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import com.orientechnologies.common.exception.OException;
import com.orientechnologies.common.serialization.types.OBinarySerializer;
import com.orientechnologies.common.util.OCommonConst;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.config.OGlobalConfiguration;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.encryption.OEncryption;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OLocalHashTableV3Exception;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OTooBigIndexKeyException;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.index.OIndexException;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.index.engine.OBaseIndexEngine;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.index.engine.OIndexEngine;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

 * Implementation of hash index which is based on extendible hashing algorithm. The
 * directory for extindible hashing is implemented in {@link OHashTableDirectory} class. Directory
 * is not implemented according to classic algorithm because of its big memory consumption in case
 * of non-uniform data distribution instead it is implemented according too "Multilevel Extendible
 * Hashing Sven Helmer, Thomas Neumann, Guido Moerkotte April 17, 2002". Which has much less memory
 * consumption in case of nonuniform data distribution. Index itself uses so called "multilevel
 * schema" when first level contains 256 buckets, when bucket is split it is put at the end of other
 * file which represents second level. So if data which are put has distribution close to uniform
 * (this index was designed to be use as rid index for DHT storage) buckets split will be preformed
 * in append only manner to speed up index write speed. So hash index bucket itself has following
 * structure:
  1. Bucket depth - 1 byte. *
  2. Bucket's size - amount of entities (key, value) in one bucket, 4 bytes *
  3. Page indexes of parents of this bucket, page indexes of buckets split of which created * current bucket - 64*8 bytes. *
  4. Offsets of entities stored in this bucket relatively to it's beginning. It is array of int * values of undefined size. *
  5. Entities itself *
* * So if 1-st and 2-nd fields are clear. We should discuss the last ones. Entities in bucket are * sorted by key's hash code so each entity has following storage format in bucket: key's hash code * (8 bytes), key, value. Because entities are stored in sorted order it means that every time when * we insert new entity old ones should be moved. There are 2 reasons why it is bad: * *
  1. It will generate write ahead log of enormous size. *
  2. The more amount of memory is affected in operation the less speed we will have. In worst * case 60 kb of memory should be moved. *
* * To avoid disadvantages listed above entries ara appended to the end of bucket, but their offsets * are stored at the beginning of bucket. Offsets are stored in sorted order (ordered by hash code * of entity's key) so we need to move only small amount of memory to store entities in sorted * order. About indexes of parents of current bucket. When item is removed from bucket we check * space which is needed to store all entities of this bucket, it's buddy bucket (bucket which was * also created from parent bucket during split) and if space of single bucket is enough to save all * entities from both buckets we remove these buckets and put all content in parent bucket. That is * why we need indexes of parents of current bucket. Also hash index has special file of one page * long which contains information about state of each level of buckets in index. This information * is stored as array index of which equals to file level. All array item has following structure: * *
  1. Is level removed (in case all buckets are empty or level was not created yet) - 1 byte *
  2. File's level id - 8 bytes *
  3. Amount of buckets in given level - 8 bytes. *
  4. Index of page of first removed bucket (is not split but removed) - 8 bytes *
* * @author Andrey Lomakin ( * @since 12.03.13 */ public class OLocalHashTableV3 extends ODurableComponent implements OHashTable { private static final int MAX_KEY_SIZE = OGlobalConfiguration.SBTREE_MAX_KEY_SIZE.getValueAsInteger(); private static final long HASH_CODE_MIN_VALUE = 0; private static final long HASH_CODE_MAX_VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; private static final int OFFSET_MASK = 0xFF; private final String metadataConfigurationFileExtension; private final String treeStateFileExtension; static final int HASH_CODE_SIZE = 64; private static final int MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH = 8; static final int MAX_LEVEL_SIZE = 1 << MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH; private static final int LEVEL_MASK = Integer.MAX_VALUE >>> (31 - MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH); private OHashFunction keyHashFunction; private OBinarySerializer keySerializer; private OBinarySerializer valueSerializer; private OType[] keyTypes; private KeyHashCodeComparator comparator; private long nullBucketFileId = -1; private final String nullBucketFileExtension; private long fileStateId; private long fileId; private long hashStateEntryIndex; private OHashTableDirectory directory; public OLocalHashTableV3( final String name, final String metadataConfigurationFileExtension, final String treeStateFileExtension, final String bucketFileExtension, final String nullBucketFileExtension, final OAbstractPaginatedStorage abstractPaginatedStorage) { super(abstractPaginatedStorage, name, bucketFileExtension, name + bucketFileExtension); this.metadataConfigurationFileExtension = metadataConfigurationFileExtension; this.treeStateFileExtension = treeStateFileExtension; this.nullBucketFileExtension = nullBucketFileExtension; } @Override public void create( OAtomicOperation atomicOperation, final OBinarySerializer keySerializer, final OBinarySerializer valueSerializer, final OType[] keyTypes, final OEncryption encryption, final OHashFunction keyHashFunction, final boolean nullKeyIsSupported) throws IOException { executeInsideComponentOperation( atomicOperation, operation -> { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { this.keyHashFunction = keyHashFunction; this.comparator = new KeyHashCodeComparator<>(this.keyHashFunction); if (keyTypes != null) { this.keyTypes = Arrays.copyOf(keyTypes, keyTypes.length); } else { this.keyTypes = null; } = new OHashTableDirectory(treeStateFileExtension, getName(), getFullName(), storage); fileStateId = addFile(atomicOperation, getName() + metadataConfigurationFileExtension); directory.create(atomicOperation); try (final OCacheEntry hashStateEntry = addPage(atomicOperation, fileStateId)) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") final OHashIndexFileLevelMetadataPage page = new OHashIndexFileLevelMetadataPage(hashStateEntry, true); hashStateEntryIndex = hashStateEntry.getPageIndex(); } final String fileName = getFullName(); fileId = addFile(atomicOperation, fileName); this.keySerializer = keySerializer; this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer; initHashTreeState(atomicOperation); nullBucketFileId = addFile(atomicOperation, getName() + nullBucketFileExtension); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } }); } public V get(K key) { atomicOperationsManager.acquireReadLock(this); try { acquireSharedLock(); try { final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation = atomicOperationsManager.getCurrentOperation(); if (key == null) { if (getFilledUpTo(atomicOperation, nullBucketFileId) == 0) { return null; } V result; try (final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, nullBucketFileId, 0)) { final ONullBucket nullBucket = new ONullBucket<>(cacheEntry, valueSerializer, false); result = nullBucket.getValue(); } return result; } else { key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); final BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode, atomicOperation); final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); if (bucketPointer == 0) { return null; } final long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); try (final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex)) { final OHashIndexBucket bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); final Entry entry = bucket.find(key, hashCode); if (entry == null) { return null; } return entry.value; } } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw OException.wrapException( new OIndexException("Exception during index value retrieval"), e); } finally { atomicOperationsManager.releaseReadLock(this); } } @Override public boolean isNullKeyIsSupported() { acquireSharedLock(); try { return true; } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } @Override public void put(OAtomicOperation atomicOperation, final K key, final V value) { put(atomicOperation, key, value, null); } @Override public boolean validatedPut( OAtomicOperation atomicOperation, final K key, final V value, final OBaseIndexEngine.Validator validator) { return put(atomicOperation, key, value, validator); } @Override public V remove(OAtomicOperation atomicOperation, K k) { return calculateInsideComponentOperation( atomicOperation, operation -> { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { K key = k; int sizeDiff = 0; if (key != null) { key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); final BucketPath nodePath = getBucket(hashCode, atomicOperation); final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer( nodePath.nodeIndex, nodePath.itemIndex + nodePath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); final long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); final V removed; final boolean found; try (final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForWrite(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex, true); ) { final OHashIndexBucket bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); final int positionIndex = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); found = positionIndex >= 0; if (found) { removed = bucket.deleteEntry(positionIndex).value; sizeDiff--; } else { removed = null; } } if (found) { if (nodePath.parent != null) { final int hashMapSize = 1 << nodePath.nodeLocalDepth; final boolean allMapsContainSameBucket = checkAllMapsContainSameBucket( directory.getNode(nodePath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation), hashMapSize); if (allMapsContainSameBucket) { mergeNodeToParent(nodePath, atomicOperation); } } changeSize(sizeDiff, atomicOperation); } return removed; } else { if (getFilledUpTo(atomicOperation, nullBucketFileId) == 0) { return null; } V removed; try (OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadOrAddPageForWrite(atomicOperation, nullBucketFileId, 0, true); ) { final ONullBucket nullBucket = new ONullBucket<>(cacheEntry, valueSerializer, false); removed = nullBucket.getValue(); if (removed != null) { nullBucket.removeValue(); sizeDiff--; } } changeSize(sizeDiff, atomicOperation); return removed; } } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } }); } private void changeSize(final int sizeDiff, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { if (sizeDiff != 0) { try (final OCacheEntry hashStateEntry = loadPageForWrite(atomicOperation, fileStateId, hashStateEntryIndex, true)) { final OHashIndexFileLevelMetadataPage page = new OHashIndexFileLevelMetadataPage(hashStateEntry, false); page.setRecordsCount(page.getRecordsCount() + sizeDiff); } } } @Override public Entry[] higherEntries(final K key) { return higherEntries(key, -1); } @Override public Entry[] higherEntries(K key, final int limit) { atomicOperationsManager.acquireReadLock(this); try { acquireSharedLock(); try { final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation = atomicOperationsManager.getCurrentOperation(); key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode, atomicOperation); final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); try { OHashIndexBucket bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0 || - 1), key) <= 0) { bucketPath = nextBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth(), atomicOperation); if (bucketPath == null) { //noinspection unchecked return OCommonConst.EMPTY_BUCKET_ENTRY_ARRAY; } cacheEntry.close(); final long nextPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); pageIndex = getPageIndex(nextPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); } final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); final int startIndex; if (index >= 0) { startIndex = index + 1; } else { startIndex = -index - 1; } final int endIndex; if (limit <= 0) { endIndex = bucket.size(); } else { endIndex = Math.min(bucket.size(), startIndex + limit); } return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex); } finally { cacheEntry.close(); } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw OException.wrapException( new OLocalHashTableV3Exception("Exception during data retrieval", this), ioe); } finally { atomicOperationsManager.releaseReadLock(this); } } @Override public void load( final String name, final OType[] keyTypes, final boolean nullKeyIsSupported, final OEncryption encryption, final OHashFunction keyHashFunction, final OBinarySerializer keySerializer, final OBinarySerializer valueSerializer) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { this.keyHashFunction = keyHashFunction; this.comparator = new KeyHashCodeComparator<>(this.keyHashFunction); if (keyTypes != null) { this.keyTypes = Arrays.copyOf(keyTypes, keyTypes.length); } else { this.keyTypes = null; } final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation = atomicOperationsManager.getCurrentOperation(); fileStateId = openFile(atomicOperation, name + metadataConfigurationFileExtension); this.keySerializer = keySerializer; this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer; directory = new OHashTableDirectory(treeStateFileExtension, name, getFullName(), storage);; try (final OCacheEntry hashStateEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileStateId, 0)) { hashStateEntryIndex = hashStateEntry.getPageIndex(); } nullBucketFileId = openFile(atomicOperation, name + nullBucketFileExtension); fileId = openFile(atomicOperation, getFullName()); } catch (final IOException e) { throw OException.wrapException( new OLocalHashTableV3Exception("Exception during hash table loading", this), e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } private Entry[] convertBucketToEntries( final OHashIndexBucket bucket, final int startIndex, final int endIndex) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Entry[] entries = new Entry[endIndex - startIndex]; final Iterator> iterator = bucket.iterator(startIndex); for (int i = 0, k = startIndex; k < endIndex; i++, k++) { entries[i] =; } return entries; } private BucketPath nextBucketToFind( final BucketPath bucketPath, final int bucketDepth, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { int offset = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth - bucketDepth; BucketPath currentNode = bucketPath; int nodeLocalDepth = directory.getNodeLocalDepth(bucketPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); assert directory.getNodeLocalDepth(bucketPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation) == bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; while (offset > 0) { offset -= nodeLocalDepth; if (offset > 0) { currentNode = bucketPath.parent; nodeLocalDepth = currentNode.nodeLocalDepth; assert directory.getNodeLocalDepth(currentNode.nodeIndex, atomicOperation) == currentNode.nodeLocalDepth; } } final int diff = bucketDepth - (currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth); final int interval = (1 << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)); final int firstStartIndex = currentNode.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK); final BucketPath bucketPathToFind; final int globalIndex = firstStartIndex + interval + currentNode.hashMapOffset; if (globalIndex >= MAX_LEVEL_SIZE) { bucketPathToFind = nextLevelUp(currentNode, atomicOperation); } else { final int hashMapSize = 1 << currentNode.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapOffset = globalIndex / hashMapSize * hashMapSize; final int startIndex = globalIndex - hashMapOffset; bucketPathToFind = new BucketPath( currentNode.parent, hashMapOffset, startIndex, currentNode.nodeIndex, currentNode.nodeLocalDepth, currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth); } return nextNonEmptyNode(bucketPathToFind, atomicOperation); } private BucketPath nextNonEmptyNode(BucketPath bucketPath, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { nextBucketLoop: while (bucketPath != null) { final long[] node = directory.getNode(bucketPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); final int startIndex = bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset; @SuppressWarnings("UnnecessaryLocalVariable") final int endIndex = MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { final long position = node[i]; if (position > 0) { final int hashMapSize = 1 << bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapOffset = (i / hashMapSize) * hashMapSize; final int itemIndex = i - hashMapOffset; return new BucketPath( bucketPath.parent, hashMapOffset, itemIndex, bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth, bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth); } if (position < 0) { final int childNodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8); final int childItemOffset = (int) position & 0xFF; final BucketPath parent = new BucketPath( bucketPath.parent, 0, i, bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth, bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth); final int childLocalDepth = directory.getNodeLocalDepth(childNodeIndex, atomicOperation); bucketPath = new BucketPath( parent, childItemOffset, 0, childNodeIndex, childLocalDepth, bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth + childLocalDepth); continue nextBucketLoop; } } bucketPath = nextLevelUp(bucketPath, atomicOperation); } return null; } private BucketPath nextLevelUp( final BucketPath bucketPath, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { if (bucketPath.parent == null) { return null; } final int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; assert directory.getNodeLocalDepth(bucketPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation) == bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - nodeLocalDepth); final BucketPath parent = bucketPath.parent; if (parent.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { final int nextParentIndex = (parent.itemIndex / pointersSize + 1) * pointersSize; return new BucketPath( parent.parent, 0, nextParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth); } final int nextParentIndex = ((parent.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / pointersSize + 1) * pointersSize + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; if (nextParentIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE) { return new BucketPath( parent.parent, 0, nextParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth); } return nextLevelUp( new BucketPath( parent.parent, 0, MAX_LEVEL_SIZE - 1, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth), atomicOperation); } @Override public Entry[] ceilingEntries(K key) { atomicOperationsManager.acquireReadLock(this); try { acquireSharedLock(); try { final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation = atomicOperationsManager.getCurrentOperation(); key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode, atomicOperation); final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); try { OHashIndexBucket bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0) { bucketPath = nextBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth(), atomicOperation); if (bucketPath == null) { //noinspection unchecked return OCommonConst.EMPTY_BUCKET_ENTRY_ARRAY; } cacheEntry.close(); final long nextPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); pageIndex = getPageIndex(nextPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); } final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); final int startIndex; if (index >= 0) { startIndex = index; } else { startIndex = -index - 1; } final int endIndex = bucket.size(); return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex); } finally { cacheEntry.close(); } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw OException.wrapException( new OLocalHashTableV3Exception("Error during data retrieval", this), ioe); } finally { atomicOperationsManager.releaseReadLock(this); } } @Override public Entry firstEntry() { atomicOperationsManager.acquireReadLock(this); try { acquireSharedLock(); try { final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation = atomicOperationsManager.getCurrentOperation(); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(HASH_CODE_MIN_VALUE, atomicOperation); final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer(bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex, atomicOperation); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); try { OHashIndexBucket bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0) { bucketPath = nextBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth(), atomicOperation); if (bucketPath == null) { return null; } cacheEntry.close(); final long nextPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); pageIndex = getPageIndex(nextPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); } return bucket.getEntry(0); } finally { cacheEntry.close(); } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw OException.wrapException( new OLocalHashTableV3Exception("Exception during data read", this), ioe); } finally { atomicOperationsManager.releaseReadLock(this); } } @Override public Entry lastEntry() { atomicOperationsManager.acquireReadLock(this); try { acquireSharedLock(); try { final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation = atomicOperationsManager.getCurrentOperation(); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(HASH_CODE_MAX_VALUE, atomicOperation); final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); try { OHashIndexBucket bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0) { final BucketPath prevBucketPath = prevBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth(), atomicOperation); if (prevBucketPath == null) { return null; } cacheEntry.close(); final long prevPointer = directory.getNodePointer( prevBucketPath.nodeIndex, prevBucketPath.itemIndex + prevBucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); pageIndex = getPageIndex(prevPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); bucketPath = prevBucketPath; } return bucket.getEntry(bucket.size() - 1); } finally { cacheEntry.close(); } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw OException.wrapException( new OLocalHashTableV3Exception("Exception during data read", this), ioe); } finally { atomicOperationsManager.releaseReadLock(this); } } @Override public Entry[] lowerEntries(K key) { atomicOperationsManager.acquireReadLock(this); try { acquireSharedLock(); try { final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation = atomicOperationsManager.getCurrentOperation(); key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode, atomicOperation); final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); try { OHashIndexBucket bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0 ||, key) >= 0) { final BucketPath prevBucketPath = prevBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth(), atomicOperation); if (prevBucketPath == null) { //noinspection unchecked return OCommonConst.EMPTY_BUCKET_ENTRY_ARRAY; } cacheEntry.close(); final long prevPointer = directory.getNodePointer( prevBucketPath.nodeIndex, prevBucketPath.itemIndex + prevBucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); pageIndex = getPageIndex(prevPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); bucketPath = prevBucketPath; } final int startIndex = 0; final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); final int endIndex; if (index >= 0) { endIndex = index; } else { endIndex = -index - 1; } return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex); } finally { cacheEntry.close(); } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw OException.wrapException( new OLocalHashTableV3Exception("Exception during data read", this), ioe); } finally { atomicOperationsManager.releaseReadLock(this); } } @Override public Entry[] floorEntries(K key) { atomicOperationsManager.acquireReadLock(this); try { acquireSharedLock(); try { final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation = atomicOperationsManager.getCurrentOperation(); key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode, atomicOperation); final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); try { OHashIndexBucket bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); while (bucket.size() == 0) { final BucketPath prevBucketPath = prevBucketToFind(bucketPath, bucket.getDepth(), atomicOperation); if (prevBucketPath == null) { //noinspection unchecked return OCommonConst.EMPTY_BUCKET_ENTRY_ARRAY; } cacheEntry.close(); final long prevPointer = directory.getNodePointer( prevBucketPath.nodeIndex, prevBucketPath.itemIndex + prevBucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); pageIndex = getPageIndex(prevPointer); cacheEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex); bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); bucketPath = prevBucketPath; } final int startIndex = 0; final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); final int endIndex; if (index >= 0) { endIndex = index + 1; } else { endIndex = -index - 1; } return convertBucketToEntries(bucket, startIndex, endIndex); } finally { cacheEntry.close(); } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw OException.wrapException( new OLocalHashTableV3Exception("Exception during data read", this), ioe); } finally { atomicOperationsManager.releaseReadLock(this); } } private BucketPath prevBucketToFind( final BucketPath bucketPath, final int bucketDepth, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { int offset = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth - bucketDepth; BucketPath currentBucket = bucketPath; int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; while (offset > 0) { offset -= nodeLocalDepth; //noinspection IfStatementMissingBreakInLoop if (offset > 0) { currentBucket = bucketPath.parent; nodeLocalDepth = currentBucket.nodeLocalDepth; } } final int diff = bucketDepth - (currentBucket.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth); final int firstStartIndex = currentBucket.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK); final int globalIndex = firstStartIndex + currentBucket.hashMapOffset - 1; final BucketPath bucketPathToFind; if (globalIndex < 0) { bucketPathToFind = prevLevelUp(bucketPath); } else { final int hashMapSize = 1 << currentBucket.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapOffset = globalIndex / hashMapSize * hashMapSize; final int startIndex = globalIndex - hashMapOffset; bucketPathToFind = new BucketPath( currentBucket.parent, hashMapOffset, startIndex, currentBucket.nodeIndex, currentBucket.nodeLocalDepth, currentBucket.nodeGlobalDepth); } return prevNonEmptyNode(bucketPathToFind, atomicOperation); } private BucketPath prevNonEmptyNode(BucketPath nodePath, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { prevBucketLoop: while (nodePath != null) { final long[] node = directory.getNode(nodePath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); final int startIndex = 0; final int endIndex = nodePath.itemIndex + nodePath.hashMapOffset; for (int i = endIndex; i >= startIndex; i--) { final long position = node[i]; if (position > 0) { final int hashMapSize = 1 << nodePath.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapOffset = (i / hashMapSize) * hashMapSize; final int itemIndex = i - hashMapOffset; return new BucketPath( nodePath.parent, hashMapOffset, itemIndex, nodePath.nodeIndex, nodePath.nodeLocalDepth, nodePath.nodeGlobalDepth); } if (position < 0) { final int childNodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >> 8); final int childItemOffset = (int) position & 0xFF; final int nodeLocalDepth = directory.getNodeLocalDepth(childNodeIndex, atomicOperation); final int endChildIndex = (1 << nodeLocalDepth) - 1; final BucketPath parent = new BucketPath( nodePath.parent, 0, i, nodePath.nodeIndex, nodePath.nodeLocalDepth, nodePath.nodeGlobalDepth); nodePath = new BucketPath( parent, childItemOffset, endChildIndex, childNodeIndex, nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth + nodeLocalDepth); continue prevBucketLoop; } } nodePath = prevLevelUp(nodePath); } return null; } private static BucketPath prevLevelUp(final BucketPath bucketPath) { if (bucketPath.parent == null) { return null; } final int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - nodeLocalDepth); final BucketPath parent = bucketPath.parent; if (parent.itemIndex > MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { final int prevParentIndex = ((parent.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / pointersSize) * pointersSize + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2 - 1; return new BucketPath( parent.parent, 0, prevParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth); } final int prevParentIndex = (parent.itemIndex / pointersSize) * pointersSize - 1; if (prevParentIndex >= 0) { return new BucketPath( parent.parent, 0, prevParentIndex, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, parent.nodeGlobalDepth); } return prevLevelUp( new BucketPath(parent.parent, 0, 0, parent.nodeIndex, parent.nodeLocalDepth, -1)); } @Override public long size() { atomicOperationsManager.acquireReadLock(this); try { acquireSharedLock(); try { final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation = atomicOperationsManager.getCurrentOperation(); try (final OCacheEntry hashStateEntry = loadPageForRead(atomicOperation, fileStateId, hashStateEntryIndex)) { final OHashIndexFileLevelMetadataPage metadataPage = new OHashIndexFileLevelMetadataPage(hashStateEntry, false); return metadataPage.getRecordsCount(); } } finally { releaseSharedLock(); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw OException.wrapException( new OLocalHashTableV3Exception("Error during index size request", this), e); } finally { atomicOperationsManager.releaseReadLock(this); } } @Override public void close() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { flush(); directory.close(); readCache.closeFile(fileStateId, true, writeCache); readCache.closeFile(fileId, true, writeCache); } catch (final IOException e) { throw OException.wrapException( new OLocalHashTableV3Exception("Error during hash table close", this), e); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } @Override public void delete(OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { executeInsideComponentOperation( atomicOperation, operation -> { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { directory.delete(atomicOperation); deleteFile(atomicOperation, fileStateId); deleteFile(atomicOperation, fileId); deleteFile(atomicOperation, nullBucketFileId); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } }); } private void mergeNodeToParent(final BucketPath nodePath, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { final int startIndex = findParentNodeStartIndex(nodePath); final int localNodeDepth = nodePath.nodeLocalDepth; final int hashMapSize = 1 << localNodeDepth; final int parentIndex = nodePath.parent.nodeIndex; for (int i = 0, k = startIndex; i < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; i += hashMapSize, k++) { directory.setNodePointer( parentIndex, k, directory.getNodePointer(nodePath.nodeIndex, i, atomicOperation), atomicOperation); } directory.deleteNode(nodePath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); if (nodePath.parent.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { final int maxChildDepth = directory.getMaxLeftChildDepth(parentIndex, atomicOperation); if (maxChildDepth == localNodeDepth) { directory.setMaxLeftChildDepth( parentIndex, (byte) getMaxLevelDepth(parentIndex, 0, MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2, atomicOperation), atomicOperation); } } else { final int maxChildDepth = directory.getMaxRightChildDepth(parentIndex, atomicOperation); if (maxChildDepth == localNodeDepth) { directory.setMaxRightChildDepth( parentIndex, (byte) getMaxLevelDepth(parentIndex, MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2, MAX_LEVEL_SIZE, atomicOperation), atomicOperation); } } } public void flush() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { writeCache.flush(fileStateId); writeCache.flush(fileId); directory.flush(); writeCache.flush(nullBucketFileId); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } @Override public void acquireAtomicExclusiveLock() { atomicOperationsManager.acquireExclusiveLockTillOperationComplete(this); } private boolean put( OAtomicOperation atomicOperation, K k, final V value, final OBaseIndexEngine.Validator validator) { return calculateInsideComponentOperation( atomicOperation, operation -> { K key = k; acquireExclusiveLock(); try { if (key != null) { final int keySize = keySerializer.getObjectSize(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); if (keySize > MAX_KEY_SIZE) { throw new OTooBigIndexKeyException( "Key size is more than allowed, operation was canceled. Current key size " + keySize + ", allowed " + MAX_KEY_SIZE, getName()); } } key = keySerializer.preprocess(key, (Object[]) keyTypes); return doPut(key, value, validator, atomicOperation); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean doPut( final K key, V value, final OIndexEngine.Validator validator, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { int sizeDiff = 0; if (key == null) { final boolean isNew; final OCacheEntry cacheEntry; if (getFilledUpTo(atomicOperation, nullBucketFileId) == 0) { cacheEntry = addPage(atomicOperation, nullBucketFileId); isNew = true; } else { cacheEntry = loadPageForWrite(atomicOperation, nullBucketFileId, 0, true); isNew = false; } final V oldValue; try { final ONullBucket nullBucket = new ONullBucket<>(cacheEntry, valueSerializer, isNew); oldValue = nullBucket.getValue(); if (validator != null) { final Object result = validator.validate(null, oldValue, value); if (result == OBaseIndexEngine.Validator.IGNORE) { return false; } value = (V) result; } if (oldValue != null) { sizeDiff--; } nullBucket.setValue(value); sizeDiff++; } finally { cacheEntry.close(); } changeSize(sizeDiff, atomicOperation); } else { final long hashCode = keyHashFunction.hashCode(key); final BucketPath bucketPath = getBucket(hashCode, atomicOperation); final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer( bucketPath.nodeIndex, bucketPath.itemIndex + bucketPath.hashMapOffset, atomicOperation); if (bucketPointer == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "In this version of hash table buckets are added through split only."); } final long pageIndex = getPageIndex(bucketPointer); final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = loadPageForWrite(atomicOperation, fileId, pageIndex, true); try { final OHashIndexBucket bucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>(cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); final int index = bucket.getIndex(hashCode, key); final V oldValue = index > -1 ? bucket.getValue(index) : null; if (validator != null) { final Object result = validator.validate(key, oldValue, value); if (result == OBaseIndexEngine.Validator.IGNORE) { return false; } value = (V) result; } if (index > -1) { final int updateResult = bucket.updateEntry(index, value); if (updateResult == 0) { // we already keep entry with given key-value. return true; } if (updateResult == 1) { changeSize(sizeDiff, atomicOperation); return true; } assert updateResult == -1; bucket.deleteEntry(index); sizeDiff--; } if (bucket.addEntry(hashCode, key, value)) { sizeDiff++; changeSize(sizeDiff, atomicOperation); return true; } final BucketSplitResult splitResult = splitBucket(bucket, pageIndex, atomicOperation); final long updatedBucketPointer = splitResult.updatedBucketPointer; final long newBucketPointer = splitResult.newBucketPointer; final int bucketDepth = splitResult.newDepth; if (bucketDepth <= bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth) { updateNodeAfterBucketSplit( bucketPath, bucketDepth, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } else { if (bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth < MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH) { final NodeSplitResult nodeSplitResult = splitNode(bucketPath, atomicOperation); assert !(nodeSplitResult.allLeftHashMapsEqual && nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual); final long[] newNode = nodeSplitResult.newNode; final int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth + 1; final int hashMapSize = 1 << nodeLocalDepth; assert nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual == checkAllMapsContainSameBucket(newNode, hashMapSize); int newNodeIndex = -1; if (!nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual || bucketPath.itemIndex >= MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { newNodeIndex = directory.addNewNode( (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) nodeLocalDepth, newNode, atomicOperation); } final int updatedItemIndex = bucketPath.itemIndex << 1; final int updatedOffset = bucketPath.hashMapOffset << 1; final int updatedGlobalDepth = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth + 1; boolean allLeftHashMapsEqual = nodeSplitResult.allLeftHashMapsEqual; boolean allRightHashMapsEqual = nodeSplitResult.allRightHashMapsEqual; if (updatedOffset < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE) { allLeftHashMapsEqual = false; final BucketPath updatedBucketPath = new BucketPath( bucketPath.parent, updatedOffset, updatedItemIndex, bucketPath.nodeIndex, nodeLocalDepth, updatedGlobalDepth); updateNodeAfterBucketSplit( updatedBucketPath, bucketDepth, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } else { allRightHashMapsEqual = false; final BucketPath newBucketPath = new BucketPath( bucketPath.parent, updatedOffset - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE, updatedItemIndex, newNodeIndex, nodeLocalDepth, updatedGlobalDepth); updateNodeAfterBucketSplit( newBucketPath, bucketDepth, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } updateNodesAfterSplit( bucketPath, bucketPath.nodeIndex, newNode, nodeLocalDepth, hashMapSize, allLeftHashMapsEqual, allRightHashMapsEqual, newNodeIndex, atomicOperation); if (allLeftHashMapsEqual) { directory.deleteNode(bucketPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); } } else { addNewLevelNode( bucketPath, bucketPath.nodeIndex, newBucketPointer, updatedBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } } } finally { cacheEntry.close(); } changeSize(sizeDiff, atomicOperation); doPut(key, value, null /* already validated */, atomicOperation); } return true; } private void updateNodesAfterSplit( final BucketPath bucketPath, final int nodeIndex, final long[] newNode, final int nodeLocalDepth, final int hashMapSize, final boolean allLeftHashMapEquals, final boolean allRightHashMapsEquals, final int newNodeIndex, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { final int startIndex = findParentNodeStartIndex(bucketPath); final int parentNodeIndex = bucketPath.parent.nodeIndex; assert assertParentNodeStartIndex( bucketPath, directory.getNode(parentNodeIndex, atomicOperation), startIndex); final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - nodeLocalDepth); if (allLeftHashMapEquals) { for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) { final long position = directory.getNodePointer(nodeIndex, i * hashMapSize, atomicOperation); directory.setNodePointer(parentNodeIndex, startIndex + i, position, atomicOperation); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) { directory.setNodePointer( parentNodeIndex, startIndex + i, (bucketPath.nodeIndex << 8) | (i * hashMapSize) | Long.MIN_VALUE, atomicOperation); } } if (allRightHashMapsEquals) { for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) { final long position = newNode[i * hashMapSize]; directory.setNodePointer( parentNodeIndex, startIndex + pointersSize + i, position, atomicOperation); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < pointersSize; i++) { directory.setNodePointer( parentNodeIndex, startIndex + pointersSize + i, (newNodeIndex << 8) | (i * hashMapSize) | Long.MIN_VALUE, atomicOperation); } } updateMaxChildDepth(bucketPath.parent, bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth + 1, atomicOperation); } private void updateMaxChildDepth( final BucketPath parentPath, final int childDepth, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { if (parentPath == null) { return; } if (parentPath.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { final int maxChildDepth = directory.getMaxLeftChildDepth(parentPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); if (childDepth > maxChildDepth) { directory.setMaxLeftChildDepth(parentPath.nodeIndex, (byte) childDepth, atomicOperation); } } else { final int maxChildDepth = directory.getMaxRightChildDepth(parentPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); if (childDepth > maxChildDepth) { directory.setMaxRightChildDepth(parentPath.nodeIndex, (byte) childDepth, atomicOperation); } } } private static boolean assertParentNodeStartIndex( final BucketPath bucketPath, final long[] parentNode, final int calculatedIndex) { int startIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < parentNode.length; i++) { if (parentNode[i] < 0 && (parentNode[i] & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8 == bucketPath.nodeIndex) { startIndex = i; break; } } return startIndex == calculatedIndex; } private static int findParentNodeStartIndex(final BucketPath bucketPath) { final BucketPath parentBucketPath = bucketPath.parent; final int pointersSize = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth); if (parentBucketPath.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { return (parentBucketPath.itemIndex / pointersSize) * pointersSize; } return ((parentBucketPath.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / pointersSize) * pointersSize + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; } private void addNewLevelNode( final BucketPath bucketPath, final int nodeIndex, final long newBucketPointer, final long updatedBucketPointer, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { final int newNodeDepth; final int newNodeStartIndex; final int mapInterval; if (bucketPath.itemIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) { final int maxDepth = directory.getMaxLeftChildDepth(bucketPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); assert getMaxLevelDepth(bucketPath.nodeIndex, 0, MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2, atomicOperation) == maxDepth; if (maxDepth > 0) { newNodeDepth = maxDepth; } else { newNodeDepth = 1; } mapInterval = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - newNodeDepth); newNodeStartIndex = (bucketPath.itemIndex / mapInterval) * mapInterval; } else { final int maxDepth = directory.getMaxRightChildDepth(bucketPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); assert getMaxLevelDepth( bucketPath.nodeIndex, MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2, MAX_LEVEL_SIZE, atomicOperation) == maxDepth; if (maxDepth > 0) { newNodeDepth = maxDepth; } else { newNodeDepth = 1; } mapInterval = 1 << (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - newNodeDepth); newNodeStartIndex = ((bucketPath.itemIndex - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) / mapInterval) * mapInterval + MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; } final int newNodeIndex = directory.addNewNode( (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) newNodeDepth, new long[MAX_LEVEL_SIZE], atomicOperation); final int mapSize = 1 << newNodeDepth; for (int i = 0; i < mapInterval; i++) { final int nodeOffset = i + newNodeStartIndex; final long bucketPointer = directory.getNodePointer(nodeIndex, nodeOffset, atomicOperation); if (nodeOffset != bucketPath.itemIndex) { for (int n = i << newNodeDepth; n < (i + 1) << newNodeDepth; n++) { directory.setNodePointer(newNodeIndex, n, bucketPointer, atomicOperation); } } else { for (int n = i << newNodeDepth; n < (2 * i + 1) << (newNodeDepth - 1); n++) { directory.setNodePointer(newNodeIndex, n, updatedBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } for (int n = (2 * i + 1) << (newNodeDepth - 1); n < (i + 1) << newNodeDepth; n++) { directory.setNodePointer(newNodeIndex, n, newBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } } directory.setNodePointer( nodeIndex, nodeOffset, (newNodeIndex << 8) | (i * mapSize) | Long.MIN_VALUE, atomicOperation); } updateMaxChildDepth(bucketPath, newNodeDepth, atomicOperation); } private int getMaxLevelDepth( final int nodeIndex, final int start, final int end, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { int currentIndex = -1; int maxDepth = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { final long nodePosition = directory.getNodePointer(nodeIndex, i, atomicOperation); if (nodePosition >= 0) { continue; } final int index = (int) ((nodePosition & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8); if (index == currentIndex) { continue; } currentIndex = index; final int nodeLocalDepth = directory.getNodeLocalDepth(index, atomicOperation); if (maxDepth < nodeLocalDepth) { maxDepth = nodeLocalDepth; } } return maxDepth; } private void updateNodeAfterBucketSplit( final BucketPath bucketPath, final int bucketDepth, final long newBucketPointer, final long updatedBucketPointer, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { int offset = bucketPath.nodeGlobalDepth - (bucketDepth - 1); BucketPath currentNode = bucketPath; int nodeLocalDepth = bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth; while (offset > 0) { offset -= nodeLocalDepth; //noinspection IfStatementMissingBreakInLoop if (offset > 0) { currentNode = bucketPath.parent; nodeLocalDepth = currentNode.nodeLocalDepth; } } final int diff = bucketDepth - 1 - (currentNode.nodeGlobalDepth - nodeLocalDepth); final int interval = (1 << (nodeLocalDepth - diff - 1)); final int firstStartIndex = currentNode.itemIndex & ((LEVEL_MASK << (nodeLocalDepth - diff)) & LEVEL_MASK); final int firstEndIndex = firstStartIndex + interval; @SuppressWarnings("UnnecessaryLocalVariable") final int secondStartIndex = firstEndIndex; final int secondEndIndex = secondStartIndex + interval; for (int i = firstStartIndex; i < firstEndIndex; i++) { updateBucket( currentNode.nodeIndex, i, currentNode.hashMapOffset, updatedBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } for (int i = secondStartIndex; i < secondEndIndex; i++) { updateBucket( currentNode.nodeIndex, i, currentNode.hashMapOffset, newBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } } private static boolean checkAllMapsContainSameBucket( final long[] newNode, final int hashMapSize) { int n = 0; boolean allHashMapsEquals = true; while (n < newNode.length) { boolean allHashBucketEquals = true; for (int i = 0; i < hashMapSize - 1; i++) { if (newNode[i + n] != newNode[i + n + 1]) { allHashBucketEquals = false; break; } } n += hashMapSize; if (!allHashBucketEquals) { allHashMapsEquals = false; break; } } assert assertAllNodesAreFilePointers(allHashMapsEquals, newNode, hashMapSize); return allHashMapsEquals; } private static boolean assertAllNodesAreFilePointers( final boolean allHashMapsEquals, final long[] newNode, final int hashMapSize) { if (allHashMapsEquals) { int n = 0; while (n < newNode.length) { for (int i = 0; i < hashMapSize; i++) { if (newNode[i] < 0) { return false; } } n += hashMapSize; } } return true; } private NodeSplitResult splitNode( final BucketPath bucketPath, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { final long[] newNode = new long[MAX_LEVEL_SIZE]; final int hashMapSize = 1 << (bucketPath.nodeLocalDepth + 1); boolean hashMapItemsAreEqual = true; final boolean allLeftItemsAreEqual; final boolean allRightItemsAreEqual; int mapCounter = 0; long firstPosition = -1; final long[] node = directory.getNode(bucketPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation); for (int i = MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; i < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; i++) { final long position = node[i]; if (hashMapItemsAreEqual && mapCounter == 0) { firstPosition = position; } newNode[2 * (i - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2)] = position; newNode[2 * (i - MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2) + 1] = position; if (hashMapItemsAreEqual) { hashMapItemsAreEqual = firstPosition == position; mapCounter += 2; if (mapCounter >= hashMapSize) { mapCounter = 0; } } } mapCounter = 0; allRightItemsAreEqual = hashMapItemsAreEqual; hashMapItemsAreEqual = true; final long[] updatedNode = new long[node.length]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE / 2; i++) { final long position = node[i]; if (hashMapItemsAreEqual && mapCounter == 0) { firstPosition = position; } updatedNode[2 * i] = position; updatedNode[2 * i + 1] = position; if (hashMapItemsAreEqual) { hashMapItemsAreEqual = firstPosition == position; mapCounter += 2; if (mapCounter >= hashMapSize) { mapCounter = 0; } } } allLeftItemsAreEqual = hashMapItemsAreEqual; directory.setNode(bucketPath.nodeIndex, updatedNode, atomicOperation); directory.setNodeLocalDepth( bucketPath.nodeIndex, (byte) (directory.getNodeLocalDepth(bucketPath.nodeIndex, atomicOperation) + 1), atomicOperation); return new NodeSplitResult(newNode, allLeftItemsAreEqual, allRightItemsAreEqual); } private void splitBucketContent( final OHashIndexBucket bucket, final OHashIndexBucket newBucket, final int newBucketDepth) throws IOException { assert checkBucketDepth(bucket); final List> entries = new ArrayList<>(bucket.size()); for (final Entry entry : bucket) { entries.add(entry); } bucket.init(newBucketDepth); for (final Entry entry : entries) { if (((keyHashFunction.hashCode(entry.key) >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - newBucketDepth)) & 1) == 0) { bucket.appendEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value); } else { newBucket.appendEntry(entry.hashCode, entry.key, entry.value); } } assert checkBucketDepth(bucket); assert checkBucketDepth(newBucket); } private BucketSplitResult splitBucket( final OHashIndexBucket bucket, final long pageIndex, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { final int bucketDepth = bucket.getDepth(); final int newBucketDepth = bucketDepth + 1; @SuppressWarnings("UnnecessaryLocalVariable") final long updatedBucketIndex = pageIndex; try (final OCacheEntry newBucketCacheEntry = addPage(atomicOperation, fileId)) { final OHashIndexBucket newBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>( newBucketDepth, newBucketCacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); splitBucketContent(bucket, newBucket, newBucketDepth); final long updatedBucketPointer = createBucketPointer(updatedBucketIndex); final long newBucketPointer = createBucketPointer(newBucketCacheEntry.getPageIndex()); return new BucketSplitResult(updatedBucketPointer, newBucketPointer, newBucketDepth); } } private boolean checkBucketDepth(final OHashIndexBucket bucket) { final int bucketDepth = bucket.getDepth(); if (bucket.size() == 0) { return true; } final Iterator> positionIterator = bucket.iterator(); final long firstValue = keyHashFunction.hashCode( >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - bucketDepth); while (positionIterator.hasNext()) { final long value = keyHashFunction.hashCode( >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - bucketDepth); if (value != firstValue) { return false; } } return true; } private void updateBucket( final int nodeIndex, final int itemIndex, final int offset, final long newBucketPointer, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { final long position = directory.getNodePointer(nodeIndex, itemIndex + offset, atomicOperation); if (position >= 0) { directory.setNodePointer(nodeIndex, itemIndex + offset, newBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } else { final int childNodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8); final int childOffset = (int) (position & 0xFF); final int childNodeDepth = directory.getNodeLocalDepth(childNodeIndex, atomicOperation); final int interval = 1 << childNodeDepth; for (int i = 0; i < interval; i++) { updateBucket(childNodeIndex, i, childOffset, newBucketPointer, atomicOperation); } } } private void initHashTreeState(final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { truncateFile(atomicOperation, fileId); for (long pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; pageIndex++) { try (final OCacheEntry cacheEntry = addPage(atomicOperation, fileId); ) { assert cacheEntry.getPageIndex() == pageIndex; @SuppressWarnings("unused") final OHashIndexBucket emptyBucket = new OHashIndexBucket<>( MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH, cacheEntry, keySerializer, valueSerializer, keyTypes); } } final long[] rootTree = new long[MAX_LEVEL_SIZE]; for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < MAX_LEVEL_SIZE; pageIndex++) { rootTree[pageIndex] = createBucketPointer(pageIndex); } directory.clear(atomicOperation); directory.addNewNode((byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH, rootTree, atomicOperation); try (final OCacheEntry hashStateEntry = loadPageForWrite(atomicOperation, fileStateId, hashStateEntryIndex, true)) { final OHashIndexFileLevelMetadataPage metadataPage = new OHashIndexFileLevelMetadataPage(hashStateEntry, false); metadataPage.setRecordsCount(0); } } private static long createBucketPointer(final long pageIndex) { return pageIndex + 1; } private static long getPageIndex(final long bucketPointer) { return bucketPointer - 1; } private BucketPath getBucket(final long hashCode, final OAtomicOperation atomicOperation) throws IOException { int localNodeDepth = directory.getNodeLocalDepth(0, atomicOperation); int nodeDepth = localNodeDepth; BucketPath parentNode; int nodeIndex = 0; int offset = 0; int index = (int) ((hashCode >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - nodeDepth)) & (LEVEL_MASK >>> (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - localNodeDepth))); BucketPath currentNode = new BucketPath(null, 0, index, 0, localNodeDepth, nodeDepth); do { final long position = directory.getNodePointer(nodeIndex, index + offset, atomicOperation); if (position >= 0) { return currentNode; } nodeIndex = (int) ((position & Long.MAX_VALUE) >>> 8); offset = (int) (position & OFFSET_MASK); localNodeDepth = directory.getNodeLocalDepth(nodeIndex, atomicOperation); nodeDepth += localNodeDepth; index = (int) ((hashCode >>> (HASH_CODE_SIZE - nodeDepth)) & (LEVEL_MASK >>> (MAX_LEVEL_DEPTH - localNodeDepth))); parentNode = currentNode; currentNode = new BucketPath(parentNode, offset, index, nodeIndex, localNodeDepth, nodeDepth); } while (nodeDepth <= HASH_CODE_SIZE); throw new IllegalStateException("Extendible hashing tree in corrupted state."); } }

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