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curator-test-rule from group com.palantir (version 0.0.3)
This project provides a JUnit TestRule that manages the startup and shutdown of the underlying ZooKeeperServer. The TestRule also includes a way of getting CuratorFramework instances that automatically connect and disconnect from the underlying ZooKeeperServer based on the scope of rule.
gradle-gitsemver from group com.palantir (version 0.1.2)
Provides project version setting via tags in a semveresq format
gradle-baseline-java-config from group com.palantir (version 0.9.2)
Palantir open source project
Group: com.palantir Artifact: gradle-baseline-java-config
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gradle-baseline-java from group com.palantir (version 0.9.2)
Palantir open source project
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