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rapture.core.result.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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  Rapture, version 2.0.0. Copyright 2010-2016 Jon Pretty, Propensive Ltd.

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  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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package rapture.core

import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import scala.annotation.unchecked._

object Result {
  private[core] def apply[T, E <: Exception](result: => T, errors: Seq[(ClassTag[_], (String, Exception))]) =
    try {
      if (errors.isEmpty) Answer[T, E](result) else Errata[T, E](errors)
    } catch { case e: Throwable => if (errors.isEmpty) Unforeseen[T, E](e) else Errata[T, E](errors) }

  def apply[T](result: => T): Result[T, Nothing] =
    try Answer[T, Nothing](result)
    catch { case e: Throwable => Unforeseen[T, Nothing](e) }

  def catching[E <: Exception]: Catching[E] = new Catching[E]()

  /** Construct an answer. */
  def answer[T, E <: Exception](a: T): Result[T, E] = Answer[T, E](a)

  /** Construct an errata. */
  def errata[T, E <: Exception](e: E)(implicit cte: ClassTag[E]) = Errata[T, E](e)


class Catching[E <: Exception]() {
  def apply[T](blk: => T)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[E]): Result[T, E] =
    try Answer(blk)
    catch {
      case e: E => Errata(Vector((?[ClassTag[E]], ("", e))))
      case e: Throwable => Unforeseen(e)

sealed abstract class Result[+T, E <: Exception](val answer: T,
                                                 val errors: Seq[(ClassTag[_], (String, Exception))],
                                                 val unforeseen: Option[Throwable] = None) {

  def errata[E2 >: E: ClassTag]: Seq[E2] =
    errors.filter(_._1 == ?[ClassTag[E2]]).map(_._2.asInstanceOf[E2])

  def exceptions: Seq[Exception] =

  def get: T = {
    unforeseen.foreach(throw _)
    errors.foreach { case (k, (p, e)) => throw e }

  def flatMap[T2, E2 <: Exception](fn: T => Result[T2, E2]): Result[T2, E with E2] =
    try {
      val res = fn(answer)
      val probs = res.errors ++ errors
      Result[T2, E with E2](res.get, probs)
    } catch {
      case e: NullPointerException if errors.nonEmpty => Errata[T2, E with E2](errors)
      case e: Throwable => Unforeseen[T2, E with E2](e)

  def map[T2](fn: T => T2) = Result[T2, E](fn(answer), errors)

  def resolve[E2, T2 >: T](handlers: Each[E2, T2]*)(implicit ev: E2 <:< E): Resolved[T2, Nothing] = this match {
    case Unforeseen(e) =>
      Unforeseen[T2, Nothing](e)
    case Answer(a) =>
      Answer[T2, Nothing](a)
    case Errata((t, (_, err)) +: _) =>
      Answer[T2, Nothing](handlers.find { case Each(fn, ct) => ct == t }.get.fn(err.asInstanceOf[E2]))

  def reconcile[E2, E3 <: Exception](handlers: Each[E2, E3]*) = {
    val hs = { case Each(e, typ) => typ -> e }.toMap[ClassTag[_], E2 => E3] { case (t, (p, e)) => hs(t)(e.asInstanceOf[E2]) }

  /** Return `true` if this result contains errors. */
  def isErrata: Boolean =
    this match {
      case Errata(_) => true
      case _ => false

  /** Return `true` if this result is an Answer. */
  def isAnswer: Boolean =
    this match {
      case Answer(_) => true
      case _ => false

  /** Return `true` if this result is Unforeseen. */
  def isUnforeseen: Boolean =
    this match {
      case Unforeseen(_) => true
      case _ => false

  /** Catamorphism. Run the first given function if answer, otherwise, the second given function over the errata. */
  def fold[X](l: T => X, r: Seq[(ClassTag[_], (String, Exception))] => X): X =
    this match {
      case Answer(a) => l(a)
      case Errata(e) => r(e)
      case Unforeseen(e) => throw e

  /** Return `true` if this result is an answer satisfying the given predicate. */
  def exists(p: T => Boolean): Boolean =
    this match {
      case Answer(b) => p(b)
      case _ => false

  /** Return `true` if this result is an errata or the answer satisfies the given predicate. */
  def forall(p: T => Boolean): Boolean =
    this match {
      case Answer(b) => p(b)
      case _ => true

  /** Return a collection containing -- if the result was successful -- the answer. */
  def to[Col[_]](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, T, Col[T @uncheckedVariance]]): Col[T @uncheckedVariance] =
    this match {
      case Answer(ans) =>
        val builder = cbf()
        builder += ans
      case _ =>

  /** Return `None` or a `Some` of the answer. Useful to sweep errors under the carpet. */
  def toOption: Option[T] =
    this match {
      case Answer(b) => Some(b)
      case _ => None

  /** Convert to a core `scala.Either` at your own peril. blows up if an unforeseen exception is found */
  def toEither: Either[Seq[(ClassTag[_], (String, Exception))], T] =
    this match {
      case Answer(b) => Right(b)
      case Errata(a) => Left(a)
      case Unforeseen(e) => throw e

  /** Return the answer of this result or the given default if errata. Alias for `|` */
  def getOrElse[T2 >: T](x: => T2): T2 =
    this match {
      case Answer(b) => b
      case _ => x

  /** Return the answer value of this result or the given default if errata. Alias for `getOrElse` */
  def |[T2 >: T](x: => T2): T2 =

  /** Return the answer of this result or run the given function on the errata. */
  def valueOr[T2 >: T](x: Seq[(ClassTag[_], (String, Exception))] => T2): T2 =
    this match {
      case Answer(b) => b
      case Errata(a) => x(a)
      case Unforeseen(e) => throw e

  /** Filter on the answer of this result. */
  def filter(p: T => Boolean): Result[T, E with NotMatchingFilter] =
    this match {
      case Answer(b) =>
        val t = this.get
        if (p(b))
          Errata[T, E with NotMatchingFilter](
              Seq((implicitly[ClassTag[NotMatchingFilter]], ("", NotMatchingFilter(t)))))
      case Errata(e) => Errata[T, E with NotMatchingFilter](e)
      case Unforeseen(e) => Unforeseen[T, E with NotMatchingFilter](e)

  /** Alias for filter */
  def withFilter(p: T => Boolean): Result[T, E with NotMatchingFilter] = filter(p)


object Resolved {
  def unapply[T, E <: Exception](res: Result[T, E]): Option[(T, Option[Throwable])] =
    Some(res.answer -> res.unforeseen)

  def apply[T, E <: Exception](answer: T, unforeseen: Option[E]) =
    if (unforeseen.isEmpty) Answer(answer) else Unforeseen(unforeseen.get)
sealed abstract class Resolved[+T, E <: Exception](answer: T, unforeseen: Option[Throwable])
    extends Result[T, E](answer, Seq(), unforeseen) {

  override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
    case that: Resolved[_, _] => that.answer == answer && that.unforeseen == unforeseen
    case _ => false

  override def hashCode = answer.hashCode ^ unforeseen.hashCode


case class Answer[T, E <: Exception](override val answer: T) extends Resolved[T, E](answer, None)

case class Errata[T, E <: Exception](override val errors: Seq[(ClassTag[_], (String, Exception))])
    extends Result[T, E](null.asInstanceOf[T], errors) {
  override def toString =
    "Errata(\n  " + { case (t, (p, e)) => s"$t: ${e.getMessage} [$p]" }.mkString(",\n  ") + "\n)"

object Errata {

  def apply[T, E <: Exception](e: => E)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[E]): Result[T, E] =
    Errata(Vector((?[ClassTag[E]], ("", e))))

case class Unforeseen[T, E <: Exception](e: Throwable) extends Resolved[T, E](null.asInstanceOf[T], Some(e))

case class AbortException() extends Exception

private[core] class ReturnResultMode[+Group <: MethodConstraint] extends Mode[Group] {
  type Wrap[+R, E <: Exception] = Result[R, E]

  def wrap[R, E <: Exception](blk: => R): Result[R, E] = {
    try {
      val res = blk
      Result[R, E](res, accumulated)
    } catch {
      case AbortException() =>
        Result[R, E](null.asInstanceOf[R], accumulated)
      case e: Throwable =>
        if (accumulated.isEmpty) Unforeseen[R, E](e)
        else Errata(accumulated)

  private var accumulated: Vector[(ClassTag[_], (String, Exception))] = Vector()
  override def exception[T, E <: Exception: ClassTag](e: E, continue: Boolean = true): T = {
    accumulated :+= ((?[ClassTag[E]], (callPath, e)))
    if (continue) null.asInstanceOf[T] else throw AbortException()

  override def catching[E <: Exception: ClassTag, T](blk: => T) =
    try blk
    catch {
      case e: E =>
      case e: Exception =>
        throw e

  override def flatWrap[R, E <: Exception: ClassTag](blk: => Wrap[R, E]): Wrap[R, E] = blk

  def unwrap[Return](value: => Wrap[Return, _ <: Exception]): Return = value match {
    case Answer(a) => a
    case Errata(xs) => null.asInstanceOf[Return]
    case Unforeseen(e) => throw e
    case _ => ???

  override def toString = "[modes.returnResult]"

case class Each[-E, +T](fn: E => T, classTag: ClassTag[_])
case class EachUnapplied[E]() {
  def apply[R](fn: E => R)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[E]): Each[E, R] = Each(fn, classTag)

case class NotMatchingFilter(value: Any) extends Exception(s"value '$value' did not match filter")

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