com.phloc.html.js.marshal.JSMarshaller Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2006-2015 phloc systems
* http://www.phloc.com
* office[at]phloc[dot]com
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.phloc.html.js.marshal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.phloc.commons.ValueEnforcer;
import com.phloc.commons.collections.ArrayHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.collections.ContainerHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.lang.ClassHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.string.StringHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.text.IPredefinedLocaleTextProvider;
import com.phloc.html.hc.IHCNode;
import com.phloc.html.hc.conversion.HCSettings;
import com.phloc.html.js.CJS;
import com.phloc.html.js.IJSCodeProvider;
import com.phloc.json.IJSON;
* Marshaler class that converts Java Objects to their respective JavaScript
* notation.
* @author Philip Helger
public final class JSMarshaller
private static final Logger s_aLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger (JSMarshaller.class);
private static final char [] CHARS_TO_MASK = new char [] { '"', '\'', '\\', '/', '\t', '\r', '\n', '\f' };
private static final char MASK_CHAR = '\\';
* All reserved keywords of JS. see here
* technically the last few are not reserved words but they cannot be used as
* identifiers.
private static final Set RESERVED_KEYWORDS = ContainerHelper.newSet ("break",
// non-reserved
private JSMarshaller ()
* Turn special characters into escaped characters conforming to JavaScript.
* Handles complete character set defined in HTML 4.01 recommendation.
* Reference: Core JavaScript 1.5 Guide
* @param sInput
* the input string
* @return the escaped string
public static String javaScriptEscape (@Nullable final String sInput)
if (StringHelper.hasNoText (sInput))
return sInput;
final char [] aInput = sInput.toCharArray ();
if (!StringHelper.containsAny (aInput, CHARS_TO_MASK))
return sInput;
final char [] ret = new char [aInput.length * 2];
int nIndex = 0;
char cPrevChar = '\u0000';
for (final char cCurrent : aInput)
switch (cCurrent)
case '"':
case '\'':
case '\\':
case '/':
ret[nIndex++] = MASK_CHAR;
ret[nIndex++] = cCurrent;
case '\t':
ret[nIndex++] = MASK_CHAR;
ret[nIndex++] = 't';
case '\n':
if (cPrevChar != '\r')
ret[nIndex++] = MASK_CHAR;
ret[nIndex++] = 'n';
case '\r':
ret[nIndex++] = MASK_CHAR;
ret[nIndex++] = 'n';
case '\f':
ret[nIndex++] = MASK_CHAR;
ret[nIndex++] = 'f';
ret[nIndex++] = cCurrent;
cPrevChar = cCurrent;
return new String (ret, 0, nIndex);
* Unescape a previously escaped string.
* Important: this is not a 100% reversion of
* {@link #javaScriptEscape(String)} since the escaping method drops any '\r'
* character and it will therefore not be unescaped!
* @param sInput
* The string to be unescaped. May be null
* @return The unescaped string.
* @see #javaScriptEscape(String)
// ESCA-JAVA0119:
public static String javaScriptUnescape (@Nullable final String sInput)
if (StringHelper.hasNoText (sInput))
return sInput;
final char [] aInput = sInput.toCharArray ();
if (!ArrayHelper.contains (aInput, MASK_CHAR))
return sInput;
final char [] ret = new char [aInput.length];
int nIndex = 0;
char cPrevChar = '\u0000';
for (int i = 0; i < aInput.length; i++)
final char cCurrent = aInput[i];
if (cPrevChar == MASK_CHAR)
switch (cCurrent)
case '"':
case '\'':
case '\\':
case '/':
ret[nIndex++] = cCurrent;
case 't':
ret[nIndex++] = '\t';
case 'n':
ret[nIndex++] = '\n';
case 'f':
ret[nIndex++] = '\f';
case 'x':
final char cHex1 = aInput[++i];
final char cHex2 = aInput[++i];
ret[nIndex++] = (char) StringHelper.getHexByte (cHex1, cHex2);
ret[nIndex++] = MASK_CHAR;
ret[nIndex++] = cCurrent;
cPrevChar = 0;
if (cCurrent != MASK_CHAR)
ret[nIndex++] = cCurrent;
cPrevChar = cCurrent;
// Last char is a mask char? append!
if (cPrevChar == MASK_CHAR)
ret[nIndex++] = MASK_CHAR;
return new String (ret, 0, nIndex);
private static JSType _autoDetectJSType (final Class > aClass)
if (ClassHelper.isStringClass (aClass) || IPredefinedLocaleTextProvider.class.isAssignableFrom (aClass))
return JSType.STRING;
if (ClassHelper.isCharacterClass (aClass))
return JSType.STRING;
if (ClassHelper.isBooleanClass (aClass))
return JSType.BOOLEAN;
if (ClassHelper.isFloatingPointClass (aClass))
return JSType.DOUBLE;
if (ClassHelper.isIntegerClass (aClass))
return JSType.INT;
if (ClassHelper.isArrayClass (aClass))
return new JSArrayType (JSType.AUTO_DETECT);
if (IJSCodeProvider.class.isAssignableFrom (aClass))
return JSType.JS;
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom (aClass))
return new JSMapType (JSType.AUTO_DETECT, JSType.AUTO_DETECT);
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom (aClass))
return new JSListType (JSType.AUTO_DETECT);
if (IJSON.class.isAssignableFrom (aClass))
return JSType.JSON;
s_aLogger.warn ("Failed to detect JS type of class " + aClass);
return null;
private static JSType _getRealJSType (@Nullable final Object aObject, @Nonnull final JSType aSupposedType)
if (!aSupposedType.equals (JSType.AUTO_DETECT))
return aSupposedType;
if (aObject == null)
return JSType.VOID;
// auto-detect JS type!!!
final JSType aRealType = _autoDetectJSType (aObject.getClass ());
if (aRealType == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Unsupported data type: " + aObject.getClass ());
return aRealType;
private static void _toJSString (@Nullable final Object aObject,
@Nonnull final JSType aType,
@Nonnull final StringBuilder aSB,
@Nonnegative final int nLevel,
final boolean bWithSurroundingVar)
if (aObject == null)
aSB.append (CJS.JS_NULL);
switch (aType.getType ())
case DOUBLE:
// double: No check for "Number" because this destroys float values!
aSB.append (aObject.toString ());
case INT:
if (aObject instanceof Number)
aSB.append (Long.toString (((Number) aObject).longValue ()));
aSB.append (aObject.toString ());
case HTML:
if (aObject instanceof IHCNode)
aSB.append (HCSettings.getAsHTMLString ((IHCNode) aObject));
aSB.append ((String) aObject);
case JS:
// Use JS as is
if (aObject instanceof IJSCodeProvider)
aSB.append (((IJSCodeProvider) aObject).getJSCode ());
aSB.append ((String) aObject);
case JSON:
if (aObject instanceof IJSON)
aSB.append (((IJSON) aObject).getJSONString ());
case STRING:
// Note: use single quotes for use in HTML attributes!
final String sValue = aObject instanceof IPredefinedLocaleTextProvider ? ((IPredefinedLocaleTextProvider) aObject).getText ()
: String.valueOf (aObject);
aSB.append ('\'').append (javaScriptEscape (sValue)).append ('\'');
case ARRAY:
case LIST:
if (!(aType instanceof JSListType) && !(aType instanceof JSArrayType))
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("object is not a list: " + aType);
// get type of list elements
final JSType aListType = ((IHasChildJSType) aType).getChildType ();
// for all values (recursive)
if (nLevel == 0 && bWithSurroundingVar)
aSB.append ("var x=");
aSB.append ('[');
int i = 0;
if (aType.getType () == EJSType.ARRAY)
// Handle arrays
final Object [] aArray = (Object []) aObject;
for (final Object aMember : aArray)
if (i++ > 0)
aSB.append (',');
_toJSString (aMember, _getRealJSType (aMember, aListType), aSB, nLevel + 1, bWithSurroundingVar);
// Handle lists
final Collection > aList = (Collection >) aObject;
for (final Object aMember : aList)
if (i++ > 0)
aSB.append (',');
_toJSString (aMember, _getRealJSType (aMember, aListType), aSB, nLevel + 1, bWithSurroundingVar);
aSB.append (']');
if (nLevel == 0 && bWithSurroundingVar)
// JS "eval" should return the array!
aSB.append (";x");
case MAP:
if (!(aType instanceof JSMapType))
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("object is not a map");
final Map , ?> aMap = (Map , ?>) aObject;
// get type of map elements
final JSType aKeyType = ((JSMapType) aType).getKeyType ();
final JSType aValueType = ((JSMapType) aType).getValueType ();
// for all keys (recursive)
if (nLevel == 0 && bWithSurroundingVar)
aSB.append ("var x=");
aSB.append ('{');
int i = 0;
for (final Entry , ?> aEntry : aMap.entrySet ())
if (i++ > 0)
aSB.append (',');
final Object aKey = aEntry.getKey ();
final Object aValue = aEntry.getValue ();
// append key and value
_toJSString (aKey, _getRealJSType (aKey, aKeyType), aSB, nLevel + 1, bWithSurroundingVar);
aSB.append (':');
_toJSString (aValue, _getRealJSType (aValue, aValueType), aSB, nLevel + 1, bWithSurroundingVar);
aSB.append ('}');
if (nLevel == 0 && bWithSurroundingVar)
// JS "eval" should return the array!
aSB.append (";x");
case VOID:
// do nothing
throw new IllegalStateException ("Unknown type: " + aType.getType ());
* Auto-detect the type of the passed object and convert it to a JS string. If
* the type detection failed, an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
* @param aObject
* The object to be converted. May be null
. Note: works
* for atomic types and arrays, but not for collection types!
* @return The string representation of the passed object.
public static String objectToJSString (@Nullable final Object aObject)
return objectToJSString (aObject, JSType.AUTO_DETECT, false);
public static String objectToJSString (@Nullable final Object aObject, @Nonnull final JSType aType)
return objectToJSString (aObject, aType, false);
public static String objectToJSString (@Nullable final Object aObject,
@Nonnull final JSType aType,
final boolean bWithSurroundingVar)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aType, "Type");
final StringBuilder aSB = new StringBuilder ();
_toJSString (aObject, _getRealJSType (aObject, aType), aSB, 0, bWithSurroundingVar);
return aSB.toString ();
public static boolean isJSIdentifier (@Nullable final String s)
if (StringHelper.hasNoText (s))
return false;
// Reserved word?
if (RESERVED_KEYWORDS.contains (s))
return false;
final char [] aChars = s.toCharArray ();
for (int i = 0; i < aChars.length; ++i)
if (i == 0)
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart (aChars[i]))
return false;
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart (aChars[i]))
return false;
return true;
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