com.precisely.apis.model.EarthquakeEvent Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Precisely APIs
* Enhance & enrich your data, applications, business processes, and workflows with rich location, information, and identify APIs.
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 15.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
package com.precisely.apis.model;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.precisely.apis.model.Depth;
import com.precisely.apis.model.EarthquakeDateTime;
import com.precisely.apis.model.EarthquakeLocation;
import com.precisely.apis.model.Magnitude;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
* EarthquakeEvent
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2023-04-12T11:12:38.208312800+05:30[Asia/Calcutta]")
public class EarthquakeEvent {
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_DATE_TIME = "dateTime";
private EarthquakeDateTime dateTime;
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_SEISMIC_REGION_NUMBER = "seismicRegionNumber";
private Integer seismicRegionNumber;
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_DEPTH = "depth";
private Depth depth;
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_MAGNITUDE = "magnitude";
private Magnitude magnitude;
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_CAUSE = "cause";
private String cause;
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_CULTURAL_EFFECT = "culturalEffect";
private String culturalEffect;
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_INTENSITY = "intensity";
private Integer intensity;
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_DIASTROPHISM = "diastrophism";
private String diastrophism;
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_MISC_PHENOMENA = "miscPhenomena";
private String miscPhenomena;
public static final String SERIALIZED_NAME_LOCATION = "location";
private EarthquakeLocation location;
public EarthquakeEvent() {
public EarthquakeEvent dateTime(EarthquakeDateTime dateTime) {
this.dateTime = dateTime;
return this;
* Get dateTime
* @return dateTime
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public EarthquakeDateTime getDateTime() {
return dateTime;
public void setDateTime(EarthquakeDateTime dateTime) {
this.dateTime = dateTime;
public EarthquakeEvent seismicRegionNumber(Integer seismicRegionNumber) {
this.seismicRegionNumber = seismicRegionNumber;
return this;
* Get seismicRegionNumber
* @return seismicRegionNumber
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public Integer getSeismicRegionNumber() {
return seismicRegionNumber;
public void setSeismicRegionNumber(Integer seismicRegionNumber) {
this.seismicRegionNumber = seismicRegionNumber;
public EarthquakeEvent depth(Depth depth) {
this.depth = depth;
return this;
* Get depth
* @return depth
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public Depth getDepth() {
return depth;
public void setDepth(Depth depth) {
this.depth = depth;
public EarthquakeEvent magnitude(Magnitude magnitude) {
this.magnitude = magnitude;
return this;
* Get magnitude
* @return magnitude
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public Magnitude getMagnitude() {
return magnitude;
public void setMagnitude(Magnitude magnitude) {
this.magnitude = magnitude;
public EarthquakeEvent cause(String cause) {
this.cause = cause;
return this;
* Get cause
* @return cause
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public String getCause() {
return cause;
public void setCause(String cause) {
this.cause = cause;
public EarthquakeEvent culturalEffect(String culturalEffect) {
this.culturalEffect = culturalEffect;
return this;
* Get culturalEffect
* @return culturalEffect
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public String getCulturalEffect() {
return culturalEffect;
public void setCulturalEffect(String culturalEffect) {
this.culturalEffect = culturalEffect;
public EarthquakeEvent intensity(Integer intensity) {
this.intensity = intensity;
return this;
* Get intensity
* @return intensity
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public Integer getIntensity() {
return intensity;
public void setIntensity(Integer intensity) {
this.intensity = intensity;
public EarthquakeEvent diastrophism(String diastrophism) {
this.diastrophism = diastrophism;
return this;
* Get diastrophism
* @return diastrophism
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public String getDiastrophism() {
return diastrophism;
public void setDiastrophism(String diastrophism) {
this.diastrophism = diastrophism;
public EarthquakeEvent miscPhenomena(String miscPhenomena) {
this.miscPhenomena = miscPhenomena;
return this;
* Get miscPhenomena
* @return miscPhenomena
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public String getMiscPhenomena() {
return miscPhenomena;
public void setMiscPhenomena(String miscPhenomena) {
this.miscPhenomena = miscPhenomena;
public EarthquakeEvent location(EarthquakeLocation location) {
this.location = location;
return this;
* Get location
* @return location
@ApiModelProperty(value = "")
public EarthquakeLocation getLocation() {
return location;
public void setLocation(EarthquakeLocation location) {
this.location = location;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
EarthquakeEvent earthquakeEvent = (EarthquakeEvent) o;
return Objects.equals(this.dateTime, earthquakeEvent.dateTime) &&
Objects.equals(this.seismicRegionNumber, earthquakeEvent.seismicRegionNumber) &&
Objects.equals(this.depth, earthquakeEvent.depth) &&
Objects.equals(this.magnitude, earthquakeEvent.magnitude) &&
Objects.equals(this.cause, earthquakeEvent.cause) &&
Objects.equals(this.culturalEffect, earthquakeEvent.culturalEffect) &&
Objects.equals(this.intensity, earthquakeEvent.intensity) &&
Objects.equals(this.diastrophism, earthquakeEvent.diastrophism) &&
Objects.equals(this.miscPhenomena, earthquakeEvent.miscPhenomena) &&
Objects.equals(this.location, earthquakeEvent.location);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(dateTime, seismicRegionNumber, depth, magnitude, cause, culturalEffect, intensity, diastrophism, miscPhenomena, location);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("class EarthquakeEvent {\n");
sb.append(" dateTime: ").append(toIndentedString(dateTime)).append("\n");
sb.append(" seismicRegionNumber: ").append(toIndentedString(seismicRegionNumber)).append("\n");
sb.append(" depth: ").append(toIndentedString(depth)).append("\n");
sb.append(" magnitude: ").append(toIndentedString(magnitude)).append("\n");
sb.append(" cause: ").append(toIndentedString(cause)).append("\n");
sb.append(" culturalEffect: ").append(toIndentedString(culturalEffect)).append("\n");
sb.append(" intensity: ").append(toIndentedString(intensity)).append("\n");
sb.append(" diastrophism: ").append(toIndentedString(diastrophism)).append("\n");
sb.append(" miscPhenomena: ").append(toIndentedString(miscPhenomena)).append("\n");
sb.append(" location: ").append(toIndentedString(location)).append("\n");
return sb.toString();
* Convert the given object to string with each line indented by 4 spaces
* (except the first line).
private String toIndentedString(Object o) {
if (o == null) {
return "null";
return o.toString().replace("\n", "\n ");