com.powsybl.metrix.mapping.timeseries.FileSystemTimeSeriesStore Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2020, RTE (
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package com.powsybl.metrix.mapping.timeseries;
import com.powsybl.commons.PowsyblException;
import com.powsybl.timeseries.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* @author Paul Bui-Quang {@literal }
* @author Nicolas Rol {@literal }
public class FileSystemTimeSeriesStore implements ReadOnlyTimeSeriesStore {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileSystemTimeSeriesStore.class);
private final Path fileSystemStorePath;
private final Map existingTimeSeriesMetadataCache;
private final Map fileLocks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public FileSystemTimeSeriesStore(Path path) throws IOException {
if (Files.exists(path) && !Files.isDirectory(path)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Path %s is not a directory", path));
this.fileSystemStorePath = Objects.requireNonNull(path);
this.existingTimeSeriesMetadataCache = initExistingTimeSeriesCache();
public enum ExistingFilePolicy {
private static void deleteRecursive(Path path) throws IOException {
if (Files.isDirectory(path)) {
try (Stream childlist = Files.list(path)) {
for (Path child : childlist.toList()) {
public Set getTimeSeriesNames(TimeSeriesFilter timeSeriesFilter) {
return existingTimeSeriesMetadataCache.keySet();
public boolean timeSeriesExists(String s) {
return existingTimeSeriesMetadataCache.containsKey(s);
public Optional getTimeSeriesMetadata(String s) {
if (existingTimeSeriesMetadataCache.containsKey(s)) {
return Optional.of(existingTimeSeriesMetadataCache.get(s));
return Optional.empty();
public List getTimeSeriesMetadata(Set set) {
return getTimeSeriesMetadata(timeSeriesMetadata -> set.contains(timeSeriesMetadata.getName())).toList();
public Set getTimeSeriesDataVersions() {
return getTimeSeriesDataVersions("");
public Set getTimeSeriesDataVersions(String s) {
return getTimeSeriesMetadata(timeSeriesMetadata -> s.isEmpty() || timeSeriesMetadata.getName().equals(s)).findFirst().map(tsMeta -> {
Path tsPath = fileSystemStorePath.resolve(tsMeta.getName());
try (Stream paths = Files.list(tsPath)) {
return -> Integer.parseInt(path.getFileName().toString())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PowsyblException(String.format("Failed to list versions for timeserie %s", tsMeta.getName()));
private Stream getTimeSeriesMetadata(Predicate filter) {
return existingTimeSeriesMetadataCache.values().stream().filter(filter);
public Optional getDoubleTimeSeries(String s, int version) {
return getTimeSeries(DoubleTimeSeries.class, s, version);
public List getDoubleTimeSeries(Set set, int version) {
return -> getDoubleTimeSeries(tsName, version))
public List getDoubleTimeSeries(int version) {
return getDoubleTimeSeries(existingTimeSeriesMetadataCache.keySet(), version);
public Optional getStringTimeSeries(String s, int version) {
return getTimeSeries(StringTimeSeries.class, s, version);
public List getStringTimeSeries(Set set, int version) {
return -> getStringTimeSeries(tsName, version))
private Object getFileLock(String tsFilePath) {
return fileLocks.computeIfAbsent(tsFilePath, key -> new Object());
private Optional getTimeSeries(Class timeSerieTypeClass, String name, int version) {
Path tsPath = fileSystemStorePath.resolve(String.format("%s/%d", name, version));
synchronized (getFileLock(tsPath.toString())) {
if (!Files.exists(tsPath)) {
throw new PowsyblException(String.format("Timeserie %s (version : %d) does not exist", name, version));
List timeSeries = TimeSeries.parseJson(tsPath).stream().map(ts -> {
Optional optionalTimeSeries = Optional.empty();
if (timeSerieTypeClass.isAssignableFrom(DoubleTimeSeries.class) && TimeSeriesDataType.DOUBLE.equals(ts.getMetadata().getDataType())
|| timeSerieTypeClass.isAssignableFrom(StringTimeSeries.class) && TimeSeriesDataType.STRING.equals(ts.getMetadata().getDataType())) {
optionalTimeSeries = Optional.of(timeSerieTypeClass.cast(ts));
return optionalTimeSeries;
return switch (timeSeries.size()) {
case 0 -> Optional.empty();
case 1 -> Optional.of(timeSeries.get(0));
default -> throw new PowsyblException("Found more than one timeseries");
public void addListener(TimeSeriesStoreListener timeSeriesStoreListener) {
throw new NotImplementedException("Not impletemented");
public void removeListener(TimeSeriesStoreListener timeSeriesStoreListener) {
throw new NotImplementedException("Not impletemented");
* Import a list of TimeSeries in the current FileSystemTimeSeriesStore
* @deprecated use {@link #importTimeSeries(List, int, ExistingFilePolicy)} instead
@Deprecated(since = "2.3.0")
public void importTimeSeries(List timeSeriesList, int version, boolean overwriteExisting, boolean append) {
ExistingFilePolicy existingFilePolicy;
if (append) {
existingFilePolicy = ExistingFilePolicy.APPEND;
} else if (overwriteExisting) {
existingFilePolicy = ExistingFilePolicy.OVERWRITE;
} else {
existingFilePolicy = ExistingFilePolicy.THROW_EXCEPTION;
importTimeSeries(timeSeriesList, version, existingFilePolicy);
* Import a list of TimeSeries in the current FileSystemTimeSeriesStore.
* If a file already exists for such TimeSeries, the new TimeSeries will be appended to it
public void importTimeSeries(List timeSeriesList, int version) {
importTimeSeries(timeSeriesList, version, ExistingFilePolicy.APPEND);
* Import a list of TimeSeries in the current FileSystemTimeSeriesStore.
* If a file already exists for such TimeSeries, depending on {@code existingFiles}, the existing file will either
* be kept as it is, overwritten or the new TimeSeries will be appended to it
public void importTimeSeries(List timeSeriesList, int version, ExistingFilePolicy existingFilePolicy) {
timeSeriesList.forEach(ts -> {
String tsName = ts.getMetadata().getName();
try {
Path tsFolder = Files.createDirectories(fileSystemStorePath.resolve(tsName));
Path versionFile = tsFolder.resolve(String.valueOf(version));
if (existingFilePolicy == ExistingFilePolicy.THROW_EXCEPTION && Files.exists(versionFile)) {
throw new PowsyblException(String.format("Timeserie %s already exist", tsName));
synchronized (getFileLock(versionFile.toString())) {
manageVersionFile(ts, versionFile, existingFilePolicy);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PowsyblException("Failed to write timeseries", e);
private void manageVersionFile(TimeSeries ts, Path versionFile, ExistingFilePolicy existingFilePolicy) throws IOException {
TimeSeries updatedTs = ts;
if (Files.exists(versionFile)) {
// A file already exists
// The case THROW_EXCEPTION cannot happen here as it was already tested before calling this method
if (existingFilePolicy == ExistingFilePolicy.APPEND) {
// Get the existing TimeSeries
List existingTsList = TimeSeries.parseJson(versionFile);
if (existingTsList.size() != 1) {
throw new PowsyblException("Existing ts file should contain one and only one ts");
TimeSeries existingTs = existingTsList.get(0);
// You cannot append to an infinite TimeSeries
if (InfiniteTimeSeriesIndex.INSTANCE.getType().equals(existingTs.getMetadata().getIndex().getType())
|| InfiniteTimeSeriesIndex.INSTANCE.getType().equals(ts.getMetadata().getIndex().getType())) {
throw new PowsyblException("Cannot append a TimeSeries with infinite index");
// Type of the new TimeSeries
TimeSeriesDataType dataType = ts.getMetadata().getDataType();
// You cannot append to a TimeSeries of a different type
if (!dataType.equals(existingTs.getMetadata().getDataType())) {
throw new PowsyblException("Cannot append to a TimeSeries with different data type");
// Append the data
updatedTs = appendTimeSeries(existingTs, ts, dataType);
} else {
// Initialize a new empty file
try (BufferedWriter bf = Files.newBufferedWriter(versionFile)) {
// Update the Metadata cache
existingTimeSeriesMetadataCache.put(updatedTs.getMetadata().getName(), updatedTs.getMetadata());
private boolean compareIndexes(TimeSeriesIndex existingIndex, TimeSeriesIndex newIndex) {
return existingIndex.getClass().equals(newIndex.getClass())
&& existingIndex.equals(newIndex);
private TimeSeries appendTimeSeries(TimeSeries, ?> existingTimeSeries, TimeSeries, ?> newTimeSeries, TimeSeriesDataType dataType) {
// Indexes to concatenate
TimeSeriesIndex existingIndex = existingTimeSeries.getMetadata().getIndex();
TimeSeriesIndex newIndex = newTimeSeries.getMetadata().getIndex();
// Compare the indexes
if (compareIndexes(existingIndex, newIndex)) {
// Same indexes -> compare the chunks offsets and add the chunks
return appendTimeSeriesWithSameIndex(existingTimeSeries, newTimeSeries);
// Sort the indexes
boolean existingComesFirst;
if (existingIndex.getInstantAt(existingIndex.getPointCount() - 1).isBefore(newIndex.getInstantAt(0))) {
existingComesFirst = true;
} else if (newIndex.getInstantAt(newIndex.getPointCount() - 1).isBefore(existingIndex.getInstantAt(0))) {
existingComesFirst = false;
} else {
throw new PowsyblException("Indexes to concatenate cannot overlap");
// Append the indexes
TimeSeriesIndex updatedIndex = appendTimeSeriesIndex(existingIndex, newIndex, existingComesFirst);
// Append the tags
Map updatedTags = new HashMap<>(existingTimeSeries.getMetadata().getTags());
// New metadata
TimeSeriesMetadata updatedMetadata = new TimeSeriesMetadata(existingTimeSeries.getMetadata().getName(), dataType, updatedTags, updatedIndex);
// Append the chunks
if (dataType.equals(TimeSeriesDataType.DOUBLE)) {
// Chunks
List chunks = appendChunks(
((StoredDoubleTimeSeries) existingTimeSeries).getChunks(),
((StoredDoubleTimeSeries) newTimeSeries).getChunks(),
existingIndex, newIndex,
return new StoredDoubleTimeSeries(updatedMetadata, chunks);
} else {
// Chunks
List chunks = appendChunks(
((StringTimeSeries) existingTimeSeries).getChunks(),
((StringTimeSeries) newTimeSeries).getChunks(),
existingIndex, newIndex,
return new StringTimeSeries(updatedMetadata, chunks);
private Set getChunkPoints(TimeSeries, ?> timeSeries) {
if (timeSeries instanceof AbstractTimeSeries, ?, ?> storedDoubleTimeSeries) {
return storedDoubleTimeSeries.getChunks().stream()
.flatMap(chunk -> IntStream.range(chunk.getOffset(), chunk.getOffset() + chunk.getLength()).boxed())
} else {
throw new PowsyblException("Unsupported TimeSeries type for TimeSeries " + timeSeries);
private TimeSeries appendTimeSeriesWithSameIndex(TimeSeries, ?> existingTimeSeries, TimeSeries, ?> newTimeSeries) {
// Check that the timeseries don't have chunks with the same offset
Set existingPoints = getChunkPoints(existingTimeSeries);
Set newPoints = getChunkPoints(newTimeSeries);
if (!existingPoints.isEmpty()) {
// At least one offset is present in the two timeseries
throw new PowsyblException(String.format("The two TimeSeries with the same index contain chunks with the same offset: %s", existingPoints));
// Add the chunks
if (existingTimeSeries instanceof StoredDoubleTimeSeries existingStoredDoubleTimeSeries
&& newTimeSeries instanceof StoredDoubleTimeSeries newStoredDoubleTimeSeries) {
List chunks = existingStoredDoubleTimeSeries.getChunks();
return new StoredDoubleTimeSeries(existingTimeSeries.getMetadata(), chunks);
} else if (existingTimeSeries instanceof StringTimeSeries existingStringTimeSeries
&& newTimeSeries instanceof StringTimeSeries newStringTimeSeries) {
List chunks = existingStringTimeSeries.getChunks();
return new StringTimeSeries(existingTimeSeries.getMetadata(), chunks);
} else {
// This exception should not happen (already caught before)
throw new PowsyblException("Expected both TimeSeries to be instances of the same class");
private List appendChunks(List existingChunks, List newChunks,
TimeSeriesIndex existingIndex, TimeSeriesIndex newIndex,
boolean existingComesFirst) {
// Sort the chunks
List firstChunks;
List lastChunks;
TimeSeriesIndex lastIndex;
if (existingComesFirst) {
firstChunks = existingChunks;
lastChunks = newChunks;
lastIndex = newIndex;
} else {
firstChunks = newChunks;
lastChunks = existingChunks;
lastIndex = existingIndex;
// Add the first chunks
List chunks = new ArrayList<>(firstChunks);
final AtomicInteger offset = new AtomicInteger(existingComesFirst ? existingIndex.getPointCount() : newIndex.getPointCount());
// Add the other chunks
lastChunks.forEach(chunk -> {
T chunkWithOffset;
int chunkOffset = chunk.getOffset();
if (chunk instanceof DoubleDataChunk doubleChunk) {
chunkWithOffset = (T) new UncompressedDoubleDataChunk(
offset.get() + chunkOffset,
} else if (chunk instanceof StringDataChunk stringChunk) {
chunkWithOffset = (T) new UncompressedStringDataChunk(
offset.get() + chunkOffset,
} else {
// This case should not happen
throw new PowsyblException("Unsupported chunk type: " + chunk.getClass().getName());
return chunks;
private boolean compareSpacingWithDurationBetweenIndexes(RegularTimeSeriesIndex firstIndex, RegularTimeSeriesIndex lastIndex) {
return Duration.between(
firstIndex.getInstantAt(firstIndex.getPointCount() - 1),
.toMillis() == firstIndex.getSpacing();
* Generate a LongStream with the times of a TimeSeriesIndex
private LongStream extractTimesFromIndex(TimeSeriesIndex timeSeriesIndex) {
private TimeSeriesIndex appendTimeSeriesIndex(TimeSeriesIndex existingIndex, TimeSeriesIndex newIndex, boolean existingComesFirst) {
if (existingIndex instanceof RegularTimeSeriesIndex regularExistingTimeSeriesIndex && newIndex instanceof RegularTimeSeriesIndex regularNewTimeSeriesIndex
&& regularExistingTimeSeriesIndex.getSpacing() == regularNewTimeSeriesIndex.getSpacing()
&& (existingComesFirst && compareSpacingWithDurationBetweenIndexes(regularExistingTimeSeriesIndex, regularNewTimeSeriesIndex)
|| !existingComesFirst && compareSpacingWithDurationBetweenIndexes(regularNewTimeSeriesIndex, regularExistingTimeSeriesIndex))) {
// If both indexes are regular, both spacing are equals and the space between the first and the second index is equal to the spacing, the updated index is also regular
return existingComesFirst ?
new RegularTimeSeriesIndex(regularExistingTimeSeriesIndex.getStartTime(), regularNewTimeSeriesIndex.getEndTime(), regularExistingTimeSeriesIndex.getSpacing()) :
new RegularTimeSeriesIndex(regularNewTimeSeriesIndex.getStartTime(), regularExistingTimeSeriesIndex.getEndTime(), regularExistingTimeSeriesIndex.getSpacing());
} else {
// Else the index is irregular
return new IrregularTimeSeriesIndex(existingComesFirst ?
LongStream.concat(extractTimesFromIndex(existingIndex), extractTimesFromIndex(newIndex)).toArray() :
LongStream.concat(extractTimesFromIndex(newIndex), extractTimesFromIndex(existingIndex)).toArray()
* Import a list of TimeSeries in the current FileSystemTimeSeriesStore
* @deprecated use {@link #importTimeSeries(BufferedReader, ExistingFilePolicy)} instead
@Deprecated(since = "2.3.0")
public void importTimeSeries(BufferedReader reader, boolean overwriteExisting, boolean append) {
Map> integerListMap = TimeSeries.parseCsv(reader, new TimeSeriesCsvConfig());
integerListMap.forEach((key, value) -> importTimeSeries(value, key, overwriteExisting, append));
* Import a list of TimeSeries in the current FileSystemTimeSeriesStore.
* If a file already exists for such TimeSeries, depending on {@code existingFiles}, the existing file will either
* be kept as it is, overwritten or the new TimeSeries will be appended to it
public void importTimeSeries(BufferedReader reader, ExistingFilePolicy existingFilePolicy) {
Map> integerListMap = TimeSeries.parseCsv(reader, new TimeSeriesCsvConfig());
integerListMap.forEach((key, value) -> importTimeSeries(value, key, existingFilePolicy));
private Map initExistingTimeSeriesCache() throws IOException {
if (!Files.exists(fileSystemStorePath)) {
assert Files.isDirectory(fileSystemStorePath);
try (Stream children = Files.list(fileSystemStorePath)) {
return children.filter(Files::isDirectory)
.map(path -> {
try {
return Files.list(path);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PowsyblException(String.format("Failed to list timeserie version file resources for %s", path));
.map(versionPaths ->
versionPaths.findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> new PowsyblException("Failed to find a timeserie version resource"))
.map(tsList -> {
if (tsList.size() == 1) {
return tsList.get(0).getMetadata();
throw new PowsyblException("Invalid timeseries resource count");
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TimeSeriesMetadata::getName, tsMeta -> tsMeta));
public void delete() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to delete filesystem timeserie store", e);
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