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* Precisely APIs
* Enhance & enrich your data, applications, business processes, and workflows with rich location, information, and identify APIs.
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 15.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
package com.precisely.apis;
import com.precisely.ApiCallback;
import com.precisely.ApiClient;
import com.precisely.ApiException;
import com.precisely.ApiResponse;
import com.precisely.Configuration;
import com.precisely.Pair;
import com.precisely.ProgressRequestBody;
import com.precisely.ProgressResponseBody;
import com.precisely.apis.model.ErrorInfo;
import com.precisely.apis.model.IntersectionResponse;
import com.precisely.apis.model.SpeedLimit;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class StreetsServiceApi {
private ApiClient localVarApiClient;
private int localHostIndex;
private String localCustomBaseUrl;
public StreetsServiceApi() {
public StreetsServiceApi(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.localVarApiClient = apiClient;
public ApiClient getApiClient() {
return localVarApiClient;
public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.localVarApiClient = apiClient;
public int getHostIndex() {
return localHostIndex;
public void setHostIndex(int hostIndex) {
this.localHostIndex = hostIndex;
public String getCustomBaseUrl() {
return localCustomBaseUrl;
public void setCustomBaseUrl(String customBaseUrl) {
this.localCustomBaseUrl = customBaseUrl;
* Build call for getIntersectionByAddress
* @param address Address (optional)
* @param roadClass Filters roads with specified class, allowed values are (Major, Secondary, Other and All), default is All (optional)
* @param driveTime Returns Intersection in specified drive time (optional)
* @param driveTimeUnit Drive time unit, allowed values are (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds), default is minutes (optional)
* @param searchRadius Search radius within which user wants to search, default is 50 miles (optional)
* @param searchRadiusUnit Search radius unit, allowed values are (feet, meter, kilometers and miles) (optional)
* @param historicSpeed Traffic flow in peak time, allowed values are (AMPEAK,PMPEAK,OFFPEAK,NIGHT) (optional)
* @param maxCandidates max candidates to be returned default is 1 (optional)
* @param _callback Callback for upload/download progress
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public okhttp3.Call getIntersectionByAddressCall(String address, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/streets/v1/intersection/byaddress";
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (address != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("address", address));
if (roadClass != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("roadClass", roadClass));
if (driveTime != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("driveTime", driveTime));
if (driveTimeUnit != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("driveTimeUnit", driveTimeUnit));
if (searchRadius != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("searchRadius", searchRadius));
if (searchRadiusUnit != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("searchRadiusUnit", searchRadiusUnit));
if (historicSpeed != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("historicSpeed", historicSpeed));
if (maxCandidates != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("maxCandidates", maxCandidates));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
"application/json", "application/xml"
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarHeaderParams != null && localVarContentTypes != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oAuth2Password" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback);
private okhttp3.Call getIntersectionByAddressValidateBeforeCall(String address, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getIntersectionByAddressCall(address, roadClass, driveTime, driveTimeUnit, searchRadius, searchRadiusUnit, historicSpeed, maxCandidates, _callback);
return localVarCall;
* Nearest Intesection By Address.
* This service accepts an address as input and returns the Nearest Intersection.
* @param address Address (optional)
* @param roadClass Filters roads with specified class, allowed values are (Major, Secondary, Other and All), default is All (optional)
* @param driveTime Returns Intersection in specified drive time (optional)
* @param driveTimeUnit Drive time unit, allowed values are (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds), default is minutes (optional)
* @param searchRadius Search radius within which user wants to search, default is 50 miles (optional)
* @param searchRadiusUnit Search radius unit, allowed values are (feet, meter, kilometers and miles) (optional)
* @param historicSpeed Traffic flow in peak time, allowed values are (AMPEAK,PMPEAK,OFFPEAK,NIGHT) (optional)
* @param maxCandidates max candidates to be returned default is 1 (optional)
* @return IntersectionResponse
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public IntersectionResponse getIntersectionByAddress(String address, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getIntersectionByAddressWithHttpInfo(address, roadClass, driveTime, driveTimeUnit, searchRadius, searchRadiusUnit, historicSpeed, maxCandidates);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Nearest Intesection By Address.
* This service accepts an address as input and returns the Nearest Intersection.
* @param address Address (optional)
* @param roadClass Filters roads with specified class, allowed values are (Major, Secondary, Other and All), default is All (optional)
* @param driveTime Returns Intersection in specified drive time (optional)
* @param driveTimeUnit Drive time unit, allowed values are (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds), default is minutes (optional)
* @param searchRadius Search radius within which user wants to search, default is 50 miles (optional)
* @param searchRadiusUnit Search radius unit, allowed values are (feet, meter, kilometers and miles) (optional)
* @param historicSpeed Traffic flow in peak time, allowed values are (AMPEAK,PMPEAK,OFFPEAK,NIGHT) (optional)
* @param maxCandidates max candidates to be returned default is 1 (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<IntersectionResponse>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public ApiResponse getIntersectionByAddressWithHttpInfo(String address, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getIntersectionByAddressValidateBeforeCall(address, roadClass, driveTime, driveTimeUnit, searchRadius, searchRadiusUnit, historicSpeed, maxCandidates, null);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
* Nearest Intesection By Address. (asynchronously)
* This service accepts an address as input and returns the Nearest Intersection.
* @param address Address (optional)
* @param roadClass Filters roads with specified class, allowed values are (Major, Secondary, Other and All), default is All (optional)
* @param driveTime Returns Intersection in specified drive time (optional)
* @param driveTimeUnit Drive time unit, allowed values are (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds), default is minutes (optional)
* @param searchRadius Search radius within which user wants to search, default is 50 miles (optional)
* @param searchRadiusUnit Search radius unit, allowed values are (feet, meter, kilometers and miles) (optional)
* @param historicSpeed Traffic flow in peak time, allowed values are (AMPEAK,PMPEAK,OFFPEAK,NIGHT) (optional)
* @param maxCandidates max candidates to be returned default is 1 (optional)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public okhttp3.Call getIntersectionByAddressAsync(String address, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getIntersectionByAddressValidateBeforeCall(address, roadClass, driveTime, driveTimeUnit, searchRadius, searchRadiusUnit, historicSpeed, maxCandidates, _callback);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
* Build call for getIntersectionByLocation
* @param longitude Longitude of the location. (optional)
* @param latitude Latitude of the location. (optional)
* @param roadClass Filters roads with specified class, allowed values are (Major, Secondary, Other and All), default is All (optional)
* @param driveTime Returns Intersection in specified drive time (optional)
* @param driveTimeUnit Drive time unit, allowed values are (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds), default is minutes (optional)
* @param searchRadius Search radius within which user wants to search, default is 50 miles (optional)
* @param searchRadiusUnit Search radius unit, allowed values are (feet, meter, kilometers and miles) (optional)
* @param historicSpeed Traffic flow in peak time, allowed values are (AMPEAK,PMPEAK,OFFPEAK,NIGHT) (optional)
* @param maxCandidates max candidates to be returned default is 1 (optional)
* @param _callback Callback for upload/download progress
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public okhttp3.Call getIntersectionByLocationCall(String longitude, String latitude, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/streets/v1/intersection/bylocation";
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (longitude != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("longitude", longitude));
if (latitude != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("latitude", latitude));
if (roadClass != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("roadClass", roadClass));
if (driveTime != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("driveTime", driveTime));
if (driveTimeUnit != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("driveTimeUnit", driveTimeUnit));
if (searchRadius != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("searchRadius", searchRadius));
if (searchRadiusUnit != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("searchRadiusUnit", searchRadiusUnit));
if (historicSpeed != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("historicSpeed", historicSpeed));
if (maxCandidates != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("maxCandidates", maxCandidates));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
"application/json", "application/xml"
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarHeaderParams != null && localVarContentTypes != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oAuth2Password" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback);
private okhttp3.Call getIntersectionByLocationValidateBeforeCall(String longitude, String latitude, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getIntersectionByLocationCall(longitude, latitude, roadClass, driveTime, driveTimeUnit, searchRadius, searchRadiusUnit, historicSpeed, maxCandidates, _callback);
return localVarCall;
* Nearest Intesection By Location.
* This service accepts latitude/longitude as input and returns the Nearest Intersection.
* @param longitude Longitude of the location. (optional)
* @param latitude Latitude of the location. (optional)
* @param roadClass Filters roads with specified class, allowed values are (Major, Secondary, Other and All), default is All (optional)
* @param driveTime Returns Intersection in specified drive time (optional)
* @param driveTimeUnit Drive time unit, allowed values are (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds), default is minutes (optional)
* @param searchRadius Search radius within which user wants to search, default is 50 miles (optional)
* @param searchRadiusUnit Search radius unit, allowed values are (feet, meter, kilometers and miles) (optional)
* @param historicSpeed Traffic flow in peak time, allowed values are (AMPEAK,PMPEAK,OFFPEAK,NIGHT) (optional)
* @param maxCandidates max candidates to be returned default is 1 (optional)
* @return IntersectionResponse
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public IntersectionResponse getIntersectionByLocation(String longitude, String latitude, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getIntersectionByLocationWithHttpInfo(longitude, latitude, roadClass, driveTime, driveTimeUnit, searchRadius, searchRadiusUnit, historicSpeed, maxCandidates);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Nearest Intesection By Location.
* This service accepts latitude/longitude as input and returns the Nearest Intersection.
* @param longitude Longitude of the location. (optional)
* @param latitude Latitude of the location. (optional)
* @param roadClass Filters roads with specified class, allowed values are (Major, Secondary, Other and All), default is All (optional)
* @param driveTime Returns Intersection in specified drive time (optional)
* @param driveTimeUnit Drive time unit, allowed values are (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds), default is minutes (optional)
* @param searchRadius Search radius within which user wants to search, default is 50 miles (optional)
* @param searchRadiusUnit Search radius unit, allowed values are (feet, meter, kilometers and miles) (optional)
* @param historicSpeed Traffic flow in peak time, allowed values are (AMPEAK,PMPEAK,OFFPEAK,NIGHT) (optional)
* @param maxCandidates max candidates to be returned default is 1 (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<IntersectionResponse>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public ApiResponse getIntersectionByLocationWithHttpInfo(String longitude, String latitude, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getIntersectionByLocationValidateBeforeCall(longitude, latitude, roadClass, driveTime, driveTimeUnit, searchRadius, searchRadiusUnit, historicSpeed, maxCandidates, null);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
* Nearest Intesection By Location. (asynchronously)
* This service accepts latitude/longitude as input and returns the Nearest Intersection.
* @param longitude Longitude of the location. (optional)
* @param latitude Latitude of the location. (optional)
* @param roadClass Filters roads with specified class, allowed values are (Major, Secondary, Other and All), default is All (optional)
* @param driveTime Returns Intersection in specified drive time (optional)
* @param driveTimeUnit Drive time unit, allowed values are (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds), default is minutes (optional)
* @param searchRadius Search radius within which user wants to search, default is 50 miles (optional)
* @param searchRadiusUnit Search radius unit, allowed values are (feet, meter, kilometers and miles) (optional)
* @param historicSpeed Traffic flow in peak time, allowed values are (AMPEAK,PMPEAK,OFFPEAK,NIGHT) (optional)
* @param maxCandidates max candidates to be returned default is 1 (optional)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public okhttp3.Call getIntersectionByLocationAsync(String longitude, String latitude, String roadClass, String driveTime, String driveTimeUnit, String searchRadius, String searchRadiusUnit, String historicSpeed, String maxCandidates, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getIntersectionByLocationValidateBeforeCall(longitude, latitude, roadClass, driveTime, driveTimeUnit, searchRadius, searchRadiusUnit, historicSpeed, maxCandidates, _callback);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;
* Build call for getNearestSpeedLimit
* @param path Accepts multiple points which will be snapped to the nearest road segment. Longitude and Latitude will be comma separated (longitude,latitude) and Point Coordinates will be separated by semi-colon(;) (optional)
* @param _callback Callback for upload/download progress
* @return Call to execute
* @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public okhttp3.Call getNearestSpeedLimitCall(String path, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
String basePath = null;
// Operation Servers
String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { };
// Determine Base Path to Use
if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){
basePath = localCustomBaseUrl;
} else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) {
basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex];
} else {
basePath = null;
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/streets/v1/speedlimit";
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
if (path != null) {
localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("path", path));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
"application/json", "application/xml"
final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
if (localVarAccept != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
if (localVarHeaderParams != null && localVarContentTypes != null) {
localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "oAuth2Password" };
return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback);
private okhttp3.Call getNearestSpeedLimitValidateBeforeCall(String path, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getNearestSpeedLimitCall(path, _callback);
return localVarCall;
* Nearest Speedlimit.
* This service accepts point coordinates of a path as input and returns the posted speed limit of the road segment on which this path will snap.
* @param path Accepts multiple points which will be snapped to the nearest road segment. Longitude and Latitude will be comma separated (longitude,latitude) and Point Coordinates will be separated by semi-colon(;) (optional)
* @return SpeedLimit
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public SpeedLimit getNearestSpeedLimit(String path) throws ApiException {
ApiResponse localVarResp = getNearestSpeedLimitWithHttpInfo(path);
return localVarResp.getData();
* Nearest Speedlimit.
* This service accepts point coordinates of a path as input and returns the posted speed limit of the road segment on which this path will snap.
* @param path Accepts multiple points which will be snapped to the nearest road segment. Longitude and Latitude will be comma separated (longitude,latitude) and Point Coordinates will be separated by semi-colon(;) (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<SpeedLimit>
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public ApiResponse getNearestSpeedLimitWithHttpInfo(String path) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getNearestSpeedLimitValidateBeforeCall(path, null);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType);
* Nearest Speedlimit. (asynchronously)
* This service accepts point coordinates of a path as input and returns the posted speed limit of the road segment on which this path will snap.
* @param path Accepts multiple points which will be snapped to the nearest road segment. Longitude and Latitude will be comma separated (longitude,latitude) and Point Coordinates will be separated by semi-colon(;) (optional)
* @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
* @return The request call
* @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
* @http.response.details
Status Code
Response Headers
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
public okhttp3.Call getNearestSpeedLimitAsync(String path, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException {
okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getNearestSpeedLimitValidateBeforeCall(path, _callback);
Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType();
localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback);
return localVarCall;