oracle.kv.impl.util.SerializeExceptionUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
* Database made available at:
* http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/nosqldb/downloads/index.html
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
* additional information.
package oracle.kv.impl.util;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.ObjectUtil.checkNull;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.SerializationUtil.readNonNullString;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.SerializationUtil.readString;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.SerializationUtil.writeNonNullString;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.SerializationUtil.writeString;
import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import oracle.kv.FastExternalizableException;
* Utilities for reading and writing exceptions without using Java
* serialization, to support non-Java clients. This class provides the {@link
* #writeException} and {@link #readException} methods to serialize and
* deserialize Java, JE, and KVS exceptions in a portable format.
* For exceptions defined in the KVS codebase, any exception that needs to
* be serialized should extend {@link FastExternalizable} and provide a
* standard public constructor with {@link DataInput} and {@code short}
* parameters. The {@link FastExternalizableException} base class is provided
* to make this convenient. Exceptions that are only used on the server, only
* used on one side of the network, or otherwise not serialized, are not
* required to implement {@code FastExternalizable}, but will cause exceptions
* to be thrown if an attempt is made to serialize them. To make maintenance
* easier, all exception classes that extend {@code FastExternalizable} should
* explicitly define a {@link FastExternalizable#writeFastExternal} method,
* even if the method does nothing more than delegate to the super method.
* That way, the method provides an obvious place to update when and if the
* class is modified to add new fields.
For exceptions not defined in the KVS codebase, there is a second
* mechanism that serializes the exception message and cause, and reconstructs
* the exception through a reflective call to a public constructor either with
* {@link String} and {@link Throwable} parameters, or with a {@code String}
* parameter followed by a call to {@link Throwable#initCause} to set a
* non-null cause. This scheme is able to reconstruct most, but not all, Java
* and JE exceptions. In particular, the {@link AssertionError} class gets
* special handling. If a suitable constructor is not available, or some other
* problem occurs, a {@link RuntimeException} is returned instead. If this
* lack of fidelity causes trouble, we could support more exception classes by
* either using additional constructors (say no-argument constructors for
* exceptions that never have a cause or a message) or by adding class-specific
* handlers that serialize custom information and use class-specific
* constructors to reconstruct the exception. We can consider these approaches
* in the future as needed.
* @see #writeException Serialization format
public class SerializeExceptionUtil {
* Represents the format used to serialize an exception.
* @see #writeFastExternal FastExternalizable format
public enum Format implements FastExternalizable {
/** An exception that implements {@link FastExternalizable}. */
/** A standard exception with just a detail message and cause. */
private static final Format[] VALUES = values();
private Format(int ordinal) {
if (ordinal != ordinal()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong ordinal");
* Reads an instance from the input stream.
public static Format readFastExternal(
DataInput in, @SuppressWarnings("unused") short serialVersion)
throws IOException {
final int ordinal = in.readByte();
try {
return VALUES[ordinal];
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IOException(
"Wrong ordinal for SerializeExceptionUtil.Format: " +
ordinal, e);
* Writes this object to the output stream. Format:
* - ({@code byte}) value // {@link #FAST_EXTERNALIZABLE}=0,
* {@link #STANDARD}=1
public void writeFastExternal(DataOutput out, short serialVersion)
throws IOException {
* Writes a exception to an output stream in one of two formats.
* If the exception implements {@link FastExternalizable}, then writes:
* - ({@link Format}) {@link Format#FAST_EXTERNALIZABLE}
- ({@link SerializationUtil#writeNonNullString non-null String})
* fully qualified class name
- ({@link FastExternalizable}) fast externalizable data
* Otherwise, writes:
* - ({@link Format}) {@link Format#STANDARD}
- ({@link SerializationUtil#writeNonNullString non-null String})
* fully qualified class name
- ({@link SerializationUtil#writeString String}) exception detail
* message
- ({@link DataOutput#writeBoolean}) whether cause is present
- [Optional] ({@link #writeException exception}) {@code cause}
* @param exception the exception
* @param out the output stream
* @param serialVersion the version of the serialization format
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code exception} is defined in the
* KVS codebase and does not implement {@code FastExternalizable}, or if it
* is not defined in the KVS codebase and does not have either a String or
* String and Throwable constructor
public static void writeException(Throwable exception,
DataOutput out,
short serialVersion)
throws IOException {
checkNull("exception", exception);
if (exception instanceof FastExternalizable) {
(FastExternalizable) exception, out, serialVersion);
} else {
writeStandard(exception, out, serialVersion);
* Reads an exception from the input stream.
* @param in the input stream
* @param serialVersion the version of the serialization format
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs or if the input format is
* invalid
public static Throwable readException(DataInput in, short serialVersion)
throws IOException {
switch (Format.readFastExternal(in, serialVersion)) {
return readFastExternal(in, serialVersion);
return readStandard(in, serialVersion);
throw new AssertionError();
/** Writes a FastExternalizable exception. */
private static void writeFastExternal(FastExternalizable exception,
DataOutput out,
short serialVersion)
throws IOException {
Format.FAST_EXTERNALIZABLE.writeFastExternal(out, serialVersion);
writeNonNullString(out, serialVersion, exception.getClass().getName());
exception.writeFastExternal(out, serialVersion);
* Reads a FastExternalizable exception, creating the instance with the
* standard FastExternalizable constructor and throwing an IOException if
* there is an I/O error, format error, or a problem calling the
* constructor.
private static Throwable readFastExternal(DataInput in,
short serialVersion)
throws IOException {
final String className = readNonNullString(in, serialVersion);
try {
final Class extends Throwable> cl =
final Constructor extends Throwable> cons =
cl.getConstructor(DataInput.class, Short.TYPE);
return cons.newInstance(in, serialVersion);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) cause;
throw readExceptionFailed(className, null, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw readExceptionFailed(className, null, e);
private static IOException readExceptionFailed(String className,
String message,
Throwable exception) {
return new IOException(
"Problem reading exception of type " + className +
((message != null) ? " with message '" + message + "': " : ": ") +
* Writes a standard exception, throwing IllegalArgumentException for a KVS
* exception.
private static void writeStandard(Throwable exception,
DataOutput out,
short serialVersion)
throws IOException {
if (isKVSClass(exception.getClass())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Attempt to write a KVS exception that does not implement" +
" FastExternalizable: " + exception,
Format.STANDARD.writeFastExternal(out, serialVersion);
writeNonNullString(out, serialVersion, exception.getClass().getName());
writeMessageAndCause(out, serialVersion, exception.getMessage(),
/** Returns whether a class is defined in the KVS codebase. */
private static final boolean isKVSClass(Class> cl) {
return cl.getName().startsWith("oracle.kv.");
* Writes an exception message and cause to the output stream.
* @param out the output stream
* @param serialVersion the version of the serialization format
* @param message the message or null
* @param cause the cause or null
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
public static void writeMessageAndCause(DataOutput out,
short serialVersion,
String message,
Throwable cause)
throws IOException {
writeString(out, serialVersion, message);
if (cause != null) {
writeException(cause, out, serialVersion);
} else {
* Reads a standard exception, using one of the standard constructors and
* the initCause methods as appropriate, and throwing an IOException if
* there is an I/O error or format problem. Returns a RuntimeException
* with the specified message and cause if there is a problem constructing
* an exception of the specified type.
private static Throwable readStandard(DataInput in, short serialVersion)
throws IOException {
final String className = readNonNullString(in, serialVersion);
final String message = readString(in, serialVersion);
final Throwable cause =
in.readBoolean() ? readException(in, serialVersion) : null;
try {
final Class extends Throwable> cl =
try {
final Constructor extends Throwable> cons =
cl.getConstructor(String.class, Throwable.class);
return cons.newInstance(message, cause);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
final Constructor extends Throwable> cons =
final Throwable t = cons.newInstance(message);
if (cause != null) {
return t;
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Check some special cases */
if (cl == AssertionError.class) {
* Java 6 has no standard constructor, so use the single Object
* parameter one.
final AssertionError t = new AssertionError(message);
return t;
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Return a replacement exception */
return new RuntimeException(
"Problem reading exception of type " + className +
((message != null) ? " with message '" + message + "'" : ""),