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AWS CDK GitLab Runner autoscaling on EC2


* This project provides a CDK construct to execute jobs on auto-scaled EC2 instances using the Docker Machine executor. *



* Running out of Runner minutes, * using Docker-in-Docker (dind), * speed up jobs with shared S3 Cache, * cross compiling/building environment multiarch, * cost effective autoscaling on EC2, * deploy directly from AWS accounts (without AWS Access Key), * running on Spot instances, * having a bigger build log size *



* View on Construct Hub *








 * npm install @pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner

* or *


 * yarn add @pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner





 * pip install pepperize.cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner


C# / .Net



 * dotnet add package Pepperize.CDK.AutoscalingGitlabRunner





 * <dependency>
 *   <groupId>com.pepperize</groupId>
 *   <artifactId>cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner</artifactId>
 *   <version>${cdkAutoscalingGitlabRunner.version}</version>
 * </dependency>





  1. Create a new AWS CDK App in TypeScript with projen *


     * mkdir gitlab-runner
     * cd gitlab-runner
     * git init
     * npx projen new awscdk-app-ts
  2. *
  3. Configure your project in .projenrc.js *


    • Add deps: ["@pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner"],
    • *
  4. *
  5. Update project files and install dependencies *


     * npx projen
  6. *
  7. Register a new runner *

    * Registering runners: *


    • For a shared runner, go to the GitLab Admin Area and click Overview > Runners
    • *
    • For a group runner, go to Settings > CI/CD and expand the Runners section
    • *
    • For a project runner, go to Settings > CI/CD and expand the Runners section
    • *

    * Optionally enable: Run untagged jobs [x] * Indicates whether this runner can pick jobs without tags *

    * See also Registration token vs. Authentication token

  8. *
  9. Retrieve a new runner authentication token *

    * Register a new runner *


     * curl --request POST "" --form "token=<your register token>" --form "description=gitlab-runner" --form "tag_list=pepperize,docker,production"
  10. *
  11. Store runner authentication token in SSM ParameterStore *

    * Create a String parameter *


     * aws ssm put-parameter --name "/gitlab-runner/token" --value "<your runner authentication token>" --type "String"
  12. *
  13. Add to your main.ts *


     * import { Vpc } from "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2";
     * import { App, Stack } from "@aws-cdk/core";
     * import { GitlabRunnerAutoscaling } from "@pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner";
     * const app = new App();
     * const stack = new Stack(app, "GitLabRunnerStack");
     * const vpc = Vpc.fromLookup(app, "ExistingVpc", {
     *   vpcId: "<your vpc id>",
     * });
     * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
     *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
     * });
     * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(stack, "GitlabRunner", {
     *   network: {
     *     vpc: vpc,
     *   },
     *   runners: [
     *     {
     *       token: token,
     *       configuration: {
     *         // optionally configure your runner
     *       },
     *     },
     *   ],
     * });
  14. *
  15. Create service linked role *

    * (If requesting spot instances, default: true) *


     * aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name
  16. *
  17. Configure the AWS CLI *


  18. *
  19. Deploy the GitLab Runner *


     * npm run deploy
  20. *





Custom cache bucket


* By default, an AWS S3 Bucket is created as GitLab Runner's distributed cache. * It's encrypted and public access is blocked. * A custom S3 Bucket can be configured: *


 * const cache = new Bucket(this, "Cache", {
 *   // Your custom bucket
 * });
 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       token: token,
 *     },
 *   ],
 *   cache: { bucket: cache },
 * });

* See example, * GitlabRunnerAutoscalingCacheProps *


Custom EC2 key pair


* By default, the amazonec2 driver will create an EC2 key pair for each runner. To use custom ssh credentials provide a SecretsManager Secret with the private and public key file: *


  1. Create a key pair, download the private key file and remember the created key pair name
  2. *
  3. Generate the public key file *


     * ssh-keygen -f <the downloaded private key file> -y
  4. *
  5. Create an AWS SecretsManager Secret from the key pair *


     * aws secretsmanager create-secret --name <the secret name> --secret-string "{\"<the key pair name>\":\"<the private key>\",\"<the key pair name>.pub\":\"<the public key>\"}"
  6. *
  7. Configure the job runner *


     * const keyPair = Secret.fromSecretNameV2(stack, "Secret", "CustomEC2KeyPair");
     * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
     *   runners: [
     *     {
     *       keyPair: keyPair,
     *       configuration: {
     *         machine: {
     *           machineOptions: {
     *             keypairName: "<the key pair name>",
     *           },
     *         },
     *       },
     *     },
     *   ],
     *   cache: { bucket: cache },
     * });
  8. *


Configure Docker Machine


* By default, docker machine is configured to run privileged with CAP_SYS_ADMIN to support Docker-in-Docker using the OverlayFS driver * and cross compiling/building with multiarch. *

* See runners.docker section * in Advanced configuration *


 * import { GitlabRunnerAutoscaling } from "@pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner";
 * import { StringParameter } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm";
 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       token: token,
 *       configuration: {
 *         environment: [], // Reset the OverlayFS driver for every project
 *         docker: {
 *           capAdd: [], // Remove the CAP_SYS_ADMIN
 *           privileged: false, // Run unprivileged
 *         },
 *         machine: {
 *           idleCount: 2, // Number of idle machine
 *           idleTime: 3000, // Waiting time in idle state
 *           maxBuilds: 1, // Max builds before instance is removed
 *         },
 *       },
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });

* See example, * DockerConfiguration *


Bigger instance type


* By default, t3.nano is used for the manager/coordinator and t3.micro instances will be spawned. * For bigger projects, for example with webpack, this won't be enough memory. *


 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   manager: {
 *     instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.T3, InstanceSize.SMALL),
 *   },
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.T3, InstanceSize.LARGE),
 *       token: token,
 *       configuration: {
 *         // optionally configure your runner
 *       },
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });



* You may have to disable or configure Spot instances *



* See example, * GitlabRunnerAutoscalingManagerProps, * GitlabRunnerAutoscalingJobRunnerProps *


Different machine image


* By default, the latest Amazon 2 Linux will be used for the manager/coordinator. * The manager/coordinator instance's cloud init scripts requires yum is installed, any RHEL flavor should work. * The requested runner instances by default using Ubuntu 20.04, any OS implemented by the Docker Machine provisioner should work. *


 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   manager: {
 *     machineImage: MachineImage.genericLinux(managerAmiMap),
 *   },
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       machineImage: MachineImage.genericLinux(runnerAmiMap),
 *       token: token,
 *       configuration: {
 *         // optionally configure your runner
 *       },
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });

* See example, * GitlabRunnerAutoscalingManagerProps, * GitlabRunnerAutoscalingJobRunnerProps *


Multiple runners configuration


* Each runner defines one [[runners]] section in the configuration file. * Use Specific runners when you want to use runners for specific projects. *


 * const privilegedRole = new Role(this, "PrivilegedRunnersRole", {
 *   // role 1
 * });
 * const restrictedRole = new Role(this, "RestrictedRunnersRole", {
 *   // role 2
 * });
 * const token1 = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token1", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token1",
 * });
 * const token2 = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token2", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token2",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       token: token1,
 *       configuration: {
 *         name: "privileged-runner",
 *       },
 *       role: privilegedRole,
 *     },
 *     {
 *       token: token2,
 *       configuration: {
 *         name: "restricted-runner",
 *         docker: {
 *           privileged: false, // Run unprivileged
 *         },
 *       },
 *       role: restrictedRole,
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });

* See example, * GitlabRunnerAutoscalingProps *


Spot instances


* By default, EC2 Spot Instances are requested. *


 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       token: token,
 *       configuration: {
 *         machine: {
 *           machineOptions: {
 *             requestSpotInstance: false,
 *             spotPrice: 0.5,
 *           },
 *         },
 *       },
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });

* See example, * EC2 spot price, * MachineConfiguration, * MachineOptions, * Advanced configuration - runners.machine.autoscaling *


Cross-Compile with Multiarch


* To build binaries of different architectures can also use Multiarch *


 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       token: token,
 *       configuration: {
 *         docker: {
 *           privileged: true,
 *         },
 *       },
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });

* Configure your .gitlab-ci.yml file *


 * build:
 *   image: multiarch/debian-debootstrap:armhf-buster
 *   services:
 *     - docker:stable-dind
 *     - name: multiarch/qemu-user-static:register
 *       command:
 *         - "--reset"
 *   script:
 *     - make build

* See multiarch/qemu-user-static *


Running on AWS Graviton


* To run your jobs on AWS Graviton you have to provide an AMI for arm64 architecture. *


 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       token: token,
 *       configuration: {
 *         instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M6G, InstanceSize.LARGE),
 *         machineImage: MachineImage.genericLinux({
 *           [this.region]: new LookupMachineImage({
 *             name: "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-*-server-*",
 *             owners: ["099720109477"],
 *             filters: {
 *               architecture: [InstanceArchitecture.ARM_64],
 *               "image-type": ["machine"],
 *               state: ["available"],
 *               "root-device-type": ["ebs"],
 *               "virtualization-type": ["hvm"],
 *             },
 *           }).getImage(this).imageId,
 *         }),
 *       },
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });

* See Ubuntu Amazon EC2 AMI Locator *


Custom runner's role


* To deploy from within your GitLab Runner Instances, you may pass a Role with the IAM Policies attached. *


 * const role = new Role(this, "RunnersRole", {
 *   assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal("", {}),
 *   inlinePolicies: {},
 * });
 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       role: role,
 *       token: token,
 *       configuration: {
 *         // optionally configure your runner
 *       },
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });

* See example, * GitlabRunnerAutoscalingProps *




* If no existing Vpc is passed, a cheap VPC with a NatInstance (t3.nano) and a single AZ will be created. *


 * const natInstanceProvider = aws_ec2.NatProvider.instance({
 *   instanceType: aws_ec2.InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.T3, InstanceSize.NANO), // using a cheaper gateway (not scalable)
 * });
 * const vpc = new Vpc(this, "Vpc", {
 *   // Your custom vpc, i.e.:
 *   natGatewayProvider: natInstanceProvider,
 *   maxAzs: 1,
 * });
 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       token: token,
 *       configuration: {
 *         // optionally configure your runner
 *       },
 *     },
 *   ],
 *   network: { vpc: vpc },
 * });

* See example, * GitlabRunnerAutoscalingProps *


Zero config


* Deploys the Autoscaling GitLab Runner on AWS EC2 with the default settings mentioned above. *

* Happy with the presets? *


 * const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", {
 *   parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token",
 * });
 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       token: token,
 *       configuration: {
 *         // optionally configure your runner
 *       },
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });

* See example, * GitlabRunnerAutoscalingProps *


ECR Credentials Helper


* By default, the GitLab amzonec2 driver will be configured to install the * amazon-ecr-credential-helper * on the runner's instances. *

* To configure, override the default job runners environment: *


 * new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", {
 *   runners: [
 *     {
 *       // ...
 *       environment: [
 *         "DOCKER_DRIVER=overlay2",
 *         "DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=/certs",
 *         'DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG={"credHelpers": { "": "ecr-login", "<aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>": "ecr-login" } }',
 *       ],
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });




* This project uses projen to maintain project configuration through code. Thus, the synthesized files with projen should never be manually edited (in fact, projen enforces that). *

* To modify the project setup, you should interact with rich strongly-typed * class AwsCdkTypeScriptApp and * execute npx projen to update project configuration files. *



* In simple words, developers can only modify .projenrc.js file for configuration/maintenance and files under /src directory for development. *



* See also Create and Publish CDK Constructs Using projen and jsii. */ package com.pepperize.cdk.autoscaling_gitlab_runner;

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