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package com.paypal.butterfly.test;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
* Utility class to compare two folders and their contents
* @author facarvalho
class FoldersComparison {
// Maximum number of lines to be printed in the results in case of failed comparison
private static final int MAX_LINES = 10;
private static final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
static {
* Compares actual folder against baseline folder,
* producing an error if they are not equal
* @param expected folder used as baseline for comparison
* @param actual folder to be evaluated during comparison
* @param xmlSemanticComparison if true XML files are compared semantically
* (ignoring formatting, comments and indentation),
* as opposed to byte by byte
static void assertEquals(File expected, File actual, boolean xmlSemanticComparison) {
TreeSet missing = new TreeSet<>();
TreeSet unexpected = new TreeSet<>();
TreeSet different = new TreeSet<>();
FoldersComparison.assertEqualFolderStructure(expected, expected, actual, missing, unexpected);
try {
FoldersComparison.assertEqualFolderContent(expected, expected, actual, xmlSemanticComparison, different);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
if (missing.isEmpty() && unexpected.isEmpty() && different.size() == 1) {
failSingleDifferentFile(expected, actual, different.pollFirst());
} else if (!missing.isEmpty() || !unexpected.isEmpty() || !different.isEmpty()) {
fail(expected, actual, missing, unexpected, different);
private static void failSingleDifferentFile(File expected, File actual, String differentContentFilePath) {
try (
BufferedReader expectedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(expected, differentContentFilePath)));
BufferedReader actualReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(actual, differentContentFilePath)));
) {
int line = 1;
int column = 1;
int eb;
int ab;
while ((eb = == (ab = {
if (eb == -1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("File " + differentContentFilePath + " unexpectedly has same content!");
if (((char) eb) == '\n') {
column = 1;
} else {
String failureMessage = "Baseline and transformed applications don't match, the contents of one file differ, as detailed below:\n" +
"\n\tBaseline application: " + expected.getAbsolutePath() +
"\n\tTransformed application: " + actual.getAbsolutePath() +
"\n\n\n\tFile: \t\t" + differentContentFilePath +
"\n\tAt: \t\tline " + line + ", column " + column +
"\n\tExpected: \t'" + (char) eb + "'" +
"\n\tFound: \t\t'" + (char) ab + "'";
throw new AssertionError(failureMessage);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("IO error when comparing file " + differentContentFilePath, e);
private static void fail(File expected, File actual, TreeSet missing, TreeSet unexpected, TreeSet different) {
StringBuilder failureMessage = new StringBuilder();
failureMessage.append("Baseline and transformed applications don't match, as detailed below:\n\n");
failureMessage.append("\tBaseline application: " + expected.getAbsolutePath() + "\n");
failureMessage.append("\tTransformed application: " + actual.getAbsolutePath() + "\n\n");
printResult(missing, "Missing in transformed application", failureMessage);
printResult(unexpected, "Unexpectedly found in transformed application", failureMessage);
printResult(different, "Different file content", failureMessage);
throw new AssertionError(failureMessage.toString());
private static void printResult(TreeSet entries, String header, StringBuilder failureMessage) {
if(!entries.isEmpty()) {
failureMessage.append("\n\t" + header + " (" + entries.size() + "):\n");
Iterator i = entries.iterator();
int c = MAX_LINES;
for (; i.hasNext() && c > 0; c--) failureMessage.append("\t\t" + + "\n");
int more = (entries.size() - MAX_LINES);
if (more > 0) failureMessage.append("\t\t(More " + more + ")\n");
* Check if the expected and actual directories have the same number of files and folders, and with same names.
* This check is done recursively and do not evaluate file contents, only name and relative paths.
* @param baselineApplicationDir the same as the very first expectedDir, which is carried over through the recursive calls
* to allow retrieving the relative path to all files and folders (just for error messages purposes)
* @param expectedDir expected directory for comparison purposes
* @param actualDir actual directory, whose structure is expected to be equals to the expected one
* @param missing alphabetically ordered set of missing files and folders
private static void assertEqualFolderStructure(File baselineApplicationDir, File expectedDir, File actualDir, TreeSet missing, TreeSet unexpected) {
// All direct files and folders inside `expected`
File[] expectedFiles = expectedDir.listFiles();
// All direct folders inside `expected`
Set expectedDirectories = new HashSet<>();
// All direct files inside `expected`
Set expectedNonDirectories = new HashSet<>();
String fileRelativePath;
for (File expectedFile : expectedFiles) {
fileRelativePath = getRelativePath(expectedDir, expectedFile);
if (expectedFile.isDirectory()) {
} else {
File[] actualFiles = actualDir.listFiles();
for (File actualFile : actualFiles) {
fileRelativePath = getRelativePath(actualDir, actualFile);
if (actualFile.isDirectory()) {
if (!expectedDirectories.contains(fileRelativePath)) {
unexpected.add(getRelativePath(baselineApplicationDir, expectedDir) + fileRelativePath + " ");
} else {
} else {
if (!expectedNonDirectories.contains(fileRelativePath)) {
unexpected.add(getRelativePath(baselineApplicationDir, expectedDir) + fileRelativePath);
} else {
if(!expectedDirectories.isEmpty()) {
Iterator i = expectedDirectories.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) missing.add(getRelativePath(baselineApplicationDir, expectedDir) + + " ");
if(!expectedNonDirectories.isEmpty()) {
Iterator i = expectedNonDirectories.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) missing.add(getRelativePath(baselineApplicationDir, expectedDir) +;
// If code reach this point, it means expected and actual have same structure,
// then now it is time to compare the structure of their respective folders recursively -> pathName.isDirectory()))
.filter(expDir -> new File(actualDir, expDir.getName()).exists())
.forEach(expDir -> assertEqualFolderStructure(baselineApplicationDir, expDir, new File(actualDir, expDir.getName()), missing, unexpected));
* Given a file and a supposed parent, return the relative path from
* the parent file to the child file
private static String getRelativePath(File potentialParent, File potentialChild) {
String parentPath = potentialParent.getAbsolutePath();
String childPath = potentialChild.getAbsolutePath();
if (childPath.equals(parentPath)) {
return "";
if (childPath.equals(parentPath) || !childPath.startsWith(parentPath + File.separatorChar)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File " + potentialChild + " is not a direct nor indirect child of " + potentialParent);
return childPath.substring(parentPath.length(), childPath.length());
* Compare every file under the expected and actual folders and sub-folders making sure their content is the same.
* This method assumes the expected and actual folders are structurally identical, meaning, they have same number
* of files and folders and they are named the same
private static void assertEqualFolderContent(File baselineApplication, File expected, File actual, boolean xmlSemanticComparison, TreeSet different) throws IOException {
for (File expectedFile : expected.listFiles()) {
File actualFile = new File(actual, expectedFile.getName());
if (expectedFile.isDirectory() && actualFile.exists() && actualFile.isDirectory()) {
assertEqualFolderContent(baselineApplication, expectedFile, actualFile, xmlSemanticComparison, different);
} else if (expectedFile.isFile() && actualFile.exists() && actualFile.isFile()) {
boolean equal;
if (xmlSemanticComparison && expectedFile.getName().endsWith(".xml")) {
equal = xmlEqual(expectedFile, actualFile);
} else {
equal = Files.equal(expectedFile, actualFile);
if(!equal) {
different.add(getRelativePath(baselineApplication, expectedFile));
* Returns true only if both XML files have same content
private static boolean xmlEqual(File expectedFile, File actualFile) throws IOException {
boolean file1parsed = false;
boolean file2parsed = false;
try {
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document file1Xml = builder.parse(expectedFile);
file1parsed = true;
Document file2Xml = builder.parse(actualFile);
file2parsed = true;
return XMLUnit.compareXML(file1Xml, file2Xml).similar();
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("XML parser could not be configured", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (file1parsed ^ file2parsed) {
// This means only one file couldn't be parsed, which means they are not equal
return false;
// This means both files couldn't be parsed, so this comparison is being delegated to
// a regular file comparison
return Files.equal(expectedFile, actualFile);