com.peterpotts.example.ExampleComposite.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.peterpotts.example
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scalaz.Free.Trampoline
import scalaz._
trait ExampleComposite {
self: ExampleMonad with ExamplePrimitive =>
def exampleEither[A, B](exampleA: Example[A], exampleB: Example[B]): Example[Either[A, B]] =
for {
condition <- exampleBoolean
a <- exampleA
b <- exampleB
} yield if (condition) Left(a) else Right(b)
def exampleOption[A](exampleA: Example[A]): Example[Option[A]] =
for {
condition <- exampleBoolean
a <- exampleA
} yield if (condition) None else Some(a)
def exampleTry[A](exampleA: Example[A]): Example[Try[A]] =
for {
condition <- exampleBoolean
a <- exampleA
} yield if (condition) Failure(new RuntimeException) else Success(a)
def exampleFuture[A](exampleA: Example[A]): Example[Future[A]] =
for {
condition <- exampleBoolean
a <- exampleA
} yield if (condition) Future.failed(new RuntimeException) else Future.successful(a)
def exampleTrampoline[A](exampleA: Example[A])(implicit interpreter: Exampler ~> Id.Id): Example[Trampoline[A]] =
Example(_ => Trampoline.delay(exampleA.foldMapRec[Id.Id](interpreter)))