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spice.openapi.generator.dart.OpenAPIDartGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 0.6.1
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package spice.openapi.generator.dart

import fabric.{Json, Str}
import spice.http.HttpMethod
import spice.openapi.{OpenAPI, OpenAPIContent, OpenAPISchema}
import spice.openapi.generator.{OpenAPIGenerator, OpenAPIGeneratorConfig, SourceFile}
import spice.streamer._

import scala.collection.mutable

object OpenAPIDartGenerator extends OpenAPIGenerator {
  private lazy val ModelTemplate: String = loadString("generator/dart/model.template")
  private lazy val ModelWithParamsTemplate: String = loadString("generator/dart/model_with_params.template")
  private lazy val ParentTemplate: String = loadString("generator/dart/parent.template")
  private lazy val EnumTemplate: String = loadString("generator/dart/enum.template")
  private lazy val ServiceTemplate: String = loadString("generator/dart/service.template")

  override protected def fileExtension: String = ".dart"

  override protected def generatedComment: String = "/// GENERATED CODE: Do not edit!"

  private implicit class StringExtras(s: String) {
    def ref2Type: String = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
    def type2File: String = {
      val pre = s.charAt(0).toLower
      val suffix = "\\p{Lu}".r.replaceAllIn(s.substring(1), m => {
      s"$pre$suffix".replace(" ", "")
    def dartType: String = s match {
      case "string" => "String"
      case "boolean" => "bool"
      case "integer" => "int"
      case "number" => "double"
      case "json" => "Map"
//      case "object" => "FAILURE"    // TODO: Fix
      case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unsupported dart type: [$s]")
    def param: String = s"this.$prop"
    def prop: String = renameMap.getOrElse(s, s)

  private implicit class OpenAPIContentExtras(content: OpenAPIContent) {
    def ref: OpenAPISchema.Ref = content

    def refType: String = ref.ref.ref2Type

    def component(api: OpenAPI): OpenAPISchema.Component = {
      val componentName = ref.ref.substring(ref.ref.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)

  private lazy val renameMap = Map(
    "bool" -> "b",
    "_id" -> "id"

  private def field(`type`: String, name: String, nullable: Boolean): String = {
    val rename = renameMap.get(name)
    val n = if (nullable) "?" else ""
    rename match {
      case Some(r) => s"@JsonKey(name: '$name') final ${`type`}$n $r;"
      case None => s"final ${`type`}$n $name;"

  override def generate(api: OpenAPI, config: OpenAPIGeneratorConfig): List[SourceFile] = {
    val service = generateService(api, config)
    val modelObjects = generatePaths(api, config)

    service :: modelObjects

  private var parentFiles = Map.empty[String, SourceFile]

  def generatePaths(api: OpenAPI, config: OpenAPIGeneratorConfig): List[SourceFile] = {
    parentFiles = Map.empty
    val sourceFiles = api.components.toList.flatMap(_.schemas.toList).map {
      case (typeName, schema: OpenAPISchema.Component) => parseComponent(typeName, schema, api, config)
      case (typeName, schema) => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"$typeName has unsupported schema: $schema")
    sourceFiles ::: parentFiles.values.toList

  private def parseComponent(rawTypeName: String, schema: OpenAPISchema.Component, api: OpenAPI, config: OpenAPIGeneratorConfig): SourceFile = {
    val imports = mutable.Set.empty[String]

    val typeName: String = rawTypeName.replace(" ", "")
    val fileName: String = s"${typeName.type2File}.dart"
    val fields: List[String] = {
      case (fieldName, schema) => parseField(fieldName, schema, api, config, imports).toString
    val fieldsString = fields.mkString("\n  ") match {
      case "" => "// No fields defined"
      case s => s
    val parent = config.baseForTypeMap.get(rawTypeName)
    val extending = parent match {
      case Some(parentName) =>
        imports += parentName.type2File
        s"extends $parentName with EquatableMixin "
      case None => "extends Equatable "
    val importsTemplate = => s"import '$s.dart';").mkString("\n") match {
      case "" => "// No imports necessary"
      case s => s
    val paramsList = {
      case (fieldName, schema) =>
        val nullable = schema match {
          case s: OpenAPISchema.Component => s.nullable.getOrElse(false)
          case s: OpenAPISchema.Ref => s.nullable.getOrElse(false)
          case s: OpenAPISchema.OneOf => s.nullable.getOrElse(false)
          case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unsupported OpenAPISchema: $schema")
        if (nullable) {
        } else {
          s"required ${fieldName.param}"
    val params = if (paramsList.nonEmpty) {
      paramsList.mkString("{", ", ", "}")
    } else {
    val props =", ")
    val toJson = parent match {
      case Some(_) =>
        s"""@override Map toJson() {
           |    Map map = _$$${typeName}ToJson(this);
           |    map['type'] = '$rawTypeName';
           |    return map;
           |  }""".stripMargin
      case None => s"Map toJson() => _$$${typeName}ToJson(this);"
    val source = (if (params.isEmpty) ModelTemplate else ModelWithParamsTemplate)
      .replace("%%IMPORTS%%", importsTemplate)
      .replace("%%FILENAME%%", typeName.type2File)
      .replace("%%CLASSNAME%%", typeName)
      .replace("%%EXTENDS%%", extending)
      .replace("%%FIELDS%%", fieldsString)
      .replace("%%PARAMS%%", params)
      .replace("%%PROPS%%", props)
      .replace("%%TOJSON%%", toJson)
      language = "Dart",
      name = typeName,
      fileName = fileName,
      path = "lib/model",
      source = source

  private def parseField(fieldName: String,
                         schema: OpenAPISchema,
                         api: OpenAPI,
                         config: OpenAPIGeneratorConfig,
                         imports: mutable.Set[String]): ParsedField = schema match {
    case c: OpenAPISchema.Component if c.`enum`.nonEmpty =>
      val parentName = config.baseForTypeMap.getOrElse(c.`enum`.head.asString, throw new NullPointerException(s"Unable to find enum entry ${c.`enum`.head} for $fieldName"))
      val `enum` = c.`enum`.map {
        case Str(s, _) => s
        case json => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Enum only supports Str: $json")
      imports += parentName.type2File
      addParent(api, config, parentName, `enum`)
      ParsedField(parentName, fieldName, c.nullable.getOrElse(false))
    case c: OpenAPISchema.Component if c.`type` == "array" =>
      val item = parseField(fieldName, c.items.get, api, config, imports)
        `type` = s"List<${item.`type`}>",
        nullable = c.nullable.getOrElse(false)
    case c: OpenAPISchema.Component if c.`type` == "object" =>
      val fieldType = if (c.`enum`.nonEmpty) {
        val `enum` = c.`enum`.map {
          case Str(s, _) => s
          case json => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Enum only supports Str: $json")
        val baseType = config.baseForTypeMap.getOrElse(`enum`.head, throw new RuntimeException(s"No mapping defined for ${`enum`.head} ($fieldName)"))
        imports += baseType.type2File
        addParent(api, config, baseType, `enum`)
      } else if (c.`type` == "object" && c.additionalProperties.nonEmpty) {
        val additionalField = parseField(
          fieldName = fieldName,
          schema = c.additionalProperties.get,
          api = api,
          config = config,
          imports = imports
      } else {
      ParsedField(fieldType, fieldName, c.nullable.getOrElse(false))
    case c: OpenAPISchema.Component =>
      ParsedField(c.`type`.dartType, fieldName, c.nullable.getOrElse(false))
    case c: OpenAPISchema.Ref =>
      val modelType = c.ref.ref2Type
      imports += modelType.type2File
      ParsedField(modelType, fieldName, c.nullable.getOrElse(false))
    case c: OpenAPISchema.OneOf =>
      val refs =[OpenAPISchema.Ref].ref.ref2Type)
      val parents: List[String] = => config.baseForTypeMap.getOrElse(r, throw new RuntimeException(s"No mapping defined for $r"))).distinct
      val parentName = parents match {
        case parent :: Nil => parent
        case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Multiple parents found for ${refs.mkString(", ")}: ${parents.mkString(", ")}")
      val parentType = parentName.type2File
      imports += parentType
      addParent(api, config, parentName)
      ParsedField(parentName, fieldName, c.nullable.getOrElse(false))
    case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Schema for '$fieldName' is unsupported: $schema")

  private def addParent(api: OpenAPI, config: OpenAPIGeneratorConfig, tn: String, `enum`: List[String] = Nil): Unit = {
    val typeName = tn.replace(" ", "")
    if (!parentFiles.contains(typeName)) {
      if (`enum`.nonEmpty) {
        val fileName = s"${typeName.type2File}.dart"
        val fields = `enum`.map { e =>
             |  $e,""".stripMargin
        }.mkString("\n  ")
        val source = EnumTemplate
          .replace("%%FILENAME%%", typeName.type2File)
          .replace("%%CLASSNAME%%", typeName)
          .replace("%%FIELDS%%", fields)
        parentFiles += typeName -> SourceFile(
          language = "Dart",
          name = typeName,
          fileName = fileName,
          path = "lib/model",
          source = source
      } else {
        val children = config.baseNames.find(_._1 == typeName).get._2.toList.sorted
        var imports = children.toSet
        val maps = { child =>
          val components = api.components.get
          val component = components
            .schemas.getOrElse(child, throw new NullPointerException(s"Unable to find $child in ${components.schemas.keys.mkString(", ")}"))
            case (key, schema) =>
              val `type` = schema match {
                case c: OpenAPISchema.Component if c.`type` == "array" => c.items.get match {
                  case c: OpenAPISchema.Component if c.`enum`.nonEmpty =>
                    val parentName = config.baseForTypeMap(c.`enum`.head.asString)
                    val `enum` = c.`enum`.map {
                      case Str(s, _) => s
                      case json => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Enum only supports Str: $json")
                    imports = imports + parentName.type2File
                    addParent(api, config, parentName, `enum`)

                    if (c.nullable.contains(true)) {
                    } else {
                  case c: OpenAPISchema.Component if c.nullable.contains(true) => s"List<${c.`type`.dartType}>?"
                  case c: OpenAPISchema.Component => s"List<${c.`type`.dartType}>"
                  case r: OpenAPISchema.Ref =>
                    val c = r.ref.substring(r.ref.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
                    imports += c
                    val s = s"List<$c>"
                    if (r.nullable.contains(true)) {
                    } else {
                  case o: OpenAPISchema.OneOf =>
                    val refs =[OpenAPISchema.Ref].ref.ref2Type)
                    val parents: List[String] = => config.baseForTypeMap.getOrElse(r, throw new RuntimeException(s"No mapping defined for $r"))).distinct
                    val parentName = parents match {
                      case parent :: Nil => parent
                      case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Multiple parents found for ${refs.mkString(", ")}: ${parents.mkString(", ")}")
                    val c = parentName.type2File
                    imports = imports + c
                    addParent(api, config, parentName)
                    val s = s"List<$c>"
                    if (o.nullable.contains(true)) {
                    } else {
                  case s => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported array schema: $s")
                case c: OpenAPISchema.Component if c.`enum`.nonEmpty =>
                  val parentName = config.baseForTypeMap(c.`enum`.head.asString)
                  val `enum` = c.`enum`.map {
                    case Str(s, _) => s
                    case json => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Enum only supports Str: $json")
                  imports = imports + parentName.type2File
                  addParent(api, config, parentName, `enum`)

                  if (c.nullable.contains(true)) {
                  } else {
                case c: OpenAPISchema.Component if c.nullable.contains(true) => s"${c.`type`.dartType}?"
                case c: OpenAPISchema.Component => c.`type`.dartType
                case r: OpenAPISchema.Ref =>
                  val c = r.ref.substring(r.ref.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
                  imports += c
                  if (r.nullable.contains(true)) {
                  } else {
                case s => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unsupported schema: $s")
              val k = key match {
                case "_id" => "id"
                case _ => key
              k -> `type`
        val commonKeys = intersect _)
        val baseParams = => key -> maps.head(key)).toMap
        val fields = {
          case (key, value) => s"$value get $key;";
        }.mkString("\n  ")
        val fileName = s"${typeName.type2File}.dart"
        val importString = { c =>
          s"import '${c.type2File}.dart';"
        val fromJson = { c =>
          s"""if (t == '$c') {
             |      return ${c.replace(" ", "")}.fromJson(json);
             |    }""".stripMargin
        }.mkString("    ", " else ",
          """ else {
            |      throw Exception("Unsupported type: $t");
            |    }""".stripMargin)
        val source = ParentTemplate
          .replace("%%CLASSNAME%%", typeName)
          .replace("%%FIELDS%%", fields)
          .replace("%%IMPORTS%%", importString)
          .replace("%%FROMJSON%%", fromJson)
        parentFiles += typeName -> SourceFile(
          language = "Dart",
          name = typeName,
          fileName = fileName,
          path = "lib/model",
          source = source

  def generateService(api: OpenAPI, config: OpenAPIGeneratorConfig): SourceFile = {
    var imports = Set.empty[String]
    val methods: List[String] = api.paths.toList.sortBy(_._1).map {
      case (pathString, path) =>
        val name = "[^a-zA-Z0-9](\\S)".r.replaceAllIn(pathString.substring(1), m => {

        val entry = path.methods(HttpMethod.Post)
        val requestContent = entry.requestBody.get.content
        val (requestContentType, apiContentType) = requestContent.content.head
        val successResponse = entry
        val (_, apiPath) = successResponse.content.head
        apiPath.schema match {
          case c: OpenAPISchema.Component => c.format match {
            case Some("binary") =>
              val requestType = requestContent.refType
              imports = imports + requestType.type2File
              s"""  /// ${entry.description}
                 |  static Future $name($requestType request, String fileName) async {
                 |    await restDownload(fileName, "$pathString", request.toJson());
                 |  }""".stripMargin
            case format => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unsupported schema format: $format (schema: $c, path: $pathString)")
          case c: OpenAPISchema.Ref if c.ref == "#/components/schemas/Content" =>
            val requestType = requestContent.refType
            imports = imports + requestType.type2File
            s"""  /// ${entry.description}
               |  static Future $name($requestType request, String fileName) async {
               |    await restDownload(fileName, "$pathString", request.toJson());
               |  }""".stripMargin
          case _: OpenAPISchema.Ref =>
            val responseType = successResponse.refType
            val component = successResponse.component(api)
            val binary = component.format.contains("binary")
            imports = imports + responseType.type2File
            if (requestContentType == ContentType.`multipart/form-data`) {
              apiContentType.schema match {
                case c: OpenAPISchema.Component =>
                  val params = {
                    case (key, schema) =>
                      val paramType = schema match {
                        case child: OpenAPISchema.Component if child.format.contains("binary") => "PlatformFile"
                        case child: OpenAPISchema.Component => s"${child.`type`.dartType}"
                        case ref: OpenAPISchema.Ref => ref.ref.ref2Type
                        case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported schema for $key: $schema")
                      s"$paramType $key"
                  }.mkString(", ")
                  val ws = "        "
                  val conversions = {
                    case (key, schema: OpenAPISchema.Component) =>
                      if (schema.format.contains("binary")) {
                        s"${ws}request.files.add(http.MultipartFile.fromBytes('$key', $key.bytes!, filename: $;"
                      } else {
                        s"${ws}request.fields['$key'] = json.encode($key);"
                    case (key, ref: OpenAPISchema.Ref) =>
                      imports = imports + ref.ref.ref2Type.type2File
                      s"${ws}request.fields['$key'] = json.encode($key.toJson());"
                    case (key, schema) => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unable to support $key: $schema")
                  s"""  /// ${entry.description}
                     |  static Future<$responseType> $name($params) async {
                     |    return await multiPart(
                     |      "$pathString",
                     |      (request) {
                     |      },
                     |      $responseType.fromJson
                     |    );
                     |  }""".stripMargin
                case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported schema: ${apiContentType.schema}")
            } else if (binary) {
              val requestType = requestContent.refType
              imports = imports + requestType.type2File
              s"""  /// ${entry.description}
                 |  static Future $name($requestType request) async {
                 |    return await restDownload(
                 |      downloadFileName,
                 |      "$pathString",
                 |      request.toJson()
                 |    );
                 |  }""".stripMargin
            } else {
              val requestType = requestContent.refType
              imports = imports + requestType.type2File
              s"""  /// ${entry.description}
                 |  static Future<$responseType> $name($requestType request) async {
                 |    return await restful(
                 |      "$pathString",
                 |      request.toJson(),
                 |      $responseType.fromJson
                 |    );
                 |  }""".stripMargin
          case schema => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unsupported schema: $schema")
    val importsTemplate = => s"import 'model/$s.dart';").mkString("\n")
    val methodsTemplate = methods.mkString("\n\n")
    val source = ServiceTemplate
      .replace("%%IMPORTS%%", importsTemplate)
      .replace("%%SERVICES%%", methodsTemplate)
      language = "Dart",
      name = "Service",
      fileName = "service.dart",
      path = "lib",
      source = source

  def loadString(name: String): String = {
    val stream = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(name)
    if (stream == null) throw new RuntimeException(s"Not found: $name")
      new mutable.StringBuilder

  case class ParsedField(`type`: String, name: String, nullable: Boolean) {
    override def toString: String = field(`type`, name, nullable)

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