueueCapacity);

        pendingCommitTimer = new Timer(true);
        pendingCommitTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                         * Flush pending commits periodically, regardless of
                         * the size of the commit queue.
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                   lm("Periodic flush to ES threw exception"),
            }, bulkOpIntervalMs, bulkOpIntervalMs);

        statSampleStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Stop the timer threads so that this Agenda doesn't become a zombie.
    public void stop() {"stopped. final " +

     * Set client defined post commit callback
     * @param c client defined post commit callback
    synchronized public void setPostCommitCbk(TransactionPostCommitCallback c) {
        clientCallback = c;

     * Get the VLSN of last committed transaction to ES index
     * @return minimal VLSN
    public VLSN getLastCommittedVLSN() {
        return lastCommittedVLSN;

     * Add an operation to agenda. Create an open txn if it is the first
     * operation in this txn.
     * @param txnid id of txn
     * @param op    index operation
    synchronized public void addOp(long txnid, IndexOperation op) {
        if (transactions.containsKey(txnid)) {
        } else {
            Transaction txn = new Transaction(txnid);
            transactions.put(txnid, txn);

            /* update statistics */
            if (maxNumOpenTXNs.get() < numOpenTXNs.get()) {

     * Abort a txn from agenda
     * @param txnid id of transaction to abort
    synchronized public void abort(long txnid) {

     * Commit an open txn from agenda
     * @param txnid  id of transaction to commit
    public void commit(long txnid, VLSN commitVLSN) {

        Transaction txn = null;
        synchronized(this) {
            txn = transactions.get(txnid);

        /* return if nothing to commit or txn does not exist */

        if (txn == null) {
            logger.finest(lm("Commit a non-existent txn id " + txnid));

        pendingCommits.add(txn, commitVLSN);


     * Commit a copy operation from partition transfer
     * @param op   operation to be sent to ES index
    public void commit(IndexOperation op) {


     * Remove from the transactions map any operations that refer to the given
     * ES index.  This happens when an ES index is being removed.
    synchronized void purgeOpsForIndex(String esIndexName) {"Purging ops for index " + esIndexName));

        for (Map.Entry entry : transactions.entrySet()) {

     * Trigger a flush if the pent up commits are big enough.
    private void flushMaybe() {
        if (pendingCommits.getSize() >= maxPendingBulkOpSize) {

     * Periodically log stats; this is a temporary measure until we integrate
     * stats with the system-wide stats collection facility.
    private void logStatsMaybe() {
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (now - statSampleStartTime >= metricsSamplePeriodMs) {
            statSampleStartTime = now;

     * Grab a batch of commits from the commit queue, and send them
     * as a bulk operation to Elasticsearch.  Handle errors.
    void flushPendingCommits() {

        List batch =

         * A null return from claimBatch means that either there is nothing to
         * do, or a batch is already in progress.  Only one bulk operations can
         * be in progress at a time, per TransactionAgenda.
        if (batch == null) {

        /* At this point we are single-threaded in this path by virtue of the
         * single-batch-at-a-time rule.


        try {
            BulkResponse br = esHandler.doBulkOperations(batch);
            if (br != null) {
                cumulativeTimeInBatchRequest += br.tookInMillis();
                 * If the batch failed with retriable errors, then we can drop
                 * the claim on pendingCommits and let the next flush re-try
                 * it.  If there were some successful operations in the batch,
                 * they are idempotent and it will not hurt to do them again.
                 * If all of the errors are not retriable, we'll just give up
                 * on them.  Perhaps in the future we'll have a means of
                 * getting a message back to the user about such failures.
                if (br.getErrorFromItems()) {
                    logger.warning(lm("Bulk request failed"));
                    for (BulkItemResponse item : br.itemResponses()) {
                        if (item.isError()) {

                            boolean retriable =

                                 lm(" item {0}. {1}. VLSN:{2}. STATUS:{3}-{4}"),
                                 new Object[]
                                  (retriable ? "will" : "won't") + " retry"});
                            if (retriable) {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new IllegalStateException
                ("ES rejected bulk request due to bad format!", ioe);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            /* An exception means that the ES client could not contact a node
             * of the cluster.
                (Level.WARNING, lm("Bulk request failed, will re-try."), e);
            pendingCommits.cancelBatch(); /* Re-try next time around */

        pendingCommits.confirmBatch(); /* Remove the batch, it's done */

        for (Commit commit : batch) {
            final Transaction txn = commit.getTxn();

            if (txn == null) {
                /* The Commit represents a single COPY transfer operation. */
                if (clientCallback != null) {
                    /* call post commit callback -- used for testing */
            } else {
                /* The Commit represents a transaction. */
                final VLSN commitVLSN = commit.getCommitVLSN();

                if (clientCallback != null) {
                    clientCallback.postCommit(txn, commitVLSN);
                /* clean up and update statistics */
                synchronized(this) {
                lastCommittedVLSN = commitVLSN;

    private String getStat(long now) {
        String s = "txn agenda stats [" +
            "open txns " + numOpenTXNs +
            ", committed txns " + numCommittedTXNs +
            ", aborted txns " + numAbortedTXNs +
            ", max open txns " + maxNumOpenTXNs +
            ", committed keys " + numCommittedKeys +
            ", last committed VLSN " + lastCommittedVLSN;
        /* Avoid division by zero! */
        if (numberOfBatches > 0) {
            s += ", avg batch size " + sumOfBatchSizes/numberOfBatches +
                ", avg ops per batch " + sumOfBatchOperations/numberOfBatches +
                ", avg ms per batch " +
                cumulativeTimeInBatchRequest/numberOfBatches +
                ", avg bytes per sec " +
                sumOfBatchSizes * 1000/(now - statSampleStartTime);

        return s + "]";

    private void resetBatchStats() {
        sumOfBatchSizes = 0;
        numberOfBatches = 0;
        sumOfBatchOperations = 0;
        cumulativeTimeInBatchRequest = 0;

     * Preprocess a log message string to include the name of this
     * TransactionAgenda instance.  TODO: future grand redesign of the logging
     * system will no doubt override this localized band-aid...
    private String lm(String s) {
        return "[tif][" + name + "] " + s;

     * Object to represent an open transaction in agenda.
     * This class's lifetime has two phases: population, and reference.  This
     * means that the addOp method cannot be called after the first time getOps
     * is called.  The reason for this constraint is that getOps returns a
     * reference to the ops list, which should not be modified after it has
     * been given out.
    public class Transaction {

        private final long txnId;
        private List ops;
        private boolean inRefPhase; /* true if getOps was called. */

        Transaction(long id) {
            txnId = id;
            ops = new ArrayList<>();
            inRefPhase = false;

        public long getTxnId() {
            return txnId;

        public synchronized List getOps() {
            inRefPhase = true;
            return ops;

        public synchronized void addOp(IndexOperation op) {
            assert (op != null);
            if (inRefPhase) {
                /* This would represent a programming error. */
                throw new IllegalStateException
                    ("Transaction phase violation: addOp after getOps");

        public synchronized int size() {
            int totalSize = 0;
            for (IndexOperation op : ops) {
                totalSize += op.size();
            return totalSize;

         * If any operations in this transaction are destined for the given
         * index, they will be removed.
         * This is a bit tricky because it's possible that a reference to the
         * ops list has been given out and is currently being iterated over,
         * e.g. in Elasticsearch.doBulkOperations.  If that is the case then we
         * don't want to modify the list.  Therefore we make a new copy of the
         * list, leaving out the matching operations, and install that new copy
         * in this object.  While this isn't very efficient, it should not
         * happen very often.
         * @param esIndexName the name of the Elasticsearch index
        public synchronized void purgeOpsForIndex(String esIndexName) {

            final List victims = new ArrayList<>();
            for (IndexOperation op : ops) {
                if (op.getESIndexName().equals(esIndexName)) {

            if (victims.isEmpty()) {
                return; /* Nothing to do. */

            if (inRefPhase) {
                /* If ops has been given out, we need to make a new list. */
                ops = new ArrayList<>(ops);


        public synchronized String toString() {
            String opList = "op list: ";
            for (IndexOperation op : ops) {
                opList += op.getOperation().toString() + "(key " + op
                    .getPkPath() + ") ";
            return "Transaction with id " + getTxnId() + ", " +
                   ", total # ops " + ops.size() +
                   ", ops list: " + opList;

     * This class represents a transaction commit, or a singleton transfer COPY
     * operation.
    abstract static class Commit {
        private final int size;

        Commit(int size) {
            this.size = size;

        int size() {
            return size;

        abstract Transaction getTxn();
        abstract VLSN getCommitVLSN();
        abstract List getOps();

    private static class TransactionCommit extends Commit {
        private final Transaction txn;
        private final VLSN commitVLSN;

        TransactionCommit(Transaction txn, VLSN commitVLSN) {
            this.txn = txn;
            this.commitVLSN = commitVLSN;

        List getOps() {
            return txn.getOps();

        Transaction getTxn() {
            return txn;

        VLSN getCommitVLSN() {
            return commitVLSN;

    private static class TransferCommit extends Commit {
        private final List singletonOperation;

        TransferCommit(IndexOperation op) {
            singletonOperation = Collections.singletonList(op);

        List getOps() {
            return singletonOperation;

        Transaction getTxn() {
            return null;

        VLSN getCommitVLSN() {
            return null;

     * This class keeps track of commits that have been received and processed
     * by the TIF but which have not yet been sent to Elasticsearch.
     * One feature of CommitQueue that distinguishes it from a standard library
     * Queue is that it keeps track of the aggregate size of the pending
     * indexing operations, as opposed to their number.
     * When a consumer of the queue is ready to process a batch, it calls
     * claimBatch specifying the size of the batch it is willing to process.
     * This size is not the number of items but their aggregate size.
     * To maintain commit order, only a single batch can be outstanding at a
     * time.  This also serves to throttle the load on the Elasticsearch
     * cluster.
    private class CommitQueue {
        private final List commitsList;
        private final int capacity;
        private int commitsSize;
        private int claimIndex; /* When a claim is outstanding, this int is the
                                   commitsList index of the last commit
                                   included in the batch.  When no claim is
                                   outstanding, its value is -1.  A non-zero
                                   value prevents the claiming of a batch,
                                   because only a single batch may be claimed
                                   at a time. */
         * Capacity is the maximum aggregate size of elements that can be
         * stored in this queue.  If that number is exceeded, then calls to
         * add() will wait until the number has fallen below the capacity.
        CommitQueue(int capacity) {
            this.capacity = capacity;
            this.commitsList = new ArrayList<>();
            this.commitsSize = 0;
            this.claimIndex = -1;

         * Add a comitted transaction to the queue.
        synchronized int add(Transaction txn, VLSN vlsn) {
            commitsList.add(new TransactionCommit(txn, vlsn));
            commitsSize += txn.size();
            return commitsSize;

         * Add a transfer copy operation to the queue.  These operations are
         * singletons and are non-transactional.
        synchronized int add(IndexOperation op) {
            commitsList.add(new TransferCommit(op));
            commitsSize += op.size();
            return commitsSize;

        private void waitIfAtCapacity() {
            int nwaits = 0;
            while (commitsSize >= capacity) {
                try {
                    if (nwaits++ % 1000 == 0) {
                            (lm("Waiting because CommitQueue is at capacity"));
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                               lm("Unexpected interruption of wait()"), e);

         * When the consumer of the queue is ready to process some number of
         * enqueued operations, it calls this method to acquire a batch to
         * process.  maxSize determines the number of elements in the batch,
         * based on the total sizes of their component operations.
         * Only a single batch is allowed to be outstanding at a time.
        synchronized List claimBatch(int maxSize) {
             * If there's nothing to do, or if there's already a batch in
             * progress, skip this claim by returning null.
            if (claimIndex >= 0 || commitsList.size() == 0) {
                logger.fine(lm("claimBatch rejected; claimIndex " +
                               claimIndex + " commits " + commitsList.size()));
                return null;

            List batch = new ArrayList<>();
            int batchSize = 0;

            for (Commit c : commitsList) {
                batchSize += c.size();
                if (batchSize >= maxSize) {
            logger.fine(lm("Claimed batch: " + claimIndex +
                           " for " + batchSize + " bytes, first vlsn " +
            sumOfBatchSizes += batchSize;
            sumOfBatchOperations += batch.size();
            return batch;

         * If a batch has been claimed but cannot be processed, this method
         * will cancel the claim.  A later claim will produce the same batch,
         * given the same maxSize argument.
        synchronized void cancelBatch() {
            claimIndex = -1;

         * Confirming the batch means that the batch has been processed and we
         * can forget about it.
        synchronized void confirmBatch() {
            if (claimIndex < 0) {

            while (claimIndex >= 0) {
                Commit c = commitsList.remove(0);
                commitsSize -= c.size();
            notifyAll(); /* Wake up waiters in waitIfAtCapacity */

        int getSize() {
            return commitsSize;

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