spice.openapi.server.ServiceCall.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spice.openapi.server
import cats.effect.IO
import fabric._
import fabric.define.DefType
import fabric.io.JsonParser
import fabric.rw._
import scribe.mdc.MDC
import spice.http.{HttpExchange, HttpMethod}
import spice.http.server.BasePath
import spice.http.server.handler.HttpHandler
import spice.http.server.rest.Restful
import spice.net._
import spice.openapi.{OpenAPIContent, OpenAPIContentType, OpenAPIPathEntry, OpenAPIRequestBody, OpenAPIResponse, OpenAPISchema}
import scala.util.Try
trait ServiceCall extends HttpHandler {
type Request
type Response
def method: HttpMethod
def responseTypes: List[ResponseType]
def summary: String
def description: String
def tags: List[String] = Nil
def operationId: Option[String] = None
def successDescription: String
def service: Service
implicit def requestRW: RW[Request]
implicit def responseRW: RW[Response]
def requestSchema: Option[Schema]
def responseSchema: Option[Schema]
def apply(request: ServiceRequest[Request])(implicit mdc: MDC): IO[ServiceResponse[Response]]
override def handle(exchange: HttpExchange)(implicit mdc: MDC): IO[HttpExchange] = {
// Merge the base path of the listener (if defined) to the service path
val actualPath = BasePath.get(exchange) match {
case Some(basePath) => basePath.merge(service.path)
case None => service.path
val args = exchange.request.url.path.extractArguments(actualPath).toList.map {
case (key, value) => key -> Try(JsonParser(value)).getOrElse(Str(value))
val argsJson = obj(args: _*)
Restful.jsonFromExchange(exchange).flatMap { contentJson =>
val requestJson = if (argsJson.isEmpty) {
} else {
val request = requestJson.as[Request]
apply(ServiceRequest[Request](request, exchange)).map(_.exchange)
private def hasFile(map: Map[String, DefType]): Boolean = {
map.values.exists(dt => dt.className.contains("spice.http.server.rest.FileUpload"))
lazy val openAPI: Option[OpenAPIPathEntry] = {
val contentType = requestRW.definition match {
case DefType.Obj(map, _) if hasFile(map) => ContentType.`multipart/form-data`
case _ => ContentType.`application/json`
val requestBody = if (requestRW.definition == DefType.Null || method == HttpMethod.Get) {
} else {
required = true,
content = OpenAPIContent(
contentType -> OpenAPIContentType(
schema = if (contentType == ContentType.`multipart/form-data`) {
val map = requestRW.definition.asInstanceOf[DefType.Obj].map
componentSchema(requestSchema.getOrElse(Schema()), map, None, nullable = None)
} else {
schemaFrom(requestRW.definition, requestSchema.getOrElse(Schema()), None, nullable = None)
summary = summary,
description = description,
tags = tags,
operationId = operationId,
requestBody = requestBody,
responses = Map(
"200" -> OpenAPIResponse(
description = successDescription,
content = OpenAPIContent(
responseTypes.map { rt =>
rt.contentType -> OpenAPIContentType(
schema = schemaFrom(responseRW.definition, responseSchema.getOrElse(Schema()), rt.format, nullable = None)
}: _*
// TODO: Support errors
private def componentSchema(schema: Schema, map: Map[String, DefType], format: Option[String], nullable: Option[Boolean]): OpenAPISchema = {
val c = if (map.keySet == Set("[key]")) {
val t = map("[key]")
`type` = "object",
format = format,
additionalProperties = Some(schemaFrom(t, Schema(), format, nullable))
} else {
`type` = "object",
format = format,
properties = map.map {
case (key, dt) => key -> schemaFrom(dt, schema.properties.getOrElse(key, Schema()), format, nullable)
if (nullable.getOrElse(false)) {
} else {
private def schemaFrom(dt: DefType, schema: Schema, format: Option[String], nullable: Option[Boolean]): OpenAPISchema = (dt match {
case DefType.Obj(map, None) => componentSchema(schema, map, format, nullable)
case DefType.Obj(_, Some("spice.http.server.rest.FileUpload")) => OpenAPISchema.Component(
`type` = "string",
format = Some("binary")
case DefType.Obj(map, Some(className)) =>
val refName = OpenAPIHttpServer.register(className)(componentSchema(schema, map, format, None))
OpenAPISchema.Ref(s"#/components/schemas/$refName", nullable)
case DefType.Arr(t) => OpenAPISchema.Component(
`type` = "array",
format = format,
items = Some(schemaFrom(t, schema.items.getOrElse(Schema()), format, None)),
nullable = nullable
case DefType.Str => OpenAPISchema.Component(
`type` = "string",
format = format,
nullable = nullable
case DefType.Enum(values, cn) => OpenAPISchema.Component(
`type` = "string",
description = cn,
`enum` = values,
format = format,
nullable = nullable
case DefType.Bool => OpenAPISchema.Component(
`type` = "boolean",
format = format,
nullable = nullable
case DefType.Int => OpenAPISchema.Component(
`type` = "integer",
format = format,
nullable = nullable
case DefType.Dec => OpenAPISchema.Component(
`type` = "number",
format = format,
nullable = nullable
case DefType.Opt(t) => schemaFrom(t, schema, format = format, nullable = Some(true))
case DefType.Null => OpenAPISchema.Component(
`type` = "null",
format = format
case DefType.Poly(values, _) => OpenAPISchema.OneOf(
schemas = values.values.map(dt => schemaFrom(dt, schema, format, nullable)).toList,
nullable = nullable
case DefType.Json => OpenAPISchema.Component(
`type` = "json",
format = format,
nullable = nullable
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"DefType not supported: $dt")
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