spice.delta.HTMLParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package spice.delta
import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global
import spice.http.content.{Content, FileContent, StringContent, URLContent}
import spice.streamer._
import java.io.{File, FileInputStream, InputStream}
import java.net.URL
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
object HTMLParser {
private val SelfClosingTagRegex = """(?s)<(\S+)(.*)/>""".r
private val OpenTagRegex = """(?s)<(\S+)(.*)>""".r
private val CloseTagRegex = """(?s)(\S+).*>""".r
* If set to true the stored tag attributes will be limited to those in validAttributes.
* Defaults to false.
var filterAttributes: Boolean = false
* The set of attributes to limit to if filterAttributes is set to true.
* Defaults to "id", "class", and "data-spice".
var validAttributes: Set[String] = Set("id", "class", "data-spice", "data-spice-class")
private val parsers = new ConcurrentHashMap[File, StreamableHTML]().asScala
def cache(content: Content): StreamableHTML = content match {
case FileContent(file, _, _) => cache(file)
case URLContent(url, _, _) => cache(url)
case StringContent(value, _, _) => cache(value)
def cache(file: File): StreamableHTML = parsers.getOrElseUpdate(file, HTMLParser(file))
def cache(url: URL): StreamableHTML = {
val file = File.createTempFile("htmlparser", "cache")
Streamer(url, file).unsafeRunSync()
def cache(html: String): StreamableHTML = {
val file = File.createTempFile("htmlparser", "cache")
Streamer(html, file).unsafeRunSync()
def apply(file: File): StreamableHTML = {
val cacheBuilder: CacheBuilder = new CacheBuilder {
private var lastModified: Long = 0L
override def isStale: Boolean = lastModified != file.lastModified()
override def buildCache(): CachedInformation = {
val input = new FileInputStream(file)
try {
val parser = new HTMLParser(input)
val tags = parser.parse()
var byId = Map.empty[String, Tag.Open]
var byClass = Map.empty[String, Set[Tag.Open]]
var byTag = Map.empty[String, Set[Tag.Open]]
var byAttribute = Map.empty[String, Set[Tag.Open]]
tags.foreach { tag =>
if (tag.attributes.contains("id")) {
byId += tag.attributes("id") -> tag
tag.attributes.getOrElse("class", "").split(" ").foreach { className =>
val cn = className.trim
if (cn.nonEmpty) {
var classTags = byClass.getOrElse(cn, Set.empty[Tag.Open])
classTags += tag
byClass += cn -> classTags
tag.attributes.keys.foreach { attributeName =>
var attributeNameTags = byAttribute.getOrElse(attributeName, Set.empty[Tag.Open])
attributeNameTags += tag
byAttribute += attributeName -> attributeNameTags
var tagsByName = byTag.getOrElse(tag.tagName, Set.empty[Tag.Open])
tagsByName += tag
byTag += tag.tagName -> tagsByName
lastModified = file.lastModified()
CachedInformation(byId, byClass, byTag, byAttribute)
} catch {
case throwable: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(s"Error parsing ${file.getAbsolutePath}", throwable)
} finally {
new StreamableHTML(file, cacheBuilder)
class HTMLParser(input: InputStream) {
import HTMLParser._
private var position = 0
private val b = new StringBuilder
private var quotes = false
private var tagStart = -1
private var tagEnd = -1
private var open = List.empty[Tag.Open]
private var tags = Set.empty[Tag.Open]
final def parse(): Set[Tag.Open] = input.read() match {
case -1 => tags // Finished
case i => {
val c = i.toChar
private def process(c: Char): Unit = {
if (c == '"') {
if (quotes) {
quotes = false
} else {
quotes = true
} else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
quotes = false
} else if (c == '<' && !quotes) {
tagStart = position
} else if (tagStart != -1 && c == '>' && !quotes) {
tagEnd = position + 1
tagStart = -1
position += 1
private def parseTag(): Unit = b.toString match {
case s if s.startsWith("") => // Ignore
case CloseTagRegex(tagName) => {
val closeTag = Tag.Close(tagName, tagStart, tagEnd)
val openTag = closeUntil(tagName).copy(close = Some(closeTag))
tags += openTag
case SelfClosingTagRegex(tagName, attributes) => {
val a = parseAttributes(attributes)
val tag = Tag.Open(tagName, a, tagStart, tagEnd, close = None)
tags += tag
case OpenTagRegex(tagName, attributes) => {
val a = parseAttributes(attributes)
val tag = Tag.Open(tagName, a, tagStart, tagEnd, close = None)
open = tag :: open
private def parseAttributes(attributes: String): Map[String, String] = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
var quoted = false
var key = ""
var map = Map.empty[String, String]
attributes.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (c, index) => {
if (c == '"') {
if (quoted) {
map += key -> sb.toString
quoted = false
} else {
quoted = true
} else if ((c == '=' || c == ' ') && !quoted) {
if (sb.nonEmpty) {
key = sb.toString
} else {
if (filterAttributes) {
map.filter(t => validAttributes.contains(t._1))
} else {
private def closeUntil(tagName: String): Tag.Open = {
if (open.isEmpty) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Missing close tag for $tagName!")
val t = open.head
open = open.tail
if (t.tagName.equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) {
} else {
tags += t
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