reactify.Stateful.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package reactify
import reactify.reaction.Reaction
trait Stateful[T] extends Reactive[T] {
* Gets the current value
def get: T
* Convenience wrapper around `get`
def apply(): T = get
* Convenience functionality to attach a Reaction and immediately fire the current state on the Reaction.
* @param f the function reaction
* @param priority the priority in comparison to other reactions (Defaults to Priority.Normal)
* @return Reaction[T]
def attachAndFire(f: T => Unit, priority: Double = Priority.Normal): Reaction[T] = {
val reaction = attach(f, priority)
fire(get, Some(get), List(reaction))
* Group multiple Statefuls together
def &(that: Stateful[T]): Stateful[T] = and(that)
* Group multiple Statefuls together
def and(that: Stateful[T]): Stateful[T] = StatefulGroup[T](List(this, that))