com.pingcap.tikv.TiConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.pingcap.tikv;
import com.pingcap.tikv.pd.PDUtils;
import com.pingcap.tikv.region.TiStoreType;
import com.pingcap.tikv.types.Converter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.tikv.kvproto.Kvrpcpb.CommandPri;
import org.tikv.kvproto.Kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel;
public class TiConfiguration implements Serializable {
private static final DateTimeZone DEF_TIMEZONE = Converter.getLocalTimezone();
private static final int DEF_TIMEOUT = 10;
private static final TimeUnit DEF_TIMEOUT_UNIT = TimeUnit.MINUTES;
private static final int DEF_SCAN_BATCH_SIZE = 10480;
private static final boolean DEF_IGNORE_TRUNCATE = true;
private static final boolean DEF_TRUNCATE_AS_WARNING = false;
private static final int DEF_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 2147483647; // 2 GB
private static final int DEF_INDEX_SCAN_BATCH_SIZE = 20000;
private static final int DEF_REGION_SCAN_DOWNGRADE_THRESHOLD = 10000000;
// if keyRange size per request exceeds this limit, the request might be too large to be accepted
// by TiKV(maximum request size accepted by TiKV is around 1MB)
private static final int MAX_REQUEST_KEY_RANGE_SIZE = 20000;
private static final int DEF_INDEX_SCAN_CONCURRENCY = 5;
private static final int DEF_TABLE_SCAN_CONCURRENCY = 512;
private static final int DEF_BATCH_GET_CONCURRENCY = 20;
private static final int DEF_BATCH_PUT_CONCURRENCY = 20;
private static final int DEF_BATCH_DELETE_CONCURRENCY = 20;
private static final int DEF_BATCH_SCAN_CONCURRENCY = 5;
private static final int DEF_DELETE_RANGE_CONCURRENCY = 20;
private static final CommandPri DEF_COMMAND_PRIORITY = CommandPri.Low;
private static final IsolationLevel DEF_ISOLATION_LEVEL = IsolationLevel.SI;
private static final boolean DEF_SHOW_ROWID = false;
private static final String DEF_DB_PREFIX = "";
private static final boolean DEF_WRITE_ENABLE = true;
private static final boolean DEF_WRITE_ALLOW_SPARK_SQL = false;
private static final boolean DEF_WRITE_WITHOUT_LOCK_TABLE = false;
private static final int DEF_TIKV_REGION_SPLIT_SIZE_IN_MB = 96;
private static final int DEF_PARTITION_PER_SPLIT = 10;
private static final int DEF_KV_CLIENT_CONCURRENCY = 10;
private static final List DEF_ISOLATION_READ_ENGINES =
ImmutableList.of(TiStoreType.TiKV, TiStoreType.TiFlash);
private int timeout = DEF_TIMEOUT;
private TimeUnit timeoutUnit = DEF_TIMEOUT_UNIT;
private boolean ignoreTruncate = DEF_IGNORE_TRUNCATE;
private boolean truncateAsWarning = DEF_TRUNCATE_AS_WARNING;
private int maxFrameSize = DEF_MAX_FRAME_SIZE;
private List pdAddrs = new ArrayList<>();
private int indexScanBatchSize = DEF_INDEX_SCAN_BATCH_SIZE;
private int downgradeThreshold = DEF_REGION_SCAN_DOWNGRADE_THRESHOLD;
private int indexScanConcurrency = DEF_INDEX_SCAN_CONCURRENCY;
private int tableScanConcurrency = DEF_TABLE_SCAN_CONCURRENCY;
private int batchGetConcurrency = DEF_BATCH_GET_CONCURRENCY;
private int batchPutConcurrency = DEF_BATCH_PUT_CONCURRENCY;
private int batchDeleteConcurrency = DEF_BATCH_DELETE_CONCURRENCY;
private int batchScanConcurrency = DEF_BATCH_SCAN_CONCURRENCY;
private int deleteRangeConcurrency = DEF_DELETE_RANGE_CONCURRENCY;
private CommandPri commandPriority = DEF_COMMAND_PRIORITY;
private IsolationLevel isolationLevel = DEF_ISOLATION_LEVEL;
private int maxRequestKeyRangeSize = MAX_REQUEST_KEY_RANGE_SIZE;
private boolean showRowId = DEF_SHOW_ROWID;
private String dbPrefix = DEF_DB_PREFIX;
private boolean writeAllowSparkSQL = DEF_WRITE_ALLOW_SPARK_SQL;
private boolean writeEnable = DEF_WRITE_ENABLE;
private boolean writeWithoutLockTable = DEF_WRITE_WITHOUT_LOCK_TABLE;
private int tikvRegionSplitSizeInMB = DEF_TIKV_REGION_SPLIT_SIZE_IN_MB;
private int partitionPerSplit = DEF_PARTITION_PER_SPLIT;
private int kvClientConcurrency = DEF_KV_CLIENT_CONCURRENCY;
private List isolationReadEngines = DEF_ISOLATION_READ_ENGINES;
public static TiConfiguration createDefault(String pdAddrsStr) {
Objects.requireNonNull(pdAddrsStr, "pdAddrsStr is null");
TiConfiguration conf = new TiConfiguration();
conf.pdAddrs = strToURI(pdAddrsStr);
return conf;
private static List strToURI(String addressStr) {
String[] addrs = addressStr.split(",");
return PDUtils.addrsToUrls(addrs);
public static String listToString(List list) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (i != list.size() - 1) {
return sb.toString();
public DateTimeZone getLocalTimeZone() {
public int getTimeout() {
return timeout;
public TiConfiguration setTimeout(int timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
return this;
public TimeUnit getTimeoutUnit() {
return timeoutUnit;
public TiConfiguration setTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit timeoutUnit) {
this.timeoutUnit = timeoutUnit;
return this;
public List getPdAddrs() {
return pdAddrs;
public String getPdAddrsString() {
return listToString(pdAddrs);
public int getScanBatchSize() {
boolean isIgnoreTruncate() {
return ignoreTruncate;
public TiConfiguration setIgnoreTruncate(boolean ignoreTruncate) {
this.ignoreTruncate = ignoreTruncate;
return this;
boolean isTruncateAsWarning() {
return truncateAsWarning;
public TiConfiguration setTruncateAsWarning(boolean truncateAsWarning) {
this.truncateAsWarning = truncateAsWarning;
return this;
public int getMaxFrameSize() {
return maxFrameSize;
public TiConfiguration setMaxFrameSize(int maxFrameSize) {
this.maxFrameSize = maxFrameSize;
return this;
public int getIndexScanBatchSize() {
return indexScanBatchSize;
public void setIndexScanBatchSize(int indexScanBatchSize) {
this.indexScanBatchSize = indexScanBatchSize;
public int getIndexScanConcurrency() {
return indexScanConcurrency;
public void setIndexScanConcurrency(int indexScanConcurrency) {
this.indexScanConcurrency = indexScanConcurrency;
public int getTableScanConcurrency() {
return tableScanConcurrency;
public void setTableScanConcurrency(int tableScanConcurrency) {
this.tableScanConcurrency = tableScanConcurrency;
public int getBatchGetConcurrency() {
return batchGetConcurrency;
public TiConfiguration setBatchGetConcurrency(int batchGetConcurrency) {
this.batchGetConcurrency = batchGetConcurrency;
return this;
public int getBatchPutConcurrency() {
return batchPutConcurrency;
public TiConfiguration setBatchPutConcurrency(int batchPutConcurrency) {
this.batchPutConcurrency = batchPutConcurrency;
return this;
public int getBatchDeleteConcurrency() {
return batchDeleteConcurrency;
public TiConfiguration setBatchDeleteConcurrency(int batchDeleteConcurrency) {
this.batchDeleteConcurrency = batchDeleteConcurrency;
return this;
public int getBatchScanConcurrency() {
return batchScanConcurrency;
public TiConfiguration setBatchScanConcurrency(int batchScanConcurrency) {
this.batchScanConcurrency = batchScanConcurrency;
return this;
public int getDeleteRangeConcurrency() {
return deleteRangeConcurrency;
public TiConfiguration setDeleteRangeConcurrency(int deleteRangeConcurrency) {
this.deleteRangeConcurrency = deleteRangeConcurrency;
return this;
public CommandPri getCommandPriority() {
return commandPriority;
public void setCommandPriority(CommandPri commandPriority) {
this.commandPriority = commandPriority;
public IsolationLevel getIsolationLevel() {
return isolationLevel;
public void setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel isolationLevel) {
this.isolationLevel = isolationLevel;
public int getMaxRequestKeyRangeSize() {
return maxRequestKeyRangeSize;
public void setMaxRequestKeyRangeSize(int maxRequestKeyRangeSize) {
if (maxRequestKeyRangeSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key range size cannot be less than 1");
this.maxRequestKeyRangeSize = maxRequestKeyRangeSize;
public void setShowRowId(boolean flag) {
this.showRowId = flag;
public boolean ifShowRowId() {
return showRowId;
public String getDBPrefix() {
return dbPrefix;
public void setDBPrefix(String dbPrefix) {
this.dbPrefix = dbPrefix;
public boolean isWriteEnable() {
return writeEnable;
public void setWriteEnable(boolean writeEnable) {
this.writeEnable = writeEnable;
public boolean isWriteWithoutLockTable() {
return writeWithoutLockTable;
public void setWriteWithoutLockTable(boolean writeWithoutLockTable) {
this.writeWithoutLockTable = writeWithoutLockTable;
public boolean isWriteAllowSparkSQL() {
return writeAllowSparkSQL;
public void setWriteAllowSparkSQL(boolean writeAllowSparkSQL) {
this.writeAllowSparkSQL = writeAllowSparkSQL;
public int getTikvRegionSplitSizeInMB() {
return tikvRegionSplitSizeInMB;
public void setTikvRegionSplitSizeInMB(int tikvRegionSplitSizeInMB) {
this.tikvRegionSplitSizeInMB = tikvRegionSplitSizeInMB;
public int getDowngradeThreshold() {
return downgradeThreshold;
public void setDowngradeThreshold(int downgradeThreshold) {
this.downgradeThreshold = downgradeThreshold;
public int getPartitionPerSplit() {
return partitionPerSplit;
public void setPartitionPerSplit(int partitionPerSplit) {
this.partitionPerSplit = partitionPerSplit;
public List getIsolationReadEngines() {
return isolationReadEngines;
public void setIsolationReadEngines(List isolationReadEngines) {
this.isolationReadEngines = isolationReadEngines;
public int getKvClientConcurrency() {
return kvClientConcurrency;
public void setKvClientConcurrency(int kvClientConcurrency) {
this.kvClientConcurrency = kvClientConcurrency;
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