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/* Copyright 2012 predic8 GmbH,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.predic8.schema.diff
import java.util.List;
import com.predic8.soamodel.*
import com.predic8.schema.*
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
class SchemaDiffGenerator extends AbstractDiffGenerator{
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaDiffGenerator.class)
def labelTN, labelTo
* If true, elements must compare not only their type name, but their real types.
boolean compare4WSDL
// To avoid cycling schema imports. Otherwise it would cause a StackOverFlow exception.
private List alreadyImportedNamespaces = []
public SchemaDiffGenerator(){
public SchemaDiffGenerator(Schema a, Schema b){
this.a = a
this.b = b
public SchemaDiffGenerator(Schema a, Schema b, Locale locale){
bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("LabelsBundle", locale)
this.a = a
this.b = b
List compare(){
def diffs = []
log.debug("compare schema")
if ( a.targetNamespace != b.targetNamespace ){
diffs << new Difference(description:"${labelTN} ${a.targetNamespace} ${labelTo} ${b.targetNamespace}", type: 'targetNamespace', ? true: null)
if ( alreadyImportedNamespaces?.contains(a.targetNamespace)){
return diffs
diffs.addAll(compareAnnotation(a?.annotation, b?.annotation))
private def compareComplexTypes(){
new ComplexTypesDiffGenerator(a: a.complexTypes, b: b.complexTypes, generator: this).compare()
private def compareComplexType(a, b, ctx){
new ComplexTypeDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
def compareSequence(a, b, ctx) {
new SequenceDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
def compareChoice(a, b, ctx) {
new ChoiceDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
def compareAll(a, b, ctx) {
new AllDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
def compareGroups(groupA, groupB ) {
throw new RuntimeException('compareGroups() not implemented yet!')
def compareGroupRef( groupRefA, groupRefB, ctx) {
new GroupRefDiffGenerator(a: groupRefA, b: groupRefB, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
private def compareSimpleTypes(){
new SimpleTypesDiffGenerator(a: a.simpleTypes, b: b.simpleTypes, generator: this).compare()
private def compareSimpleType(a, b, ctx){
new SimpleTypeDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
private def compareElements(){
new ElementsDiffGenerator(a: a?.elements ?: [], b: b?.elements ?: [], generator: this).compare()
def compareElement(a, b, ctx){
new ElementDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
private def compareImports(){
new ImportsDiffGenerator(a: a.imports, b: b.imports, generator: this, alreadyImportedNamespaces: alreadyImportedNamespaces).compare()
def compareAttributes(a,b){
new AttributesDiffGenerator(a: a.attributes, b: b.attributes, generator: this).compare()
def compareAttribute(a,b, ctx){
new AttributeDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
def compareAnnotation(a, b){
new AnnotationDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this).compare()
def compareAny(a, b, ctx) {
new AnyDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
def compareComplexContent(a, b, ctx){
new ComplexContentDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
def compareSimpleContent(a, b, ctx) {
new SimpleContentDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
def compareSimpleRestriction(a, b, ctx){
new SimpleRestrictionDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
def compareBuiltInSchemaType(a, b, ctx){
new BuiltInSchemaTypeDiffGenerator(a: a, b: b, generator: this, ctx: ctx).compare()
protected def updateLabels(){
labelTN = bundle.getString("com.predic8.schema.diff.labelTN")
labelTo = bundle.getString("com.predic8.schema.diff.labelTo")