com.pingcap.tikv.allocator.RowIDAllocator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.pingcap.tikv.allocator;
import static com.pingcap.tikv.util.BackOffer.ROW_ID_ALLOCATOR_BACKOFF;
import com.pingcap.tikv.BytePairWrapper;
import com.pingcap.tikv.Snapshot;
import com.pingcap.tikv.TiConfiguration;
import com.pingcap.tikv.TiSession;
import com.pingcap.tikv.TwoPhaseCommitter;
import com.pingcap.tikv.codec.Codec.IntegerCodec;
import com.pingcap.tikv.codec.CodecDataInput;
import com.pingcap.tikv.codec.CodecDataOutput;
import com.pingcap.tikv.codec.KeyUtils;
import com.pingcap.tikv.codec.MetaCodec;
import com.pingcap.tikv.exception.AllocateRowIDOverflowException;
import com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiBatchWriteException;
import com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiTableInfo;
import com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiTimestamp;
import com.pingcap.tikv.util.BackOffFunction;
import com.pingcap.tikv.util.BackOffer;
import com.pingcap.tikv.util.ConcreteBackOffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* RowIDAllocator read current start from TiKV and write back 'start+step' back to TiKV. It designs
* to allocate all id for data to be written at once, hence it does not need run inside a txn.
* (start, end] is allocated
public final class RowIDAllocator implements Serializable {
private final long maxShardRowIDBits;
private final long dbId;
private final TiConfiguration conf;
private final long step;
private long end;
private TiTimestamp timestamp;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RowIDAllocator.class);
private RowIDAllocator(long maxShardRowIDBits, long dbId, long step, TiConfiguration conf) {
this.maxShardRowIDBits = maxShardRowIDBits;
this.dbId = dbId;
this.step = step;
this.conf = conf;
public long getAutoIncId(long index) {
return index + getStart();
* @param index should >= 1
* @return
public long getShardRowId(long index) {
return getShardRowId(maxShardRowIDBits, index, index + getStart());
static long getShardRowId(long maxShardRowIDBits, long partitionIndex, long rowID) {
if (maxShardRowIDBits <= 0 || maxShardRowIDBits >= 16) {
return rowID;
// assert rowID < Math.pow(2, 64 - maxShardRowIDBits)
long partition = partitionIndex & ((1L << maxShardRowIDBits) - 1);
return rowID | (partition << (64 - maxShardRowIDBits - 1));
public static RowIDAllocator create(
long dbId, TiTableInfo table, TiConfiguration conf, boolean unsigned, long step) {
BackOffer backOffer = ConcreteBackOffer.newCustomBackOff(ROW_ID_ALLOCATOR_BACKOFF);
while (true) {
try {
return doCreate(dbId, table, conf, unsigned, step);
} catch (AllocateRowIDOverflowException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("error during allocating row id", e);
backOffer.doBackOff(BackOffFunction.BackOffFuncType.BoServerBusy, e);
private static RowIDAllocator doCreate(
long dbId, TiTableInfo table, TiConfiguration conf, boolean unsigned, long step) {
RowIDAllocator allocator = new RowIDAllocator(table.getMaxShardRowIDBits(), dbId, step, conf);
if (unsigned) {
} else {
return allocator;
public long getStart() {
return end - step;
public long getEnd() {
return end;
// set key value pairs to tikv via two phase committer protocol.
private void set(@Nonnull List pairs, @Nonnull TiTimestamp timestamp) {
Iterator iterator = pairs.iterator();
if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
TiSession session = TiSession.getInstance(conf);
TwoPhaseCommitter twoPhaseCommitter = new TwoPhaseCommitter(conf, timestamp.getVersion());
BytePairWrapper primaryPair =;
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
primaryPair.getKey(), iterator, BackOffer.PREWRITE_MAX_BACKOFF);
try {
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
private Optional getMetaToUpdate(
ByteString key, byte[] oldVal, Snapshot snapshot) {
// 1. encode hash meta key
// 2. load meta via hash meta key from TiKV
// 3. update meta's filed count and set it back to TiKV
CodecDataOutput cdo = new CodecDataOutput();
ByteString metaKey = MetaCodec.encodeHashMetaKey(cdo, key.toByteArray());
long fieldCount = 0;
ByteString metaVal = snapshot.get(metaKey);
// decode long from bytes
// big endian the 8 bytes
if (!metaVal.isEmpty()) {
try {
fieldCount = IntegerCodec.readULong(new CodecDataInput(metaVal.toByteArray()));
} catch (Exception ignored) {
LOG.warn("metaDecode failed, field is ignored." + KeyUtils.formatBytesUTF8(metaVal));
// update meta field count only oldVal is null
if (oldVal == null || oldVal.length == 0) {
return Optional.of(new BytePairWrapper(metaKey.toByteArray(), cdo.toBytes()));
return Optional.empty();
private long updateHash(
ByteString key,
ByteString field,
Function calculateNewVal,
Snapshot snapshot) {
// 1. encode hash data key
// 2. get value in byte from get operation
// 3. calculate new value via calculateNewVal
// 4. check old value equals to new value or not
// 5. set the new value back to TiKV via 2pc
// 6. encode a hash meta key
// 7. update a hash meta field count if needed
CodecDataOutput cdo = new CodecDataOutput();
MetaCodec.encodeHashDataKey(cdo, key.toByteArray(), field.toByteArray());
ByteString dataKey = cdo.toByteString();
byte[] oldVal = snapshot.get(dataKey.toByteArray());
byte[] newVal = calculateNewVal.apply(oldVal);
if (Arrays.equals(newVal, oldVal)) {
// not need to update
return 0L;
List pairs = new ArrayList<>(2);
pairs.add(new BytePairWrapper(dataKey.toByteArray(), newVal));
getMetaToUpdate(key, oldVal, snapshot).ifPresent(pairs::add);
set(pairs, snapshot.getTimestamp());
return Long.parseLong(new String(newVal));
private static boolean isDBExisted(long dbId, Snapshot snapshot) {
ByteString dbKey = MetaCodec.encodeDatabaseID(dbId);
ByteString json = MetaCodec.hashGet(MetaCodec.KEY_DBs, dbKey, snapshot);
return json != null && !json.isEmpty();
private static boolean isTableExisted(long dbId, long tableId, Snapshot snapshot) {
ByteString dbKey = MetaCodec.encodeDatabaseID(dbId);
ByteString tableKey = MetaCodec.tableKey(tableId);
return !MetaCodec.hashGet(dbKey, tableKey, snapshot).isEmpty();
public static boolean shardRowBitsOverflow(
long base, long step, long shardRowBits, boolean reservedSignBit) {
long signBit = reservedSignBit ? 1 : 0;
long mask = ((1L << shardRowBits) - 1) << (64 - shardRowBits - signBit);
if (reservedSignBit) {
return ((base + step) & mask) > 0;
} else {
return Long.compareUnsigned((base + step) & mask, 0) > 0;
* read current row id from TiKV and write the calculated value back to TiKV. The calculation rule
* is start(read from TiKV) + step.
public long udpateAllocateId(
long dbId, long tableId, long step, Snapshot snapshot, long shard, boolean hasSignedBit) {
if (isDBExisted(dbId, snapshot) && isTableExisted(dbId, tableId, snapshot)) {
return updateHash(
(oldVal) -> {
long base = 0;
if (oldVal != null && oldVal.length != 0) {
base = Long.parseLong(new String(oldVal));
if (shard >= 1 && shardRowBitsOverflow(base, step, shard, hasSignedBit)) {
throw new AllocateRowIDOverflowException(base, step, shard);
base += step;
return String.valueOf(base).getBytes();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("table or database is not existed");
/** read current row id from TiKV according to database id and table id. */
public static long getAllocateId(long dbId, long tableId, Snapshot snapshot) {
if (isDBExisted(dbId, snapshot) && isTableExisted(dbId, tableId, snapshot)) {
ByteString dbKey = MetaCodec.encodeDatabaseID(dbId);
ByteString tblKey = MetaCodec.autoTableIDKey(tableId);
ByteString val = MetaCodec.hashGet(dbKey, tblKey, snapshot);
if (val.isEmpty()) return 0L;
return Long.parseLong(val.toStringUtf8());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("table or database is not existed");
private void initSigned(Snapshot snapshot, long tableId, long shard) {
// get new start from TiKV, and calculate new end and set it back to TiKV.
long newStart = getAllocateId(dbId, tableId, snapshot);
long tmpStep = Math.min(Long.MAX_VALUE - newStart, step);
if (tmpStep != step) {
throw new TiBatchWriteException("cannot allocate ids for this write");
if (newStart == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new TiBatchWriteException("cannot allocate more ids since it ");
end = udpateAllocateId(dbId, tableId, tmpStep, snapshot, shard, true);
private void initUnsigned(Snapshot snapshot, long tableId, long shard) {
// get new start from TiKV, and calculate new end and set it back to TiKV.
long newStart = getAllocateId(dbId, tableId, snapshot);
// for unsigned long, -1L is max value.
long tmpStep = UnsignedLongs.min(-1L - newStart, step);
if (tmpStep != step) {
throw new TiBatchWriteException("cannot allocate ids for this write");
// when compare unsigned long, the min value is largest value.
if (, -1L) == 0) {
throw new TiBatchWriteException(
"cannot allocate more ids since the start reaches " + "unsigned long's max value ");
end = udpateAllocateId(dbId, tableId, tmpStep, snapshot, shard, false);