org.javacc.parser.CodeGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: [email protected] (Sreeni Viswanadha)
package org.javacc.parser;
import static org.javacc.parser.JavaCCGlobals.addUnicodeEscapes;
import java.util.List;
public class CodeGenerator
protected StringBuffer mainBuffer = new StringBuffer ();
protected StringBuffer includeBuffer = new StringBuffer ();
protected StringBuffer staticsBuffer = new StringBuffer ();
protected StringBuffer outputBuffer = mainBuffer;
public void genStringLiteralArrayCPP (final String varName, final String [] arr)
// First generate char array vars
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
genCodeLine ("static const JAVACC_CHAR_TYPE " + varName + "_arr_" + i + "[] = ");
genStringLiteralInCPP (arr[i]);
genCodeLine (";");
genCodeLine ("static const JAVACC_STRING_TYPE " + varName + "[] = {");
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
genCodeLine (varName + "_arr_" + i + ", ");
genCodeLine ("};");
public void genStringLiteralInCPP (final String s)
// String literals in CPP become char arrays
outputBuffer.append ("{");
for (int i = 0; i < s.length (); i++)
outputBuffer.append ("0x" + Integer.toHexString (s.charAt (i)) + ", ");
outputBuffer.append ("0}");
public void genCodeLine (final Object... code)
genCode (code);
genCode ("\n");
public void genCode (final Object... code)
for (final Object s : code)
outputBuffer.append (s);
public void saveOutput (final String fileName)
if (!isJavaLanguage ())
final String incfileName = fileName.replace (".cc", ".h");
includeBuffer.insert (0, "#define " + new File (incfileName).getName ().replace ('.', '_').toUpperCase () + "\n");
includeBuffer.insert (0, "#ifndef " + new File (incfileName).getName ().replace ('.', '_').toUpperCase () + "\n");
// dump the statics into the main file with the code.
mainBuffer.insert (0, staticsBuffer);
// Finally enclose the whole thing in the namespace, if specified.
if (Options.stringValue (Options.USEROPTION_CPP_NAMESPACE).length () > 0)
mainBuffer.insert (0, "namespace " + Options.stringValue ("NAMESPACE_OPEN") + "\n");
mainBuffer.append (Options.stringValue ("NAMESPACE_CLOSE") + "\n");
includeBuffer.append (Options.stringValue ("NAMESPACE_CLOSE") + "\n");
mainBuffer.insert (0, "#include \"" + incfileName + "\"\n");
includeBuffer.append ("#endif\n");
saveOutput (incfileName, includeBuffer);
mainBuffer.insert (0, "/* " + new File (fileName).getName () + " */\n");
saveOutput (fileName, mainBuffer);
private static boolean isHexDigit (final char c)
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F');
private void fixupLongLiterals (final StringBuffer sb)
for (int i = 0; i < sb.length () - 1; i++)
final int beg = i;
final char c1 = sb.charAt (i);
final char c2 = sb.charAt (i + 1);
if (Character.isDigit (c1) || (c1 == '0' && c2 == 'x'))
i += c1 == '0' ? 2 : 1;
while (isHexDigit (sb.charAt (i)))
if (sb.charAt (i) == 'L')
sb.insert (i, "UL");
public void saveOutput (final String fileName, final StringBuffer sb)
PrintWriter fw = null;
if (!isJavaLanguage ())
fixupLongLiterals (sb);
final File tmp = new File (fileName);
fw = new PrintWriter (new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter (tmp), 8092));
fw.print (sb.toString ());
catch (final IOException ioe)
JavaCCErrors.fatal ("Could not create output file: " + fileName);
if (fw != null)
fw.close ();
protected int cline, ccol;
protected void printTokenSetup (final Token t)
Token tt = t;
while (tt.specialToken != null)
tt = tt.specialToken;
cline = tt.beginLine;
ccol = tt.beginColumn;
protected void printTokenList (final List list)
Token t = null;
for (final java.util.Iterator it = list.iterator (); it.hasNext ();)
t = (Token) ();
printToken (t);
if (t != null)
printTrailingComments (t);
protected void printTokenOnly (final Token t)
genCode (getStringForTokenOnly (t));
protected String getStringForTokenOnly (final Token t)
String retval = "";
for (; cline < t.beginLine; cline++)
retval += "\n";
ccol = 1;
for (; ccol < t.beginColumn; ccol++)
retval += " ";
if (t.kind == JavaCCParserConstants.STRING_LITERAL || t.kind == JavaCCParserConstants.CHARACTER_LITERAL)
retval += addUnicodeEscapes (t.image);
retval += t.image;
cline = t.endLine;
ccol = t.endColumn + 1;
if (t.image.length () > 0)
final char last = t.image.charAt (t.image.length () - 1);
if (last == '\n' || last == '\r')
ccol = 1;
return retval;
protected void printToken (final Token t)
genCode (getStringToPrint (t));
protected String getStringToPrint (final Token t)
String retval = "";
Token tt = t.specialToken;
if (tt != null)
while (tt.specialToken != null)
tt = tt.specialToken;
while (tt != null)
retval += getStringForTokenOnly (tt);
tt =;
return retval + getStringForTokenOnly (t);
protected void printLeadingComments (final Token t)
genCode (getLeadingComments (t));
protected String getLeadingComments (final Token t)
String retval = "";
if (t.specialToken == null)
return retval;
Token tt = t.specialToken;
while (tt.specialToken != null)
tt = tt.specialToken;
while (tt != null)
retval += getStringForTokenOnly (tt);
tt =;
if (ccol != 1 && cline != t.beginLine)
retval += "\n";
ccol = 1;
return retval;
protected void printTrailingComments (final Token t)
outputBuffer.append (getTrailingComments (t));
protected String getTrailingComments (final Token t)
if ( == null)
return "";
return getLeadingComments (;
* for testing
public String getGeneratedCode ()
return outputBuffer.toString () + "\n";
* Generate annotation. @XX syntax for java, comments in C++
public void genAnnotation (final String ann)
if (Options.isOutputLanguageJava ())
genCode ("@" + ann);
if (Options.getOutputLanguage ().equals (Options.OUTPUT_LANGUAGE__CPP))
{ // For now, it's only C++ for now
genCode ("/*" + ann + "*/");
throw new RuntimeException ("Unknown language : " + Options.getOutputLanguage ());
* Generate a modifier
public void genModifier (final String mod)
final String origMod = mod.toLowerCase ();
if (isJavaLanguage ())
genCode (mod);
{ // For now, it's only C++ for now
if (origMod.equals ("public") || origMod.equals ("private"))
genCode (origMod + ": ");
// we don't care about other mods for now.
* Generate a class with a given name, an array of superclass and another
* array of super interfaes
public void genClassStart (final String mod,
final String name,
final String [] superClasses,
final String [] superInterfaces)
final boolean isJavaLanguage = isJavaLanguage ();
if (isJavaLanguage && mod != null)
genModifier (mod);
genCode ("class " + name);
if (isJavaLanguage)
if (superClasses.length == 1 && superClasses[0] != null)
genCode (" extends " + superClasses[0]);
if (superInterfaces.length != 0)
genCode (" implements ");
if (superClasses.length > 0 || superInterfaces.length > 0)
genCode (" : ");
genCommaSeperatedString (superClasses);
genCommaSeperatedString (superInterfaces);
genCodeLine (" {");
if (Options.getOutputLanguage ().equals (Options.OUTPUT_LANGUAGE__CPP))
genCodeLine (" public:");
private void genCommaSeperatedString (final String [] strings)
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++)
if (i > 0)
genCode (", ");
genCode (strings[i]);
protected boolean isJavaLanguage ()
// TODO :: CBA -- Require Unification of output language specific processing
// into a single Enum class
return Options.isOutputLanguageJava ();
public void switchToMainFile ()
outputBuffer = mainBuffer;
public void switchToStaticsFile ()
if (!isJavaLanguage ())
outputBuffer = staticsBuffer;
public void switchToIncludeFile ()
if (!isJavaLanguage ())
outputBuffer = includeBuffer;
public void generateMethodDefHeader (final String modsAndRetType, final String className, final String nameAndParams)
generateMethodDefHeader (modsAndRetType, className, nameAndParams, null);
public void generateMethodDefHeader (String modsAndRetType,
final String className,
final String nameAndParams,
final String exceptions)
// for C++, we generate the signature in the header file and body in main
// file
if (isJavaLanguage ())
genCode (modsAndRetType + " " + nameAndParams);
if (exceptions != null)
genCode (" throws " + exceptions);
genCodeLine ("");
includeBuffer.append ("\n" + modsAndRetType + " " + nameAndParams);
// if (exceptions != null)
// includeBuffer.append(" throw(" + exceptions + ")");
includeBuffer.append (";\n");
int i = modsAndRetType.lastIndexOf (':');
if (i >= 0)
modsAndRetType = modsAndRetType.substring (i + 1);
i = modsAndRetType.lastIndexOf ("virtual");
if (i >= 0)
modsAndRetType = modsAndRetType.substring (i + "virtual".length ());
mainBuffer.append ("\n" + modsAndRetType + " " + getClassQualifier (className) + nameAndParams);
// if (exceptions != null)
// mainBuffer.append(" throw( " + exceptions + ")");
switchToMainFile ();
protected String getClassQualifier (final String className)
return className == null ? "" : className + "::";
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