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* Copyright 2024 Ossum, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.ossuminc.riddl.utils
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.*
/** A RIDDL version of a URL since the JVM version isn't useful to Javascript. This just allows
* a simplified URL that has a scheme, authority, basis and path part.
* @param scheme
* The URL's scheme, either `file`, `http`, or `https`
* @param authority
* The authority part providing the basic location and credentials of the resource. The full
* syntax should be `user@host:port`. This field must not contain a /
* @param basis
* The "root" path or basis of the URL. This is for compatibility with "file" scheme as taken
* from java.nio.file.Path's functionality that the current working directory will be presumed
* as the root of the [[path]]. You can use the [[toRootString]] method to get the URL without
* the [[path]] part. [[basis]] should not start with a /
* @param path
* The path of the resource. Fragments (part after #) can be included in the path if necessary.
* This [[URL]] implementation doesn't check the validity or existence of the fragment.
* [[path]] should not start with a /
* */
case class URL(scheme: String="", authority: String="", basis: String="", path: String="") extends AnyRef {
require(isValid, s"Invalid URL syntax: $toString")
/** Determine if the URL is empty. Empty URLs are valid */
@JSExport def isEmpty: Boolean = scheme.isEmpty && authority.isEmpty && basis.isEmpty && path.isEmpty
/** Determine if the URL is not empty */
@JSExport def nonEmpty: Boolean = !isEmpty
/** Determine if the URL is valid. URLs are valid if they are empty or they have a valid scheme name
* and the path is not empty */
@JSExport def isValid: Boolean = {
isEmpty | (
scheme.matches("(file)|(https?)") &&
(basis.isEmpty | (basis.nonEmpty && basis.head != '/' && basis.last != '/')) &&
(path.isEmpty | (path.nonEmpty && path.head != '/' && path.last != '/'))
/** Drop the path part of the URL and return it in classic URL String format */
@JSExport def toRootString: String =
if isEmpty then "" else scheme + "://" + authority + { if basis.isEmpty then "" else "/" + basis}
/** Return the URL in classic string format */
@JSExport override def toString: String =
if isEmpty then "" else toRootString + "/" + path
/** An alternative name for toString for compatibility with */
@JSExport def toExternalForm: String = toString
/** Get the path component of the URL */
@JSExport def getFullPath: String = "/" + basis + "/" + path
@JSExport def root: URL = URL(toRootString)
@JSExport def parent: URL = {
val index = path.lastIndexOf('/')
val url_path = if (index < 0) then "" else path.substring(0,index)
URL(scheme, authority, basis, path)
@JSExport def resolve(pathElement: String): URL = {
require(!pathElement.startsWith("/"),"Invalid path element starts with: /")
val p =
if path.isEmpty then
else if path.contains("/") then
val prefix = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/'))
prefix + "/" + pathElement
end if
URL(scheme, authority, basis, p)
object URL {
final val fileScheme = "file"
final val httpScheme = "http"
final val httpsScheme = "https"
private final val namePattern = """[A-Za-z0-9_:.+-]*""".r
private final val authorityPattern = s"""(?(($namePattern@)?$namePattern(:[0-9]{1,5})?))""".r
private final val pathPattern = """(?[A-Za-z0-9_:.+-][A-Za-z0-9_:.+/-]*)""".r
private final val httpPattern = s"""https?://$authorityPattern/$pathPattern?([?#][^#?/]+)?""".r
private final val filePattern = s"file://$authorityPattern/$pathPattern".r
/** The empty URL. */
val empty: URL = URL("")
/** Test if a string is a valid URL */
def isValid(url: String): Boolean =
filePattern.matches(url) | httpPattern.matches(url)
/** Create a URL from a string, ensuring validity first. */
def apply(url:String): URL = {
import StringHelpers._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
url match {
case s: String if s.isEmpty => URL()
case s: String if s.startsWith(fileScheme) =>
s match {
case filePattern(authority,_,_,_,maybePath) =>
val path = Option(maybePath).getOrElse("")
URL(fileScheme, authority, "", path)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid URL provided: $s")
case s: String if s.startsWith(httpsScheme) | s.startsWith(httpScheme) =>
val scheme = if s.startsWith(httpsScheme) then httpsScheme else httpScheme
s match {
case httpPattern(authority,_,_,_,maybePath,_) =>
val path = Option(maybePath).getOrElse("")
URL(scheme, authority, "", path)
case _ => throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URL scheme")
def fromCwdPath(path: String): URL = {
require(path.head != '/')
val cwd = Option(System.getProperty("user.dir")).getOrElse("").drop(1)
URL(fileScheme, "", cwd, path)
def fromFullPath(path: String): URL = {
if path.endsWith("/") then
URL(fileScheme, "", path.drop(1).dropRight(1), "")
val pathStr = path.drop(1)
val lastSlash = pathStr.lastIndexOf('/')
if lastSlash > 0 then
val basis = pathStr.substring(0,lastSlash)
val newPath = pathStr.substring(lastSlash+1)
URL(fileScheme, "", basis, newPath)
URL(fileScheme, "", pathStr, "")
end if
end if