Download polonium-webdriver JAR file with all dependencies
polonium-webdriver from group com.polonium-framework (version 1.0.1.Final)
Polonium-Webdriver extends polonium core with paging functionality (page-object pattern),
and handles/recognizes fails made by selenium driver. This version has Polonium-Core included.
Artifact polonium-webdriver
Group com.polonium-framework
Version 1.0.1.Final
Last update 10. April 2012
Tags: functionality with selenium fails extends made object version recognizes pattern page core driver included this handles paging webdriver polonium
Organization not specified
URL http://
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies junit, selenium-server,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.polonium-framework
Version 1.0.1.Final
Last update 10. April 2012
Tags: functionality with selenium fails extends made object version recognizes pattern page core driver included this handles paging webdriver polonium
Organization not specified
URL http://
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies junit, selenium-server,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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