com.ovoenergy.natchez.extras.http4s.Configuration.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.ovoenergy.natchez.extras.http4s
import cats.Applicative
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.kernel.{Monoid, Semigroup}
import cats.syntax.foldable._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.monoid._
import com.ovoenergy.natchez.extras.http4s.Configuration.TagReader._
import natchez.TraceValue
import natchez.TraceValue.StringValue
import org.http4s.{Headers, Message, Request, Response}
* The tricky part about putting HTTP4s middleware into a library is that
* each user is likely to want to extract different tags from their requests
* according to whatever their organisation wide tagging policy is
* As such we define how to create tags from Requests / Responses with a `TagReader`
* which has a semigroup instance, allowing you to cherry pick what you want to extract
* and write your own extractors if required.
case class Configuration[F[_]](
request: RequestReader[F],
response: ResponseReader[F]
object Configuration {
// just to shorten some lines
type Tags = Map[String, TraceValue]
* A tag reader is essentially a function from an HTTP message to F[Tags]
* We need the effect because some tags may involve streaming the entity body
case class TagReader[F[_], -A](value: Kleisli[F, A, Tags]) extends AnyVal
object TagReader {
type MessageReader[F[_]] = TagReader[F, Message[F]]
type RequestReader[F[_]] = TagReader[F, Request[F]]
type ResponseReader[F[_]] = TagReader[F, Response[F]]
* Monoid instance for TagReader
* so it is easy to read many tags from a request
implicit def monoid[F[_]: Applicative, A]: Monoid[TagReader[F, A]] = {
implicit def underlying[B: Monoid]: Monoid[F[B]] = Applicative.monoid[F, B]
implicit val takeLast: Semigroup[TraceValue] = (_, b) => b
new Monoid[TagReader[F, A]] {
def empty: TagReader[F, A] =
TagReader(Monoid[Kleisli[F, A, Map[String, TraceValue]]].empty)
def combine(x: TagReader[F, A], y: TagReader[F, A]): TagReader[F, A] =
TagReader(x.value |+| y.value)
def message[F[_]: Applicative](f: Message[F] => Tags): MessageReader[F] =
TagReader(Kleisli(a => Applicative[F].pure(f(a))))
def request[F[_]: Applicative](f: Request[F] => Tags): RequestReader[F] =
TagReader(Kleisli(a => Applicative[F].pure(f(a))))
def response[F[_]: Applicative](f: Response[F] => Tags): ResponseReader[F] =
TagReader(Kleisli(a => Applicative[F].pure(f(a))))
private val isSensitive: CIString => Boolean =
cs => Headers.SensitiveHeaders.contains(cs) || cs.toString.toLowerCase.contains("key")
* Only run the given tag extractor if the response was not successful
* This is useful for adding extra tags in the case of errors
def ifFailure[F[_]: Applicative](tr: MessageReader[F]): ResponseReader[F] =
TagReader {
Kleisli {
case resp if !resp.status.isSuccess =>
case _ => Applicative[F].pure(Map.empty)
* Extract headers from the HTTP message, redact sensitive ones
* and place them into the span with the given tag name separated by newlines
def headers[F[_]: Applicative](name: String)(
redact: CIString => Boolean
): MessageReader[F] =
TagReader.message { message =>
name -> StringValue(
.foldMap(_.toString() + "\n")
* Extract the entity from the HTTP message into a strict string
* and place that into the span. This may not be ideal if you're streaming things.
def entity[F[_]: Sync](name: String): MessageReader[F] =
Kleisli { message =>
.map { body => => name -> StringValue(b)).toMap
* Extract the URI from the request and place it into the Span
def uri[F[_]: Applicative](name: String): RequestReader[F] =
TagReader.request(r => Map(name -> r.uri.renderString))
* Extract the URI from the request and place it into the Span
def method[F[_]: Applicative](name: String): RequestReader[F] =
TagReader.request(r => Map(name ->
* create a TagReader that ignores the message and always adds the given value
* Useful for static tags like environment or team name
def const[F[_]: Applicative](name: String, value: TraceValue): MessageReader[F] =
TagReader(Kleisli.pure(Map(name -> value)))
* A Tag reader that just returns an empty map
def noop[F[_]: Applicative]: MessageReader[F] =
* Extract the status code from the response and place it into the Span
def statusCode[F[_]: Applicative](name: String): ResponseReader[F] =
TagReader.response(r => Map(name -> r.status.code))
* Create a default configuration for tracing HTTP4s calls.
* This uses Datadog tag names but the idea is you can make your own configs with ease.
def default[F[_]: Sync](defaults: (String, TraceValue)*): Configuration[F] = {
val static = defaults.toList.foldMap { case (k, v) => const[F](k, v) }
request = uri[F]("http.url") |+|
headers("http.request.headers")(isSensitive) |+|
const("span.type", "web") |+|
method("http.method") |+|
response = statusCode[F]("http.status_code") |+|
headers("http.response.headers")(isSensitive) |+|
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