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* Copyright 2019 Ossum, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.resolve
import com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.{Entity, *}
import com.ossuminc.riddl.language.parsing.Keyword
import com.ossuminc.riddl.language.{At, CommonOptions, Messages}
import com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.*
import com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.symbols.Symbols.*
import com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.symbols.{SymbolsOutput, SymbolsPass}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
case class ResolutionOutput(
root: Root = Root.empty,
messages: Messages.Messages = Messages.empty,
refMap: ReferenceMap = ReferenceMap.empty,
usage: Usages = Usages.empty
) extends PassOutput {}
object ResolutionPass extends PassInfo[PassOptions] {
val name: String = "Resolution"
def creator(options: PassOptions = PassOptions.empty): PassCreator = { (in: PassInput, out: PassesOutput) =>
ResolutionPass(in, out)
/** The Reference Resolution Pass. This pass traverses the entire model and resolves every reference it finds into the
* `refmap` in its output. See [[ReferenceMap]] for details. This resolution must be done before validation to make
* sure there are no cycles in the references. While it is at it, it also tracks which definition uses which other
* definition. See [[Usages]] for details. It also keeps a `kindMap`. See [[KindMap]] for details.
* Reference Resolution is the process of turning a [[com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.PathIdentifier]] into the
* [[com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.Definition]] that is referenced by the
* [[com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.PathIdentifier]]. There are several ways to resolve a reference:
* 1. If its already in the [[ReferenceMap]] then use that resolution
* 1. A single identifier in the path is looked up in the symbol table and if it uniquely matches only one definition
* then that definition is the resolved definition.
* 1. If there are multiple identifiers in the [[com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.PathIdentifier]] then we attempt to
* anchor the search using the first identifier. Anchoring is done by (a) checking to see if it is the "Root" node
* in which case that is the anchor, (b) checking to see if the first identifier is the name of one of the parent
* nodes from the location of the reference, and finally (c) looking up the first identifier in the symbol table
* and if it is unique then using that as the anchor. Once the anchor is determined, it is simply a matter of
* walking down tree of nodes from the anchor, one name at a time.
* @param input
* The input to the original pass.
* @param outputs
* THe outputs from preceding passes, which should only be the [[com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.symbols.SymbolsPass]]
* output.
case class ResolutionPass(input: PassInput, outputs: PassesOutput) extends Pass(input, outputs) with UsageResolution {
override def name: String =
val commonOptions: CommonOptions = input.commonOptions
val refMap: ReferenceMap = ReferenceMap(messages)
val kindMap: KindMap = KindMap()
val symbols: SymbolsOutput = outputs.outputOf[SymbolsOutput](
override def result(root: Root): ResolutionOutput =
ResolutionOutput(root, messages.toMessages, refMap, Usages(uses, usedBy))
override def close(): Unit = ()
override def postProcess(root: Root): Unit = {
def process(value: RiddlValue, parentsStack: ParentStack): Unit =
val parents: Parents =
value match
case p: Parent =>
p +: parentsStack.toParents
case _ => parentsStack.toParents
end match
value match
case av: AggregateValue => // Field, Method
val resolution = resolveTypeExpression(av, av.typeEx, parents)
associateUsage[Type](av, resolution)
case t: Type =>
associateUsage[Type](t, resolveType(t, parents))
case mc: OnMessageClause =>
resolveOnMessageClause(mc, parents)
case statement: Statement =>
resolveStatement(statement, parents)
case tc: OnTerminationClause => ()
case oc: OnOtherClause => ()
case e: Entity =>
resolveAuthorRefs(e, parents)
case s: State =>
associateUsage(s, resolveATypeRef(s.typ, parents))
case f: Function =>
resolveFunction(f, parents)
case i: Inlet =>
associateUsage(i, resolveATypeRef(i.type_, parents))
case o: Outlet =>
val resolution = resolveATypeRef(o.type_, parents)
associateUsage(o, resolution)
case c: Connector =>
associateUsage(c, resolveARef[Outlet](c.from, parents))
associateUsage(c, resolveARef[Inlet](, parents))
case c: Constant =>
associateUsage(c, resolveTypeExpression(c, c.typeEx, parents))
case a: Adaptor =>
associateUsage(a, resolveARef[Context](a.context, parents))
resolveAuthorRefs(a, parents)
case s: Streamlet =>
resolveAuthorRefs(s, parents)
case p: Projector =>
resolveAuthorRefs(p, parents)
p.repositories.foreach{ ref => associateUsage(p, resolveARef[Repository](ref, parents)) }
case r: Repository =>
resolveAuthorRefs(r, parents)
case s: Saga =>
resolveAuthorRefs(s, parents)
case d: Domain =>
resolveAuthorRefs(d, parents)
case a: Application =>
resolveAuthorRefs(a, parents)
case c: Context =>
resolveAuthorRefs(c, parents)
case e: Epic =>
resolveAuthorRefs(e, parents)
case uc: UseCase =>
if uc.userStory.nonEmpty then associateUsage[User](uc, resolveARef(uc.userStory.user, parents))
val interactions = uc.contents.filter[Interaction]
if interactions.nonEmpty then resolveInteractions(uc, interactions, parents)
case in: Input =>
associateUsage(in, resolveATypeRef(in.takeIn, parents))
case out: Output =>
out.putOut match {
case typ: TypeRef => associateUsage(out, resolveATypeRef(typ, parents))
case const: ConstantRef => associateUsage(out, resolveARef[Constant](const, parents))
case _: LiteralString => () // not a reference
case cg: ContainedGroup =>
associateUsage(cg, resolveARef[Group](, parents))
case _: NonReferencableDefinitions => () // These can't be referenced
case _: NonDefinitionValues => () // Neither can these values
// case _ => () // NOTE: Never have this catchall! Want compile time errors!
end match
end process
private def resolveAuthorRefs(definition: Parent & WithDescriptives, parents: Parents): Unit =
definition.authorRefs.foreach { item => associateUsage(definition, resolveARef[Author](item, parents)) }
end resolveAuthorRefs
private def resolveFunction(f: Function, parents: Parents): Unit = {
f.authorRefs.foreach { item => associateUsage[Author](f, resolveARef[Author](item, parents)) }
f.input.foreach(resolveTypeExpression(f, _, parents))
f.output.foreach(resolveTypeExpression(f, _, parents))
private def resolveType(typ: Type, parents: Parents): Resolution[Type] = {
resolveTypeExpression(typ, typ.typEx, parents)
private def resolveTypeExpression(
user: Definition,
typ: TypeExpression,
parents: Parents
): Resolution[Type] = {
typ match {
case UniqueId(_, entityPath) =>
val resolution = resolveAPathId[Entity](entityPath, parents)
associateUsage[Entity](user, resolution)
case AliasedTypeExpression(_, _, pathId) =>
associateUsage[Type](user, resolveAPathId[Type](pathId, parents))
case agg: AggregateTypeExpression =>
agg.fields.foreach { (fld: Field) =>
associateUsage[Type](fld, resolveTypeExpression(fld, fld.typeEx, parents))
case EntityReferenceTypeExpression(_, entity) =>
associateUsage[Entity](user, resolveAPathId[Entity](entity, parents))
case Alternation(_, of) =>
of.foreach(resolveTypeExpression(user, _, parents))
case Sequence(_, of) =>
resolveTypeExpression(user, of, parents)
case Mapping(_, from, _) =>
resolveTypeExpression(user, from, parents)
case Set(_, of) =>
resolveTypeExpression(user, of, parents)
case Graph(_, of) =>
resolveTypeExpression(user, of, parents)
case Table(_, of, _) =>
resolveTypeExpression(user, of, parents)
case Replica(_, of) =>
resolveTypeExpression(user, of, parents)
case c: Cardinality =>
associateUsage[Type](user, resolveTypeExpression(user, c.typeExp, parents))
case _: Enumeration | _: NumericType | _: PredefinedType => None // no references
private def resolveOnMessageClause(mc: OnMessageClause, parents: Parents): Unit = {
val resolution = resolveARef[Type](mc.msg, parents)
associateUsage[Type](mc, resolution)
mc.from match
case None => ()
case Some(_, reference) =>
val resolution = resolveARef[Definition](reference, parents)
associateUsage[Definition](mc, resolution)
private def resolveStatement(statement: Statement, parents: Parents): Unit = {
statement match {
case SetStatement(_, field, _) =>
associateUsage[Field](parents.head, resolveARef[Field](field, parents))
case BecomeStatement(_, entity, handler) =>
associateUsage[Entity](parents.head, resolveARef[Entity](entity, parents))
associateUsage[Handler](parents.head, resolveARef[Handler](handler, parents))
case FocusStatement(_, group) =>
associateUsage[Group](parents.head, resolveARef[Group](group, parents))
case ForEachStatement(_, ref, _) =>
ref match {
case ir: InletRef => associateUsage[Inlet](parents.head, resolveAPathId[Inlet](ir.pathId, parents))
case or: OutletRef => associateUsage[Outlet](parents.head, resolveAPathId[Outlet](or.pathId, parents))
case fr: FieldRef => associateUsage[Type](parents.head, resolveAPathId[Type](fr.pathId, parents))
case SendStatement(_, msg, portlet) =>
associateUsage[Type](parents.head, resolveARef[Type](msg, parents))
associateUsage[Portlet](parents.head, resolveARef[Portlet](portlet, parents))
case MorphStatement(_, entity, state, message) =>
associateUsage[Entity](parents.head, resolveARef[Entity](entity, parents))
associateUsage[State](parents.head, resolveARef[State](state, parents))
associateUsage[Type](parents.head, resolveARef[Type](message, parents))
case TellStatement(_, msg, processorRef) =>
associateUsage[Type](parents.head, resolveARef[Type](msg, parents))
associateUsage(parents.head, resolveARef[Processor[?]](processorRef, parents))
case CallStatement(_, func) =>
associateUsage[Function](parents.head, resolveARef[Function](func, parents))
case ReplyStatement(_, message) =>
associateUsage[Type](parents.head, resolveARef[Type](message, parents))
case _: CodeStatement => () // no references
case _: ReadStatement => () // no references
case _: WriteStatement => () // no references
case _: ArbitraryStatement => () // no references
case _: ErrorStatement => () // no references
case _: ReturnStatement => () // no references
case _: IfThenElseStatement => () // no references
case _: StopStatement => () // no references
private def resolveInteractions(
useCase: UseCase,
interactions: Seq[Interaction],
parentsAsSeq: Parents
): Unit = {
for interaction <- interactions do {
interaction match {
case ArbitraryInteraction(_, from, _, to, _) =>
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[Definition](from, parentsAsSeq))
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[Definition](to, parentsAsSeq))
case fi: FocusOnGroupInteraction =>
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[User](fi.from, parentsAsSeq))
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[Group](, parentsAsSeq))
case fou: DirectUserToURLInteraction =>
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[User](fou.from, parentsAsSeq))
case ti: ShowOutputInteraction =>
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[User](, parentsAsSeq))
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[Output](ti.from, parentsAsSeq))
case si: SelectInputInteraction =>
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[User](si.from, parentsAsSeq))
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[Input](, parentsAsSeq))
case pi: TakeInputInteraction =>
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[User](pi.from, parentsAsSeq))
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[Input](, parentsAsSeq))
case si: SelfInteraction =>
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[Definition](si.from, parentsAsSeq))
case SendMessageInteraction(_, from, message, to, _) =>
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[Definition](from, parentsAsSeq))
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveAMessageRef(message, parentsAsSeq))
associateUsage[Definition](useCase, resolveARef[Definition](to, parentsAsSeq))
case _: VagueInteraction => () // no references
case _: OptionalInteractions => () // no references
case _: ParallelInteractions => () // no references
case _: SequentialInteractions => () // no references
private def resolveARef[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
ref: Reference[T],
parents: Parents
): Resolution[T] = {
resolveAPathId[T](ref.pathId, parents)
private def isSameKind[DEF <: WithIdentifier: ClassTag](d: WithIdentifier): Boolean = {
val clazz = classTag[DEF].runtimeClass
private def isSameKindAndHasDifferentPathsToSameNode[T <: WithIdentifier: ClassTag](
list: List[SymTabItem]
): Boolean = {
list.forall { item => isSameKind[T](item._1) } &&
.map { item =>
.forall(_ == list.head)
private def handleSymbolTableResults[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
list: List[SymTabItem],
pathId: PathIdentifier,
parents: Parents
): Resolution[T] =
parents.headOption match
case None =>
// shouldn't happen
notResolved[T](pathId, parents.headOption, "there are no parents of the found symbol")
case Some(parent) =>
list match
case Nil =>
// List is empty so this is the NotFound case
s"the sought name, '${pathId.value.last}', was not found in the symbol table,"
case (d, pars) :: Nil if isSameKind[T](d) => // exact match
// List just has one component and the types are the same so this is the Resolved case
resolved[T](pathId, parent, d)
Some(d.asInstanceOf[T] -> pars)
case (d, _) :: Nil =>
// List has one component but its the wrong type
wrongType[T](pathId, parent, d)
case (d, pars) :: _ if isSameKindAndHasDifferentPathsToSameNode(list) =>
// List has multiple elements
resolved[T](pathId, parent, d)
Some(d.asInstanceOf[T] -> pars)
case list =>
ambiguous[T](pathId, list)
end match
end match
end handleSymbolTableResults
private def searchSymbolTable[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pathId: PathIdentifier,
parents: Parents
): Resolution[T] = {
val symTabCompatibleNameSearch = pathId.value.reverse
val list = symbols.lookupParentage(symTabCompatibleNameSearch)
handleSymbolTableResults[T](list, pathId, parents)
private sealed trait AnchorCase
private case class AnchorNotFoundInSymTab(topName: String) extends AnchorCase
private case class AnchorNotFoundInParents(topName: String) extends AnchorCase
private case class AnchorNotFoundAnywhere(topName: String) extends AnchorCase
private case class AnchorIsAmbiguous(topName: String, list: List[SymTabItem]) extends AnchorCase
private case class AnchorFoundInSymTab(anchor: Definition, anchor_parents: Parents) extends AnchorCase
private case class AnchorFoundInParents(anchor: Definition, anchor_parents: Parents) extends AnchorCase
private case class AnchorIsRoot(anchor: Definition, anchor_parents: Parents) extends AnchorCase
private def findAnchorInParents(
topName: String,
parents: Parents
): AnchorCase = {
// The anchor is the matching name closest to the PathId location
parents.find( == topName) match {
case Some(anchor) =>
// We want to simulate a symtab find here which returns the node of
// interest and that node's parents. Since there is a node in common
// we can get it by dropping nodes until we find it.
val anchor_parents = parents.dropWhile(_ != anchor).drop(1)
AnchorFoundInParents(anchor, anchor_parents)
case None =>
private def findAnchorInSymTab(
topName: String
): AnchorCase = {
// Let's see if we can find it uniquely in the symbol table
symbols.lookupParentage(Seq(topName)) match {
case Nil =>
case (anchor: Definition, anchor_parents: Parents) :: Nil =>
// it is unique
// Found the top node uniquely in the symbol table
// now just run down the children and see if all levels of the
// pathId can be satisfied
AnchorFoundInSymTab(anchor, anchor_parents)
case list =>
AnchorIsAmbiguous(topName, list)
private def findAnchor[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pathId: PathIdentifier,
parents: Parents
): AnchorCase = {
pathId.value.headOption match
case Some(topName) if topName == "Root" =>
// We anchor at the root of the model so anything possible
AnchorIsRoot(parents.last, parents.dropRight(1))
case Some(topName) =>
// First, determine whether the anchor node is one of
// the names in the parents above the location the PathId is used.
findAnchorInParents(topName, parents) match
case afip: AnchorFoundInParents => afip
case _: AnchorNotFoundInParents =>
// Its not an ancestor so let's try the symbol table
findAnchorInSymTab(topName) match
case afis: AnchorFoundInSymTab => afis
case anfis: AnchorNotFoundInSymTab => anfis
case aia: AnchorIsAmbiguous => aia
case anfis: AnchorCase =>
messages.addSevere(pathId.loc, s"Invalid result from findAnchorInSymTab($topName, $parents): $anfis")
case anfis: AnchorCase =>
messages.addSevere(pathId.loc, s"Invalid result from findAnchorInParents($topName, $parents): $anfis")
case None =>
messages.addSevere(pathId.loc, "PathId is empty; this should already be checked in resolveAPathId")
private def resolvePathFromAnchor[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pathId: PathIdentifier,
parents: Parents,
anchor: Definition,
anchor_parents: Parents
): Resolution[T] = {
val stack = DefinitionStack.empty
val parents_to_add = anchor_parents.reverse
if anchor_parents.nonEmpty && anchor_parents.last.isRootContainer then stack.pushAll(parents_to_add.drop(1))
else stack.pushAll(parents_to_add)
val pathIdStart = pathId.value.drop(1) // we already resolved the anchor
var continue: Boolean = true
var resolution: Resolution[T] = None
var elementCounter: Int = pathIdStart.length
for { soughtName: String <- pathIdStart if continue } do
// Because names in a PathId are not unique, we can't use comparison against
// the last name to determine if we're at the end of the names. Instead, we
// count down the number of elements remaining
elementCounter -= 1
val isLastPathElement = elementCounter <= 0
// Find matching item at head of stack and return the candidates derived
// from it for the next loop. If nothing is returned, the head of stack
// didn't match the sought name.
findMatchingCandidate(soughtName, stack) match
case None =>
// None of the candidates match the name we're seeking, so this PathId doesn't match the model
s"the name '$soughtName' was not found in ${stack.head.identify}"
continue = false
case Some(definition) =>
if isLastPathElement then
// The soughtName is the last one in the pathId, no point continuing the loop
continue = false
// Since we are on the last element, let's try to find the match
resolution = checkMatch[T](pathId, definition, parents)
// We have matched the current element and found some candidates for
// the next round, so we must push and continue
end if
end match
end for
if !continue then
// return the resolution
val maybeFound = stack.toSeq
stack.headOption match
case Some(_: Root) if stack.size == 1 =>
// then pop it off because RootContainers don't count and we want to
// rightfully return an empty sequence for "not found"
// Convert parent stack to immutable sequence
Some(stack.head.asInstanceOf[T] -> stack.tail.toSeq.asInstanceOf[Seq[Parent]])
case Some(dfntn: T) =>
// Not the root, just convert the result to immutable Seq
Some(dfntn -> stack.tail.toSeq.asInstanceOf[Seq[Parent]])
case Some(_) =>
case None =>
end match
end if
private def resolved[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pathId: PathIdentifier,
pidDirectParent: Parent,
definition: Definition
): T =
// a candidate was found and it has the same type as expected
val t = definition.asInstanceOf[T]
refMap.add[T](pathId, pidDirectParent, t)
associateUsage(pidDirectParent, t)
if commonOptions.debug then
s"Path Identifier ${pathId.format} in ${pidDirectParent.identify} resolved to ${definition.identify}",
end if
if commonOptions.debug then println(s"Resolved: ${pathId.format} ==> ${t.identify}")
end resolved
private def wrongType[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pathId: PathIdentifier,
container: Definition,
foundDef: WithIdentifier
): Unit =
val referTo = classTag[T].runtimeClass.getSimpleName
val message = s"Path '${pathId.format}' resolved to ${foundDef.identifyWithLoc}," +
s" in ${container.identify}, but ${article(referTo)} was expected"
messages.addError(pathId.loc, message)
if commonOptions.debug then
println(s"WrongType: ${pathId.format} ==> ${foundDef.identifyWithLoc} not ${article(referTo)}")
end if
end wrongType
private def notResolved[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pathId: PathIdentifier,
container: Option[Definition],
why: String = ""
): Unit =
val tc = classTag[T].runtimeClass
val message = container match
case None =>
s"Path '${pathId.format}' is not resolvable, because it has no container"
case Some(definition) =>
s"Path '${pathId.format}' was not resolved, in ${definition.identify}${
if why.isEmpty then "\n"
else "\nbecause " + why + "\n"
val referTo = tc.getSimpleName
message + {
if referTo.nonEmpty then s"and it should refer to ${article(referTo)}"
else ""
if commonOptions.debug then println(s"Unresolved: ${pathId.format} ==> ???")
end notResolved
private def checkMatch[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pathId: PathIdentifier,
definition: Definition,
parents: Parents
): Resolution[T] =
parents.headOption match
case Some(parent) =>
if isSameKind[T](definition) then
// we found a matching definition in both name and type
val t: T = resolved[T](pathId, parent, definition)
// return the resolution
Some(t -> symbols.parentsOf(t))
// the name matches, the type does not, emit error
wrongType[T](pathId, parent, definition)
end if
case None =>
// No parent of the node, shouldn't happen!
notResolved[T](pathId, None, s"because ${definition.identify} does have parents!")
end match
end checkMatch
private def findMatchingCandidate(
soughtName: String,
defStack: DefinitionStack
): Option[Definition] =
require(defStack.nonEmpty, "No stack to consider in findCandidates")
defStack.headOption match
case None =>
Option.empty[Definition] // nothing to search to provide candidates
case Some(head) =>
val candidates: Definitions =
head match
case st: State =>
// We found a state so the fields of the state
// the contained handlers and the fields of the state's data
candidatesFromPathIdentifier[Type](st.typ.pathId, defStack)
case omc: OnMessageClause if =>
// we found an onClause that references a named message
// need to push that message's path on the name stack
candidatesFromPathIdentifier[Type](omc.msg.pathId, defStack)
case field: Field =>
candidatesFromTypeExpression(field.typeEx, defStack).definitions
case constant: Constant =>
candidatesFromTypeExpression(constant.typeEx, defStack)
case typ: Type =>
candidatesFromTypeExpression(typ.typEx, defStack)
case inlet: Inlet =>
candidatesFromPathIdentifier[Type](inlet.type_.pathId, defStack)
case outlet: Outlet =>
candidatesFromPathIdentifier[Type](outlet.type_.pathId, defStack)
case include: Include[?] =>
case function: Function =>[Field]).asInstanceOf[Definitions] ++[Field]).asInstanceOf[Definitions] ++
case vital: VitalDefinition[?] =>
vital.contents.flatMap {
case include: Include[ContentValues] @unchecked => include.contents.definitions
case value: Definition => Seq(value)
case _ => Seq.empty[Definition]
case p: Parent =>
case _ =>
// No match so no candidates
end match
candidates.find( == soughtName)
end match
end findMatchingCandidate
private def resolveAMessageRef(ref: MessageRef, parents: Parents): Resolution[Type] =
val loc: At = ref.loc
val pathId: PathIdentifier = ref.pathId
val kind: AggregateUseCase = ref.messageKind
val result: Resolution[Type] = resolveAPathId[Type](pathId, parents)
result match
case Some((typ: Type, _)) =>
typ.typEx match
case AggregateUseCaseTypeExpression(_, usecase, _) if usecase == kind => result // success
case typeEx: Alternation if typeEx.of.forall(_.isAggregateOf(kind)) => result // success
case typeEx: Alternation =>
s"All alternates of `${typeEx.format}` must be ${kind.useCase.dropRight(4)} aggregates"
case typeEx: TypeExpression =>
s"Type expression `${typeEx.format}` needs to be an aggregate for `${kind.useCase.dropRight(4)}`"
end match
case _ =>
None // error message should have already been issued
end match
end resolveAMessageRef
private def handleTypeResolution(
loc: At,
typ: Type,
useCase: AggregateUseCase,
resolution: Resolution[Type]
): Resolution[Type] =
typ.typEx match
case typEx: AggregateUseCaseTypeExpression if typEx.usecase == useCase => resolution // success
case typeEx: Alternation if typeEx.of.forall(_.isAggregateOf(useCase)) => resolution // success
case typeEx: Alternation =>
messages.addError(typ.loc, s"All alternates of `${typeEx.format}` must be $useCase aggregates")
case typEx: AggregateUseCaseTypeExpression =>
messages.addError(typ.loc, s"Type expression `${typEx.format}` is not compatible with keyword `$useCase`")
case typEx: TypeExpression =>
messages.addError(typ.loc, s"Type expression `${typEx.format}` needs to be an aggregate for `$useCase`")
end match
end handleTypeResolution
private def resolveATypeRef(typeRef: TypeRef, parents: Parents): Resolution[Type] =
val loc: At = typeRef.loc
val pathId: PathIdentifier = typeRef.pathId
val keyword: String = typeRef.keyword
val resolution: Resolution[Type] = resolveAPathId[Type](pathId, parents)
resolution match
case None => None
case Some((typ: Type, _: Parents)) =>
keyword match
case Keyword.type_ | "" => resolution // this is generic, any type so just pass the result
case Keyword.command => handleTypeResolution(loc, typ, CommandCase, resolution)
case Keyword.query => handleTypeResolution(loc, typ, QueryCase, resolution)
case Keyword.event => handleTypeResolution(loc, typ, EventCase, resolution)
case Keyword.result => handleTypeResolution(loc, typ, ResultCase, resolution)
case Keyword.record => handleTypeResolution(loc, typ, RecordCase, resolution)
case Keyword.graph =>
typ.typEx match
case _: Graph => resolution // success
case typeEx: Alternation =>
if typeEx.of.forall(_.getClass == Graph.getClass) then resolution // success
s"Type expression `${typeEx.format}` needs all elements to be a graph type for keyword `graph` at $loc"
end if
case _ =>
require(false, "Shouldn't get here")
None // shouldn't happen
end match
case Keyword.table =>
typ.typEx match
case _: Table => resolution // success
case typeEx: Alternation =>
if typeEx.of.forall(_.getClass == Table.getClass) then resolution // success
s"Type expression `${typ.typEx.format}` needs to be a table for keyword `table` at $loc"
end if
case _: TypeExpression =>
require(false, s"Type $typ is not a")
end match
end match
end match
end resolveATypeRef
private def resolveAPathId[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pathId: PathIdentifier,
parents: Parents
): Resolution[T] =
if pathId.value.isEmpty then
// The pathId is empty, can't resolve that
notResolved[T](pathId, parents.headOption, "the PathId is empty")
// If we already resolved this one, return it
val result =
refMap.definitionOf[T](pathId, parents.head) match
case Some(definition) =>
Some(definition -> symbols.parentsOf(definition))
case None =>
if pathId.value.size == 1 then
// Easy case, just search the symbol table and deal with it there.
// In other words, there really isn't a path to search here, just the
// symbol table
searchSymbolTable[T](pathId, parents)
// Okay, we have multiple names so we first have to find the anchor
// node from the first name in the PathId. This can be "Root" for the
// root of the model, a node name directly above, or a node from the
// symbol table.
findAnchor[T](pathId, parents) match
case AnchorNotFoundInParents(topName) =>
s"the PathId is invalid since it's first element, $topName, is not found in PathId ancestors"
case AnchorFoundInSymTab(anchor, anchor_parents) =>
// We found the anchor in the
resolvePathFromAnchor[T](pathId, parents, anchor, anchor_parents)
case AnchorFoundInParents(anchor, anchor_parents) =>
// We found the anchor in the parents list
resolvePathFromAnchor[T](pathId, parents, anchor, anchor_parents)
case AnchorNotFoundInSymTab(topName) =>
s"the PathId is invalid since it's first element, $topName, does not exist in the model"
case AnchorNotFoundAnywhere(_) =>
notResolved(pathId, parents.headOption, "PathID anchor not found")
case AnchorIsRoot(anchor, anchor_parents) =>
// The first name in the path id was "Root" so start from there
resolvePathFromAnchor[T](pathId, parents, anchor, anchor_parents)
case AnchorIsAmbiguous(_, list) =>
// The anchor is ambiguous so generate that message
ambiguous[T](pathId, list, Some("The top node in the Path Id is the ambiguous one"))
end match
end match
end if
end resolveAPathId
private def ambiguous[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pid: PathIdentifier,
list: List[SymTabItem],
context: Option[String] = None
): Contents[WithIdentifier] = {
// Extract all the definitions that were found
val definitions =
val allDifferent = ==
val expectedClass = classTag[T].runtimeClass
definitions.headOption match {
case Some(head) if head.isAnonymous && allDifferent =>
// pick the one that is the right type or the first one
list.find(_._1.getClass == expectedClass) match {
case Some((defn, parents)) => defn +: parents
case None => list.take(1).map(_._1)
case _ =>
val ambiguity = list
.map { case (definition, parents) =>
" " +".") + "." + + " (" + definition.loc + ")"
val message = s"Path reference '${pid.format}' is ambiguous. Definitions are:\n$ambiguity" + + "\n").getOrElse("")
messages.addError(pid.loc, message)
private val vowels: String = "aAeEiIoOuU"
private def article(thing: String): String = {
val article = if vowels.contains(thing.head) then "an" else "a"
s"$article $thing"
private def candidatesFromPathIdentifier[T <: Definition: ClassTag](
pid: PathIdentifier,
defStack: DefinitionStack
): Definitions =
// Recursively resolve this PathIdentifier
val resolution: Resolution[T] = resolveAPathId[T](pid, defStack.toParentsSeq)
resolution match
case None => Contents.empty
case Some((definition: Definition, parents: Parents)) =>
// if we found the definition
// Replace the parent stack with the resolved one
// Return the name and candidates we should next search for
definition match
case foundType: Parent =>
case definition: T =>
end match
end match
end candidatesFromPathIdentifier
private def candidatesFromTypeExpression(
typEx: TypeExpression,
parentStack: DefinitionStack
): Definitions = {
typEx match {
case a: Aggregation => a.fields
// if we're at a field composed of more fields, then those fields
// are what we are looking for
case Enumeration(_, enumerators) =>
// if we're at an enumeration type then the numerators are candidates
case a: AggregateUseCaseTypeExpression =>
// Any kind of Aggregate's fields are candidates for resolution
case AliasedTypeExpression(_, _, pid) =>
// if we're at a field that references another type then the candidates
// are that type's fields. To solve this we need to push
// that type's path on the name stack to be resolved
candidatesFromPathIdentifier[Type](pid, parentStack)
case EntityReferenceTypeExpression(_, entityRef) =>
candidatesFromPathIdentifier[Entity](entityRef, parentStack)
case _ =>
// We cannot descend into any other type expression
private def candidatesFromContents(
contents: Contents[RiddlValue]
): Contents[Definition] =
contents.flatMap { item =>
item match
case Include(_, _, contents) =>
// NOTE: An included file can include another file at the same definitional level.
// NOTE: We need to recursively descend that stack. An include in a nested definitional level
// NOTE: will not be picked up by contents.includes because it would be inside another definition.
// NOTE: So we take the WithIdentifiers from the contents as well as from the includes
val nested = candidatesFromContents(contents.includes)
val current = contents.definitions
current ++ nested
case definition: Definition =>
case _ =>
end match
end candidatesFromContents
private def candidatesFromStateTypeRef(typeRef: TypeRef, parents: Parents): Contents[Definition] = {
val resolution: Resolution[Type] = resolveATypeRef(typeRef, parents)
resolution match {
case None => Seq.empty // not found
case Some((typ: Type, _: Parents)) =>
typ.typEx match {
case agg: AggregateTypeExpression => agg.fields
case _ => Seq.empty
private def findResolution(soughtName: String, candidate: Definition): Boolean = {
candidate match {
case omc: OnMessageClause if => == soughtName
case other: Definition => == soughtName