com.ovoenergy.natchez.extras.fs2.AllocatedSpan.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ovoenergy.natchez.extras.fs2
import cats.Traverse
import cats.effect.kernel.MonadCancel
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, Resource}
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import fs2.{Pipe, Stream}
import natchez.{Kernel, Span, TraceValue}
import natchez.Tags
* A Natchez span that has been pre-allocated and will stay open
* until either the stream that created it terminates or you call submit
trait AllocatedSpan[F[_]] extends Span[F] {
* Add a task to run on calling submit. The added task will run before the span is submitted.
* If it fails any errors will be discarded and the span will then be submitted
def addSubmitTask(task: F[Unit]): AllocatedSpan[F]
* Submit the span. The span should be considered invalid after this is called
* and no subspans should be created
def submit: F[Unit]
object AllocatedSpan {
* Given a span broken out of a natchez resource
* create an AllocatedSpan that allows us to submit it
private def createSpan[F[_]](
spn: Span[F],
submitTask: F[Unit]
)(implicit F: MonadCancel[F, Throwable]): AllocatedSpan[F] =
new AllocatedSpan[F] {
def kernel: F[Kernel] =
def put(fields: (String, TraceValue)*): F[Unit] =
spn.put(fields: _*)
def span(name: String, options: Span.Options): Resource[F, Span[F]] =
spn.span(name, options)
def addSubmitTask(task: F[Unit]): AllocatedSpan[F] =
createSpan(spn, F.uncancelable(_ => F.attempt(task) >> submit))
def submit: F[Unit] =
def traceId: F[Option[String]] =
def spanId: F[Option[String]] =
def traceUri: F[Option[URI]] =
def attachError(err: Throwable, fields: (String, TraceValue)*): F[Unit] =
put(Tags.error(true) :: fields.toList: _*)
def log(event: String): F[Unit] = put("event" -> TraceValue.StringValue(event))
def log(fields: (String, TraceValue)*): F[Unit] = put(fields: _*)
* Associate a value with an allocated span
case class Traced[F[_], A](
span: AllocatedSpan[F],
value: A
object Traced {
implicit def traverse[F[_]]: Traverse[Traced[F, *]] =
cats.derived.semiauto.traverse[Traced[F, *]]
* Create an AllocatedSpan which breaks a span out of a Natchez resource
* and instead allows it to be submitted manually when committing Kafka messages
def create[F[_]: Concurrent, A](maxOpen: Int = 100)(
rootSpan: A => Resource[F, Span[F]]
)(implicit F: MonadCancel[F, Throwable]): Pipe[F, A, Traced[F, A]] = { stream =>
* First we create an outer queue that receives tasks to run and
* passes them along to parEvalMap so that interruption of the outer stream we're piping
* will cause all the tasks to be cancelled
.eval(Queue.bounded[F, F[Unit]](capacity = 1))
.flatMap { taskQueue =>
.evalMap { item =>
* We then create two queues - one to dig the Span out of the resource and another
* that we use to block the resource from quitting until we say so,
* either with an error or a unit to indicate success
for {
out <- Queue.bounded[F, Span[F]](capacity = 1)
halt <- Queue.bounded[F, Either[Throwable, Unit]](capacity = 1)
task = rootSpan(item).use(out.offer(_) >> halt.take.flatMap(F.fromEither))
* we create a task that creates a span, submits it to our out queue
* and then blocks until we tell it to quit. We then pass that to
* the task queue so it'll be cancelled only if the outer stream quits
_ <- taskQueue.offer(task)
* We then wait for the span we've dug out of the resource
* to come back from the task we've just submitted
s <- out.take
} yield Traced(
value = item,
span = createSpan(s, halt.offer(Right(())))
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