com.phloc.html.parser.XHTMLParser2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2006-2015 phloc systems
* http://www.phloc.com
* office[at]phloc[dot]com
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.phloc.html.parser;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.phloc.commons.ValueEnforcer;
import com.phloc.commons.annotations.ReturnsMutableCopy;
import com.phloc.commons.collections.ContainerHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.microdom.IMicroContainer;
import com.phloc.commons.microdom.IMicroDocument;
import com.phloc.commons.microdom.IMicroElement;
import com.phloc.commons.microdom.IMicroNode;
import com.phloc.commons.microdom.impl.MicroContainer;
import com.phloc.commons.microdom.serialize.MicroReader;
import com.phloc.commons.regex.RegExHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.string.StringHelper;
import com.phloc.commons.xml.CXML;
import com.phloc.commons.xml.EXMLIncorrectCharacterHandling;
import com.phloc.commons.xml.EXMLParserFeature;
import com.phloc.commons.xml.serialize.EXMLSerializeVersion;
import com.phloc.commons.xml.serialize.ISAXReaderSettings;
import com.phloc.commons.xml.serialize.SAXReaderSettings;
import com.phloc.commons.xml.serialize.XMLEmitterPhloc;
import com.phloc.html.EHTMLElement;
import com.phloc.html.EHTMLVersion;
import com.phloc.html.entities.HTMLEntityResolver;
import com.phloc.html.hc.IHCNode;
import com.phloc.html.hc.htmlext.HCUtils;
import com.phloc.html.hc.impl.HCDOMWrapper;
import com.phloc.html.hc.impl.HCTextNode;
* Utility class for parsing stuff as HTML.
* @author Philip Helger
public final class XHTMLParser2
private static final Logger s_aLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger (XHTMLParser2.class);
private final EHTMLVersion m_eHTMLVersion;
// By default enable a little secured reader settings.
// * DOCTYPE must be allowed because it is common in HTML files
// * parameter entities must be allowed, because otherwise the HTML DTDs
// cannot be read correctly
// Note: SECURE_PROCESSING is not available in JDK parser 1.6.0_32 (most
// probably also not in the previous versions)
private SAXReaderSettings m_aAdditionalSAXReaderSettings = new SAXReaderSettings ().setFeatureValue (EXMLParserFeature.SECURE_PROCESSING,
.setFeatureValue (EXMLParserFeature.EXTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITIES,
public XHTMLParser2 ()
this (EHTMLVersion.DEFAULT);
public XHTMLParser2 (@Nonnull final EHTMLVersion eHTMLVersion)
this.m_eHTMLVersion = ValueEnforcer.notNull (eHTMLVersion, "HTMLVersion");
* @return The HTML version as specified in the constructor. Never
* null
public EHTMLVersion getHTMLVersion ()
return this.m_eHTMLVersion;
* @return A copy of the additional SAX reader settings that are used for
* parsing. By default a secure processing is active, that disallows
* inline DTDs in HTML documents.
public SAXReaderSettings getAdditionalSAXReaderSettings ()
// Return a clone
return this.m_aAdditionalSAXReaderSettings.getClone ();
* Set additional SAX reader settings that are used when an XHTML fragment is
* read. All settings are reused when parsing except for the entity resolver
* which is always set to the default {@link HTMLEntityResolver}.
* @param aAdditionalSaxReaderSettings
* The settings to be used. May be null
public void setAdditionalSAXReaderSettings (@Nullable final ISAXReaderSettings aAdditionalSaxReaderSettings)
this.m_aAdditionalSAXReaderSettings = SAXReaderSettings.createCloneOnDemand (aAdditionalSaxReaderSettings);
* Check whether the passed text looks like it contains XHTML code. This is a
* heuristic check only and does not perform actual parsing!
* @param sText
* The text to check.
* @return true
if the text looks like HTML
public static boolean looksLikeXHTML (@Nullable final String sText)
// If the text contains an open angle bracket followed by a character that
// we think of it as HTML
// (?s) enables the "dotall" mode - see Pattern.DOTALL
return StringHelper.hasText (sText) && RegExHelper.stringMatchesPattern ("(?s).*<[a-zA-Z].+", sText);
* Check if the given fragment is valid XHTML 1.1 mark-up. This method tries
* to parse the XHTML fragment, so it is potentially slow!
* @param sXHTMLFragment
* The XHTML fragment to parse. It is not checked, whether the value
* looks like HTML or not.
* @return true
if the fragment is valid, false
* otherwise.
public boolean isValidXHTMLFragment (@Nullable final String sXHTMLFragment)
return StringHelper.hasNoText (sXHTMLFragment) || parseXHTMLFragment (sXHTMLFragment) != null;
* Parse the given fragment as XHTML 1.1. This is a sanity method for
* {@link #parseXHTMLFragment(String)} with the predefined XHTML 1.1 document
* type.
* @param sXHTMLFragment
* The XHTML fragment to parse. May be null
* @return null
if parsing failed.
public IMicroDocument parseXHTMLFragment (@Nullable final String sXHTMLFragment)
// Build mini HTML and insert fragment in the middle.
// If parsing succeeds, it is considered valid HTML.
final String sHTMLNamespaceURI = this.m_eHTMLVersion.getNamespaceURI ();
final String sXHTML = XMLEmitterPhloc.getDocTypeHTMLRepresentation (EXMLSerializeVersion.XML_10,
this.m_eHTMLVersion.getDocType ()) +
" " +
StringHelper.getNotNull (sXHTMLFragment) +
return parseXHTMLDocument (sXHTML);
* This method parses a full HTML document into a {@link IMicroDocument} using
* the additional SAX reader settings and always the
* {@link HTMLEntityResolver} as an entity resolver.
* @param sXHTML
* The complete XHTML document as a string. May be null
* @return null
if interpretation failed
public IMicroDocument parseXHTMLDocument (@Nullable final String sXHTML)
return MicroReader.readMicroXML (sXHTML,
this.m_aAdditionalSAXReaderSettings.getClone ()
.setEntityResolver (HTMLEntityResolver.getInstance ()));
* Interpret the passed XHTML fragment as HTML and retrieve a result container
* with all body elements.
* @param sXHTML
* The XHTML text fragment. This fragment is parsed as an HTML body and
* may therefore not contain the <body> tag.
* @return null
if the passed text could not be interpreted as
* XHTML or if no body element was found, an {@link IMicroContainer}
* with all body children otherwise.
public IMicroContainer unescapeXHTMLFragment (@Nullable final String sXHTML)
// Ensure that the content is surrounded by a single tag
final IMicroDocument aDoc = parseXHTMLFragment (sXHTML);
if (aDoc != null && aDoc.getDocumentElement () != null)
// Find "body" case insensitive
final IMicroElement eBody = HCUtils.getFirstChildElement (aDoc.getDocumentElement (), EHTMLElement.BODY);
if (eBody != null)
final IMicroContainer ret = new MicroContainer ();
if (eBody.hasChildren ())
// Make a copy of the list, because it is modified in
// detachFromParent!
for (final IMicroNode aChildNode : ContainerHelper.newList (eBody.getChildren ()))
ret.appendChild (aChildNode.detachFromParent ());
return ret;
return null;
* If the passed text looks like XHTML, unescape it (using
* {@link #unescapeXHTMLFragment(String)}) else return a simple text node.
* @param sText
* The text to be converted. May be null
* @return A non-null
IHCNode with the result representation
* (e.g. an {@link HCTextNode} or an {@link HCDOMWrapper} with an
* {@link IMicroContainer} having all the body elements)
public IHCNode convertToXHTMLFragmentOnDemand (@Nullable final String sText)
if (looksLikeXHTML (sText))
final IMicroContainer aCont = unescapeXHTMLFragment (sText);
if (aCont != null)
return new HCDOMWrapper (aCont);
s_aLogger.error ("Failed to unescape XHTML:\n" + sText);
return new HCTextNode (sText);
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