* #%L
* com.paremus.dosgi.net
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2016 - 2019 Paremus Ltd
* %%
* Licensed under the Fair Source License, Version 0.9 (the "License");
* See the NOTICE.txt file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership. You may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. For usage restrictions see the
* LICENSE.txt file distributed with this work
* #L%
package com.paremus.dosgi.net.proxy;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRevision;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWiring;
import org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription;
import org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.RemoteServiceAdmin;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.paremus.dosgi.net.impl.ImportRegistrationImpl;
import com.paremus.dosgi.net.impl.RemoteServiceAdminImpl;
import com.paremus.dosgi.net.serialize.SerializerFactory;
import io.netty.channel.Channel;
import io.netty.util.Timer;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutorGroup;
* ClientServiceFactory acts as access point for imported remote services. A
* {@link RemoteServiceAdmin} registers instances of this class in the OSGi framework with
* the same interface(s) as the remote service. Any service lookup (e.g. via
* {@link BundleContext#getService(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference)}) will return a
* per-client proxy to the remote service.
* A note on class resolution. This class is a {@link ServiceFactory} since it needs
* access to a calling bundle for correct class loading according to each client's class
* space. Any service interfaces declared by the remote service endpoint are attempted to
* be resolved via the calling code's {@link BundleContext}; interfaces that cannot be
* resolved are skipped . This allows access to services which advertise multiple
* interfaces when a client only needs (and imports) a subset of these interfaces.
public class ClientServiceFactory implements ServiceFactory {
private static final String ASYNC_DELEGATE_PACKAGE = "org.osgi.service.async.delegate";
static final String ASYNC_DELEGATE_TYPE = ASYNC_DELEGATE_PACKAGE + ".AsyncDelegate";
private static final String PROMISE_PACKAGE = "org.osgi.util.promise";
private static final String PROMISE_TYPE = PROMISE_PACKAGE + ".Promise";
private static final String PUSHSTREAM_PACKAGE = "org.osgi.util.pushstream";
private static final String PUSHSTREAM_TYPE = PUSHSTREAM_PACKAGE + ".PushStream";
private static final String PUSH_EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE = PUSHSTREAM_PACKAGE + ".PushEventSource";
private static final String OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE = "osgi.wiring.package";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientServiceFactory.class.getName());
private final EndpointDescription _endpointDescription;
private final ImportRegistrationImpl _importRegistration;
private final Channel _channel;
private SerializerFactory _serializerFactory;
private final EventExecutorGroup _executor;
private final Timer _timer;
private final AtomicLong _serviceCallTimeout;
private final AtomicInteger _callIdCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
* Default constructor, used by
* {@link RemoteServiceAdminImpl}.
* @param importRegistration The import registration
* @param endpoint The endpoint description
* @param channel The communications channel to talk to the server
* @param serializerFactory the serializer to use when sending arguments
* @param serviceCallTimeout the timeout for service calls
* @param executor the worker for client calls
* @param timer the worker for triggering scheduled calls
public ClientServiceFactory(ImportRegistrationImpl importRegistration, EndpointDescription endpoint,
Channel channel, SerializerFactory serializerFactory, AtomicLong serviceCallTimeout, EventExecutorGroup executor, Timer timer) {
_endpointDescription = endpoint;
_importRegistration = importRegistration;
_channel = channel;
_serializerFactory = serializerFactory;
_serviceCallTimeout = serviceCallTimeout;
_executor = executor;
_timer = timer;
public Object getService(Bundle requestingBundle, ServiceRegistration serviceRegistration) {
LOG.debug("getService: creating proxy with interfaces: {} for bundle {}",
_endpointDescription.getInterfaces(), requestingBundle.getSymbolicName());
PrivilegedExceptionAction createProxyAction = () -> {
// turn interface names into resolved classes
List classNames = _endpointDescription.getInterfaces();
List> interfaces = _endpointDescription.getInterfaces().stream()
.filter(i -> i != null)
.map(i -> resolveClass(requestingBundle, i))
.filter(i -> i != null)
// this should never happen: at least one objectClass must be loadable by the
// client, otherwise the service would not be usable at all except by reflection
if (interfaces.isEmpty()) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException("any of: " + classNames);
Class> promise = locatePromise(requestingBundle);
Class> asyncDelegate = locateAsyncDelegate(requestingBundle, promise);
if(asyncDelegate != null) {
if (promise == null) {
try {
promise = asyncDelegate.getMethod("async", Method.class, Object[].class)
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("There was a problem determining the promise type from the async type");
Class> pushStream = locatePushStreamType(requestingBundle, PUSHSTREAM_TYPE);
Class> pushEventSource = locatePushStreamType(requestingBundle, PUSH_EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE);
Class> proxyClass = Proxy.getProxyClass(getClassLoader(requestingBundle,
asyncDelegate, promise, interfaces), interfaces.toArray(new Class[0]));
ServiceInvocationHandler proxyHandler = new ServiceInvocationHandler(
_importRegistration, _endpointDescription, requestingBundle,
proxyClass, interfaces, promise, asyncDelegate != null, pushStream, pushEventSource,
_channel, _serializerFactory.create(requestingBundle), () -> _callIdCounter.getAndIncrement(),
_serviceCallTimeout, _executor, _timer);
return proxyClass.getConstructor(InvocationHandler.class).newInstance(proxyHandler);
try {
Object proxy = AccessController.doPrivileged(createProxyAction);
if (proxy != null) {
return proxy;
else {
throw new ServiceException("Received null proxy for endpoint: "
+ _endpointDescription.toString(), ServiceException.FACTORY_ERROR);
catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
throw new ServiceException("Caught exception while creating proxy for endpoint: "
+ _endpointDescription.toString(), ServiceException.FACTORY_EXCEPTION,
private Class> resolveClass(Bundle b, String name) {
try {
return b.loadClass(name);
catch (Exception any) {
// skip this class
return null;
private Class> locateAsyncDelegate(Bundle requestingBundle, Class> promiseClass) {
Class> asyncDelegate = resolveClass(requestingBundle, ASYNC_DELEGATE_TYPE);
Version minAcceptable = new Version(1,0,0);
Version minUnacceptable = new Version(2,0,0);
if(asyncDelegate != null) {
asyncDelegate = checkAcceptableVersion(requestingBundle, asyncDelegate,
ASYNC_DELEGATE_PACKAGE, minAcceptable, minUnacceptable);
//Check class space consistency
if(promiseClass != null && asyncDelegate != null) {
Method async;
try {
async = asyncDelegate.getMethod("async", Method.class, Object[].class);
if(!promiseClass.equals(async.getReturnType())) {
LOG.error("The client bundle {} has inconsistent views of the \"org.osgi.service.async.delegate\" and \"org.osgi.util.promise packages\". This indicates a missing uses constraint.", requestingBundle);
asyncDelegate = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("The {} package is missing a required method on AsyncDelegate", ASYNC_DELEGATE_PACKAGE);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
//Not wired directly - pick a suitable alternative with the right class space for Promise
Bundle promiseBundle = promiseClass != null ? FrameworkUtil.getBundle(promiseClass) : null;
if(promiseBundle != null) {
BundleWiring wiring = promiseBundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class);
//Find importers of the promise package that export the async API
Set asyncExporters = wiring.getProvidedWires(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE).stream()
.filter(wire -> {
return PROMISE_PACKAGE.equals(wire.getCapability().getAttributes().get(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE));
.filter(bw ->
// Are any exports suitable versions of async delegate
.filter(c -> {
return ASYNC_DELEGATE_PACKAGE.equals(c.getAttributes().get(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE));
.map(c -> (Version) c.getAttributes().get("version"))
.filter(v -> v.compareTo(minAcceptable) >= 0)
.anyMatch(v -> v.compareTo(minUnacceptable) < 0))
if(resolveClass(promiseBundle, ASYNC_DELEGATE_TYPE) != null) {
asyncDelegate = getMostAppropriateAsyncDelegate(asyncExporters, promiseClass);
} else {
//Just find the "best" exporter
Set asyncExporters = Arrays.stream(requestingBundle.getBundleContext().getBundles())
.map(b -> b.adapt(BundleWiring.class))
.filter(bw -> bw != null)
.filter(bw -> bw.getCapabilities(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE).stream()
.filter(c -> ASYNC_DELEGATE_PACKAGE.equals(c.getAttributes().get(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE)))
.map(c -> (Version) c.getAttributes().get("version"))
.filter(v -> v.compareTo(minAcceptable) >= 0)
.anyMatch(v -> v.compareTo(minUnacceptable) < 0))
asyncDelegate = getMostAppropriateAsyncDelegate(asyncExporters, promiseClass);
return asyncDelegate;
private Class> getMostAppropriateAsyncDelegate(Set asyncExporters, Class> promiseClass) {
Class> asyncDelegate;
asyncDelegate = asyncExporters.stream()
.sorted((a,b) -> {
long aCount = a.getProvidedWires(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE).stream()
.filter(wire -> {
return ASYNC_DELEGATE_PACKAGE.equals(wire.getCapability().getAttributes().get(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE));
long bCount = b.getProvidedWires(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE).stream()
.filter(wire -> {
return ASYNC_DELEGATE_PACKAGE.equals(wire.getCapability().getAttributes().get(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE));
int diff = (int) (bCount - aCount);
return diff == 0 ? b.getBundle().compareTo(a.getBundle()) : diff;
}).map(bw -> {
try {
return bw.getClassLoader().loadClass(ASYNC_DELEGATE_TYPE);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
return null;
.filter(c -> c != null)
.filter(c -> {
try {
return promiseClass == null ? true :
c.getMethod("async", Method.class, Object[].class)
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return asyncDelegate;
private Class> locatePromise(Bundle requestingBundle) {
Class> promiseClass = resolveClass(requestingBundle, PROMISE_TYPE);
if(promiseClass != null) {
promiseClass = checkAcceptableVersion(requestingBundle, promiseClass,
PROMISE_PACKAGE, new Version(1,0,0), new Version(2,0,0));
return promiseClass;
private Class> locatePushStreamType(Bundle requestingBundle, String type) {
Class> pushStreamTypeClass = resolveClass(requestingBundle, type);
if(pushStreamTypeClass != null) {
pushStreamTypeClass = checkAcceptableVersion(requestingBundle, pushStreamTypeClass,
PUSHSTREAM_PACKAGE, new Version(1,0,0), new Version(2,0,0));
return pushStreamTypeClass;
private Class> checkAcceptableVersion(Bundle requestingBundle, Class> apiClass, String apiPackage,
Version minAcceptable, Version minUnacceptable) {
Bundle promiseBundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(apiClass);
if(promiseBundle != null) {
BundleWiring wiring = promiseBundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class);
SortedSet promiseVersions = wiring.getCapabilities(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE).stream()
.filter(c -> {
return apiPackage.equals(c.getAttributes().get(OSGI_WIRING_PACKAGE));
.map(c -> (Version) c.getAttributes().get("version"))
() -> (SortedSet) new TreeSet(),
(s,v) -> s.add(v),
(a,b) -> {
SortedSet newSet = new TreeSet<>(a);
return newSet;
if(promiseVersions.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("Unable to determine the package version of the package {} for the service {} and the client {} as the client has a private copy. Errors may occur if the version is incompatible with the range \"[{},{})\".",
new Object[] {apiPackage, _endpointDescription.getId(), requestingBundle, minAcceptable, minUnacceptable});
} else if(promiseVersions.last().compareTo(minAcceptable) < 0) {
LOG.warn("Unable to support the package {} for the service {} and the client {} as the wired package version {} is too low. A minimum of version {} is required.",
new Object[] {apiPackage, _endpointDescription.getId(), requestingBundle, promiseVersions.last(), minAcceptable});
apiClass = null;
} else if(promiseVersions.first().compareTo(minUnacceptable) >= 0) {
LOG.warn("Unable to support the package {} for the service {} and the client {} as the wired package version {} is too high. The version must be below {}.",
new Object[] {apiPackage, _endpointDescription.getId(), requestingBundle, promiseVersions.first(), minUnacceptable});
apiClass = null;
} else {
LOG.warn("Unable to determine the version of the package {} visible to the service {} and the client {}. Errors may occur if the version is incompatible with the range \"[{},{})\".",
new Object[] {apiPackage, _endpointDescription.getId(), requestingBundle, minAcceptable, minUnacceptable});
return apiClass;
private ClassLoader getClassLoader(Bundle requestingBundle, Class> async, Class> promise,
List> interfaces) {
return new ClassLoader(requestingBundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class).getClassLoader()) {
protected Class> findClass(String name)
throws ClassNotFoundException {
if(PROMISE_TYPE.equals(name) && promise != null) {
return promise;
if(ASYNC_DELEGATE_TYPE.equals(name) && async != null) {
return async;
for(Class> clz : interfaces) {
ClassLoader classLoader = clz.getClassLoader();
if(classLoader != null) {
try {
return classLoader.loadClass(name);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {}
throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
public void ungetService(Bundle requestingBundle, ServiceRegistration sreg, final Object serviceObject) { }