
org.codehaus.groovy.tools.DocGenerator.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2003-2012 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.codehaus.groovy.tools
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.JavaDocBuilder
import org.codehaus.groovy.tools.shell.util.Logger
* Generate documentation about the methods provided by the Groovy Development Kit
* that enhance the standard JDK classes.
* @author Guillaume Laforge, John Wilson, Bernhard Huber, Paul King
class DocGenerator {
private static final String PRIMITIVE_TYPE_PSEUDO_PACKAGE = 'primitive-types'
private static final Logger log = Logger.create(DocGenerator)
private final String TITLE = "Groovy JDK"
def sourceFiles = []
File outputFolder
JavaDocBuilder builder
// categorize all groovy methods per core JDK class to which it applies
def jdkEnhancedClasses = [:]
def packages = [:]
def sortedPackages
DocGenerator(sourceFiles, File outputFolder) {
this.sourceFiles = sourceFiles
this.outputFolder = outputFolder
* Parse the DefaultGroovyMethods class to build a graph representing the structure of the class,
* with its methods, javadoc comments and tags.
private void parse() {
builder = new JavaDocBuilder()
sourceFiles.each {
if (it.exists()) {
log.debug "adding reader for $it"
} else log.debug "not found, skipping: $it.path"
def sources = builder.getSources()
def methods = []
sources.each {source ->
def classes = source.getClasses()
classes.each {aClass ->
methods.addAll(aClass.methods.findAll { !it.annotations.any { it.type.fullQualifiedName == 'java.lang.Deprecated' } })
for (method in methods) {
if (method.isPublic() && method.isStatic()) {
def parameters = method.getParameters()
def jdkClass = parameters[0].getType().toString()
if (jdkClass.equals('T') || jdkClass.equals('U') || jdkClass.equals('K') || jdkClass.equals('V') || jdkClass.equals('G')) {
jdkClass = 'java.lang.Object'
} else if (jdkClass.equals('T[]')) {
jdkClass = 'java.lang.Object[]'
if (jdkClass.startsWith('groovy')) {
// nothing, skip it
else if (jdkEnhancedClasses.containsKey(jdkClass)) {
List l = jdkEnhancedClasses[jdkClass];
jdkEnhancedClasses[jdkClass] = [method]
jdkEnhancedClasses.keySet().each {className ->
def thePackage = className.contains(".") ? className.replaceFirst(/\.[^\.]*$/, "") : ""
if (!packages.containsKey(thePackage)) {
packages[thePackage] = []
packages[thePackage] << className
sortedPackages = new TreeSet(packages.keySet())
* Builds an HTML page from the structure of DefaultGroovyMethods.
def generateNew() {
def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
// the index
def templateIndex = createTemplate(engine, 'index.html')
def out = new File(outputFolder, 'index.html')
def binding = [packages: sortedPackages]
out.withWriter {
it << templateIndex.make(binding)
// the overview
def templateOverview = createTemplate(engine, 'overview-summary.html')
out = new File(outputFolder, 'overview-summary.html')
binding = [packages: sortedPackages]
out.withWriter {
it << templateOverview.make(binding)
def templateOverviewFrame = createTemplate(engine, 'template.overview-frame.html')
out = new File(outputFolder, 'overview-frame.html')
binding = [packages: sortedPackages, title: TITLE]
out.withWriter {
it << templateOverviewFrame.make(binding)
// the package list
out = new File(outputFolder, 'package-list')
out.withWriter { writer ->
packages.keySet().findAll{ it }.each{ writer.println it }
// the allclasses-frame.html
def templateAllClasses = createTemplate(engine, 'template.allclasses-frame.html')
out = new File(outputFolder, 'allclasses-frame.html')
def fixPrimitivePackage = {className -> className.contains('.') ? className : "${PRIMITIVE_TYPE_PSEUDO_PACKAGE}.$className"}
binding = [classes: jdkEnhancedClasses.keySet().collect(fixPrimitivePackage).sort {it.replaceAll('.*\\.', '')}]
out.withWriter {
it << templateAllClasses.make(binding)
// the package-frame.html for each package
def templatePackageFrame = createTemplate(engine, 'template.package-frame.html')
packages.each {curPackage, packageClasses ->
def packageName = curPackage ?: PRIMITIVE_TYPE_PSEUDO_PACKAGE
generatePackageFrame(templatePackageFrame, packageName, packageClasses)
// the class.html for each class
def templateClass = createTemplate(engine, 'template.class.html')
packages.each {curPackage, packageClasses ->
def packageName = curPackage ?: PRIMITIVE_TYPE_PSEUDO_PACKAGE
packageClasses.each {
generateClassDetails(templateClass, packageName, it)
// the index-all.html
def templateIndexAll = createTemplate(engine, 'template.index-all.html')
out = new File(outputFolder, 'index-all.html')
binding = ['indexMap': generateIndex(packages), title: TITLE]
out.withWriter {
it << templateIndexAll.make(binding)
* Generate an index.
* This method creates a index map indexed by the first letter of the
* method in upper case, the map value is a list of methods.
* e.g.: 'A' : [ m1, m2, m3 .. ]
* The values m1, m2, m3 are sorted by the method name, and the parameter signature.
* The method names of m1, m2, m3 start either with 'a', or 'A'.
* @return index
private def generateIndex(def packages) {
def index = []
packages.each {curPackage, packageClasses ->
def packageName = curPackage ? curPackage : 'primitive-types'
packageClasses.each {className ->
def listOfMethods = jdkEnhancedClasses[className]
listOfMethods.each {method ->
def methodName = method.name
final String simpleClassName = className.replaceAll('.*\\.', '')
'index': methodName.getAt(0).toUpperCase(),
'packageName': packageName,
'simpleClassName': simpleClassName,
'class': packageName + '.' + simpleClassName,
'method': method,
'parametersSignature': getParametersDecl(method),
'shortComment': linkify(getFirstSentence(getComment(method)), curPackage),
def indexMap = new TreeMap()
def methodNameComparator = [compare: {a, b ->
final String aMethodAndSignature = a.method.name + ' ' + getParametersDecl(a.method)
final String bMethodAndSignature = b.method.name + ' ' + getParametersDecl(b.method)
return aMethodAndSignature.compareTo(bMethodAndSignature)
}] as Comparator
for (indexEntry in index) {
final String key = indexEntry['index']
if (indexMap.containsKey(key)) {
def indexEntryList = indexMap.get(key)
} else {
final TreeSet indexEntryList = new TreeSet(methodNameComparator)
indexMap.put(key, indexEntryList)
return indexMap
private getFirstSentence(text) {
def boundary = java.text.BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(Locale.getDefault()) // todo - allow locale to be passed in
int start = boundary.first()
int end = boundary.next()
if (start > -1 && end > -1) {
text = text.substring(start, end)
private generateClassDetails(template, curPackage, aClass) {
def packagePath = generatePackagePath(curPackage)
def dir = new File(outputFolder, packagePath)
def out = new File(dir, aClass.replaceAll('.*\\.', '') + '.html')
def listOfMethods = jdkEnhancedClasses[aClass].sort {it.name}
def methods = []
listOfMethods.each {method ->
def parameters = method.getTagsByName("param").collect {
[name: it.value.replaceAll(' .*', ''), comment: linkify(it.value.replaceAll('^\\w*', ''), curPackage)]
if (parameters)
parameters.remove(0) // method is static, first arg is the "real this"
def seeComments = method.getTagsByName("see").collect { [target: getDocUrl(it.value, curPackage)]}
def returnType = getReturnType(method)
def comment = getComment(method)
def methodInfo = [
name: method.name,
comment: linkify(comment, curPackage),
shortComment: linkify(getFirstSentence(comment), curPackage),
returnComment: method.getTagByName("return")?.getValue() ?: '',
seeComments: seeComments,
returnTypeDocUrl: getDocUrl(returnType, curPackage),
parametersSignature: getParametersDecl(method),
parametersDocUrl: getParametersDocUrl(method, curPackage),
parameters: parameters,
isStatic: method.parentClass.name == 'DefaultGroovyStaticMethods',
since: method.getTagByName("since")?.getValue() ?: null
methods << methodInfo
def binding = [
className: aClass.replaceAll(/.*\./, ''),
packageName: curPackage,
methods: methods,
title: TITLE
out.withWriter {
it << template.make(binding)
private String getParametersDocUrl(method, curPackage) {
getParameters(method).collect {"${getDocUrl(it.type.toString(), curPackage)} $it.name"}.join(", ")
private String getDocUrl(type, curPackage) {
def inGdk = false
if (type.startsWith('#')) {
def matchNameArgs = /#([^(]*)\(([^)]+)\)/
def m = type =~ matchNameArgs
def name = m[0][1]
def args = m[0][2].split(/,\s?/).toList()
def first = args.remove(0)
type = "$first#$name(${args.join(', ')})".toString()
inGdk = true
if (type in ['T', 'U', 'V', 'K', 'V']) {
type = "java.lang.Object"
} else if (type == 'T[]') {
type = "java.lang.Object[]"
if (!type.contains('.')) {
return type
def target = type.split('#')
def shortClassName = target[0].replaceAll(/.*\./, "")
def packageName = (shortClassName.size() == target[0].size()) ? "DefaultPackage" : target[0][0..(-shortClassName.size() - 2)]
shortClassName += (target.size() > 1 ? '#' + target[1].split('\\(')[0] : '')
def apiBaseUrl, title
if (inGdk) {
apiBaseUrl = ""
curPackage.split('\\.').size().times { apiBaseUrl += '../'}
title = "GDK enhancement for ${target[0]}"
} else if (type.startsWith("groovy") || type.startsWith("org.codehaus.groovy")) {
apiBaseUrl = "http://groovy.codehaus.org/api/"
title = "Groovy class in $packageName"
} else {
apiBaseUrl = "http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/"
title = "JDK class in $packageName"
def url = apiBaseUrl + target[0].replace('.', '/') + '.html' + (target.size() > 1 ? '#' + target[1] : '')
return "$shortClassName"
private generatePackagePath(curPackage) {
def fileSep = File.separator
// need to escape separator on windows for regex's sake
if (fileSep == '\\') fileSep *= 2
return curPackage.replaceAll('\\.', fileSep)
private generatePackageFrame(templatePackageFrame, curPackage, packageClasses) {
def packagePath = generatePackagePath(curPackage)
def dir = new File(outputFolder, packagePath)
def out = new File(dir, 'package-frame.html')
def binding = [classes: packageClasses.sort().collect {it.replaceAll(/.*\./, '')},
packageName: curPackage]
out.withWriter {
it << templatePackageFrame.make(binding)
def createTemplate(templateEngine, resourceFile) {
// def resourceUrl = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(resourceFile)
def resourceUrl = getClass().getResource(resourceFile)
return templateEngine.createTemplate(resourceUrl.text)
* Retrieves a String representing the return type
private getReturnType(method) {
def returnType = method.getReturns()
if (returnType != null) {
return returnType.toString()
} else {
return ""
* Retrieve a String representing the declaration of the parameters of the method passed as parameter.
* @param method a method
* @return the declaration of the method (long version)
private getParametersDecl(method) {
getParameters(method).collect {"${it.getType()}"}.join(", ")
* Retrieve the parameters of the method.
* @param method a method
* @return a list of parameters without the first one
private getParameters(method) {
if (method.getParameters().size() > 1)
return method.getParameters().toList()[1..-1]
return []
* Retrieve the JavaDoc comment associated with the method passed as parameter.
* @param method a method
* @return the JavaDoc comment associated with this method
private getComment(method) {
def ans = method.getComment()
if (ans == null) return ""
return ans
private linkify(orig, curPackage) {
orig.replaceAll(/\{@link\s+([^}]*)\s*\}/) {all, link -> getDocUrl(link, curPackage) }
* Main entry point.
static void main(args) {
def outFolder = new File("target/html/groovy-jdk")
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
def srcFiles = args.collect {getSourceFile(it)}
def srcFileNames = args.collect {getSourceFile(it).canonicalPath}
try {
Class[] classes = DefaultGroovyMethods.additionals
classes.each {
def name = it.name
if (name.indexOf('$') > 0) {
name = name.tokenize('$')[0]
def newFile = getSourceFile(name)
def newFileName = newFile.canonicalPath
if (!srcFileNames.contains(newFileName)) {
srcFileNames << newFileName
srcFiles << newFile
} catch (MissingPropertyException mpe) {
log.error mpe.message, mpe
// no call site change available, so ignore it
def docGen = new DocGenerator(srcFiles, outFolder)
def end = System.currentTimeMillis()
log.debug "Done. Took ${end - start} millis."
private static File getSourceFile(String classname) {
// TODO don't hardcode like this
if (classname.contains("/")) return new File(classname)
new File("src/main/" + classname.replace('.', '/') + ".java")