spice.http.server.rest.Restful.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spice.http.server.rest
import rapid._
import fabric.io.JsonParser
import fabric.rw._
import fabric.{Json, Obj, Str, arr, obj, str}
import profig.Profig
import scribe.mdc.MDC
import spice.http.content.FormDataEntry.FileEntry
import spice.{UserException, ValidationError}
import spice.http.content.{Content, FormDataContent}
import spice.http.server.dsl.{ConnectionFilter, FilterResponse, PathFilter}
import spice.http.{HttpExchange, HttpMethod, HttpStatus}
import spice.net.{URL, URLPath}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationInt, FiniteDuration}
import scala.language.experimental.macros
abstract class Restful[Request, Response](implicit val requestRW: RW[Request],
val responseRW: RW[Response]) extends ConnectionFilter {
protected def allowGet: Boolean = true
def pathOption: Option[URLPath] = None
def apply(exchange: HttpExchange, request: Request)(implicit mdc: MDC): Task[RestfulResponse[Response]]
def validations: List[RestfulValidation[Request]] = Nil
def error(throwable: Throwable): RestfulResponse[Response] = {
error(List(ValidationError("An internal error occurred")), HttpStatus.InternalServerError)
def error(message: String): RestfulResponse[Response] =
error(List(ValidationError(message)), HttpStatus.InternalServerError)
def error(errors: List[ValidationError], status: HttpStatus): RestfulResponse[Response]
def timeout: FiniteDuration = 24.hours
protected def ok(response: Response): RestfulResponse[Response] = this.response(response, HttpStatus.OK)
protected def response(response: Response, status: HttpStatus): RestfulResponse[Response] = {
RestfulResponse(response, status)
override def apply(exchange: HttpExchange)(implicit mdc: MDC): Task[FilterResponse] = if (accept(exchange)) {
handle(exchange).map { e =>
} else {
protected lazy val acceptedMethods: List[HttpMethod] =
List(HttpMethod.Options, HttpMethod.Post) ::: (if (allowGet) List(HttpMethod.Get) else Nil)
private def accept(exchange: HttpExchange): Boolean = {
if (acceptedMethods.contains(exchange.request.method)) {
pathOption match {
case Some(p) => p == exchange.request.url.path
case None => true
} else {
override def handle(exchange: HttpExchange)(implicit mdc: MDC): Task[HttpExchange] = if (accept(exchange)) {
if (exchange.request.method == HttpMethod.Options) {
exchange.modify { response =>
Task {
.withHeader("Allow", acceptedMethods.mkString(", "))
} else {
// Build JSON
val io: Task[RestfulResponse[Response]] = {
Restful.jsonFromExchange(exchange).flatMap { json =>
// Decode request
val req = json.as[Request]
// Validations
Restful.validate[Request](req, validations) match {
case Left(errors) =>
val status = errors.map(_.status).max
Task.pure(error(errors, status))
case Right(request) => try {
var updatedRequest = request match {
case r: MultipartRequest => exchange.request.content match {
case Some(content: FormDataContent) => r.withContent(content).asInstanceOf[Request]
case _ => request
case _ => request
updatedRequest = updatedRequest match {
case r: ExchangeRequest => r.withExchange(exchange).asInstanceOf[Request]
case _ => updatedRequest
apply(exchange, updatedRequest)
.handleError { throwable =>
} catch {
case t: Throwable => Task.pure(error(t))
io.flatMap { result =>
responseToContent(result.response).flatMap { content =>
exchange.modify { httpResponse =>
} else {
protected def responseToContent(response: Response): Task[Content] = response match {
case content: Content => Task.pure(content)
case _ => Task {
val json = response.json
Content.json(json, compact = false)
object Restful {
private val key: String = "restful"
def store(exchange: HttpExchange, json: Json): Unit = {
val merged = Json.merge(exchange.store.getOrElse[Json](key, obj()), json)
exchange.store.update[Json](key, merged)
def apply[Request: RW, Response: RW](handler: Request => Task[Response],
path: Option[URLPath] = None): Restful[Request, Response] =
new Restful[Request, Response] {
override def pathOption: Option[URLPath] = path
override def apply(exchange: HttpExchange, request: Request)
(implicit mdc: MDC): Task[RestfulResponse[Response]] = handler(request)
.map { response =>
override def error(errors: List[ValidationError], status: HttpStatus): RestfulResponse[Response] =
throw UserException(s"Error occurred: ${errors.map(_.message).mkString(", ")}")
def validate[Request](request: Request,
validations: List[RestfulValidation[Request]]): Either[List[ValidationError], Request] = {
val errors = ListBuffer.empty[ValidationError]
var r: Request = request
validations.foreach { v =>
v.validate(r) match {
case Left(err) => errors += err
case Right(req) => r = req
if (errors.nonEmpty) {
} else {
def jsonFromExchange(exchange: HttpExchange): Task[Json] = {
val request = exchange.request
val content: Task[Json] = request.content match {
case Some(content) => jsonFromContent(content)
case None => Task.pure(obj())
content.map { contentJson =>
val urlJson = jsonFromURL(request.url)
val pathJson = PathFilter.argumentsFromConnection(exchange).json
val storeJson = exchange.store.getOrElse[Json](key, obj())
List(urlJson, pathJson, storeJson).foldLeft(contentJson)((merged, json) => {
if (json.nonEmpty) {
Json.merge(merged, json)
} else {
def jsonFromContent(content: Content): Task[Json] = content match {
case fdc: FormDataContent => Task {
val jsonValues = fdc.strings.map {
case (key, entry) => try {
key -> JsonParser(entry.value)
} catch {
case t: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(s"Failed to convert key: $key, value: ${entry.value} to JSON (${entry.headers.map.map(t => s"${t._1} = ${t._2.mkString(",")}")})!", t)
val fileValues = fdc.files.map {
case (key, entry) => key -> obj().withReference(FileUpload(
fileName = entry.fileName,
file = entry.file,
headers = entry.headers
Obj(jsonValues ++ fileValues)
case _ =>
content.asString.map {
case "" => obj()
case contentString =>
val firstChar = contentString.charAt(0)
val json = if (Set('"', '{', '[').contains(firstChar)) {
} else {
def jsonFromURL(url: URL): Json = {
val p = Profig.empty
url.parameters.map.toList.foreach {
case (key, param) =>
val values = param.values
val valuesJson = if (values.length > 1) {
arr(values.map(str): _*)
} else {
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