Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2010 David Fraska ([email protected])
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IntArray;
/** A renderer for Tiled maps backed with a Sprite Cache.
* @author David Fraska */
public class TileMapRenderer implements Disposable {
private SpriteCache cache;
private int normalCacheId[][][], blendedCacheId[][][];
private TileAtlas atlas;
private TiledMap map;
private int mapHeightUnits, mapWidthUnits;
private int tileWidth, tileHeight;
private float unitsPerTileX, unitsPerTileY;
private int tilesPerBlockX, tilesPerBlockY;
private float unitsPerBlockX, unitsPerBlockY;
private int[] allLayers;
private boolean isSimpleTileAtlas = false;
private IntArray blendedTiles;
/** A renderer for static tile maps backed with a Sprite Cache.
* This constructor is for convenience when loading TiledMaps. The normal Tiled coordinate system is used when placing tiles.
* A default shader is used if OpenGL ES 2.0 is enabled.
* The tilesPerBlockX and tilesPerBlockY parameters will need to be adjusted for best performance. Smaller values will cull
* more precisely, but result in longer loading times. Larger values result in shorter loading times, but will cull less
* precisely.
* @param map A tile map's tile numbers, in the order [layer][row][column]
* @param atlas The tile atlas to be used when drawing the map
* @param tilesPerBlockX The width of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles
* @param tilesPerBlockY The height of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles */
public TileMapRenderer (TiledMap map, TileAtlas atlas, int tilesPerBlockX, int tilesPerBlockY) {
this(map, atlas, tilesPerBlockX, tilesPerBlockY, map.tileWidth, map.tileHeight);
/** A renderer for static tile maps backed with a Sprite Cache.
* This constructor is for convenience when loading TiledMaps.
* A default shader is used if OpenGL ES 2.0 is enabled.
* The tilesPerBlockX and tilesPerBlockY parameters will need to be adjusted for best performance. Smaller values will cull
* more precisely, but result in longer loading times. Larger values result in shorter loading times, but will cull less
* precisely.
* @param map A tile map's tile numbers, in the order [layer][row][column]
* @param atlas The tile atlas to be used when drawing the map
* @param tilesPerBlockX The width of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles
* @param tilesPerBlockY The height of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles
* @param unitsPerTileX The number of units per tile in the x direction
* @param unitsPerTileY The number of units per tile in the y direction */
public TileMapRenderer (TiledMap map, TileAtlas atlas, int tilesPerBlockX, int tilesPerBlockY, float unitsPerTileX,
float unitsPerTileY) {
this(map, atlas, tilesPerBlockX, tilesPerBlockY, unitsPerTileX, unitsPerTileY, null);
/** A renderer for static tile maps backed with a Sprite Cache.
* This constructor is for convenience when loading TiledMaps. The normal Tiled coordinate system is used when placing tiles.
* The tilesPerBlockX and tilesPerBlockY parameters will need to be adjusted for best performance. Smaller values will cull
* more precisely, but result in longer loading times. Larger values result in shorter loading times, but will cull less
* precisely.
* @param map A tile map's tile numbers, in the order [layer][row][column]
* @param atlas The tile atlas to be used when drawing the map
* @param tilesPerBlockX The width of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles
* @param tilesPerBlockY The height of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles
* @param shader Shader to use for OpenGL ES 2.0, null uses a default shader. Ignored if using OpenGL ES 1.0. */
public TileMapRenderer (TiledMap map, TileAtlas atlas, int tilesPerBlockX, int tilesPerBlockY, ShaderProgram shader) {
this(map, atlas, tilesPerBlockX, tilesPerBlockY, map.tileWidth, map.tileHeight, shader);
public TileMapRenderer (TiledMap map, TileAtlas atlas, int tilesPerBlockX, int tilesPerBlockY, float unitsPerTileX,
float unitsPerTileY, ShaderProgram shader) {
int[][][] tileMap = new int[map.layers.size()][][];
for (int i = 0; i < map.layers.size(); i++) {
tileMap[i] = map.layers.get(i).tiles;
for (int i = 0; i < map.tileSets.size(); i++) {
if (map.tileSets.get(i).tileHeight - map.tileHeight > overdrawY * unitsPerTileY)
overdrawY = (map.tileSets.get(i).tileHeight - map.tileHeight) / unitsPerTileY;
if (map.tileSets.get(i).tileWidth - map.tileWidth > overdrawX * unitsPerTileX)
overdrawX = (map.tileSets.get(i).tileWidth - map.tileWidth) / unitsPerTileX;
String blendedTiles ="blended tiles");
IntArray blendedTilesArray;
if (blendedTiles != null) {
blendedTilesArray = createFromCSV(blendedTiles);
} else {
blendedTilesArray = new IntArray(0);
init(tileMap, atlas, map.tileWidth, map.tileHeight, unitsPerTileX, unitsPerTileY, blendedTilesArray, tilesPerBlockX,
tilesPerBlockY, shader); = map;
/** A renderer for static tile maps backed with a Sprite Cache.
* The tilesPerBlockX and tilesPerBlockY parameters will need to be adjusted for best performance. Smaller values will cull
* more precisely, but result in longer loading times. Larger values result in shorter loading times, but will cull less
* precisely.
* A default shader is used if OpenGL ES 2.0 is enabled.
* @param map A tile map's tile numbers, in the order [layer][row][column]
* @param atlas The tile atlas to be used when drawing the map
* @param tileWidth The width of the tiles, in pixels
* @param tileHeight The height of the tiles, in pixels
* @param unitsPerTileX The number of units per tile in the x direction
* @param unitsPerTileY The number of units per tile in the y direction
* @param blendedTiles Array containing tile numbers that require blending
* @param tilesPerBlockX The width of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles
* @param tilesPerBlockY The height of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles */
public TileMapRenderer (int[][][] map, TileAtlas atlas, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, float unitsPerTileX,
float unitsPerTileY, IntArray blendedTiles, int tilesPerBlockX, int tilesPerBlockY) {
init(map, atlas, tileWidth, tileHeight, unitsPerTileX, unitsPerTileY, blendedTiles, tilesPerBlockX, tilesPerBlockY, null);
/** A renderer for static tile maps backed with a Sprite Cache.
* The tilesPerBlockX and tilesPerBlockY parameters will need to be adjusted for best performance. Smaller values will cull
* more precisely, but result in longer loading times. Larger values result in shorter loading times, but will cull less
* precisely.
* @param map A tile map's tile numbers, in the order [layer][row][column]
* @param atlas The tile atlas to be used when drawing the map
* @param tileWidth The width of the tiles, in pixels
* @param tileHeight The height of the tiles, in pixels
* @param unitsPerTileX The number of units per tile in the x direction
* @param unitsPerTileY The number of units per tile in the y direction
* @param blendedTiles Array containing tile numbers that require blending
* @param tilesPerBlockX The width of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles
* @param tilesPerBlockY The height of each block to be drawn, in number of tiles
* @param shader Shader to use for OpenGL ES 2.0, null uses a default shader. Ignored if using OpenGL ES 1.0. */
public TileMapRenderer (int[][][] map, TileAtlas atlas, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, float unitsPerTileX,
float unitsPerTileY, IntArray blendedTiles, int tilesPerBlockX, int tilesPerBlockY, ShaderProgram shader) {
init(map, atlas, tileWidth, tileHeight, unitsPerTileX, unitsPerTileY, blendedTiles, tilesPerBlockX, tilesPerBlockY, shader);
/** Initializer, used to avoid a "Constructor call must be the first statement in a constructor" syntax error when creating a
* map from a TiledMap */
private void init (int[][][] map, TileAtlas atlas, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, float unitsPerTileX, float unitsPerTileY,
IntArray blendedTiles, int tilesPerBlockX, int tilesPerBlockY, ShaderProgram shader) {
this.atlas = atlas;
this.tileWidth = tileWidth;
this.tileHeight = tileHeight;
this.unitsPerTileX = unitsPerTileX;
this.unitsPerTileY = unitsPerTileY;
this.blendedTiles = blendedTiles;
this.tilesPerBlockX = tilesPerBlockX;
this.tilesPerBlockY = tilesPerBlockY;
unitsPerBlockX = unitsPerTileX * tilesPerBlockX;
unitsPerBlockY = unitsPerTileY * tilesPerBlockY;
isSimpleTileAtlas = atlas instanceof SimpleTileAtlas;
int layer, row, col;
allLayers = new int[map.length];
// Calculate maximum cache size and map height in pixels, fill allLayers array
int maxCacheSize = 0;
int maxHeight = 0;
int maxWidth = 0;
for (layer = 0; layer < map.length; layer++) {
allLayers[layer] = layer;
if (map[layer].length > maxHeight) maxHeight = map[layer].length;
for (row = 0; row < map[layer].length; row++) {
if (map[layer][row].length > maxWidth) maxWidth = map[layer][row].length;
for (col = 0; col < map[layer][row].length; col++)
if (map[layer][row][col] != 0) maxCacheSize++;
mapHeightUnits = (int)(maxHeight * unitsPerTileY);
mapWidthUnits = (int)(maxWidth * unitsPerTileX);
if (shader == null)
cache = new SpriteCache(maxCacheSize, false);
cache = new SpriteCache(maxCacheSize, shader, false);
normalCacheId = new int[map.length][][];
blendedCacheId = new int[map.length][][];
for (layer = 0; layer < map.length; layer++) {
normalCacheId[layer] = new int[(int)MathUtils.ceil((float)map[layer].length / tilesPerBlockY)][];
blendedCacheId[layer] = new int[(int)MathUtils.ceil((float)map[layer].length / tilesPerBlockY)][];
for (row = 0; row < normalCacheId[layer].length; row++) {
normalCacheId[layer][row] = new int[(int)MathUtils.ceil((float)map[layer][row].length / tilesPerBlockX)];
blendedCacheId[layer][row] = new int[(int)MathUtils.ceil((float)map[layer][row].length / tilesPerBlockX)];
for (col = 0; col < normalCacheId[layer][row].length; col++) {
if (isSimpleTileAtlas) {
// Everything considered blended
blendedCacheId[layer][row][col] = addBlock(map[layer], row, col, false);
} else {
normalCacheId[layer][row][col] = addBlock(map[layer], row, col, false);
blendedCacheId[layer][row][col] = addBlock(map[layer], row, col, true);
private int addBlock (int[][] layer, int blockRow, int blockCol, boolean blended) {
int firstCol = blockCol * tilesPerBlockX;
int firstRow = blockRow * tilesPerBlockY;
int lastCol = firstCol + tilesPerBlockX;
int lastRow = firstRow + tilesPerBlockY;
for (int row = firstRow; row < lastRow && row < layer.length; row++) {
for (int col = firstCol; col < lastCol && col < layer[row].length; col++) {
int tile = layer[row][col];
if (tile != 0) {
if (blended == blendedTiles.contains(tile)) {
TextureRegion reg = atlas.getRegion(tile);
if (reg != null) {
if (!isSimpleTileAtlas) {
AtlasRegion region = (AtlasRegion)reg;
cache.add(region, col * unitsPerTileX, (layer.length - row - 1) * unitsPerTileY, (float)region.offsetX
* unitsPerTileX / tileWidth, (float)(region.offsetY) * unitsPerTileY / (float)tileHeight,
region.packedWidth, region.packedHeight, unitsPerTileX / (float)tileWidth, unitsPerTileY
/ (float)tileHeight, (region.rotate) ? 90 : 0);
} else {
cache.add(reg, col * unitsPerTileX, (layer.length - row - 1) * unitsPerTileY, 0, 0, reg.getRegionWidth(),
reg.getRegionHeight(), unitsPerTileX / tileWidth, unitsPerTileY / tileHeight, 0);
return cache.endCache();
/** Renders the entire map. Use this function only on very small maps or for debugging purposes. The size of the map is based on
* the first layer and the first row's size. */
public void render () {
render(0, 0, (int)getMapWidthUnits(), (int)(getMapHeightUnits()));
/** Renders all layers between the given bounding box in map units. This is the same as calling
* {@link TileMapRenderer#render(float, float, float, float, int[])} with all layers in the layers list. */
public void render (float x, float y, float width, float height) {
render(x, y, width, height, allLayers);
/** Renders specific layers in the given a camera
* @param cam The camera to use */
public void render (OrthographicCamera cam) {
render(cam, allLayers);
Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();
/** Renders specific layers in the given a camera.
* @param cam The camera to use
* @param layers The list of layers to draw, 0 being the lowest layer. You will get an IndexOutOfBoundsException if a layer
* number is too high. */
public void render (OrthographicCamera cam, int[] layers) {
tmp.set(0, 0, 0);
render(tmp.x, tmp.y, cam.viewportWidth * cam.zoom, cam.viewportHeight * cam.zoom, layers);
/** Sets the amount of overdraw in the X direction (in units). Use this if an actual tile width is greater than the tileWidth
* specified in the constructor. Use the value actual_tile_width - tileWidth (from the constructor). */
public float overdrawX;
/** Sets the amount of overdraw in the Y direction (in units). Use this if an actual tile height is greater than the tileHeight
* specified in the constructor. Use the value actual_tile_height - tileHeight (from the constructor). */
public float overdrawY;
private int initialRow, initialCol, currentRow, currentCol, lastRow, lastCol, currentLayer;
/** Renders specific layers between the given bounding box in map units.
* @param x The x coordinate to start drawing
* @param y the y coordinate to start drawing
* @param width the width of the tiles to draw
* @param height the width of the tiles to draw
* @param layers The list of layers to draw, 0 being the lowest layer. You will get an IndexOutOfBoundsException if a layer
* number is too high. */
public void render (float x, float y, float width, float height, int[] layers) {
lastRow = (int)((mapHeightUnits - (y - height + overdrawY)) / (unitsPerBlockY));
initialRow = (int)((mapHeightUnits - (y - overdrawY)) / (unitsPerBlockY));
initialRow = (initialRow > 0) ? initialRow : 0; // Clamp initial Row > 0
lastCol = (int)((x + width + overdrawX) / (unitsPerBlockX));
initialCol = (int)((x - overdrawX) / (unitsPerBlockX));
initialCol = (initialCol > 0) ? initialCol : 0; // Clamp initial Col > 0, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
if (isSimpleTileAtlas) {
// Without this special case the top left corner doesn't work properly on mutilayered maps;
for (currentLayer = 0; currentLayer < layers.length; currentLayer++) {
for (currentRow = initialRow; currentRow <= lastRow && currentRow < getLayerHeightInBlocks(currentLayer); currentRow++) {
for (currentCol = initialCol; currentCol <= lastCol
&& currentCol < getLayerWidthInBlocks(currentLayer, currentRow); currentCol++) {
} else {
for (currentLayer = 0; currentLayer < layers.length; currentLayer++) {
for (currentRow = initialRow; currentRow <= lastRow && currentRow < getLayerHeightInBlocks(currentLayer); currentRow++) {
for (currentCol = initialCol; currentCol <= lastCol
&& currentCol < getLayerWidthInBlocks(currentLayer, currentRow); currentCol++) {;
private int getLayerWidthInBlocks (int layer, int row) {
int normalCacheWidth = 0;
if (normalCacheId != null && normalCacheId[layer] != null && normalCacheId[layer][row] != null) {
normalCacheWidth = normalCacheId[layer][row].length;
int blendedCacheWidth = 0;
if (blendedCacheId != null && blendedCacheId[layer] != null && blendedCacheId[layer][row] != null) {
blendedCacheWidth = blendedCacheId[layer][row].length;
return Math.max(normalCacheWidth, blendedCacheWidth);
private int getLayerHeightInBlocks (int layer) {
int normalCacheHeight = 0;
if (normalCacheId != null && normalCacheId[layer] != null) {
normalCacheHeight = normalCacheId[layer].length;
int blendedCacheHeight = 0;
if (blendedCacheId != null && blendedCacheId[layer] != null) {
blendedCacheHeight = blendedCacheId[layer].length;
return Math.max(normalCacheHeight, blendedCacheHeight);
public Matrix4 getProjectionMatrix () {
return cache.getProjectionMatrix();
public Matrix4 getTransformMatrix () {
return cache.getTransformMatrix();
/** Computes the Tiled Map row given a Y coordinate in units
* @param worldY the Y coordinate in units */
public int getRow (int worldY) {
return (int)(worldY / unitsPerTileY);
/** Computes the Tiled Map column given an X coordinate in units
* @param worldX the X coordinate in units */
public int getCol (int worldX) {
return (int)(worldX / unitsPerTileX);
/** Returns the initial drawn block row, for debugging purposes. Use this along with {@link TileMapRenderer#getLastRow()} to
* compute the number of rows drawn in the last call to {@link TileMapRenderer#render(float, float, float, float, int[])}. */
public int getInitialRow () {
return initialRow;
/** Returns the initial drawn block column, for debugging purposes. Use this along with {@link TileMapRenderer#getLastCol()} to
* compute the number of columns drawn in the last call to {@link TileMapRenderer#render(float, float, float, float, int[])}. */
public int getInitialCol () {
return initialCol;
/** Returns the final drawn block row, for debugging purposes. Use this along with {@link TileMapRenderer#getInitialRow()} to
* compute the number of rows drawn in the last call to {@link TileMapRenderer#render(float, float, float, float, int[])}. */
public int getLastRow () {
return lastRow;
/** Returns the final drawn block column, for debugging purposes. Use this along with {@link TileMapRenderer#getInitialCol()} to
* compute the number of columns drawn in the last call to {@link TileMapRenderer#render(float, float, float, float, int[])}. */
public int getLastCol () {
return lastCol;
public float getUnitsPerTileX () {
return unitsPerTileX;
public float getUnitsPerTileY () {
return unitsPerTileY;
public int getMapHeightUnits () {
return mapHeightUnits;
public int getMapWidthUnits () {
return mapWidthUnits;
private static int parseIntWithDefault (String string, int defaultValue) {
if (string == null) return defaultValue;
try {
return Integer.parseInt(string);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return defaultValue;
/** Releases all resources held by this TiledMapRenderer. */
public void dispose () {
public TiledMap getMap () {
return map;
public TileAtlas getAtlas () {
return atlas;
private static IntArray createFromCSV (String values) {
IntArray list = new IntArray(false, (values.length() + 1) / 2);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(values, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
return list;
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