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com.phloc.html.hc.impl.AbstractHCElement Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 phloc systems
 * office[at]phloc[dot]com
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.phloc.html.hc.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.CheckForSigned;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.phloc.commons.ValueEnforcer;
import com.phloc.commons.annotations.Nonempty;
import com.phloc.commons.annotations.OverrideOnDemand;
import com.phloc.commons.annotations.ReturnsMutableCopy;
import com.phloc.commons.collections.ContainerHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.equals.EqualsUtils;
import com.phloc.commons.idfactory.GlobalIDFactory;
import com.phloc.commons.lang.GenericReflection;
import com.phloc.commons.microdom.IMicroElement;
import com.phloc.commons.microdom.IMicroNode;
import com.phloc.commons.microdom.impl.MicroElement;
import com.phloc.commons.regex.RegExHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.string.StringHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.string.ToStringGenerator;
import com.phloc.commons.text.IPredefinedLocaleTextProvider;
import com.phloc.commons.xml.CXML;
import com.phloc.css.ICSSWriterSettings;
import com.phloc.css.propertyvalue.ICSSValue;
import com.phloc.html.CHTMLAttributeValues;
import com.phloc.html.CHTMLAttributes;
import com.phloc.html.EHTMLElement;
import com.phloc.html.EHTMLRole;
import com.phloc.html.css.ICSSClassProvider;
import com.phloc.html.hc.IHCElement;
import com.phloc.html.hc.api.EHCTextDirection;
import com.phloc.html.hc.api5.EHCContentEditable;
import com.phloc.html.hc.api5.EHCDraggable;
import com.phloc.html.hc.api5.EHCDropZone;
import com.phloc.html.hc.conversion.HCConsistencyChecker;
import com.phloc.html.hc.conversion.IHCConversionSettingsToNode;
import com.phloc.html.js.EJSEvent;
import com.phloc.html.js.IJSCodeProvider;
import com.phloc.html.js.JSEventMap;

public abstract class AbstractHCElement > extends AbstractHCNode implements IHCElement 
  /** By default an element is not unfocusable */
  public static final boolean DEFAULT_UNFOCUSABLE = false;

  /** By default an element is not hidden */
  public static final boolean DEFAULT_HIDDEN = false;

  /** By default an element is not spell checked */
  public static final boolean DEFAULT_SPELLCHECK = false;

  private static final Logger s_aLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger (AbstractHCElement.class);

  /** The HTML enum element */
  private final EHTMLElement m_eElement;
  /** The cached element name */
  private final String m_sElementName;

  private String m_sID;
  private String m_sTitle;
  private String m_sLanguage;
  private EHCTextDirection m_eDirection;
  // Must be a LinkedHashSet:
  private Set  m_aCSSClassProviders;
  // Must be a LinkedHashMap:
  private Map  m_aStyles;
   * Use 1 pointer instead of many to save memory if no handler is used at all
   * (which happens quite often)!
  private JSEventMap m_aJSHandler;
  private boolean m_bUnfocusable = DEFAULT_UNFOCUSABLE;
  private long m_nTabIndex = DEFAULT_TABINDEX;
  private String m_sAccessKey;

  // HTML5 global attributes
  private EHCContentEditable m_eContentEditable;
  private String m_sContextMenuID;
  private EHCDraggable m_eDraggable;
  private EHCDropZone m_eDropZone;
  private boolean m_bHidden = DEFAULT_HIDDEN;
  private boolean m_bSpellCheck = DEFAULT_SPELLCHECK;
  private EHTMLRole m_eRole;

  // Must be a LinkedHashMap_
  private Map  m_aCustomAttrs;

  protected AbstractHCElement (@Nonnull final EHTMLElement eElement)
    m_eElement = ValueEnforcer.notNull (eElement, "Element");
    m_sElementName = eElement.getElementNameLowerCase ();

  public final EHTMLElement getElement ()
    return m_eElement;

  public final String getTagName ()
    return m_sElementName;

  protected final THISTYPE thisAsT ()
    // Avoid the unchecked cast warning in all places
    return GenericReflection., THISTYPE> uncheckedCast (this);

  public final boolean hasID ()
    return StringHelper.hasText (m_sID);

  public final String getID ()
    return m_sID;

  public final THISTYPE setID (@Nullable final String sID)
    if (StringHelper.hasText (sID))
      // RegEx check: !CXMLRegEx.PATTERN_NCNAME.matcher (sID).matches ()
      // Happens to often, since "[" and "]" occur very often and are not
      // allowed

      // Check if a whitespace is contained
      if (RegExHelper.stringMatchesPattern (".*\\s.*", sID))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException ("ID '" + sID + "' may not contains whitespace chars!");
    m_sID = sID;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE setUniqueID ()
    return setID (GlobalIDFactory.getNewStringID ());

  public THISTYPE ensureID ()
    if (!hasID ())
      setUniqueID ();
    return thisAsT ();

  protected final String getTitle ()
    return m_sTitle;

  public final THISTYPE setTitle (@Nonnull final IPredefinedLocaleTextProvider aTextProvider)
    return setTitle (aTextProvider.getText ());

  public final THISTYPE setTitle (@Nullable final String sTitle)
    m_sTitle = sTitle;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final boolean containsClass (@Nullable final ICSSClassProvider aCSSClassProvider)
    return m_aCSSClassProviders != null &&
           aCSSClassProvider != null &&
           m_aCSSClassProviders.contains (aCSSClassProvider);

  public final THISTYPE addClass (@Nullable final ICSSClassProvider aCSSClassProvider)
    if (aCSSClassProvider != null)
      if (m_aCSSClassProviders == null)
        m_aCSSClassProviders = new LinkedHashSet  ();
      m_aCSSClassProviders.add (aCSSClassProvider);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE addClasses (@Nullable final ICSSClassProvider aCSSClassProvider)
    return addClass (aCSSClassProvider);

  public final THISTYPE addClasses (@Nullable final ICSSClassProvider... aCSSClassProviders)
    if (aCSSClassProviders != null)
      for (final ICSSClassProvider aProvider : aCSSClassProviders)
        addClass (aProvider);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE addClasses (@Nullable final Iterable  aCSSClassProviders)
    if (aCSSClassProviders != null)
      for (final ICSSClassProvider aProvider : aCSSClassProviders)
        addClass (aProvider);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE removeClass (@Nullable final ICSSClassProvider aCSSClassProvider)
    if (m_aCSSClassProviders != null && aCSSClassProvider != null)
      m_aCSSClassProviders.remove (aCSSClassProvider);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE removeAllClasses ()
    if (m_aCSSClassProviders != null)
      m_aCSSClassProviders.clear ();
    return thisAsT ();

  public final Set  getAllClasses ()
    return ContainerHelper.newOrderedSet (m_aCSSClassProviders);

  public final Set  getAllClassNames ()
    final Set  ret = new LinkedHashSet  ();
    if (m_aCSSClassProviders != null)
      for (final ICSSClassProvider aCSSClassProvider : m_aCSSClassProviders)
        final String sCSSClass = aCSSClassProvider.getCSSClass ();
        if (StringHelper.hasText (sCSSClass))
          ret.add (sCSSClass);
    return ret;

  public final boolean hasAnyClass ()
    return m_aCSSClassProviders != null && !m_aCSSClassProviders.isEmpty ();

  public final String getAllClassesAsString ()
    if (m_aCSSClassProviders == null || m_aCSSClassProviders.isEmpty ())
      return null;

    final StringBuilder aSB = new StringBuilder ();
    for (final ICSSClassProvider aCSSClassProvider : m_aCSSClassProviders)
      final String sCSSClass = aCSSClassProvider.getCSSClass ();
      if (StringHelper.hasText (sCSSClass))
        if (aSB.length () > 0)
          aSB.append (' ');
        aSB.append (sCSSClass);
    return aSB.toString ();

  public final Map  getAllStyles ()
    return ContainerHelper.newMap (m_aStyles);

  public final Collection  getAllStyleValues ()
    return m_aStyles == null ? new ArrayList  () : ContainerHelper.newList (m_aStyles.values ());

  public final ICSSValue getStyleValue (@Nullable final ECSSProperty eProperty)
    return eProperty == null || m_aStyles == null ? null : m_aStyles.get (eProperty);

  public final boolean containsStyle (@Nullable final ECSSProperty eProperty)
    return m_aStyles != null && m_aStyles.containsKey (eProperty);

  public final boolean hasStyle (@Nullable final ICSSValue aValue)
    if (aValue == null || m_aStyles == null)
      return false;

    // Contained styles can never have a null value!
    final ECSSProperty eProp = aValue.getProp ();
    return EqualsUtils.equals (m_aStyles.get (eProp), aValue);

  public final boolean hasAnyStyle ()
    return m_aStyles != null && !m_aStyles.isEmpty ();

  public final THISTYPE addStyle (@Nonnull final ECSSProperty eProperty, @Nonnull @Nonempty final String sPropertyValue)
    return addStyle (new CSSPropertyFree (eProperty).newValue (sPropertyValue));

  public final THISTYPE addStyle (@Nullable final ICSSValue aValue)
    if (aValue != null)
      if (m_aStyles == null)
        m_aStyles = new LinkedHashMap  ();
      m_aStyles.put (aValue.getProp (), aValue);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE addStyles (@Nullable final ICSSValue aValue)
    return addStyle (aValue);

  public final THISTYPE addStyles (@Nullable final ICSSValue... aValues)
    if (aValues != null)
      for (final ICSSValue aValue : aValues)
        addStyle (aValue);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE addStyles (@Nullable final Iterable  aValues)
    if (aValues != null)
      for (final ICSSValue aValue : aValues)
        addStyle (aValue);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE removeStyle (@Nonnull final ECSSProperty eProperty)
    if (m_aStyles != null)
      m_aStyles.remove (eProperty);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE removeAllStyles ()
    m_aStyles.clear ();
    return thisAsT ();

  public final String getAllStylesAsString (@Nonnull final ICSSWriterSettings aCSSSettings)
    if (m_aStyles == null || m_aStyles.isEmpty ())
      return null;
    final StringBuilder aSB = new StringBuilder ();
    for (final ICSSValue aValue : m_aStyles.values ())
      aSB.append (aValue.getAsCSSString (aCSSSettings, 0));
    return aSB.toString ();

  public final EHCTextDirection getDirection ()
    return m_eDirection;

  public final THISTYPE setDirection (@Nullable final EHCTextDirection eDirection)
    m_eDirection = eDirection;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final String getLanguage ()
    return m_sLanguage;

  public final THISTYPE setLanguage (@Nullable final String sLanguage)
    m_sLanguage = sLanguage;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final IJSCodeProvider getEventHandler (@Nullable final EJSEvent eJSEvent)
    return m_aJSHandler == null ? null : m_aJSHandler.getHandler (eJSEvent);

  public final boolean containsEventHandler (@Nullable final EJSEvent eJSEvent)
    return m_aJSHandler != null && m_aJSHandler.containsHandler (eJSEvent);

  public final THISTYPE addEventHandler (@Nonnull final EJSEvent eJSEvent, @Nullable final IJSCodeProvider aJSCode)
    if (aJSCode != null)
      if (m_aJSHandler == null)
        m_aJSHandler = new JSEventMap ();
      m_aJSHandler.addHandler (eJSEvent, aJSCode);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE prependEventHandler (@Nonnull final EJSEvent eJSEvent, @Nullable final IJSCodeProvider aJSCode)
    if (aJSCode != null)
      if (m_aJSHandler == null)
        m_aJSHandler = new JSEventMap ();
      m_aJSHandler.prependHandler (eJSEvent, aJSCode);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE setEventHandler (@Nonnull final EJSEvent eJSEvent, @Nullable final IJSCodeProvider aJSCode)
    if (aJSCode != null)
      if (m_aJSHandler == null)
        m_aJSHandler = new JSEventMap ();
      m_aJSHandler.setHandler (eJSEvent, aJSCode);
      if (m_aJSHandler != null)
        m_aJSHandler.removeHandler (eJSEvent);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE removeAllEventHandler (@Nullable final EJSEvent eJSEvent)
    if (m_aJSHandler != null)
      m_aJSHandler.removeHandler (eJSEvent);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final boolean isUnfocusable ()
    return m_bUnfocusable;

  public final THISTYPE setUnfocusable (final boolean bUnfocusable)
    m_bUnfocusable = bUnfocusable;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final boolean isHidden ()
    return m_bHidden;

  public final THISTYPE setHidden (final boolean bHidden)
    m_bHidden = bHidden;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final long getTabIndex ()
    return m_nTabIndex;

  public final THISTYPE setTabIndex (final long nTabIndex)
    m_nTabIndex = nTabIndex;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final String getAccessKey ()
    return m_sAccessKey;

  public final THISTYPE setAccessKey (@Nullable final String sAccessKey)
    m_sAccessKey = sAccessKey;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final EHCContentEditable getContentEditable ()
    return m_eContentEditable;

  public final THISTYPE setContentEditable (@Nullable final EHCContentEditable eContentEditable)
    m_eContentEditable = eContentEditable;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final String getContextMenu ()
    return m_sContextMenuID;

  public final THISTYPE setContextMenu (@Nullable final String sContextMenuID)
    m_sContextMenuID = sContextMenuID;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final EHCDraggable getDraggable ()
    return m_eDraggable;

  public final THISTYPE setDraggable (@Nullable final EHCDraggable eDraggable)
    m_eDraggable = eDraggable;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final EHCDropZone getDropZone ()
    return m_eDropZone;

  public final THISTYPE setDropZone (@Nullable final EHCDropZone eDropZone)
    m_eDropZone = eDropZone;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final boolean isSpellCheck ()
    return m_bSpellCheck;

  public final THISTYPE setSpellCheck (final boolean bSpellCheck)
    m_bSpellCheck = bSpellCheck;
    return thisAsT ();

  public final EHTMLRole getRole ()
    return m_eRole;

  public final THISTYPE setRole (@Nullable final EHTMLRole eRole)
    m_eRole = eRole;
    return thisAsT ();

  public boolean hasCustomAttrs ()
    return ContainerHelper.isNotEmpty (m_aCustomAttrs);

  public int getCustomAttrCount ()
    return ContainerHelper.getSize (m_aCustomAttrs);

  public boolean containsCustomAttr (@Nullable final String sName)
    return m_aCustomAttrs != null && StringHelper.hasText (sName) ? m_aCustomAttrs.containsKey (sName) : false;

  public final String getCustomAttrValue (@Nullable final String sName)
    return m_aCustomAttrs != null && StringHelper.hasText (sName) ? m_aCustomAttrs.get (sName) : null;

  public final Map  getAllCustomAttrs ()
    return ContainerHelper.newOrderedMap (m_aCustomAttrs);

  public final THISTYPE setCustomAttr (@Nullable final String sName, @Nullable final String sValue)
    if (StringHelper.hasText (sName) && sValue != null)
      if (m_aCustomAttrs == null)
        m_aCustomAttrs = new LinkedHashMap  ();
      m_aCustomAttrs.put (sName, sValue);
    return thisAsT ();

  public final THISTYPE setCustomAttr (@Nullable final String sName, final int nValue)
    return setCustomAttr (sName, Integer.toString (nValue));

  public final THISTYPE setCustomAttr (@Nullable final String sName, final long nValue)
    return setCustomAttr (sName, Long.toString (nValue));

  public final THISTYPE removeCustomAttr (@Nullable final String sName)
    if (m_aCustomAttrs != null && sName != null)
      m_aCustomAttrs.remove (sName);
    return thisAsT ();

  public static boolean isDataAttrName (@Nullable final String sName)
    return StringHelper.startsWith (sName, CHTMLAttributes.HTML5_PREFIX_DATA);

  public static String makeDataAttrName (@Nullable final String sName)
    return StringHelper.hasNoText (sName) ? sName : CHTMLAttributes.HTML5_PREFIX_DATA + sName;

  public boolean hasDataAttrs ()
    if (m_aCustomAttrs != null)
      for (final String sName : m_aCustomAttrs.keySet ())
        if (isDataAttrName (sName))
          return true;
    return false;

  public boolean containsDataAttr (@Nullable final String sName)
    return containsCustomAttr (makeDataAttrName (sName));

  public String getDataAttrValue (@Nullable final String sName)
    return getCustomAttrValue (makeDataAttrName (sName));

  public Map  getAllDataAttrs ()
    final Map  ret = new LinkedHashMap  ();
    if (m_aCustomAttrs != null)
      for (final Map.Entry  aEntry : m_aCustomAttrs.entrySet ())
        if (isDataAttrName (aEntry.getKey ()))
          ret.put (aEntry.getKey (), aEntry.getValue ());
    return ret;

  public THISTYPE setDataAttr (@Nullable final String sName, final int nValue)
    return setCustomAttr (makeDataAttrName (sName), nValue);

  public THISTYPE setDataAttr (@Nullable final String sName, final long nValue)
    return setCustomAttr (makeDataAttrName (sName), nValue);

  public THISTYPE setDataAttr (@Nullable final String sName, @Nullable final String sValue)
    return setCustomAttr (makeDataAttrName (sName), sValue);

  public THISTYPE removeDataAttr (@Nullable final String sName)
    return removeCustomAttr (makeDataAttrName (sName));

   * @param aConversionSettings
   *        The conversion settings to be used
   * @return The created micro element for this HC element. May not be
   *         null.
  protected IMicroElement createElement (@Nonnull final IHCConversionSettingsToNode aConversionSettings)
    return new MicroElement (aConversionSettings.getHTMLNamespaceURI (), m_sElementName);

   * Set all attributes and child elements of this object
   * @param aElement
   *        The current micro element to be filled
   * @param aConversionSettings
   *        The conversion settings to be used
  protected void applyProperties (@Nonnull final IMicroElement aElement,
                                  @Nonnull final IHCConversionSettingsToNode aConversionSettings)
    final boolean bHTML5 = aConversionSettings.getHTMLVersion ().isAtLeastHTML5 ();

    if (StringHelper.hasText (m_sID))
      aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.ID, m_sID);

    if (StringHelper.hasText (m_sTitle))
      aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.TITLE, m_sTitle);

    if (StringHelper.hasText (m_sLanguage))
      // Both "xml:lang" and "lang"
      aElement.setAttribute (CXML.XML_ATTR_LANG, m_sLanguage);
      aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.LANG, m_sLanguage);

    if (m_eDirection != null)
      aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.DIR, m_eDirection);

    aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.CLASS, getAllClassesAsString ());

    aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.STYLE, getAllStylesAsString (aConversionSettings.getCSSWriterSettings ()));

    // Emit all JS events
    if (m_aJSHandler != null)
      m_aJSHandler.applyToElement (aElement);

    // unfocusable is handled by the customizer as it is non-standard

    // Global attributes
    if (m_nTabIndex != DEFAULT_TABINDEX)
      aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.TABINDEX, m_nTabIndex);
    if (StringHelper.hasNoText (m_sAccessKey))
      aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.ACCESSKEY, m_sAccessKey);

    // Global HTML5 attributes
    if (bHTML5)
      if (m_eContentEditable != null)
        aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.CONTENTEDITABLE, m_eContentEditable);
      if (StringHelper.hasNoText (m_sContextMenuID))
        aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.CONTEXTMENU, m_sContextMenuID);
      if (m_eDraggable != null)
        aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.DRAGGABLE, m_eDraggable);
      if (m_eDropZone != null)
        aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.DROPZONE, m_eDropZone);
      if (m_bHidden)
        aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.HIDDEN, CHTMLAttributeValues.HIDDEN);
      if (m_bSpellCheck)
        aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.SPELLCHECK, CHTMLAttributeValues.SPELLCHECK);

    if (m_eRole != null)
      aElement.setAttribute (CHTMLAttributes.ROLE, m_eRole.getID ());

    if (m_aCustomAttrs != null && !m_aCustomAttrs.isEmpty ())
      for (final Map.Entry  aEntry : m_aCustomAttrs.entrySet ())
        final String sAttrName = aEntry.getKey ();
        // Link element often contains arbitrary attributes
        if (bHTML5 &&
            aConversionSettings.areConsistencyChecksEnabled () &&
            !StringHelper.startsWith (sAttrName, CHTMLAttributes.HTML5_PREFIX_DATA) &&
            !StringHelper.startsWith (sAttrName, CHTMLAttributes.PREFIX_ARIA) &&
            m_eElement != EHTMLElement.LINK)
          s_aLogger.warn ("Custom attribute '" +
                          sAttrName +
                          "' does not start with proposed prefix '" +
                          CHTMLAttributes.HTML5_PREFIX_DATA +
                          "' or '" +
                          CHTMLAttributes.PREFIX_ARIA +
        aElement.setAttribute (sAttrName, aEntry.getValue ());

   * This method is called after the element itself was created and filled.
   * Overwrite this method to perform actions that can only be done after the
   * element was build finally.
   * @param eElement
   *        The created micro element
   * @param aConversionSettings
   *        The conversion settings to be used
  protected void finishAfterApplyProperties (@Nonnull final IMicroElement eElement,
                                             @Nonnull final IHCConversionSettingsToNode aConversionSettings)

   * Note: return type cannot by IMicroElement since the checkbox object
   * delivers an IMicroNodeList!
  protected IMicroNode internalConvertToNode (@Nonnull final IHCConversionSettingsToNode aConversionSettings)
    // Run some consistency checks if desired
    if (aConversionSettings.areConsistencyChecksEnabled ())
      HCConsistencyChecker.runConsistencyCheckBeforeCreation (this, aConversionSettings.getHTMLVersion ());

    // Create the element
    final IMicroElement ret = createElement (aConversionSettings);
    if (ret == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException ("Created a null element!");

    // Set all HTML attributes etc.
    applyProperties (ret, aConversionSettings);

    // Optional callback after everything was done (implementation dependent)
    finishAfterApplyProperties (ret, aConversionSettings);
    return ret;

  public String toString ()
    return new ToStringGenerator (this).append ("element", m_eElement)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("ID", m_sID)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("title", m_sTitle)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("language", m_sLanguage)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("direction", m_eDirection)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("classes", m_aCSSClassProviders)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("styles", m_aStyles)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("JSHandler", m_aJSHandler)
                                       .append ("unfocusable", m_bUnfocusable)
                                       .append ("tabIndex", m_nTabIndex)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("accessKey", m_sAccessKey)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("contentEditable", m_eContentEditable)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("contextMenu", m_sContextMenuID)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("draggable", m_eDraggable)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("dropZone", m_eDropZone)
                                       .append ("hidden", m_bHidden)
                                       .append ("spellcheck", m_bSpellCheck)
                                       .appendIfNotNull ("customAttrs", m_aCustomAttrs)
                                       .toString ();

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