com.pi4j.context.Context Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.pi4j.context;
* #%L
* **********************************************************************
* PROJECT : Pi4J :: LIBRARY :: Java Library (CORE)
* FILENAME : Context.java
* This file is part of the Pi4J project. More information about
* this project can be found here: https://pi4j.com/
* **********************************************************************
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
import com.pi4j.boardinfo.definition.BoardModel;
import com.pi4j.boardinfo.model.BoardInfo;
import com.pi4j.boardinfo.model.JavaInfo;
import com.pi4j.boardinfo.model.OperatingSystem;
import com.pi4j.common.Describable;
import com.pi4j.common.Descriptor;
import com.pi4j.config.Config;
import com.pi4j.config.ConfigBuilder;
import com.pi4j.event.InitializedEventProducer;
import com.pi4j.event.ShutdownEventProducer;
import com.pi4j.exception.ShutdownException;
import com.pi4j.internal.IOCreator;
import com.pi4j.internal.ProviderProvider;
import com.pi4j.io.IO;
import com.pi4j.io.IOConfig;
import com.pi4j.io.IOType;
import com.pi4j.io.exception.IOException;
import com.pi4j.io.exception.IOInvalidIDException;
import com.pi4j.io.exception.IONotFoundException;
import com.pi4j.io.exception.IOShutdownException;
import com.pi4j.platform.Platform;
import com.pi4j.platform.Platforms;
import com.pi4j.platform.exception.PlatformNotFoundException;
import com.pi4j.provider.Provider;
import com.pi4j.provider.Providers;
import com.pi4j.provider.exception.ProviderInterfaceException;
import com.pi4j.provider.exception.ProviderNotFoundException;
import com.pi4j.registry.Registry;
import com.pi4j.util.PropertiesUtil;
import com.pi4j.util.StringUtil;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
* Context interface.
* @author Robert Savage (http://www.savagehomeautomation.com)
* @version $Id: $Id
public interface Context extends Describable, IOCreator, ProviderProvider, InitializedEventProducer,
ShutdownEventProducer {
* config.
* @return a {@link com.pi4j.context.ContextConfig} object.
ContextConfig config();
* properties.
* @return a {@link com.pi4j.context.ContextProperties} object.
ContextProperties properties();
* providers.
* @return a {@link com.pi4j.provider.Providers} object.
Providers providers();
* registry.
* @return a {@link com.pi4j.registry.Registry} object.
Registry registry();
* platforms.
* @return a {@link com.pi4j.platform.Platforms} object.
Platforms platforms();
* Submits the given task for async execution
* @param task the task to execute asynchronously
* @return the task to cancel later
Future submitTask(Runnable task);
* shutdown.
* @return a {@link com.pi4j.context.Context} object.
* @throws com.pi4j.exception.ShutdownException if an error occurs during shutdown.
Context shutdown() throws ShutdownException;
* @return {@link Future} of {@link Context}
Future asyncShutdown();
* @return Flag indicating if the context has been shutdown
boolean isShutdown();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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* platform.
* @param a P object.
* @return a P object.
P platform() {
return platforms().getDefault();
* @param a P object.
* @return a P object.
P getPlatform() {
return this.platform();
* @param a P object.
* @return a P object.
P getDefaultPlatform() {
return this.platform();
* @param a P object.
* @return a P object.
P defaultPlatform() {
return this.platform();
* @param id Id of the platform.
* @param the platform type
* @return a P object.
* @throws PlatformNotFoundException if platform specified by {@code id} is not found.
P platform(String id) throws PlatformNotFoundException {
return (P) this.platforms().get(id);
* @param id Id of the platform.
* @param the platform type
* @return a P object.
* @throws PlatformNotFoundException if platform specified by {@code id} is not found.
P getPlatform(String id) throws PlatformNotFoundException {
return this.platform(id);
* @param id Id of the platform.
* @return a P object.
* @throws PlatformNotFoundException if platform specified by {@code id} is not found.
default boolean hasPlatform(String id) throws PlatformNotFoundException {
return this.platforms().exists(id);
* platform.
* @param platformClass a P object.
* @param the platform type
* @return a P object.
* @throws PlatformNotFoundException if platform specified by {@code platformClass} is not found.
P platform(Class
platformClass) throws PlatformNotFoundException {
return (P) this.platforms().get(platformClass);
* @param platformClass a P object.
* @param the platform type
* @return a P object.
* @throws PlatformNotFoundException if platform specified by {@code platformClass} is not found.
P getPlatform(Class
platformClass) throws PlatformNotFoundException {
return platform(platformClass);
Has platforms.
* @param platformClass a P object.
* @return {@link boolean}
* @throws PlatformNotFoundException if platform specified by {@code platformClass} is not found.
default boolean hasPlatform(Class platformClass) throws PlatformNotFoundException {
return platforms().exists(platformClass);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** {@inheritDoc} */
default T provider(String providerId) throws ProviderNotFoundException {
return (T) providers().get(providerId);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
default T provider(String providerId, Class providerClass)
throws ProviderNotFoundException {
return (T) providers().get(providerId);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
default boolean hasProvider(String providerId) {
try {
return providers().exists(providerId);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
default boolean hasProvider(IOType ioType) {
return providers().exists(ioType);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
default boolean hasProvider(Class providerClass) {
return providers().exists(providerClass);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
default T provider(Class providerClass)
throws ProviderNotFoundException, ProviderInterfaceException {
// return the default provider for this type from the default platform
if (platform() != null && platform().hasProvider(providerClass))
return platform().provider(providerClass);
// return the default provider for this type (outside of default platform)
if (providers().exists(providerClass))
return providers().get(providerClass);
// provider not found
throw new ProviderNotFoundException(providerClass);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
default T provider(IOType ioType) throws ProviderNotFoundException {
// return the default provider for this type from the default platform
if (platform() != null && platform().hasProvider(ioType))
return platform().provider(ioType);
// return the default provider for this type (outside of default platform)
if (providers().exists(ioType))
return providers().get(ioType);
// provider not found
throw new ProviderNotFoundException(ioType);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return the BoardInfo containing more info about the
* {@link BoardModel}, {@link OperatingSystem}, and {@link JavaInfo}.
* @return {@link BoardInfo}
BoardInfo boardInfo();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
default I create(IOConfig config, IOType ioType) {
// create by explicitly configured IO from IO config
String platformId = config.platform();
if (StringUtil.isNotNullOrEmpty(platformId)) {
// resolve the platform and use it to create the IO instance
Platform platform = this.platforms().get(platformId);
return platform.create(config, ioType);
// create by explicitly configured IO from IO config
String providerId = config.provider();
if (StringUtil.isNotNullOrEmpty(providerId)) {
// resolve the provider and use it to create the IO instance
Provider provider = this.providers().get(providerId, ioType);
return (I) provider.create(config);
// get implicitly defined provider (defined by IO type)
// (this is the default or platform defined provider for this particular IO type)
if (ioType != null) {
// resolve the provider and use it to create the IO instance
Provider provider = this.provider(ioType);
return (I) provider.create(config);
// unable to resolve the IO type and thus unable to create I/O instance
throw new IOException("This IO instance [" + config.id() + "] could not be created because it does not define one of the following: 'PLATFORM', 'PROVIDER', or 'I/O TYPE'.");
default T create(String id) {
Provider provider = null;
// resolve inheritable properties from the context based on the provided 'id' for this IO instance
Map inheritedProperties = PropertiesUtil.subProperties(this.properties().all(), id);
// create by explicitly configured IO from IO inheritable properties
if (inheritedProperties.containsKey("platform")) {
// resolve the platform and use it to create the IO instance
String platformId = inheritedProperties.get("platform");
Platform platform = this.platforms().get(platformId);
return platform.create(id);
// create by explicitly configured IO from IO config
if (inheritedProperties.containsKey("provider")) {
String providerId = inheritedProperties.get("provider");
// resolve the provider and use it to create the IO instance
provider = this.providers().get(providerId);
// create by IO TYPE
// (use platform provider if one if available for this IO type)
if (provider == null && inheritedProperties.containsKey("type")) {
IOType ioType = IOType.parse(inheritedProperties.get("type"));
provider = provider(ioType);
// validate resolved provider
if (provider == null) {
// unable to resolve the IO type and thus unable to create I/O instance
throw new IOException("This IO instance [" + id +
"] could not be created because it does not define one of the following: 'PLATFORM', 'PROVIDER', or 'I/O TYPE'.");
// create IO instance using the provided ID and resolved inherited properties
ConfigBuilder builder = provider.type().newConfigBuilder(this);
return (T) provider.create((Config) builder.build());
default T create(String id, IOType ioType) {
Provider provider = null;
// resolve inheritable properties from the context based on the provided 'id' for this IO instance
Map inheritedProperties = PropertiesUtil.subProperties(this.properties().all(), id);
// create by explicitly configured IO from IO inheritable properties
if (inheritedProperties.containsKey("platform")) {
// resolve the platform and use it to create the IO instance
String platformId = inheritedProperties.get("platform");
Platform platform = this.platforms().get(platformId);
return platform.create(id, ioType);
// create by explicitly configured IO from IO config
if (inheritedProperties.containsKey("provider")) {
String providerId = inheritedProperties.get("provider");
// resolve the provider and use it to create the IO instance
provider = this.providers().get(providerId, ioType);
// validate IO type from resolved provider
if (!ioType.isType(provider.type())) {
throw new IOException("This IO instance [" + id +
"] could not be created because the resolved provider [" + providerId +
"] does not match the required I/O TYPE [" + ioType.name() + "]");
// create by IO TYPE
// (use platform provider if one if available for this IO type)
provider = provider(ioType);
// validate resolved provider
if (provider == null) {
throw new ProviderNotFoundException(ioType);
// create IO instance
ConfigBuilder builder = provider.type().newConfigBuilder(this);
return (T) provider.create((Config) builder.build());
* shutdown and unregister a created IO.
* @param the IO Type
* @param id the IO id
* @return the IO which was shutdown or null if it wasn't created/registered
* @throws IONotFoundException if the IO was not registered
* @throws IOInvalidIDException if the ID is invalid
* @throws IOShutdownException if an error occured while shuting down the IO
T shutdown(String id) throws IOInvalidIDException, IONotFoundException, IOShutdownException;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
default boolean hasIO(String id) throws IOInvalidIDException, IONotFoundException {
return registry().exists(id);
default T io(String id) throws IOInvalidIDException, IONotFoundException {
return registry().get(id);
default T io(String id, Class ioClass) throws IOInvalidIDException, IONotFoundException {
return registry().get(id, ioClass);
default T getIO(String id) throws IOInvalidIDException, IONotFoundException {
return io(id);
default T getIO(String id, Class ioClass) throws IOInvalidIDException, IONotFoundException {
return io(id, ioClass);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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* describe.
* @return a {@link com.pi4j.common.Descriptor} object.
default Descriptor describe() {
Descriptor descriptor = Descriptor.create().category("CONTEXT").name("Runtime Context").type(this.getClass());
return descriptor;