org.javacc.jjtree.CPPCodeGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: [email protected] (Sreeni Viswanadha)
package org.javacc.jjtree;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.javacc.parser.JavaCCGlobals;
import org.javacc.parser.Options;
public class CPPCodeGenerator extends DefaultJJTreeVisitor
public Object defaultVisit (final SimpleNode node, final Object data)
visit ((JJTreeNode) node, data);
return null;
public Object visit (final ASTGrammar node, final Object data)
final IO io = (IO) data;
io.println ("/*@bgen(jjtree) " +
JavaCCGlobals.getIdString (JJTreeGlobals.toolList, new File (io.getOutputFileName ()).getName ()) +
(Options.booleanValue (Options.USEROPTION__CPP_IGNORE_ACTIONS) ? "" : " */"));
io.print ((Options.booleanValue (Options.USEROPTION__CPP_IGNORE_ACTIONS) ? "" : "/*") + "@egen*/");
return node.childrenAccept (this, io);
public Object visit (final ASTBNFAction node, final Object data)
final IO io = (IO) data;
* Assume that this action requires an early node close, and then try to
* decide whether this assumption is false. Do this by looking outwards
* through the enclosing expansion units. If we ever find that we are
* enclosed in a unit which is not the final unit in a sequence we know that
* an early close is not required.
final NodeScope ns = NodeScope.getEnclosingNodeScope (node);
if (ns != null && !ns.isVoid ())
boolean needClose = true;
final Node sp = node.getScopingParent (ns);
JJTreeNode n = node;
while (true)
final Node p = n.jjtGetParent ();
if (p instanceof ASTBNFSequence || p instanceof ASTBNFTryBlock)
if (n.getOrdinal () != p.jjtGetNumChildren () - 1)
/* We're not the final unit in the sequence. */
needClose = false;
if (p instanceof ASTBNFZeroOrOne || p instanceof ASTBNFZeroOrMore || p instanceof ASTBNFOneOrMore)
needClose = false;
if (p == sp)
/* No more parents to look at. */
n = (JJTreeNode) p;
if (needClose)
openJJTreeComment (io, null);
io.println ();
insertCloseNodeAction (ns, io, getIndentation (node));
closeJJTreeComment (io);
return visit ((JJTreeNode) node, io);
public Object visit (final ASTBNFDeclaration node, final Object data)
final IO io = (IO) data;
if (!node.node_scope.isVoid ())
String indent = "";
if (TokenUtils.hasTokens (node))
for (int i = 1; i < node.getFirstToken ().beginColumn; ++i)
indent += " ";
indent = " ";
openJJTreeComment (io, node.node_scope.getNodeDescriptorText ());
io.println ();
insertOpenNodeCode (node.node_scope, io, indent);
closeJJTreeComment (io);
return visit ((JJTreeNode) node, io);
public Object visit (final ASTBNFNodeScope node, final Object data)
final IO io = (IO) data;
if (node.node_scope.isVoid ())
return visit ((JJTreeNode) node, io);
final String indent = getIndentation (node.expansion_unit);
openJJTreeComment (io, node.node_scope.getNodeDescriptor ().getDescriptor ());
io.println ();
tryExpansionUnit (node.node_scope, io, indent, node.expansion_unit);
return null;
public Object visit (final ASTCompilationUnit node, final Object data)
final IO io = (IO) data;
Token t = node.getFirstToken ();
while (true)
node.print (t, io);
if (t == node.getLastToken ())
if (t.kind == JJTreeParserConstants._PARSER_BEGIN)
// eat PARSER_BEGIN "(" ")"
node.print (, io);
node.print (, io);
node.print (t =, io);
t =;
return null;
public Object visit (final ASTExpansionNodeScope node, final Object data)
final IO io = (IO) data;
final String indent = getIndentation (node.expansion_unit);
openJJTreeComment (io, node.node_scope.getNodeDescriptor ().getDescriptor ());
io.println ();
insertOpenNodeAction (node.node_scope, io, indent);
tryExpansionUnit (node.node_scope, io, indent, node.expansion_unit);
// Print the "whiteOut" equivalent of the Node descriptor to preserve
// line numbers in the generated file.
((ASTNodeDescriptor) node.jjtGetChild (1)).jjtAccept (this, io);
return null;
public Object visit (final ASTJavacodeBody node, final Object data)
final IO io = (IO) data;
if (node.node_scope.isVoid ())
return visit ((JJTreeNode) node, io);
final Token first = node.getFirstToken ();
String indent = "";
for (int i = 4; i < first.beginColumn; ++i)
indent += " ";
openJJTreeComment (io, node.node_scope.getNodeDescriptorText ());
io.println ();
insertOpenNodeCode (node.node_scope, io, indent);
tryTokenSequence (node.node_scope, io, indent, first, node.getLastToken ());
return null;
public Object visit (final ASTLHS node, final Object data)
final IO io = (IO) data;
final NodeScope ns = NodeScope.getEnclosingNodeScope (node);
* Print out all the tokens, converting all references to `jjtThis' into the
* current node variable.
final Token first = node.getFirstToken ();
final Token last = node.getLastToken ();
for (Token t = first; t !=; t =
TokenUtils.print (t, io, "jjtThis", ns.getNodeVariable ());
return null;
* This method prints the tokens corresponding to this node recursively
* calling the print methods of its children. Overriding this print method in
* appropriate nodes gives the output the added stuff not in the input.
public Object visit (final JJTreeNode node, final Object data)
final IO io = (IO) data;
* Some productions do not consume any tokens. In that case their first and
* last tokens are a bit strange.
if (node.getLastToken ().next == node.getFirstToken ())
return null;
final Token t1 = node.getFirstToken ();
Token t = new Token (); = t1;
JJTreeNode n;
for (int ord = 0; ord < node.jjtGetNumChildren (); ord++)
n = (JJTreeNode) node.jjtGetChild (ord);
while (true)
t =;
if (t == n.getFirstToken ())
node.print (t, io);
n.jjtAccept (this, io);
t = n.getLastToken ();
while (t != node.getLastToken ())
t =;
node.print (t, io);
return null;
static void openJJTreeComment (final IO io, final String arg)
if (arg != null)
io.print ("/*@bgen(jjtree) " + arg + (Options.booleanValue (Options.USEROPTION__CPP_IGNORE_ACTIONS) ? "" : " */"));
io.print ("/*@bgen(jjtree)" + (Options.booleanValue (Options.USEROPTION__CPP_IGNORE_ACTIONS) ? "" : "*/"));
static void closeJJTreeComment (final IO io)
io.print ((Options.booleanValue (Options.USEROPTION__CPP_IGNORE_ACTIONS) ? "" : "/*") + "@egen*/");
String getIndentation (final JJTreeNode n)
return getIndentation (n, 0);
String getIndentation (final JJTreeNode n, final int offset)
String s = "";
for (int i = offset + 1; i < n.getFirstToken ().beginColumn; ++i)
s += " ";
return s;
void insertOpenNodeDeclaration (final NodeScope ns, final IO io, final String indent)
insertOpenNodeCode (ns, io, indent);
void insertOpenNodeCode (final NodeScope ns, final IO io, final String indent)
final String type = ns.node_descriptor.getNodeType ();
final String nodeClass;
if (JJTreeOptions.getNodeClass ().length () > 0 && !JJTreeOptions.getMulti ())
nodeClass = JJTreeOptions.getNodeClass ();
nodeClass = type;
CPPNodeFiles.addType (type);
io.print (indent + nodeClass + " *" + ns.nodeVar + " = ");
final String p = Options.getStatic () ? "null" : "this";
final String parserArg = JJTreeOptions.getNodeUsesParser () ? (p + ", ") : "";
if (JJTreeOptions.getNodeFactory ().equals ("*"))
// Old-style multiple-implementations.
io.println ("(" +
nodeClass +
"*)" +
nodeClass +
"::jjtCreate(" +
parserArg +
ns.node_descriptor.getNodeId () +
if (JJTreeOptions.getNodeFactory ().length () > 0)
io.println ("(" + nodeClass + "*)nodeFactory->jjtCreate(" + parserArg + ns.node_descriptor.getNodeId () + ");");
io.println ("new " + nodeClass + "(" + parserArg + ns.node_descriptor.getNodeId () + ");");
if (ns.usesCloseNodeVar ())
io.println (indent + "bool " + ns.closedVar + " = true;");
io.println (indent + ns.node_descriptor.openNode (ns.nodeVar));
if (JJTreeOptions.getNodeScopeHook ())
io.println (indent + "jjtreeOpenNodeScope(" + ns.nodeVar + ");");
if (JJTreeOptions.getTrackTokens ())
io.println (indent + ns.nodeVar + ".jjtSetFirstToken(getToken(1));");
void insertCloseNodeCode (final NodeScope ns, final IO io, final String indent, final boolean isFinal)
final String closeNode = ns.node_descriptor.closeNode (ns.nodeVar);
io.println (indent + closeNode);
if (ns.usesCloseNodeVar () && !isFinal)
io.println (indent + ns.closedVar + " = false;");
if (JJTreeOptions.getNodeScopeHook ())
io.println (indent + "if (jjtree.nodeCreated()) {");
io.println (indent + " jjtreeCloseNodeScope(" + ns.nodeVar + ");");
io.println (indent + "}");
if (JJTreeOptions.getTrackTokens ())
io.println (indent + ns.nodeVar + ".jjtSetLastToken(getToken(0));");
void insertOpenNodeAction (final NodeScope ns, final IO io, final String indent)
io.println (indent + "{");
insertOpenNodeCode (ns, io, indent + " ");
io.println (indent + "}");
void insertCloseNodeAction (final NodeScope ns, final IO io, final String indent)
io.println (indent + "{");
insertCloseNodeCode (ns, io, indent + " ", false);
io.println (indent + "}");
private void insertCatchBlocks (final NodeScope ns, final IO io, final Enumeration thrown_names, final String indent)
final String thrown;
// if (thrown_names.hasMoreElements()) {
io.println (indent + "} catch (...) {"); // " + ns.exceptionVar + ") {");
if (ns.usesCloseNodeVar ())
io.println (indent + " if (" + ns.closedVar + ") {");
io.println (indent + " jjtree.clearNodeScope(" + ns.nodeVar + ");");
io.println (indent + " " + ns.closedVar + " = false;");
io.println (indent + " } else {");
io.println (indent + " jjtree.popNode();");
io.println (indent + " }");
// }
void tryTokenSequence (final NodeScope ns, final IO io, final String indent, final Token first, final Token last)
io.println (indent + "try {");
closeJJTreeComment (io);
* Print out all the tokens, converting all references to `jjtThis' into the
* current node variable.
for (Token t = first; t !=; t =
TokenUtils.print (t, io, "jjtThis", ns.nodeVar);
openJJTreeComment (io, null);
io.println ();
final Enumeration thrown_names = ns.production.throws_list.elements ();
insertCatchBlocks (ns, io, thrown_names, indent);
io.println (indent + "} {");
if (ns.usesCloseNodeVar ())
io.println (indent + " if (" + ns.closedVar + ") {");
insertCloseNodeCode (ns, io, indent + " ", true);
io.println (indent + " }");
io.println (indent + "}");
closeJJTreeComment (io);
private static void findThrown (final NodeScope ns, final Hashtable thrown_set, final JJTreeNode expansion_unit)
if (expansion_unit instanceof ASTBNFNonTerminal)
* Should really make the nonterminal explicitly maintain its name.
final String nt = expansion_unit.getFirstToken ().image;
final ASTProduction prod = (ASTProduction) (nt);
if (prod != null)
final Enumeration e = prod.throws_list.elements ();
while (e.hasMoreElements ())
final String t = (String) e.nextElement ();
thrown_set.put (t, t);
for (int i = 0; i < expansion_unit.jjtGetNumChildren (); ++i)
final JJTreeNode n = (JJTreeNode) expansion_unit.jjtGetChild (i);
findThrown (ns, thrown_set, n);
void tryExpansionUnit (final NodeScope ns, final IO io, final String indent, final JJTreeNode expansion_unit)
io.println (indent + "try {");
closeJJTreeComment (io);
expansion_unit.jjtAccept (this, io);
openJJTreeComment (io, null);
io.println ();
final Hashtable thrown_set = new Hashtable ();
findThrown (ns, thrown_set, expansion_unit);
final Enumeration thrown_names = thrown_set.elements ();
insertCatchBlocks (ns, io, thrown_names, indent);
io.println (indent + "} {");
if (ns.usesCloseNodeVar ())
io.println (indent + " if (" + ns.closedVar + ") {");
insertCloseNodeCode (ns, io, indent + " ", true);
io.println (indent + " }");
io.println (indent + "}");
closeJJTreeComment (io);
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