com.ovoenergy.natchez.extras.doobie.TracedStatement.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ovoenergy.natchez.extras.doobie
import{InputStream, Reader}
import java.sql.{Array => _, _}
import java.util.Calendar
import scala.annotation.nowarn
* This is an absolutely abominable brute force solution to linking PreparedStatements
* with a SQL string so we can include it in traces but hey I figure it is a one time cost
* Pretend this doesn't exist and you never had to see it
private[doobie] case class TracedStatement(
p: PreparedStatement,
queryString: String
) extends PreparedStatement {
def executeQuery(): ResultSet = p.executeQuery()
def executeUpdate(): Int = p.executeUpdate()
def setNull(parameterIndex: Int, sqlType: Int): Unit = p.setNull(parameterIndex, sqlType)
def setBoolean(parameterIndex: Int, x: Boolean): Unit = p.setBoolean(parameterIndex, x)
def setByte(parameterIndex: Int, x: Byte): Unit = p.setByte(parameterIndex, x)
def setShort(parameterIndex: Int, x: Short): Unit = p.setShort(parameterIndex, x)
def setInt(parameterIndex: Int, x: Int): Unit = p.setInt(parameterIndex, x)
def setLong(parameterIndex: Int, x: Long): Unit = p.setLong(parameterIndex, x)
def setFloat(parameterIndex: Int, x: Float): Unit = p.setFloat(parameterIndex, x)
def setDouble(parameterIndex: Int, x: Double): Unit = p.setDouble(parameterIndex, x)
def setBigDecimal(parameterIndex: Int, x: java.math.BigDecimal): Unit = p.setBigDecimal(parameterIndex, x)
def setString(parameterIndex: Int, x: String): Unit = p.setString(parameterIndex, x)
def setBytes(parameterIndex: Int, x: Array[Byte]): Unit = p.setBytes(parameterIndex, x)
def setDate(parameterIndex: Int, x: Date): Unit = p.setDate(parameterIndex, x)
def setTime(parameterIndex: Int, x: Time): Unit = p.setTime(parameterIndex, x)
def setTimestamp(parameterIndex: Int, x: Timestamp): Unit = p.setTimestamp(parameterIndex, x)
def setAsciiStream(parameterIndex: Int, x: InputStream, length: Int): Unit =
p.setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x, length)
def setUnicodeStream(parameterIndex: Int, x: InputStream, length: Int): Unit =
p.setUnicodeStream(parameterIndex, x, length)
def setBinaryStream(parameterIndex: Int, x: InputStream, length: Int): Unit =
p.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, length)
def clearParameters(): Unit = p.clearParameters()
def setObject(parameterIndex: Int, x: Any, targetSqlType: Int): Unit =
p.setObject(parameterIndex, x, targetSqlType)
def setObject(parameterIndex: Int, x: Any): Unit = p.setObject(parameterIndex, x)
def execute(): Boolean = p.execute()
def addBatch(): Unit = p.addBatch()
def setCharacterStream(parameterIndex: Int, reader: Reader, length: Int): Unit =
p.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, reader, length)
def setRef(parameterIndex: Int, x: Ref): Unit = p.setRef(parameterIndex, x)
def setBlob(parameterIndex: Int, x: Blob): Unit = p.setBlob(parameterIndex, x)
def setClob(parameterIndex: Int, x: Clob): Unit = p.setClob(parameterIndex, x)
def setArray(parameterIndex: Int, x: java.sql.Array): Unit = p.setArray(parameterIndex, x)
def getMetaData: ResultSetMetaData = p.getMetaData
def setDate(parameterIndex: Int, x: Date, cal: Calendar): Unit = p.setDate(parameterIndex, x, cal)
def setTime(parameterIndex: Int, x: Time, cal: Calendar): Unit = p.setTime(parameterIndex, x, cal)
def setTimestamp(parameterIndex: Int, x: Timestamp, cal: Calendar): Unit =
p.setTimestamp(parameterIndex, x, cal)
def setNull(parameterIndex: Int, sqlType: Int, typeName: String): Unit =
p.setNull(parameterIndex, sqlType, typeName)
def setURL(parameterIndex: Int, x: URL): Unit = p.setURL(parameterIndex, x)
def getParameterMetaData: ParameterMetaData = p.getParameterMetaData
def setRowId(parameterIndex: Int, x: RowId): Unit = p.setRowId(parameterIndex, x)
def setNString(parameterIndex: Int, value: String): Unit = p.setNString(parameterIndex, value)
def setNCharacterStream(parameterIndex: Int, value: Reader, length: Long): Unit =
p.setNCharacterStream(parameterIndex, value, length)
def setNClob(parameterIndex: Int, value: NClob): Unit = p.setNClob(parameterIndex, value)
def setClob(parameterIndex: Int, reader: Reader, length: Long): Unit =
p.setClob(parameterIndex, reader, length)
def setBlob(parameterIndex: Int, inputStream: InputStream, length: Long): Unit =
p.setBlob(parameterIndex, inputStream, length)
def setNClob(parameterIndex: Int, reader: Reader, length: Long): Unit =
p.setNClob(parameterIndex, reader, length)
def setSQLXML(parameterIndex: Int, xmlObject: SQLXML): Unit = p.setSQLXML(parameterIndex, xmlObject)
def setObject(parameterIndex: Int, x: Any, targetSqlType: Int, scaleOrLength: Int): Unit =
p.setObject(parameterIndex, x, targetSqlType, scaleOrLength)
def setAsciiStream(parameterIndex: Int, x: InputStream, length: Long): Unit =
p.setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x, length)
def setBinaryStream(parameterIndex: Int, x: InputStream, length: Long): Unit =
p.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, length)
def setCharacterStream(parameterIndex: Int, reader: Reader, length: Long): Unit =
p.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, reader, length)
def setAsciiStream(parameterIndex: Int, x: InputStream): Unit = p.setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x)
def setBinaryStream(parameterIndex: Int, x: InputStream): Unit = p.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x)
def setCharacterStream(parameterIndex: Int, reader: Reader): Unit =
p.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, reader)
def setNCharacterStream(parameterIndex: Int, value: Reader): Unit =
p.setNCharacterStream(parameterIndex, value)
def setClob(parameterIndex: Int, reader: Reader): Unit = p.setClob(parameterIndex, reader)
def setBlob(parameterIndex: Int, inputStream: InputStream): Unit = p.setBlob(parameterIndex, inputStream)
def setNClob(parameterIndex: Int, reader: Reader): Unit = p.setNClob(parameterIndex, reader)
def executeQuery(sql: String): ResultSet = p.executeQuery(sql)
def executeUpdate(sql: String): Int = p.executeUpdate(sql)
def close(): Unit = p.close()
def getMaxFieldSize: Int = p.getMaxFieldSize
def setMaxFieldSize(max: Int): Unit = p.setMaxFieldSize(max)
def getMaxRows: Int = p.getMaxRows
def setMaxRows(max: Int): Unit = p.setMaxRows(max)
def setEscapeProcessing(enable: Boolean): Unit = p.setEscapeProcessing(enable)
def getQueryTimeout: Int = p.getQueryTimeout
def setQueryTimeout(seconds: Int): Unit = p.setQueryTimeout(seconds)
def cancel(): Unit = p.cancel()
def getWarnings: SQLWarning = p.getWarnings
def clearWarnings(): Unit = p.clearWarnings()
def setCursorName(name: String): Unit = p.setCursorName(name)
def execute(sql: String): Boolean = p.execute(sql)
def getResultSet: ResultSet = p.getResultSet
def getUpdateCount: Int = p.getUpdateCount
def getMoreResults: Boolean = p.getMoreResults()
def setFetchDirection(direction: Int): Unit = p.setFetchDirection(direction)
def getFetchDirection: Int = p.getFetchDirection
def setFetchSize(rows: Int): Unit = p.setFetchSize(rows)
def getFetchSize: Int = p.getFetchSize
def getResultSetConcurrency: Int = p.getResultSetConcurrency
def getResultSetType: Int = p.getResultSetType
def addBatch(sql: String): Unit = p.addBatch(sql)
def clearBatch(): Unit = p.clearBatch()
def executeBatch(): Array[Int] = p.executeBatch()
def getConnection: Connection = p.getConnection
def getMoreResults(current: Int): Boolean = p.getMoreResults(current)
def getGeneratedKeys: ResultSet = p.getGeneratedKeys
def executeUpdate(sql: String, autoGeneratedKeys: Int): Int = p.executeUpdate(sql, autoGeneratedKeys)
def executeUpdate(sql: String, columnIndexes: Array[Int]): Int = p.executeUpdate(sql, columnIndexes)
def executeUpdate(sql: String, columnNames: Array[String]): Int = p.executeUpdate(sql, columnNames)
def execute(sql: String, autoGeneratedKeys: Int): Boolean = p.execute(sql, autoGeneratedKeys)
def execute(sql: String, columnIndexes: Array[Int]): Boolean = p.execute(sql, columnIndexes)
def execute(sql: String, columnNames: Array[String]): Boolean = p.execute(sql, columnNames)
def getResultSetHoldability: Int = p.getResultSetHoldability
def isClosed: Boolean = p.isClosed
def setPoolable(poolable: Boolean): Unit = p.setPoolable(poolable)
def isPoolable: Boolean = p.isPoolable
def closeOnCompletion(): Unit = p.closeOnCompletion()
def isCloseOnCompletion: Boolean = p.isCloseOnCompletion
def unwrap[T](iface: Class[T]): T = p.unwrap(iface)
def isWrapperFor(iface: Class[_]): Boolean = p.isWrapperFor(iface)
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