oracle.kv.util.Ping Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2011, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle NoSQL
* Database made available at:
* http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/nosqldb/downloads/index.html
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle NoSQL Database for a copy of the license and
* additional information.
package oracle.kv.util;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.JsonUtils.createObjectNode;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.JsonUtils.createWriter;
import static oracle.kv.impl.util.JsonUtils.getArray;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import oracle.kv.KVSecurityException;
import oracle.kv.KVStoreException;
import oracle.kv.LoginCredentials;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.AdminStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.CommandJsonUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.CommandResult;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.CommandServiceAPI;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.AdminParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.GlobalParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.Parameters;
import oracle.kv.impl.admin.param.StorageNodeParams;
import oracle.kv.impl.arb.ArbNodeStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.monitor.views.ServiceChange;
import oracle.kv.impl.rep.RepNodeStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.security.login.LoginManager;
import oracle.kv.impl.security.util.KVStoreLogin;
import oracle.kv.impl.sna.StorageNodeStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.AdminId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.ArbNode;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.ArbNodeId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.Datacenter;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroup;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepNode;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepNodeId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.ResourceId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.StorageNode;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.StorageNodeId;
import oracle.kv.impl.topo.Topology;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.CommandParser;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.ConfigurableService.ServiceStatus;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.FormatUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.HostPort;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.JsonUtils;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.TopologyLocator;
import oracle.kv.impl.util.registry.RegistryUtils;
import oracle.kv.util.PingCollector.AdminInfo;
import oracle.kv.util.shell.ShellCommandResult;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectWriter;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ArrayNode;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode;
* Pings all the RNs, SNs, and admins associated with a KVS. It is provided a
* single storage node's host:port or a list of host:port pairs, and uses those
* to find an RMI Registry and uses that to locate a service (RepNode or Admin)
* that can provide a store topology. The topology is then used to obtain
* knowledge about all the other nodes in the store. If an admin can be found,
* then it is used to obtain parameters which are used to find the other
* admins.
* Ping utility also support pinging specific shard in both admin and top level
* version. Status for SNs, RNs and Arbiter associated with specific shard is
* displayed.
* Description of flags:
* (from CommandParser):
* -host -- single host to use. Must not be used if -helper-hosts is used.
* -port -- port to use on the single host Must not be used if -helper-hosts
* is used.
* -helper-hosts -- a comma-separated list of host:port pairs. This allows
* the call to be more resilient to the case where an individual host may
* not be accessible. Must not be used if -host and -port are specified.
* -shard -- Used to get status information specific to particular shard.
* Ping also provides utility methods to other functionality that needs to
* ping remote services.
Here is an annotated example of the output of the ping command in JSON
* format:
* {
* // Topology overview
* "topology" : {
* "storeName" : "mykvstore",
* "sequenceNumber" : 21,
* "numPartitions" : 10,
* "numStorageNodes" : 2,
* "time" : 1425658621417,
* "version" : ""
* },
* // Overview of status of all shards in the store
* "shardStatus" : {
* "healthy" : 2, // Shards with all RNs/ANs active
* "writable-degraded" : 0, // Some inactive RNs/ANs but with quorum
* "read-only" : 0, // Lost quorum but with some active RNs/ANs
* "offline" : 0 // No active RNs/ANs
* },
* // Overview of the status of the admin, one of "healthy",
* // "writable-degraded", "read-only", or "offline"
* "adminStatus" : "healthy",
* // Status of each zone
* "zoneStatus" : [ {
* "resourceId" : "zn1",
* "name" : "Boston",
* "type" : "PRIMARY",
* "rnSummaryStatus" : {
* "online" : 6, // RNs in the zone that are online
* "offline" : 0, // RNs in the zone that are offline
* "hasReplicas" : true, // Whether the zone has non-master replicas
* // The maximum over all replicas in the zone of the estimated delay,
* // in milliseconds, between when a transaction was committed on the
* // master and when the master learned that the transaction was
* // processed on a replica.
* "maxDelayMillis" : 1,
* // The maximum over all replicas in the zone of the estimated time, in
* // seconds, until a replica eliminate delays with the master. Uses the
* // maximum positive long value for replicas that are remaining behind
* // without catching up or falling behind. For replicas that are
* // falling behind, uses a negative value whose absolute value is the
* // estimated time until the delay doubles. If there are negative
* // values, then the maximum is the negative value nearest to zero,
* // which represents the replica that is falling behind most quickly.
* "maxCatchupTimeSecs" : 0
* },
* "anSummaryStatus" : {
* "online" : 2,
* "offline" : 0
* }
* } ],
* // Status of each storage node
* "snStatus" : [ {
* "resourceId" : "sn1",
* "hostname" : "localhost",
* "registryPort" : 5001,
* "zone" : {
* "resourceId" : "zn1",
* "name" : "Boston",
* },
* // The service status of an admin or replication node, with values from
* // the constant values of the ConfigurableService.ServiceStatus enum.
* "serviceStatus" : "RUNNING",
* "version" :
* "12cR1.3.2.15 2015-03-06 04:16:48 UTC Build id: 65a27a9d8a1b+",
* // Status of the admin node on this storage node, missing if no admin
* "adminStatus" : {
* "resourceId" : "admin1",
* "status" : "RUNNING",
* // The replication state of the node, with values from the constant
* // values of the ReplicatedEnvironment.State enum. One of "DETACHED",
* "state" : "MASTER"
* // If the node is the master, whether the node is known to be the
* // authoritative master: one that is in active contact with a quorum
* // of replicas
* "authoritativeMaster" : true;
* },
* // Status of each replication node
* "rnStatus" : [ {
* "resourceId" : "rg1-rn1",
* "status" : "RUNNING",
* "state" : "MASTER",
* "authoritativeMaster" : true;
* "sequenceNumber" : 37,
* "haPort" : 5003
* }, {
* "resourceId" : "rg1-rn3",
* "status" : "RUNNING",
* "state" : "REPLICA",
* "sequenceNumber" : 37,
* "haPort" : 5005,
* // Whether the node is performing a network restore
* "networkRestoreUnderway" : false
* // The estimated delay, in milliseconds, between when a transaction
* // was committed on the master and when the master learned that the
* // transaction was processed on the replica. Missing if this node is
* // a master or if the value is not known.
* "delayMillis" : 0,
* // The estimated time, in seconds, until all of the replica eliminate
* // its delay with the master. Set to the maximum positive long value
* // if the replica is not catching up. For replicas that are falling
* // behind, set to a negative value whose absolute value is the
* // estimated time until the delay doubles. Missing if this node is a
* // master or if the value is not known.
* "catchupTimeSecs" : 0,
* // The estimated rate, in milliseconds per minute, that the replica is
* // reducing its delay with the master. Set to a negative value if the
* // replica is falling behind. Missing if this node is a master or if
* // the value is not known.
* "catchupRateMillisPerMinute" : 0
* },
* // ...
* },
* //...
* } ],
* "anStatus" : [ {
* "resourceId" : "rg1-an1",
* "status" : "RUNNING",
* "state" : "REPLICA",
* "sequenceNumber" : 0,
* "haPort" : "5021"
* }
* ]
* // Status of each arbiter node
* {
* "resourceId" : "rg3-an1",
* "status" : "RUNNING",
* "state" : "REPLICA",
* "sequenceNumber" : 0,
* "haPort" : "5042"
* }
* // Exit code and result code for command is displayed in the json
* // report as well as being used as the process exit code. See a
* // description of the exit values below
* "operation" : "ping",
* "return_code" : 5000,
* "description" : "No errors found",
* "exit_code" : 0
* }
* }
* The process exit code can be used as a diagnostic to determine the state of
* the store. Each exit code is paired with a NoSQL error code, as defined in
* the NoSQL error messages catalog. TBW - write up the exit codes.
* The exit codes have the following meaning:
* 0 (EXIT_OK) -- all services in the store could be located and are in a
* known, good state (e.g. RUNNING).
* 1 (EXIT_OPERATIONAL) -- one or more services in the store could not be
* reached, or are in an unknown or not usable state. In this case the store
* should support all operations across all shards, as well as for the admin,
* but may be in a state of degraded performance. Some action should be
* taken to find and fix the problem before part of the store becomes
* unavailable.
* 2 (EXIT_NO_ADMIN_QUORUM) -- the admin replication group does not have
* quorum or is not available at all. The store supports all normal data
* operations despite the loss of admin quorum, but this state requires
* immediate attention to restore full store capabilities.
* 3 (EXIT_NO_SHARD_QUORUM) -- one or more of the shards does not have quorum
* and either cannot accept write requests, or is completely unavailable.
* This state requires immediate attention to restore store capabilities.
* This exit code takes precedence over EXIT_NO_ADMIN_QUORUM, so if this
* exit code is used it is possible that the admin capabilities are also
* reduced or unavailable.
* All of the last three of the exit codes above (1-3) could be indicative of a
* network connectivity issue and that should be checked first, before
* concluding that any services have a problem.
* 100 (EXIT_USAGE) -- a usage error
* 101 (EXIT_TOPOLOGY_FAILURE) -- Ping was unable to find a
* Topology in order to operate. This could be a store problem, a network
* problem, or it could be a usage problem with the parameters passed to
* Ping (e.g. the host and port or helper-hosts list are not part of a store).
* 102 (EXIT_UNEXPECTED) -- the utility has experienced an unexpected error.
* Note that each Ping instance accumulates state after each ping call
* and should be used a single time.
public class Ping {
private static final int MAX_N_THREADS = 10;
/* External commands, for "java -jar" usage. */
public static final String COMMAND_NAME = "ping";
public static final String COMMAND_DESC =
"attempts to contact a store to get status of running services";
private static final String HELPER_HOSTS_FLAG = "-helper-hosts";
public static final String COMMAND_ARGS =
CommandParser.getHostUsage() + " " +
CommandParser.getPortUsage() + " or\n\t" +
CommandParser.getUserUsage() + "\n\t" +
CommandParser.getSecurityUsage() + "\n\t" +
CommandParser.getRegOpenTimeoutUsage() + "\n\t" +
CommandParser.getRegReadTimeoutUsage() + "\n\t" +
static final String EXIT_CODE_FIELD_V1 = "exit_code";
static final String EXIT_CODE_FIELD = "exitCode";
* The possible return codes for the Ping utility, obeying the Unix
* convention that a non-zero value is an abnormal termination.
public static enum ExitCode {
EXIT_OK(0, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5000, "No errors found"),
EXIT_OPERATIONAL(1, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5301,
"Store is operational but some services are " +
EXIT_NO_ADMIN_QUORUM(2, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5302,
"All data operations are full available but " +
"administrative changes are disabled"),
EXIT_NO_SHARD_QUORUM(3, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5303,
"One or more shards cannot accept write " +
EXIT_USAGE(100, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5100,
"Usage error"),
"Topology cannot be found"),
EXIT_UNEXPECTED(102, ErrorMessage.NOSQL_5500, "Internal error");
/* A value that is a valid Unix return code, in the range of 0-127 */
private final int returnCode;
* A value that is an Oracle NoSQL error code, which maps into the
* error message catalog.
private final ErrorMessage errorCode;
private final String description;
ExitCode(int returnCode, ErrorMessage errorCode, String description) {
this.returnCode = returnCode;
this.errorCode = errorCode;
this.description = description;
public int value(){
return this.returnCode;
public ErrorMessage getErrorCode() {
return errorCode;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
/** Returns the status for an Admin, or null if not known. */
/* TODO: Replace with Function in Java 8 */
public interface AdminStatusFunction {
AdminStatus get(AdminId adminId);
/** Returns the status for an RN, or null if not known. */
/* TODO: Replace with Function in Java 8 */
public interface RepNodeStatusFunction {
RepNodeStatus get(RepNode rn);
/** Returns the status for an AN, or null if not known. */
public interface ArbNodeStatusFunction {
ArbNodeStatus get(ArbNode an);
/* Ping will find a topology and params to direct its searches */
private Topology topo;
private final Parameters params;
private final boolean showHidden;
private final int jsonVersion;
private final PrintStream std;
private final PrintStream err;
* 1. When Ping is used in admin CLI, internal login manager will be
* passed in. No need to use login credentials, it will be null.
* 2. When Ping is used in ping collector service, internal login manager
* will be passed in. No need to use login credentials, it will be null.
* 3. When Ping is used by Java command line, login credentials will be
* passed in, use the login credentials to create login manager for proper
* access.
private final LoginManager loginManager;
private final LoginCredentials loginCreds;
private PingCollector collector;
* The problem report stores information that can be used for follow-on
* action. For example, if a component in the store couldn't be contacted,
* the problem report lists enough information so the caller can run a
* network connectivity check against that hostport.
private final List problemReport =
Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
* exitCode holds the Unix system exitcode that will be returned by
* Ping. It acts as a summary, or signal, of what happened in the call,
* giving the user a basic green (ok), yellow (something wrong), red (big
* problem) type health check. ExitCode should be set via any path that
* leads to an exit. Initialize it here to indicate an unexpected, internal
* error. If all goes as it should, the return code will be set to a proper
* value by follow on processing. If there is a bug in the utility, and
* the exitCode is not set, this initialization will point out the
* problem.
private ExitCode exitCode = ExitCode.EXIT_UNEXPECTED;
* {@literal
* Usage: java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar ping
* -host -port or
* -helper-hosts
* -username
* -security
* [-json] [-shard rgX]
* }
public static void main(String[] args) {
class PingParser extends CommandParser {
* This is an internal flag used by tests to allow them to
* call Ping.main() without exiting.
private final String DONT_EXIT_FLAG = "-no-exit";
private String helperHosts = null;
private boolean dontExit = false;
private boolean showHidden = false;
private final String SHARD_EXIST_FLAG = "-shard";
private RepGroupId shard = null;
PingParser(String[] args1) {
public void usage(String errorMsg) {
* Note that you can't really test illegal arguments in a
* threaded unit test -- the call to exit(..) when
* dontExit is false doesn't kill the process, and the error
* message gets lost. Still worth using dontExit so the
* unit test process doesn't die, but unit testing of bad
* arg handling has to happen with a process.
if (!getJson()) {
if (errorMsg != null) {
"\n\t" + COMMAND_ARGS);
exit(dontExit, errorMsg, ExitCode.EXIT_USAGE,
getJsonVersion(), System.err);
protected boolean checkArg(String arg) {
if (arg.equals(HELPER_HOSTS_FLAG)) {
helperHosts = nextArg(arg);
return true;
if (arg.equals(DONT_EXIT_FLAG)) {
dontExit = true;
return true;
if (arg.equals(HIDDEN_FLAG)) {
showHidden = true;
return true;
if (arg.equals(SHARD_EXIST_FLAG)) {
shard = RepGroupId.parse(nextArg(arg));
return true;
return false;
private String getHelperHosts() {
return helperHosts;
private boolean getDontExit() {
return dontExit;
private RepGroupId getShard() {
return shard;
protected void verifyArgs() {
/* Check that one or more helper hosts are supplied */
if (getHelperHosts() != null &&
(getHostname() != null || (getRegistryPort() != 0))) {
usage("Only one of either " + HELPER_HOSTS_FLAG + " or " +
HOST_FLAG + " plus " + PORT_FLAG +
"may be specified");
if (getHelperHosts() == null) {
if (getHostname() == null) {
if (getRegistryPort() == 0) {
} else {
* Helper hosts have been supplied - validate the
* argument.
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
usage("Illegal value for " + HELPER_HOSTS_FLAG );
* Validate that each helper host entry in the form
* :
private void validateHelperHosts(String helperHostVal)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (helperHostVal == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("helper hosts cannot be null");
String[] hosts = helperHostVal.split(",");
* Return a list of hostport strings. Assumes that an argument
* to helperHosts has already been validated.
List createHostPortList() {
String[] hosts = null;
if (helperHosts != null) {
hosts = helperHosts.split(",");
} else {
hosts = new String[1];
hosts[0] = getHostname() + ":" + getRegistryPort();
HostPort[] hps = HostPort.parse(hosts);
List hpList = new ArrayList();
for (HostPort hp : hps) {
return hpList;
PingParser pp = new PingParser(args);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
"Argument error: " + e.getMessage(),
final KVStoreLogin storeLogin =
new KVStoreLogin(pp.getUserName(), pp.getSecurityFile());
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
LoginCredentials loginCreds = null;
if (storeLogin.foundTransportSettings()) {
try {
loginCreds = storeLogin.makeShellLoginCredentials();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
"Failed to get login credentials: " + ioe.getMessage(),
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
Ping ping = null;
List hostports = pp.createHostPortList();
try {
ping = new Ping(hostports,
} catch (KVStoreException e) {
* Has problems getting the topology or params.
* For backward compatibility, see if we should generate the old
* no-SNA-exists but isn't deployed yet message. Remove this when
* the SNA status command is implemented that will give the user a
* way to get a more understandable message that says the SNA
* exists, but isn't yet deployed.
if (!pp.getJson()) {
/* Remove this when SNA status exists! */
"Can't find store topology: " + e.getMessage(),
} catch (KVSecurityException e) {
/* Couldn't authenticate to a secure store. */
"Access issue: " + e.getMessage(),
/* Verify if specified shard exists in topology */
if (pp.getShard() != null &&
ping.topo.get(pp.getShard()) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Shard " + pp.getShard() + " does not exist. " +
"Use show topology to find the available shards.");
* Ping all the components in the store, analyze the status, and
* display the results.
* If shard flag is specified then ping SNs, RNs and Arbiter associated
* with shard, analyze the status and display the results.
* Be sure not to specify an exit message here - all information
* should have been displayed via pingTopology.
exitNoDisplay(pp.getDontExit(), ping.exitCode);
* For use cases where the caller has a topology in hand already.
* @param loginManager can be RepNodeLoginManager or InternalLoginManager
private Ping(Topology topo,
Parameters params,
boolean showHidden,
int jsonVersion,
PrintStream ps,
LoginManager loginManager) {
this.topo = topo;
this.params = params;
this.showHidden = showHidden;
this.jsonVersion = jsonVersion;
this.std = ps;
this.err = ps;
this.loginManager = loginManager;
this.loginCreds = null;
* For use cases where the utility must find a topology.
* @throws KVStoreException
public Ping(List hostPorts,
boolean showHidden,
int jsonVersion,
PrintStream std,
PrintStream err,
LoginCredentials loginCreds)
throws KVStoreException {
this.showHidden = showHidden;
this.jsonVersion = jsonVersion;
this.std = std;
this.err = err;
/* Search available SNs for a topology */
String[] hostPortsArray = new String[hostPorts.size()];
hostPortsArray = hostPorts.toArray(hostPortsArray);
if (loginCreds == null) {
loginManager = null;
} else {
loginManager = KVStoreLogin.getRepNodeLoginMgr(hostPortsArray,
this.loginCreds = loginCreds;
topo = findTopo(hostPortsArray);
params = findParams();
* For use cases where the utility must find a topology.
* @param loginManager can be RepNodeLoginManager or InternalLoginManager
* @throws KVStoreException
public Ping(List hostPorts,
boolean showHidden,
int jsonVersion,
PrintStream ps,
LoginManager loginManager)
throws KVStoreException {
this.showHidden = showHidden;
this.jsonVersion = jsonVersion;
this.std = ps;
this.err = ps;
this.loginManager = loginManager;
this.loginCreds = null;
/* Search available SNs for a topology */
String[] hostPortsArray = new String[hostPorts.size()];
hostPortsArray = hostPorts.toArray(hostPortsArray);
topo = findTopo(hostPortsArray);
params = findParams();
* For callers who prefer to use Ping over TopologyLocator, because Ping
* searches both RNs and Admin Services in search of a topology.
* @throws KVStoreException if a topology can't be found.
public static Topology findTopology(String hostname, int port)
throws KVStoreException {
List helpers = new ArrayList();
helpers.add(new HostPort(hostname, port).toString());
Ping ping = new Ping(helpers,
false, // showHidden
(LoginCredentials) null);
return ping.getTopology();
public Topology getTopology() {
return topo;
public PingCollector getPingCollector() {
return collector;
* Used by PingCommand, invoked within the Admin CLI. A topology is
* provided since it's already connected to an Admin, no need to find one.
* Providing a static convenience method reinforces the fact that since
* each Ping instance accumulates state, each Ping instance should be
* used for a single Ping call.
* @param loginManager can be RepNodeLoginManager or InternalLoginManager
* @param shard if non-null, shows particular shard specific information
public static void pingTopology(Topology topo,
Parameters params,
boolean showHidden,
int jsonVersion,
PrintStream ps,
LoginManager loginManager,
RepGroupId shard) {
Ping p = new Ping(topo, params, showHidden, jsonVersion, ps,
* Ping all the SNs, RNs, and optionally admins, that make up the topology,
* and print results to the specified PrintStream. If params is non-null,
* it will be used to discover admins, otherwise admins will not be
* included.
* If shard has been specified then ping SNs, RNs and Arbiter associated
* with specific shard and and print results to the specified PrintStream.
public void pingTopology(RepGroupId shard) {
if (topo == null) {
/* TODO: Modify PingCollector to filter by shard, for efficiency. */
/* Request status from each service in the store. */
collector = new PingCollector(topo, params, loginManager);
* Analyze the service status and generate an exist code. The exit code
* acts as a summary of the findings, which indicates whether the
* caller needs to take action.
exitCode = analyzeStatus();
PrintStream ps = std;
if (exitCode.value() != 0) {
ps = err;
* Create a JSON node that displays the ping results. The conversion to
* json is not just a direct translation into a display format, it also
* aggregates the information and creates overviews and summaries.
ObjectNode jsonTop;
jsonTop = convertStatusToJson(shard);
if (jsonVersion == CommandParser.JSON_V2) {
final PingResult result = new PingResult(exitCode, null);
final ShellCommandResult scr =
jsonTop.put(EXIT_CODE_FIELD, result.getExitCode().value());
if (showHidden) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} else if (jsonVersion == CommandParser.JSON_V1) {
* Json mode only - display the exit code and any prescriptive
* information. This is meant for scripting support, and therefore
* is only available in json.
* Add information about the return code in the standard json
* format for all CLIs.
createResultsJson(jsonTop, new PingResult(exitCode, null));
* Add information about any problems found. This feature is
* currently undocumented, only available via json, and is
* currently governed by hidden.
if (showHidden) {
final ObjectWriter writer = createWriter(true /* pretty */);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
ps.print("Pinging components of ");
if (shard == null) {
} else {
final String adminOverview =
if (!"".equals(adminOverview)) {
for (JsonNode jsonZone : getArray(jsonTop, "zoneStatus")) {
for (JsonNode jsonSN : getArray(jsonTop, "snStatus")) {
final JsonNode jsonAdmin = jsonSN.get("adminStatus");
if (jsonAdmin != null) {
for (JsonNode jsonRN : getArray(jsonSN, "rnStatus")) {
for (JsonNode jsonAN : getArray(jsonSN, "anStatus")) {
* Displays the status values collected from the cluster components as
* JSON. In some cases, status values are simply formatted and displayed,
* in others, status values are aggregated or summarized.
private ObjectNode convertStatusToJson(RepGroupId shard) {
Map snMap = collector.getSNMap();
/* Group output by Storage Node */
List sns = new ArrayList(snMap.keySet());
Collections.sort(sns, new Comparator() {
public int compare(StorageNode o1, StorageNode o2) {
return o1.getStorageNodeId().getStorageNodeId() -
/* Using the collected RN statuses, extract RN master status info */
final Map rnMap = collector.getRNMap();
final Map masterStatusMap =
new HashMap();
for (Entry e : rnMap.entrySet()) {
final RepNodeStatus status = e.getValue();
if ((status != null) && status.getReplicationState().isMaster()) {
final RepNode rn = e.getKey();
masterStatusMap.put(rn.getRepGroupId(), status);
* Create a JSON object and construct the ping status display.
* Start by summarizing topology
final ObjectNode jsonTop = createObjectNode();
PingDisplay.topologyOverviewToJson(topo, shard, jsonTop);
/* Add admin overview to the display */
final Map adminMap = collector.getAdminMap();
if (params != null) {
final AdminStatusFunction adminStatusFunc =
new AdminStatusFunction() {
public AdminStatus get(AdminId adminId) {
final AdminInfo adminInfo = adminMap.get(adminId);
return adminInfo.adminStatus;
PingDisplay.adminOverviewToJson(params, adminStatusFunc, jsonTop);
* Define a RN status function to extract info for shards and zones
* overviews.
final RepNodeStatusFunction rnfunc = new RepNodeStatusFunction() {
public RepNodeStatus get(RepNode rn) {
return rnMap.get(rn);
final Map anMap = collector.getANMap();
final ArbNodeStatusFunction anfunc = new ArbNodeStatusFunction() {
public ArbNodeStatus get(ArbNode an) {
return anMap.get(an);
/* Add a shard overview */
PingDisplay.shardOverviewToJson(topo, rnfunc, anfunc,
shard, jsonTop);
/* Add zone overviews. */
final ArrayNode jsonZones = jsonTop.putArray("zoneStatus");
for (final Datacenter dc : topo.getSortedDatacenters()) {
PingDisplay.zoneOverviewToJson(topo, dc, rnfunc, anfunc,
/* Add SN, Admin, andRN status in SN order. */
final ArrayNode jsonSNs = jsonTop.putArray("snStatus");
for (StorageNode sn : sns) {
* If shard is non-null then only check storage node if having
* RNs associated with specified shard
if (shard != null) {
final StorageNodeId snId = sn.getStorageNodeId();
boolean rnInShard = false;
for (final RepNodeId rnId : topo.getHostedRepNodeIds(snId)) {
if (shard.sameGroup(rnId)) {
rnInShard = true;
if (!rnInShard) {
StorageNodeStatus status = snMap.get(sn);
final ObjectNode jsonSN = PingDisplay.storageNodeToJson(topo, sn,
for (Entry aentry : adminMap.entrySet()) {
final AdminInfo info = aentry.getValue();
if ((info != null) &&
sn.getStorageNodeId().equals(info.snId) &&
shard == null) {
final ArrayNode jsonRNs = jsonSN.putArray("rnStatus");
for (Entry rentry : rnMap.entrySet()) {
final RepNode rn = rentry.getKey();
if (sn.getStorageNodeId().equals(rn.getStorageNodeId()) &&
(shard == null || shard.sameGroup(rn.getResourceId()))) {
null /* expectedStatus */));
final ArrayNode jsonANs = jsonSN.putArray("anStatus");
for (Entry rentry : anMap.entrySet()) {
final ArbNode an = rentry.getKey();
if (sn.getStorageNodeId().equals(an.getStorageNodeId()) &&
(shard == null || an.getRepGroupId().equals(shard))) {
null /* expectedStatus */));
return jsonTop;
private Topology findTopo(String[] hostPortsArray)
throws KVStoreException {
/* Search available SNs for a topology */
Topology newtopo = null;
* The search for a new topo is confined to SNs that host RNs. If
* Admins live on SNs which don't host RNs, we'll be delayed in
* seeing a new topo; we'd have to wait for that to be propagated to
* the RNs. That's ok; by design, the system will propagate topos to
* RNs in a timely fashion, and it's not worth adding complications
* for the unusual case of an Admin-only SN.
try {
newtopo = TopologyLocator.get(hostPortsArray, 0,
loginManager, null);
} catch (KVStoreException topoLocEx) {
/* had a problem getting a topology - try using the Admins */
newtopo = searchAdminsForTopo(hostPortsArray);
/* Still can't find a topology */
if (newtopo == null) {
throw topoLocEx;
return newtopo;
* Using the topology to find SNs, find an AdminService to get some Params
private Parameters findParams() {
if (topo == null) {
return null;
/* Look for admins to get parameters */
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_N_THREADS);
Collection> tasks =
new ArrayList>();
for (final StorageNode sn : topo.getStorageNodeMap().getAll()) {
tasks.add(new Callable() {
public Parameters call() throws Exception {
try {
final CommandServiceAPI admin =
getAdmin(sn.getHostname(), sn.getRegistryPort());
return admin.getParameters();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
* Note the problem - an Admin is registered on this SN,
* but it couldn't be accessed.
(new Problem(sn.getResourceId(),
"Admin Service exists on this SN " +
"but ping couldn't contact it: ", e));
* Throw out all Exceptions to tell this task failed to
* get admin parameters.
throw e;
try {
* Returns the admin parameter result got by the first completed
* task.
return executor.invokeAny(tasks);
} catch (Exception e) {
* If it throws Exception, that means all task failed.
* Can't find any Admins, there should be some in the list.
problemReport.add(new Problem("Can't contact any Admin services " +
"in the store"));
return null;
} finally {
* Given a set of SNs, find an AdminService to find a topology
private Topology searchAdminsForTopo(String[] hostPortStrings) {
final HostPort[] targetHPs = HostPort.parse(hostPortStrings);
/* Look for admins to get parameters */
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_N_THREADS);
Collection> tasks =
new ArrayList>();
for (final HostPort hp : targetHPs) {
tasks.add(new Callable() {
public Topology call() throws Exception {
try {
final CommandServiceAPI admin =
getAdmin(hp.hostname(), hp.port());
return admin.getTopology();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
* Note the problem - an Admin is registered on this SN,
* but it couldn't be accessed.
(new Problem(hp.hostname(),
"Admin Service exists on this SN " +
"but ping couldn't contact it: ", e));
* Throw out all Exceptions to tell this task failed to
* get topology.
throw e;
try {
* Returns the topology result got by the first completed task.
return executor.invokeAny(tasks);
} catch (Exception e) {
* If it throws Exception, that means all task failed.
* Can't find any Admins, there should be some in the list.
problemReport.add(new Problem("Searching for topology, can't "+
"contact any Admin services in the "+
return null;
} finally {
* Get the CommandService on this particular SN.
private CommandServiceAPI getAdmin(String snHostname,
int snRegistryPort)
throws NotBoundException, RemoteException {
* Use login manager first, if it is available.
if (loginManager != null) {
return RegistryUtils.getAdmin(
snHostname, snRegistryPort, loginManager);
* Use login credentials to build admin login manager.
if (loginCreds != null) {
return RegistryUtils.getAdmin(snHostname, snRegistryPort,
snHostname, snRegistryPort, loginCreds));
* Non-secure case.
return RegistryUtils.getAdmin(snHostname, snRegistryPort, null);
* Look at the status information collected from the components of the
* store, and analyze it in the context of how the component fits within
* the topology.
* Walk the topology, looking for matching entries in the service maps.
* If a service is not found or not in an expected "good" state, make
* note of it. This isn't implemented to be efficient. It does a lot
* of walking/scanning of structures.
* This function tracks:
* - the total number of services not in a good state
* - quorum for replicated services.
* If a replication group (RN or admin) does not have quorum the global
* noRNQuorum counter is incremented, indicating a situation that requires
* immediate attention because the cluster may be partially inaccessible.
* The quorum computation includes arbiters.
private ExitCode analyzeStatus() {
if (topo == null) {
final Set failedAdmins = new HashSet();
final TreeMap failedShards =
new TreeMap();
int numFail = 0;
/* Look for failed storageNodes */
List sns = topo.getSortedStorageNodes();
final Map snMap = collector.getSNMap();
for (StorageNode sn : sns) {
StorageNodeStatus snStatus = snMap.get(sn);
ServiceStatus status = (snStatus == null ?
ServiceStatus.UNREACHABLE :
if (!status.equals(ServiceStatus.RUNNING)) {
problemReport.add(new Problem(sn.getResourceId(),
"Unexpected status " +
/* Does each shard have quorum? */
final Map rnMap = collector.getRNMap();
final Map monitoredChanges =
int noRNQuorum = 0;
for (RepGroup rg: topo.getRepGroupMap().getAll()) {
/* Figure out what the quorum size is for this shard */
Collection rns = rg.getRepNodes();
int rf = rns.size();
int numNeeded = (rf/2 + 1);
int numBadInShard = 0;
for (RepNode rn: rns) {
RepNodeStatus rnStatus = rnMap.get(rn);
ServiceStatus status = (rnStatus == null ?
ServiceStatus.UNREACHABLE :
if (!status.equals(ServiceStatus.RUNNING)) {
RepNodeId rid = rn.getResourceId();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("RN is not running: ").append(status);
if (rnStatus == null) {
ServiceChange change = monitoredChanges.get(rid);
sb.append(", last known status is ");
if (change == null) {
} else {
String reportTime =
.append(", reported at ").append(reportTime);
StorageNode sn = topo.get(rn.getStorageNodeId());
problemReport.add(new Problem(rid,
int numFailAN = 0;
final Map anMap = collector.getANMap();
Collection ans = rg.getArbNodes();
for (ArbNode an : ans) {
ArbNodeStatus anStatus = anMap.get(an);
ServiceStatus status = (anStatus == null ?
ServiceStatus.UNREACHABLE :
if (!status.equals(ServiceStatus.RUNNING)) {
ArbNodeId aid = an.getResourceId();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("AN is not running: ").append(status);
if (anStatus == null) {
ServiceChange change = monitoredChanges.get(aid);
sb.append(", last known status is ");
if (change == null) {
} else {
String reportTime =
.append(", reported at ").append(reportTime);
StorageNode sn = topo.get(an.getStorageNodeId());
problemReport.add(new Problem(aid,
if (numBadInShard > 0) {
failedShards.put(rg.getResourceId(), numBadInShard);
/* check if using arbiters */
if (rf == 2 && !ans.isEmpty()) {
/* Using arbiters. */
if (numBadInShard + numFailAN > 1) {
} else if (numBadInShard >= numNeeded) {
boolean noAdminQuorum = false;
if (params != null) {
Map adminMap = collector.getAdminMap();
int numAdmins = params.getAdminIds().size();
int numNeeded = (numAdmins/2 + 1);
for (final AdminId aid : params.getAdminIds()) {
AdminInfo ainfo = adminMap.get(aid);
AdminStatus adminStatus = null;
if (ainfo != null) {
adminStatus = ainfo.adminStatus;
ServiceStatus status = (adminStatus == null ?
ServiceStatus.UNREACHABLE :
if (!status.equals(ServiceStatus.RUNNING)) {
/* Find the host/port for this Admin. */
AdminParams ap = params.get(aid);
StorageNodeId snId = ap.getStorageNodeId();
StorageNodeParams snp = params.get(snId);
problemReport.add(new Problem(aid,
"Admin is not running: " +
if (failedAdmins.size() >= numNeeded) {
noAdminQuorum = true;
} else {
* Cannot establish the health of the admins. This is a failure.
/* Use the generated information to figure out an exit code. */
if (noRNQuorum > 0) {
} else if (noAdminQuorum) {
} else if (numFail > 0) {
} else {
return ExitCode.EXIT_OK;
/* --------- Json parsing, display support ---------- */
* TODO: refactor this with CommandJsonUtils.updateNodeWithResult when we
* unify the admin automation work with scripting support for SNA commands
* and non-admin utilities like ping.
private static void createResultsJson(ObjectNode on, PingResult result) {
if (result == null) {
on.put(CommandJsonUtils.FIELD_OPERATION, "ping");
on.put(CommandJsonUtils.FIELD_RETURN_CODE, result.getErrorCode());
on.put(CommandJsonUtils.FIELD_DESCRIPTION, result.getDescription());
on.put(EXIT_CODE_FIELD_V1, result.getExitCode().value());
private static void displayExitJsonV1(PrintStream ps,
ExitCode exitCode,
String errorMsg) {
/* Package up the exit results in a json node */
final ObjectNode exitStatus = createObjectNode();
PingResult pingResult = new PingResult(exitCode, errorMsg);
createResultsJson(exitStatus, pingResult);
/* print the json node. */
final ObjectWriter writer = createWriter(true /* pretty */);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
private static void displayExitJson(PrintStream ps,
ExitCode exitCode,
String errorMsg) {
final PingResult pingResult = new PingResult(exitCode, errorMsg);
final ShellCommandResult scr = ShellCommandResult.getDefault("ping");
final ObjectNode on = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
on.put(EXIT_CODE_FIELD, pingResult.getExitCode().value());
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Create a json array containing each problem. Currently unadvertised.
* "problems" : [ {
* "component" : null,
* "hostname" : null,
* "port" : 0,
* "description" : "Can't contact any Admin services in the store"
* }, {
* "component" : "sn1",
* "hostname" : "localhost",
* "port" : 5001,
* "description" : "Unexpected status UNREACHABLE"
* }, {
* "component" : "sn1",
* "hostname" : "localhost",
* "port" : 5001,
* "description" : "No RMI service for SN kvtest-oracle.kv.util.PingTest-testPing:sn1:MAIN"
* } ]
private void addProblemReport(ObjectNode resultsJson) {
if (problemReport.isEmpty()) {
* Sort the display of problems; there may be more than one per
* component.
Problem[] problemArray = new Problem[problemReport.size()];
problemArray = problemReport.toArray(problemArray);
ArrayNode problemJson = resultsJson.putArray("problems");
for (Problem p : problemArray) {
private static class PingResult implements CommandResult {
private final ExitCode exitCode;
private final String errorMsg;
PingResult(ExitCode exitCode, String errorMsg) {
this.exitCode = exitCode;
this.errorMsg = errorMsg;
public String getReturnValue() {
/* No values are returned by this command */
return null;
ExitCode getExitCode() {
return exitCode;
public String getDescription() {
if (errorMsg == null) {
return exitCode.getDescription();
return exitCode.getDescription() + " - " + errorMsg;
public int getErrorCode() {
return exitCode.getErrorCode().getValue();
public String[] getCleanupJobs() {
return null;
* This is purely a backward compatibility method to supply the same
* output for a running but not-deployed SNA that currently exists.
* Replace and remove this method when the SNA status command has been
* implemented and becomes the advised way to check on an individual
* SNA's status.
private static void checkIfSNAIsDeployed(String hostPort) {
HostPort hp = HostPort.parse(hostPort);
Registry snRegistry;
try {
snRegistry = RegistryUtils.getRegistry(hp.hostname(), hp.port(),
null /* storeName */);
final List serviceNames = new ArrayList();
Collections.addAll(serviceNames, snRegistry.list());
if (serviceNames.contains(GlobalParams.SNA_SERVICE_NAME)) {
/* not yet registered. */
("SNA at hostname: " + hp.hostname() +
", registry port: " + hp.port() +
" is not registered." +
"\n\tNo further information is available");
} catch (RemoteException e) {
System.err.println("Could not connect to registry at " + hostPort +
" " + e.getMessage());
* Exit the process with the appropriate exit code, generating the
* appropriate message.
* @param dontExit if false, don't exit if ping is being called from a
* Junit unit test, as that will kill the test.
private static void exit(boolean dontExit,
String msg,
ExitCode exitCode,
int jsonVersion,
PrintStream ps) {
if ((msg != null) && (ps != null)) {
if (jsonVersion == CommandParser.JSON_V2) {
displayExitJson(ps, exitCode, msg);
} else if (jsonVersion == CommandParser.JSON_V1) {
displayExitJsonV1(ps, exitCode, msg);
} else {
if (!dontExit) {
* Exit, but no need to generate an exit message.
private static void exitNoDisplay(boolean dontExit,
ExitCode exitCode) {
exit(dontExit, null, exitCode, -1, null);
/* A class to encapsulate problem reports, keyed by a component id. */
static class Problem implements Comparable {
private final String componentName;
private final String description;
private final String hostname;
private final int port;
Problem(ResourceId resourceId,
String hostname,
int port,
String description) {
this.componentName = resourceId.toString();
this.description = description;
this.hostname = hostname;
this.port = port;
Problem(ResourceId resourceId,
String hostname,
int port,
String description,
Exception e) {
this.componentName = resourceId.toString();
this.description = description + " " + e.getMessage();
this.hostname = hostname;
this.port = port;
Problem(String description) {
this.componentName = null;
this.description = description;
this.hostname = null;
this.port = 0;
public Problem(String hostname, int port, String description,
RemoteException e) {
this.componentName = null;
this.description = description + " " + e.getMessage();
this.hostname = hostname;
this.port = port;
private void addToArrayNode(ArrayNode problemList) {
final ObjectNode on = problemList.addObject();
on.put("component", componentName);
on.put("hostname", hostname);
on.put("port", port);
on.put("description", description);
/** Order by component name */
public int compareTo(Problem o) {
if (o == null) {
return 1;
if (o.componentName == null) {
return 1;
if (componentName == null) {
if (o.componentName == null) {
return 0;
return -1;
return componentName.compareTo(o.componentName);