com.powsybl.openrao.searchtreerao.castor.algorithm.StateTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.powsybl.openrao.searchtreerao.castor.algorithm;
import com.powsybl.contingency.Contingency;
import com.powsybl.openrao.commons.OpenRaoException;
import com.powsybl.openrao.commons.logs.OpenRaoLoggerProvider;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
* @author Thomas Bouquet {@literal }
* @author Philippe Edwards {@literal }
* @author Joris Mancini {@literal }
public class StateTree {
private final Set operatorsNotSharingCras;
private final Perimeter preventivePerimeter;
private final Set contingencyScenarios = new HashSet<>();
public StateTree(Crac crac) {
preventivePerimeter = new Perimeter(crac.getPreventiveState(), null);
for (Contingency contingency : crac.getContingencies()) {
processOutageInstant(contingency, crac);
processAutoAndCurativeInstants(contingency, crac);
this.operatorsNotSharingCras = findOperatorsNotSharingCras(crac);
* Process OUTAGE state for a given contingency.
* If the state has RAs, the case is not supported by Open RAO.
* Else, the state is optimized in basecase RAO.
private void processOutageInstant(Contingency contingency, Crac crac) {
State outageState = crac.getState(contingency.getId(), crac.getOutageInstant());
if (outageState != null) {
if (anyAvailableRemedialAction(crac, outageState)) {
throw new OpenRaoException(String.format("Outage state %s has available RAs. This is not supported.", outageState));
} else {
* Process AUTO and CURATIVE states for a given contingency.
* If the state has RAs in AUTO but not in CURATIVE, the case is not supported by Open RAO.
* If the state has AUTO and CURATIVE RAs, both states will be treated in a dedicated scenario.
* If the AUTO has no RA but the CURATIVE has RAs, the AUTO will be optimized in basecase RAO and the CURATIVE in a dedicated scenario.
* If neither AUTO nor CURATIVE states have RAs, they will be optimized in basecase RAO.
* If AUTO or CURATIVE state does not exist, it will not be optimized.
private void processAutoAndCurativeInstants(Contingency contingency, Crac crac) {
ContingencyScenario.ContingencyScenarioBuilder contingencyScenarioBuilder = ContingencyScenario.create().withContingency(contingency);
Pair autoInstantHasCnecsAndRemedialActions = processAutoInstant(contingency, crac, contingencyScenarioBuilder);
Perimeter defaultPerimeter = getDefaultPerimeter(contingency, crac, autoInstantHasCnecsAndRemedialActions.getRight());
boolean scenarioHasCurativeStates = false;
if (defaultPerimeter != null) {
scenarioHasCurativeStates = processCurativeInstants(contingency, crac, contingencyScenarioBuilder, defaultPerimeter, autoInstantHasCnecsAndRemedialActions.getLeft());
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(autoInstantHasCnecsAndRemedialActions.getLeft()) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(autoInstantHasCnecsAndRemedialActions.getRight()) || scenarioHasCurativeStates) {
* Returns the default perimeter to which all curative CNECs that have no associated CRAs must be added
* @param contingency: the scenario's contingency
* @param crac: the input CRAC
* @param automatonRemedialActionsExist: whether auto remedial actions were added to the CRAC or not
* @return
* - preventivePerimeter if no ARAs exist
* - a perimeter with an optimisation state corresponding to the first curative instant
* - null if no curative instant is defined
private Perimeter getDefaultPerimeter(Contingency contingency, Crac crac, boolean automatonRemedialActionsExist) {
if (!automatonRemedialActionsExist) {
return preventivePerimeter;
return crac.getStates(contingency)
.filter(state -> state.getInstant().isCurative())
.filter(state -> anyCnec(crac, state))
.map(state -> new Perimeter(state, new HashSet<>()))
private Pair processAutoInstant(Contingency contingency, Crac crac, ContingencyScenario.ContingencyScenarioBuilder contingencyScenarioBuilder) {
State automatonState = crac.hasAutoInstant() ? crac.getState(contingency.getId(), crac.getInstant(InstantKind.AUTO)) : null;
Pair autoInstantHasCnecsAndRemedialActions = stateHasCnecsAndRemedialActions(crac, automatonState);
boolean autoCnecsExist = autoInstantHasCnecsAndRemedialActions.getLeft();
boolean autoRemedialActionsExist = autoInstantHasCnecsAndRemedialActions.getRight();
if (autoCnecsExist && !autoRemedialActionsExist) {
// the auto CNECs must be added to the preventive perimeter because no ARAs can affect them
} else if (autoRemedialActionsExist) {
return autoInstantHasCnecsAndRemedialActions;
private Pair stateHasCnecsAndRemedialActions(Crac crac, State state) {
return state != null ? Pair.of(anyCnec(crac, state), anyAvailableRemedialAction(crac, state)) : Pair.of(false, false);
* Process the CURATIVE instants.
* For each curative instant with CNECs, the nearest previous curative instant with CRAs is used as the optimisation
* instant for these CNECs. If no such instant exists, the CNECs are added to the default perimeter.
* If an instant has CRAs but not CNECs and occurs before instants with CNECs, the CRAs can affect them so a
* curative perimeter must be built for this instant as well.
* The method returns whether curative perimeters were added to the contingency scenario or not.
private boolean processCurativeInstants(Contingency contingency, Crac crac, ContingencyScenario.ContingencyScenarioBuilder contingencyScenarioBuilder, Perimeter defaultPerimeter, boolean automatonCnecsExist) {
Set instantsWithCnecs = crac.getInstants(InstantKind.CURATIVE).stream().filter(instant -> anyCnec(crac, crac.getState(contingency, instant))).collect(Collectors.toSet());
if (!automatonCnecsExist && instantsWithCnecs.isEmpty()) {
OpenRaoLoggerProvider.BUSINESS_WARNS.warn("Contingency {} has an automaton or a curative remedial action but no CNECs associated.", contingency.getId());
return false;
// retrieve the nearest curative instant with CRAs for each curative instant with CNECs
Map associatedOptimizationInstant = new HashMap<>();
instantsWithCnecs.forEach(instant -> associatedOptimizationInstant.put(instant, getLastCurativeInstantWithCraBeforeGivenInstant(contingency, crac, instant).orElse(null)));
// create a perimeter for each instant with CRAs associated to an instant with CNECs
Map curativePerimeters = new HashMap<>();
.forEach(instant -> curativePerimeters.put(instant, new Perimeter(crac.getState(contingency, instant), new HashSet<>())));
// add the CNECs of the curative instants to the different perimeters:
// - if the associated instant is null, the CNECs are added to the default perimeter
// - otherwise, they are added to the perimeter corresponding to their associated optimization instant
instantsWithCnecs.forEach(cnecInstant -> curativePerimeters.getOrDefault(associatedOptimizationInstant.get(cnecInstant), defaultPerimeter).addOtherState(crac.getState(contingency, cnecInstant)));
// add the curative perimeters to the contingency scenario builder
if (!defaultPerimeter.equals(preventivePerimeter) && associatedOptimizationInstant.containsValue(null)) {
// add the default perimeter to the curative perimeters if it is curative and contains CNECs of several instants
curativePerimeters.put(defaultPerimeter.getRaOptimisationState().getInstant(), defaultPerimeter);
return !curativePerimeters.isEmpty();
* Get the nearest previous curative instant with CRAs for a given curative instant.
* @param contingency: the contingency of the scenario
* @param crac: the CRAC data
* @param instant: the curative instant
* @return nearest previous curative instant with CRAs (Optional.empty() is none)
private Optional getLastCurativeInstantWithCraBeforeGivenInstant(Contingency contingency, Crac crac, Instant instant) {
return crac.getInstants(InstantKind.CURATIVE)
.filter(otherInstant -> !otherInstant.comesAfter(instant))
.filter(otherInstant -> Objects.nonNull(crac.getState(contingency, otherInstant)))
.filter(otherInstant -> anyAvailableRemedialAction(crac, crac.getState(contingency, otherInstant)))
public Perimeter getBasecaseScenario() {
return preventivePerimeter;
public Set getContingencyScenarios() {
return contingencyScenarios;
public Set getOperatorsNotSharingCras() {
return operatorsNotSharingCras;
private boolean anyCnec(Crac crac, State state) {
return !crac.getFlowCnecs(state).isEmpty();
private static boolean anyAvailableRemedialAction(Crac crac, State state) {
return !crac.getPotentiallyAvailableNetworkActions(state).isEmpty() ||
static Set findOperatorsNotSharingCras(Crac crac) {
Set tsos = crac.getFlowCnecs().stream().map(Cnec::getOperator).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// If a CNEC's operator is not null, filter it out of the list of operators not sharing CRAs
return -> Objects.nonNull(tso) && !tsoHasCra(tso, crac)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
static boolean tsoHasCra(String tso, Crac crac) {
Set optimizedCurativeStates = crac.getCurativeStates();
return ->
crac.getPotentiallyAvailableNetworkActions(state).stream().map(RemedialAction::getOperator).anyMatch(tso::equals) ||