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com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.diagrams.DiagramsPass.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 Ossum, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.diagrams
import com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.*
import com.ossuminc.riddl.language.{AST, Messages}
import com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.*
import com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.resolve.ResolutionPass
import com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.symbols.SymbolsPass
import com.ossuminc.riddl.passes.validate.ValidationPass
import scala.collection.{mutable,immutable}
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.*
/** The information needed to generate a Data Flow Diagram. DFDs are generated for each
* [[com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.Context]] and consist of the streaming components that that are connected.
case class DataFlowDiagramData()
/** The information needed to generate a Use Case Diagram. The diagram for a use case is very similar to a Sequence
* Diagram showing the interactions between involved components of the model.
case class UseCaseDiagramData(
name: String,
actors: Map[String, Definition],
interactions: Seq[Interaction]
type ContextRelationship = (Context, String)
/** The information needed to generate a Context Diagram showing the relationships between bounded contexts
* @param domain
* The domain or subdomain to which the context map pertains
* @param aggregates
* The aggregate entities involved in the context relationships
* @param relationships
* The relationships between contexts
case class ContextDiagramData(
domain: Domain,
aggregates: Seq[Entity] = Seq.empty,
relationships: Seq[ContextRelationship] = Seq.empty
/** The information needed to generate a Context Diagram at the Domain level to show the relationships between its
* constituent bounded contexts
type DomainDiagramData = Seq[(Context, ContextDiagramData)]
/** The output of the DiagramsPass encompassing all the generated data for the various diagrams
* @param messages
* The messages generated by this pass
* @param dataFlowDiagrams
* The data necessary for the various data flow diagrams per context
* @param useCaseDiagrams
* The data necessary for the various use cases defined by
* @param contextDiagrams
* The data necessary for the context diagrams
case class DiagramsPassOutput(
root: Root = Root.empty,
messages: Messages.Messages = Messages.empty,
dataFlowDiagrams: Map[Context, DataFlowDiagramData] = Map.empty,
useCaseDiagrams: Map[UseCase, UseCaseDiagramData] = Map.empty,
contextDiagrams: Map[Context, ContextDiagramData] = Map.empty
) extends PassOutput
class DiagramsPass(input: PassInput, outputs: PassesOutput) extends Pass(input, outputs) {
def name: String =
private val refMap = outputs.refMap
private val symTab = outputs.symbols
private val dataFlowDiagrams: mutable.HashMap[Context, DataFlowDiagramData] = mutable.HashMap.empty
private val useCaseDiagrams: mutable.HashMap[UseCase, UseCaseDiagramData] = mutable.HashMap.empty
private val contextDiagrams: mutable.HashMap[Context, ContextDiagramData] = mutable.HashMap.empty
protected def process(definition: RiddlValue, parents: ParentStack): Unit = {
definition match
case c: Context =>
val aggregates = c.entities.filter(_.hasOption("aggregate"))
val domain =[Domain]
val root = parents.find(c => c.isRootContainer && c.isInstanceOf[Root]).get.asInstanceOf[Root]
val relationships = makeRelationships(c,root)
contextDiagrams.put(c, ContextDiagramData(domain, aggregates.toSeq, relationships))
case epic: Epic =>
epic.cases.foreach { uc =>
val data = captureUseCase(uc)
useCaseDiagrams.put(uc, data)
case _ => ()
private def makeRelationships(context: Context, root: Root): immutable.Seq[ContextRelationship] = {
val domains = AST.getAllDomains(root)
val applications = domains.flatMap(AST.getApplications)
val allProcessors = findProcessors(context) ++ applications
for {
processor <- allProcessors
relationships <- makeProcessorRelationships(context, processor)
} yield {
private def findProcessors(processor: Processor[?]): immutable.Seq[Processor[?]] = {
val containedProcessors = processor match {
case a: Adaptor => a.contents.processors
case a: Application => a.contents.processors
case c: Context => c.contents.processors
case e: Entity => e.contents.processors
case p: Projector => p.contents.processors
case r: Repository => r.contents.processors
case s: Streamlet => s.contents.processors
val includedProcessors = processor.includes.toContents.processors
val nestedProcessors = (containedProcessors ++ includedProcessors).flatMap(findProcessors)
includedProcessors.toSeq ++ nestedProcessors.toSeq :+ processor
private def makeProcessorRelationships(
context: Context,
processor: Processor[?]
): Seq[ContextRelationship] = {
val rel1 = makeTypeRelationships(context, processor.types.toSeq, processor)
val rel2 = makeFunctionRelationships(context, processor.functions.toSeq)
val rel3 = makeHandlerRelationships(context, processor.handlers)
val rel4 = makeInletRelationships(context, processor.streamlets.flatMap(_.inlets), processor)
val rel5 = makeOutletRelationships(context, processor.streamlets.flatMap(_.outlets), processor)
val rel6 = processor match {
case a: Adaptor => inferRelationship(context, a)
case _: Application => Seq.empty[ContextRelationship]
case _: Context => Seq.empty[ContextRelationship]
case e: Entity => makeHandlerRelationships(context, e.handlers)
case _: Projector => Seq.empty[ContextRelationship]
case _: Repository => Seq.empty[ContextRelationship]
case s: Streamlet =>
makeInletRelationships(context, s.inlets, s)
makeOutletRelationships(context, s.outlets, s)
val result = rel1 ++ rel2 ++ rel3 ++ rel4 ++ rel5 ++ rel6
private def makeFunctionRelationships(context: Context, functions: Seq[Function]): Seq[ContextRelationship] = {
for {
f <- functions
inputFields =
outputFields =
relationship <- makeFieldRelationships(context, inputFields ++ outputFields, f)
} yield {
private def makeOutletRelationships(context: Context, outlets: Seq[Outlet], parent: Parent): Seq[ContextRelationship] = {
for {
o <- outlets
r = o.type_
t <- this.refMap.definitionOf[Type](r, parent)
relationship <- inferRelationship(context, t)
} yield {
private def makeInletRelationships(context: Context, inlets: Seq[Inlet], parent: Parent): Seq[ContextRelationship] = {
for {
i <- inlets
t = i.type_
t <- this.refMap.definitionOf[Type](t, parent)
relationship <- inferRelationship(context, t)
} yield {
private def makeHandlerRelationships(context: Context, handlers: Seq[Handler]): Seq[ContextRelationship] = {
for {
h <- handlers
oc: OnClause <- h.clauses if oc.isInstanceOf[OnMessageClause]
omc: OnMessageClause = oc.asInstanceOf[OnMessageClause]
relationship <- makeStatementRelationships(context, omc, omc.contents.toSeq)
} yield {
private def makeStatementRelationships(
context: Context,
parent: OnMessageClause,
statements: Seq[Statements]
): Seq[ContextRelationship] = {
for {
statement <- statements
ref <- getStatementReferences(statement)
definition <- this.refMap.definitionOf[Definition](ref, parent)
relationship <- inferRelationship(context, definition)
} yield {
private def getStatementReferences(statement: Statements): Seq[Reference[Definition]] = {
statement match
case SendStatement(_, msg, portlet) => Seq(msg, portlet)
case TellStatement(_, msg, processor) => Seq(msg, processor)
case SetStatement(_, field, _) => Seq(field)
case ReplyStatement(_, message) => Seq(message)
case CallStatement(_, function) => Seq(function)
case _ => Seq.empty
private def getTypeReferences(typEx: TypeExpression): Seq[Reference[Definition]] = {
typEx match {
case EntityReferenceTypeExpression(loc, pid) => Seq(EntityRef(loc, pid))
case AliasedTypeExpression(loc, keyword, pathId) => Seq(TypeRef(loc, keyword, pathId))
case aucte: AggregateUseCaseTypeExpression =>
aucte.fields.foldLeft(Seq.empty) { case (s, f) => s ++ getTypeReferences(f.typeEx) }
case ate: AggregateTypeExpression =>
ate.fields.foldLeft(Seq.empty) { case (s, f) => s ++ getTypeReferences(f.typeEx) }
case _: TypeExpression => Seq.empty
private def makeTypeRelationships(
context: Context,
types: Seq[Type],
parent: Parent
): Seq[ContextRelationship] = {
for {
typ <- types
typEx = typ.typEx
ref: Reference[Definition] <- getTypeReferences(typEx)
definition <- refMap.definitionOf[Definition](ref, parent)
relationship <- inferRelationship(context, definition)
} yield {
private def makeFieldRelationships(
context: Context,
fields: Seq[Field],
parent: Parent
): Seq[ContextRelationship] = {
for {
f <- fields
ref: Reference[Definition] <- getTypeReferences(f.typeEx)
definition: Definition <- this.refMap.definitionOf[Definition](ref, parent)
relationship <- inferRelationship(context, definition)
} yield {
private def inferRelationship(context: Context, definition: Definition): Option[ContextRelationship] = {
this.symTab.contextOf(definition) match {
case Some(foreignContext) =>
if foreignContext != context then
definition match {
case a: Adaptor =>
refMap.definitionOf[Context](a.context, a) match {
case Some(foreignContext) =>
if foreignContext != context then Some(foreignContext -> s"Adaptation ${a.direction.format}")
else None
case None => None
case m: Type => Some(foreignContext -> s"Uses ${m.identify} from")
case e: Entity => Some(foreignContext -> s"References ${e.identify} in")
case f: Field => Some(foreignContext -> s"Sets ${f.identify} in")
case i: Inlet => Some(foreignContext -> s"Sends to ${i.identify} in")
case o: Outlet => Some(foreignContext -> s"Takes from ${o.identify} in")
case s: Streamlet => Some(foreignContext -> s"Interacts with ${s.identify} in")
case p: Processor[?] => Some(foreignContext -> s"Tells to ${p.identify} in")
case _ => None
else None
end if
case None => None
private def actorsFirst(a: (String, Definition), b: (String, Definition)): Boolean = {
a._2 match
case _: User if b._2.isInstanceOf[User] => a._1 < b._1
case _: User => true
case _: Definition if b._2.isInstanceOf[User] => false
case _: Definition => a._1 < b._1
private def captureUseCase(uc: UseCase): UseCaseDiagramData = {
val actors: Map[String, Definition] = {
.map {
case tri: TwoReferenceInteraction =>
val fromDef = refMap.definitionOf[Definition](tri.from.pathId, uc)
val toDef = refMap.definitionOf[Definition](, uc)
tri.from.pathId.format -> fromDef, -> toDef
case _: InteractionContainer | _: Interaction | _: Comment | _: Term | _: Description
| _: BriefDescription | _: AuthorRef => Seq.empty
.filterNot(_.isEmpty) // ignore None values generated when ref not found
.flatten // get rid of seq of seq
.filterNot(_._1.isEmpty) // drop empty things
.map(x => x._1 -> x._2.getOrElse(Root.empty)) // get rid of no definition case
.distinctBy(_._1) // eliminate duplicates
.sortWith(actorsFirst) // always list actors first (left side of diagram)
val title = uc.identify + " in " + symTab.parentOf(uc).map(_.identify).getOrElse(" an Epic")
UseCaseDiagramData(title, actors, uc.contents.filter[Interaction])
def result(root: Root): DiagramsPassOutput = {
object DiagramsPass extends PassInfo[PassOptions] {
val name: String = "Diagrams"
def creator(options: PassOptions = PassOptions.empty): PassCreator = { (in: PassInput, out: PassesOutput) =>
DiagramsPass(in, out)