lightdb.sql.SQLStore.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package lightdb.sql
import fabric._
import fabric.define.DefType
import fabric.io.{JsonFormatter, JsonParser}
import fabric.rw._
import lightdb.aggregate.{AggregateFilter, AggregateFunction, AggregateQuery, AggregateType}
import lightdb.collection.Collection
import lightdb.distance.Distance
import lightdb.doc.{Document, DocumentModel, JsonConversion}
import lightdb.filter.{Condition, Filter}
import lightdb.materialized.{MaterializedAggregate, MaterializedAndDoc, MaterializedIndex}
import lightdb.spatial.{DistanceAndDoc, Geo}
import lightdb.sql.connect.ConnectionManager
import lightdb.store.{Conversion, Store, StoreMode}
import lightdb.transaction.{Transaction, TransactionKey}
import lightdb.util.ActionIterator
import lightdb._
import lightdb.field.{Field, IndexingState}
import lightdb.field.Field._
import java.sql.{Connection, PreparedStatement, ResultSet}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
abstract class SQLStore[Doc <: Document[Doc], Model <: DocumentModel[Doc]](name: String, model: Model) extends Store[Doc, Model](name, model) {
protected def connectionShared: Boolean
protected def connectionManager: ConnectionManager
transaction { implicit transaction =>
protected def createTable()(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Unit = {
val entries = fields.collect {
case field if !field.rw.definition.className.contains("lightdb.spatial.GeoPoint") =>
if (field == model._id) {
} else {
val t = def2Type(field.name, field.rw.definition)
s"${field.name} $t"
}.mkString(", ")
executeUpdate(s"CREATE TABLE $name($entries)")
private def def2Type(name: String, d: DefType): String = d match {
case DefType.Str | DefType.Json | DefType.Obj(_, _) | DefType.Arr(_) | DefType.Poly(_, _) | DefType.Enum(_, _) =>
case DefType.Int => "BIGINT"
case DefType.Bool => "TINYINT"
case DefType.Dec => "DOUBLE"
case DefType.Opt(d) => def2Type(name, d)
case d => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"$name has an unsupported type: $d")
protected def addColumn(field: Field[Doc, _])(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Unit = {
scribe.info(s"Adding column $name.${field.name}")
executeUpdate(s"ALTER TABLE $name ADD COLUMN ${field.name} ${def2Type(field.name, field.rw.definition)}")
protected def initTransaction()(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Unit = {
val connection = connectionManager.getConnection
val existingTables = tables(connection)
if (!existingTables.contains(name.toLowerCase)) {
// Add/Remove columns
val existingColumns = columns(connection)
val fieldNames = fields.map(_.name.toLowerCase).toSet
// Drop columns
existingColumns.foreach { name =>
if (!fieldNames.contains(name.toLowerCase)) {
scribe.info(s"Removing column ${this.name}.$name (existing: ${existingColumns.mkString(", ")}, expected: ${fieldNames.mkString(", ")}).")
executeUpdate(s"ALTER TABLE ${this.name} DROP COLUMN $name")
// Add columns
fields.foreach { field =>
val name = field.name
if (!existingColumns.contains(name.toLowerCase)) {
// Add indexes
fields.foreach {
case index: UniqueIndex[Doc, _] if index.name == "_id" => // Ignore _id
case index: UniqueIndex[Doc, _] =>
executeUpdate(s"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ${index.name}_idx ON $name(${index.name})")
case index: Indexed[Doc, _] =>
executeUpdate(s"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ${index.name}_idx ON $name(${index.name})")
case _: Field[Doc, _] => // Nothing to do
protected def tables(connection: Connection): Set[String]
private def columns(connection: Connection): Set[String] = {
val ps = connection.prepareStatement(s"SELECT * FROM $name LIMIT 1")
try {
val rs = ps.executeQuery()
val meta = rs.getMetaData
(1 to meta.getColumnCount).map { index =>
} finally {
override def prepareTransaction(transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Unit = transaction.put(
key = StateKey[Doc],
value = SQLState(connectionManager, transaction, this, Collection.CacheQueries)
protected def field2Value(field: Field[Doc, _]): String = "?"
protected def insertPrefix: String = "INSERT"
protected def upsertPrefix: String = "INSERT OR REPLACE"
protected def createInsertSQL(): String = {
val values = fields.map(field2Value)
s"$insertPrefix INTO $name(${fields.map(_.name).mkString(", ")}) VALUES(${values.mkString(", ")})"
protected def createUpsertSQL(): String = {
val values = fields.map(field2Value)
s"$upsertPrefix INTO $name(${fields.map(_.name).mkString(", ")}) VALUES(${values.mkString(", ")})"
private[sql] lazy val insertSQL: String = createInsertSQL()
private[sql] lazy val upsertSQL: String = createUpsertSQL()
override def insert(doc: Doc)(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Unit = {
val state = getState
val indexingState = new IndexingState
state.withInsertPreparedStatement { ps =>
fields.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (field, index) => SQLArg.FieldArg(doc, field, indexingState).set(ps, index + 1)
if (state.batchInsert.get() >= Collection.MaxInsertBatch) {
override def upsert(doc: Doc)(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Unit = {
val state = getState
val indexingState = new IndexingState
state.withUpsertPreparedStatement { ps =>
fields.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (field, index) => SQLArg.FieldArg(doc, field, indexingState).set(ps, index + 1)
if (state.batchUpsert.get() >= Collection.MaxInsertBatch) {
override def exists(id: Id[Doc])(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Boolean = get(idField, id).nonEmpty
override def get[V](field: UniqueIndex[Doc, V], value: V)
(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Option[Doc] = {
val state = getState
val b = new SQLQueryBuilder[Doc](
store = this,
state = state,
fields = fields.map(f => SQLPart(f.name)),
filters = List(filter2Part(field === value)),
group = Nil,
having = Nil,
sort = Nil,
limit = Some(1),
offset = 0
val results = b.execute()
val rs = results.rs
try {
if (rs.next()) {
} else {
} finally {
override def delete[V](field: UniqueIndex[Doc, V], value: V)
(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Boolean = {
val connection = connectionManager.getConnection
val ps = connection.prepareStatement(s"DELETE FROM $name WHERE ${field.name} = ?")
try {
SQLArg.FieldArg(field, value).set(ps, 1)
ps.executeUpdate() > 0
} finally {
override def count(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Int = {
val rs = executeQuery(s"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $name")
try {
} finally {
override def iterator(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Iterator[Doc] = {
val state = getState
val connection = connectionManager.getConnection
val s = connection.createStatement()
val rs = s.executeQuery(s"SELECT * FROM $name")
rs2Iterator(rs, Conversion.Doc())
private def getColumnNames(rs: ResultSet): List[String] = {
val meta = rs.getMetaData
val count = meta.getColumnCount
(1 to count).toList.map(index => meta.getColumnName(index))
private def getDoc(rs: ResultSet)(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Doc = model match {
case _ if storeMode.isIndexes =>
storeMode match {
case StoreMode.Indexes(storage) =>
val id = Id[Doc](rs.getString("_id"))
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This should not be possible")
case c: SQLConversion[Doc] => c.convertFromSQL(rs)
case c: JsonConversion[Doc] =>
val values = fields.map { field =>
try {
val json = field match {
case _: Tokenized[_] =>
val list = Option(rs.getString(field.name)) match {
case Some(s) => s.split(" ").toList.map(str)
case None => Nil
arr(list: _*)
case _ => toJson(rs.getObject(field.name), field.rw)
field.name -> json
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
val columnNames = getColumnNames(rs).mkString(", ")
throw new RuntimeException(s"Unable to get $name.${field.name} from [$columnNames]", t)
c.convertFromJson(obj(values: _*))
case _ =>
val map = fields.map { field =>
field.name -> obj2Value(rs.getObject(field.name))
private def rs2Iterator[V](rs: ResultSet, conversion: Conversion[Doc, V])
(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Iterator[V] = new Iterator[V] {
override def hasNext: Boolean = rs.next()
override def next(): V = {
def jsonFromFields(fields: List[Field[Doc, _]]): Json =
obj(fields.map(f => f.name -> toJson(rs.getObject(f.name), f.rw)): _*)
conversion match {
case Conversion.Value(field) => toJson(rs.getObject(field.name), field.rw).as[V](field.rw)
case Conversion.Doc() => getDoc(rs).asInstanceOf[V]
case Conversion.Converted(c) => c(getDoc(rs))
case Conversion.Materialized(fields) =>
val json = jsonFromFields(fields)
MaterializedIndex[Doc, Model](json, model).asInstanceOf[V]
case Conversion.DocAndIndexes() =>
val json = jsonFromFields(fields.filter(_.indexed))
val doc = getDoc(rs)
MaterializedAndDoc[Doc, Model](json, model, doc).asInstanceOf[V]
case Conversion.Json(fields) =>
case Conversion.Distance(field, _, _, _) =>
val fieldName = s"${field.name}Distance"
val distances = JsonParser(rs.getString(fieldName)).as[List[Double]].map(d => Distance(d)).toList
val doc = getDoc(rs)
DistanceAndDoc(doc, distances).asInstanceOf[V]
private def obj2Value(obj: Any): Any = obj match {
case null => null
case s: String => s
case b: java.lang.Boolean => b.booleanValue()
case i: java.lang.Integer => i.intValue()
case l: java.lang.Long => l.longValue()
case f: java.lang.Float => f.doubleValue()
case d: java.lang.Double => d.doubleValue()
case bi: java.math.BigInteger => BigDecimal(bi)
case bd: java.math.BigDecimal => BigDecimal(bd)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unsupported object: $obj (${obj.getClass.getName})")
protected def toJson(value: Any, rw: RW[_]): Json = obj2Value(value) match {
case null => Null
case s: String => rw.definition match {
case DefType.Str => str(s)
case DefType.Opt(DefType.Str) => str(s)
case DefType.Json => JsonParser(s)
case _ => try {
} catch {
case t: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unable to parse: [$s] as JSON for ${rw.definition}", t)
case b: Boolean => bool(b)
case i: Int => num(i)
case l: Long => num(l)
case f: Float => num(f.toDouble)
case d: Double => num(d)
case bd: BigDecimal => num(bd)
case v => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unsupported type: $v (${v.getClass.getName})")
protected def extraFieldsForDistance(conversion: Conversion.Distance[Doc, _]): List[SQLPart] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Distance conversions not supported")
protected def fieldPart[V](field: Field[Doc, V]): SQLPart = SQLPart(field.name)
override def doSearch[V](query: Query[Doc, Model], conversion: Conversion[Doc, V])
(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): SearchResults[Doc, Model, V] = {
var extraFields = List.empty[SQLPart]
val fields = conversion match {
case Conversion.Value(field) => List(field)
case Conversion.Doc() | Conversion.Converted(_) => this.fields
case Conversion.Materialized(fields) => fields
case Conversion.DocAndIndexes() => if (storeMode.isIndexes) {
} else {
case Conversion.Json(fields) => fields
case d: Conversion.Distance[Doc, _] =>
extraFields = extraFields ::: extraFieldsForDistance(d)
val state = getState
val b = SQLQueryBuilder(
store = this,
state = state,
fields = fields.map(f => fieldPart(f)) ::: extraFields,
filters = query.filter.map(filter2Part).toList,
group = Nil,
having = Nil,
sort = query.sort.collect {
case Sort.ByField(index, direction) =>
val dir = if (direction == SortDirection.Descending) "DESC" else "ASC"
SQLPart(s"${index.name} $dir")
case Sort.ByDistance(field, _, direction) => sortByDistance(field, direction)
limit = query.limit,
offset = query.offset
val results = b.execute()
val rs = results.rs
val total = if (query.countTotal) {
} else {
val iterator = rs2Iterator(rs, conversion)
val ps = rs.getStatement.asInstanceOf[PreparedStatement]
val iteratorWithScore = ActionIterator(iterator.map(v => v -> 0.0), onClose = () => state.returnPreparedStatement(b.sql, ps))
model = model,
offset = query.offset,
limit = query.limit,
total = total,
iteratorWithScore = iteratorWithScore,
facetResults = Map.empty,
transaction = transaction
protected def sortByDistance[G <: Geo](field: Field[_, List[G]], direction: SortDirection): SQLPart = {
val dir = if (direction == SortDirection.Descending) "DESC" else "ASC"
SQLPart(s"${field.name}Distance $dir")
private def aggregate2SQLQuery(query: AggregateQuery[Doc, Model])
(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): SQLQueryBuilder[Doc] = {
val fields = query.functions.map { f =>
val af = f.`type` match {
case AggregateType.Max => Some("MAX")
case AggregateType.Min => Some("MIN")
case AggregateType.Avg => Some("AVG")
case AggregateType.Sum => Some("SUM")
case AggregateType.Count | AggregateType.CountDistinct => Some("COUNT")
case AggregateType.Concat | AggregateType.ConcatDistinct => Some(concatPrefix)
case AggregateType.Group => None
val fieldName = af match {
case Some(s) =>
val pre = f.`type` match {
case AggregateType.CountDistinct | AggregateType.ConcatDistinct => "DISTINCT "
case _ => ""
val post = f.`type` match {
case AggregateType.Concat => ", ';;'"
case _ => ""
case None => f.field.name
SQLPart(s"$fieldName AS ${f.name}", Nil)
val filters = query.query.filter.map(filter2Part).toList
val group = query.functions.filter(_.`type` == AggregateType.Group).map(_.name).distinct.map(s => SQLPart(s, Nil))
val having = query.filter.map(af2Part).toList
val sort = (query.sort ::: query.query.sort).map {
case Sort.ByField(field, direction) =>
val dir = if (direction == SortDirection.Descending) "DESC" else "ASC"
SQLPart(s"${field.name} $dir", Nil)
case (AggregateFunction(name, _, _), direction: SortDirection) =>
val dir = if (direction == SortDirection.Descending) "DESC" else "ASC"
SQLPart(s"$name $dir", Nil)
case t => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported sort: $t")
store = this,
state = getState,
fields = fields,
filters = filters,
group = group,
having = having,
sort = sort,
limit = query.query.limit,
offset = query.query.offset
override def aggregate(query: AggregateQuery[Doc, Model])
(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Iterator[MaterializedAggregate[Doc, Model]] = {
val b = aggregate2SQLQuery(query)
val results = b.execute()
val rs = results.rs
val state = getState
def createStream[R](f: ResultSet => R): Iterator[R] = {
val iterator = new Iterator[R] {
private var checkedNext = false
private var nextValue = false
override def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (!checkedNext) {
nextValue = rs.next()
checkedNext = true
override def next(): R = {
if (!checkedNext) {
checkedNext = false
createStream[MaterializedAggregate[Doc, Model]] { rs =>
val json = obj(query.functions.map { f =>
val o = rs.getObject(f.name)
val json = if (f.`type` == AggregateType.Concat) {
arr(o.toString.split(";;").toList.map(s => toJson(s, f.rw)): _*)
} else if (f.`type` == AggregateType.ConcatDistinct) {
arr(o.toString.split(",").toList.map(s => toJson(s, f.rw)): _*)
} else {
toJson(o, f.tRW)
f.name -> json
}: _*)
MaterializedAggregate[Doc, Model](json, model)
override def aggregateCount(query: AggregateQuery[Doc, Model])
(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Int = {
val b = aggregate2SQLQuery(query)
protected def distanceFilter(f: Filter.Distance[Doc]): SQLPart =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Distance filtering not supported in SQL!")
private def filter2Part(f: Filter[Doc]): SQLPart = f match {
case f: Filter.DrillDownFacetFilter[Doc] => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"SQLStore does not support Facets: $f")
case f: Filter.Equals[Doc, _] if f.field(model).isArr =>
val values = f.getJson(model).asVector
val parts = values.map { json =>
val jsonString = JsonFormatter.Compact(json)
SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(s"%$jsonString%")))
SQLPart.merge(parts: _*)
case f: Filter.Equals[Doc, _] if f.value == null | f.value == None => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} IS NULL")
case f: Filter.Equals[Doc, _] => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} = ?", List(SQLArg.FieldArg(f.field(model), f.value)))
case f: Filter.NotEquals[Doc, _] if f.field(model).isArr =>
val values = f.getJson(model).asVector
val parts = values.map { json =>
val jsonString = JsonFormatter.Compact(json)
SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} NOT LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(s"%$jsonString%")))
SQLPart.merge(parts: _*)
case f: Filter.NotEquals[Doc, _] if f.value == null | f.value == None => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} IS NOT NULL")
case f: Filter.NotEquals[Doc, _] => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} != ?", List(SQLArg.FieldArg(f.field(model), f.value)))
case f: Filter.Regex[Doc, _] => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} REGEXP ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(f.expression)))
case f: Filter.In[Doc, _] => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} IN (${f.values.map(_ => "?").mkString(", ")})", f.values.toList.map(v => SQLArg.FieldArg(f.field(model), v)))
case f: Filter.RangeLong[Doc] => (f.from, f.to) match {
case (Some(from), Some(to)) => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} BETWEEN ? AND ?", List(SQLArg.LongArg(from), SQLArg.LongArg(to)))
case (None, Some(to)) => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} <= ?", List(SQLArg.LongArg(to)))
case (Some(from), None) => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} >= ?", List(SQLArg.LongArg(from)))
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Invalid: $f")
case f: Filter.RangeDouble[Doc] => (f.from, f.to) match {
case (Some(from), Some(to)) => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} BETWEEN ? AND ?", List(SQLArg.DoubleArg(from), SQLArg.DoubleArg(to)))
case (None, Some(to)) => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} <= ?", List(SQLArg.DoubleArg(to)))
case (Some(from), None) => SQLPart(s"${f.fieldName} >= ?", List(SQLArg.DoubleArg(from)))
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Invalid: $f")
case Filter.StartsWith(fieldName, query) => SQLPart(s"$fieldName LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(s"$query%")))
case Filter.EndsWith(fieldName, query) => SQLPart(s"$fieldName LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(s"%$query")))
case Filter.Contains(fieldName, query) => SQLPart(s"$fieldName LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(s"%$query%")))
case Filter.Exact(fieldName, query) => SQLPart(s"$fieldName LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(query)))
case f: Filter.Distance[Doc] => distanceFilter(f)
case f: Filter.Multi[Doc] =>
val (shoulds, others) = f.filters.partition(f => f.condition == Condition.Filter || f.condition == Condition.Should)
if (f.minShould != 1 && shoulds.nonEmpty) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Should filtering only works in SQL for exactly one condition")
val shouldParts = shoulds.map(fc => filter2Part(fc.filter)) match {
case Nil => Nil
case list => List(SQLPart(
sql = list.map(_.sql).mkString("(", " OR ", ")"),
args = list.flatMap(_.args)
val parts = others.map { fc =>
if (fc.boost.nonEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Boost not supported in SQL")
fc.condition match {
case Condition.Must => filter2Part(fc.filter)
case Condition.MustNot =>
val p = filter2Part(fc.filter)
case f => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"$f condition not supported in SQL")
SQLPart.merge(parts ::: shouldParts: _*)
private def af2Part(f: AggregateFilter[Doc]): SQLPart = f match {
case f: AggregateFilter.Equals[Doc, _] => SQLPart(s"${f.name} = ?", List(SQLArg.FieldArg(f.field, f.value)))
case f: AggregateFilter.NotEquals[Doc, _] => SQLPart(s"${f.name} != ?", List(SQLArg.FieldArg(f.field, f.value)))
case f: AggregateFilter.Regex[Doc, _] => SQLPart(s"${f.name} REGEXP ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(f.expression)))
case f: AggregateFilter.In[Doc, _] => SQLPart(s"${f.name} IN (${f.values.map(_ => "?").mkString(", ")})", f.values.toList.map(v => SQLArg.FieldArg(f.field, v)))
case f: AggregateFilter.Combined[Doc] =>
val parts = f.filters.map(f => af2Part(f))
SQLPart(parts.map(_.sql).mkString(" AND "), parts.flatMap(_.args))
case f: AggregateFilter.RangeLong[Doc] => (f.from, f.to) match {
case (Some(from), Some(to)) => SQLPart(s"${f.name} BETWEEN ? AND ?", List(SQLArg.LongArg(from), SQLArg.LongArg(to)))
case (None, Some(to)) => SQLPart(s"${f.name} <= ?", List(SQLArg.LongArg(to)))
case (Some(from), None) => SQLPart(s"${f.name} >= ?", List(SQLArg.LongArg(from)))
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Invalid: $f")
case f: AggregateFilter.RangeDouble[_] => (f.from, f.to) match {
case (Some(from), Some(to)) => SQLPart(s"${f.name} BETWEEN ? AND ?", List(SQLArg.DoubleArg(from), SQLArg.DoubleArg(to)))
case (None, Some(to)) => SQLPart(s"${f.name} <= ?", List(SQLArg.DoubleArg(to)))
case (Some(from), None) => SQLPart(s"${f.name} >= ?", List(SQLArg.DoubleArg(from)))
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Invalid: $f")
case AggregateFilter.StartsWith(name, _, query) => SQLPart(s"$name LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(s"$query%")))
case AggregateFilter.EndsWith(name, _, query) => SQLPart(s"$name LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(s"%$query")))
case AggregateFilter.Contains(name, _, query) => SQLPart(s"$name LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(s"%$query%")))
case AggregateFilter.Exact(name, _, query) => SQLPart(s"$name LIKE ?", List(SQLArg.StringArg(query)))
case f: AggregateFilter.Distance[_] => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Distance not supported in SQL!")
protected def executeUpdate(sql: String)(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Unit = {
val connection = connectionManager.getConnection
val s = connection.createStatement()
try {
} catch {
case t: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(s"Failed to execute update: $sql", t)
} finally {
private def executeQuery(sql: String)(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): ResultSet = {
val connection = connectionManager.getConnection
val s = connection.createStatement()
val state = getState
protected def concatPrefix: String = "GROUP_CONCAT"
override def truncate()(implicit transaction: Transaction[Doc]): Int = {
val connection = connectionManager.getConnection
val ps = connection.prepareStatement(s"DELETE FROM $name")
try {
} finally {
override def dispose(): Unit = if (!connectionShared) connectionManager.dispose()
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